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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Yeah it's weird to see mostly male PPD officers although I could swear there are a bunch of lower level contacts that are female PPPD officers.
  2. I ask again, if I log into the game right now, the amount of Pangean soils available will say infinity? And I'm still waiting to hear what items are seeded how often in what quantity. A link to a dev post that specifies this would be sufficient. I'll wait.
  3. So if I log in the game right now and look up a Pangean soil, the quantity available will say infinity?? You didn't answer what gets seeded how often and in what quantity....
  4. So what? It still isn't a lot of effort. With what? In what quantity? How often?
  5. Didn't pay attention in economics class in school I take it... Yeah guaranteed it's going to take a hell of a lot longer than it would for you to vendor salvage or delete the stack.
  6. Yeah man it totally about laziness and has nothing to do with some weird complex series keyboard clicks. If you don't want the stuff, go to any vendor and click the sell button a few times. Problem solved. you're assuming every single item available in the game is being seeded into the market. where's the list? the amount of Dev time needed for this is a lot more than your whacky time calculations and that's time much better spent on other things.
  7. So? It's still taking you a few seconds at a clip. I mean, holy laziness Batman!
  8. Uhm what? If it's taking you more than 30 seconds to dump white salvage after a TF, you're not doing something right.
  9. LOL what? Just delete it or sell it to a vender. Takes like 10 seconds man.
  10. this is why the OP asked for a way to make these transparent for him only. If people want to design their defender to use pink flames or green ice or brown water, let them. Give the individual a way to turn that off from their perspective.
  11. Not being confrontational at all. You're saying it's so easy to mod the client to fix this issue, so I'll be waiting for your guide on how to do it. I'm curious to see your work and read how easy it was for you.
  12. Tell you what dude, you go ahead and do it and post a guide here on the forums to show everyone how easy it is. If it's that easy, go do it. We'll wait.
  13. your average person shouldn't have to. this is what developers are for.
  14. Trying out Street justice/Ninjitsu combo on a new scrapper. I have a DB/Nin that I like and he works great with capped positionals. Was looking to overcap the positionals on this one but the melee position is a weird. was thinking of tossing in Touch of Death sets into Shin Breaker and Crushing uppercut. Not sure how that pans out for higher level stuff. THoughts area appreciated. Thanks | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1464;645;1290;HEX;| |78DA6594C952135118856F27DD092104C2943085008A842906C5B55588BA502814D| |4656C43038D5D844A42294B5FC1F1051475E3832883A5AED4BDBA605057AEE29F3E| |C710AB6FA5EFD77DEE3FDD2933F7A71BDE5C7E705E698D171CB358CCCEE70AE6FAB| |A5508CE9AA58D82E9A84A0BCA13FF37929DB11CCB4A4F15CC7B8EBDB6DC59D5A7AD| |256BAD68A567EDB555BB54DC502D73F9BC93BE942FE4AC6C7E297BCB769C08247B7| |9A524BEFF7F85F1E5543E9B2FAEDBB9F4547E71333B63164B5661B3436A18966727| |A6D8CA867AEB576A425727DE91DBE40E787297DC038D4A00CDF5F5AB36CDD5F428D| |90A06DAC1DD184D258F765B471C133C7587CC918BE0900506248F9F79FCCC13609E| |28F344992728B6066D0DDAB6D0B685B63DB4DD8B612F2A35059FFB5CADEE05B905D| |6BF041B5E91AF392E7942EE8CCA5A6854C1967C2F71C38C1B5E8236B44CAE80C336| |B94ADE054B29A522F0F5453E2357E317F22B1892DC4D8CDFF4105ADF23F231D8FF8| |47C4A3E037D32E166F8AAE6B234E517A5152BA6B79EC1CEB6C545480827B1521D19| |B0EB1C77577CDAE9D37E009FD82FF210ECF80976FD06EBA5EA387C8CF835EEC475B| |0779E5C206F807D37C10FB2A29D9C71A7DF70B5119D34C800381624EBC08FE2DB4D| |DF6E77C6636E3FEEE94FBB7D58EA4CA04E95F883DA3F498C2463246B6CD14F78FA6| |DB11FE02A0F74616723127790DA602FB479099FA296E2E9D992ED1F65FED17EE45F| |10A46997EE875D511C33D43249683D7AF536CBAF524952AFDED1F29591EA6879C46| |399F128131EE5AC4799F428573DCA9C5EBDFB4A739550546E342BD9AF9751CE571B| |C73C0E6BB57DACC141AD9682DDD1B1E6D378D27DBC113E9EF86FC7FF70E5EF35EF3| |F6ADEFF022B751134| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  15. /signed. there's way too much going on with buffs. The effects are overdone standalone, forget about in a group environment. Game needs a "no FX from others" option.
  16. "Everyone else shouldn't use it because I don't want to" is any less silly? If this were so gamebreaking, it would've been removed a long time ago. What more do you want the HC people to do? They've already said it's getting removed, they just didn't want to screw over all the people using it with macros for friendly bases.
  17. yeah it is man. they've already acknowledged it's going to get removed at some point and whatever replaces it will still allow people to port to their bases. You're not getting any special points for not using it while it's available.
  18. Could just be me but this sounds like it's your problem for making the choice not to use it, not everyone else. You're not some holier-than-thou purist for not using it. Using it to speed missions isn't an exploit anymore than using TT or ATT. It's an exploit for escaping death in PvP and Mo TFs. it's not for normal gameplay. and if your friends aren't waiting for you before finishing missions, are they really friends? This says it all. It's your problem, not everyone else. HC people have already said it's going to get changed but it's still going to allow people to transport to their base, so if you're still not going to use it, it's your problem.
  19. Are you going to die more or less without hasten? If you're answer is more, then you're built wrong or playing wrong or both.
  20. Yeah you're not reading mine either. I said "people" not "you".
  21. So what? My tanks, brutes and scrappers still aren't going to die. My blasters are still going to 1 shot stuff and nuke mobs. Removing hasten has zero impact. You're all making a mountain out of an anthill.
  22. Yeah we all know what it does man. The question is, so what? So you kill that EB in 30 seconds instead of 20. People aren't making the game any better by suggesting hasten get nerfed or removed. they're just making it more of a slog.
  23. LMAO! "action economy". This isn't D&D man. You can only ever fire off one power at a time here.
  24. Of course you can't get it anywhere else. It's in the SPEED pool for a reason. Of course it's going to be a preferred pick when the majority of other pool powers are shit. Make better pool powers.
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