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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. ZacKing

    Advice on TW/?

    Thinking of giving TW a try on a brute, but don't know much about what's best to pair it with. I really hate how BIO armor looks, so that's out. What else is a good combo? Would TW/RAD or TW/INV be good? If you have one and can share a build, that would be very helpful. thanks
  2. Can't the SG form itself be changed to let the leader change the group name? just about everything else like ranks and colors can be edited. that way, you could just invite the person to the SG, promote them and then quit. They can do the rest on their own. I think it's a cool idea to gift bases to people.
  3. CONS: This would be effort far better spent on something else that would actually get used and improve the game. Lower level PVP zones already exist and they're barren wastelands. Adding more isn't going to change anything, only make more barren wastelands. much better uses for them besides wasting them on pvp.
  4. City of Titans is vaporware.
  5. this would be awesome! Didn't they mention something about customizable NPCs getting added? Wonder if this would go along with those.
  6. SS should get changed to make it less reliant on Rage I think. Just me, but just make it a toggle or click and be done with it. Crash was a bad idea to begin with and it's been made worse over time.
  7. I don't think it's about how many accounts you have. I wanna say there was a limit to the number of transactions a character could post in the auction house. you'd need to spread big bids over dozens of alts using up all their transaction slots. I forget how many emails you can have at a time but that's clogging up the account email.
  8. yeah 100 mil for an IO is a long way from trillions lol. I don't think anyone had trillions either. pics or it didn't happen.
  9. Yeah this is buggy sadly. The prisoners one in Bricks bugs out a lot too.
  10. Yes this please! I wanna say that I remember dev posts from back then that adding more costume slots was a lot of work for some reason. Something about the UI being a real pain to update or change.
  11. Yeah for sure there are people who have unrealistic expectations.
  12. I've seen it happen in WoW before. I haven't played too many MMOs as I'm not a pro gamer, but not everyone who is a pvp'er is a total dick. Man I'm not raging at anything. You're generalizing in thinking that all pvp players are jerks. They're not. yeah, they're competitive and like to talk smack . I'm not saying that people shouldn't attack others or expect to be ganked if they go into a pvp zone. but if someone asks to be left to just badge or farm or grab a temp, where's the harm in it? or are you one of those types that just loves to stomp people who don't fight back? where's the challenge in that?
  13. yeah thanks for reinforcing the point that there's a couple of bad actors making the whole community look bad. I guess those badge hunters are a real match for those l33t pvp skillz of yours that you can't leave them alone for 30 seconds
  14. Right on. this is what I was trying to say and I guess I could have been better at expressing it. Self flagging isn't needed if people can learn to be courteous and respectful of others.
  15. Man you're still not getting it. We all know what the zone is for. the zone is for PVP we get it. That's not a free license to treat others like crap because you can. People go in there to work on badges or get temps for stuff. Sure you can attack them if you want, but if they send a tell saying "hey I'm just here to grab a temp for a TF later, mind cutting me a break?" or something doesn't mean you should be a dick about it and ruin their fun. It's called treating other gamers with a little respect and keeping in mind not everyone enjoys the same things you do. Go and find someone else who is interested in engaging you and the experience is that much better for you both. LOL! that's so has nothing to do with what I'm saying man. has nothing to do with adapting, it's called treating a fellow player and human being with some courtesy. yeah that's like totally false dude in most cases. There are a couple of real pricks though who give everyone who likes PVP a bad rep. yeah we all know about the history of it. what I'm saying is PVP is what it is now and more people could engage in it and tehre's those out there who are interested in learning about it, but the couple of pricks out there leave them with a bad experience so they give up.
  16. Yeah man reality is there's decent players who are respectful of others in all kinds of PVP games.
  17. yeah it's called not being an ass dude. There's a lot of people out there who will respect others who'd prefer to be left alone when badging or hunting temps. It's what decent humans do. Try it sometime.
  18. where's the risk in fighting someone who isn't going to fight back? there's none. trading kills is not much different than dual boxing for arena badges. the end results the same. people wanted to bring up the whole "risk involved" with getting PVP badges. for a lot of them like all the arena badges there's no risk involved.
  19. yeah trading kills isn't PVP man. not even close. it's about the same thing as walking into a PVE map and pressing an I WIN button clearing the whole map in 1 shot. there's no risk involved.
  20. Yeah see here's where you're wrong man. Going into a PVP zone isn't a license to be a complete douchebag and treat other players like shit or to be treated without respect. There's no harm in backing off another player if they're badging or getting temps after they've asked nicely to be left alone. It's called common human courtesy and just like people don't like to be harassed by the slap emote used on their toons ass, people don't like having to deal with douches killing them when they're just badging. I do this all the time in RV man. someone asks to be left alone I'll leave them alone or even offer to help them for a bit. Most of the PVP people I see in zone are the same, but there are a few complete assholes who get off on griefing others who pose no challenge to them. they know they're pissing off people and they're doing it just to piss them off. Has nothing to do with competition or skill. Yeah and ask yourself why those zones are dead. You can thank the handful of asshats who ruin it for everyone else. it's a shame too because those zones can be fun. see this is a great point. People just love to brag about their epeen and how easy the game is and PVP is the only real challenge. but then they'll just gank people who have zero interest in it and that's somehow equated to "skill".
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