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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Anyone playing games is a gamer. The dictionary definition says so.
  2. People wanting to be rewarded quickly is just human nature man. There's nothing more pious or virtuous about taking longer and struggling to do something that can be done more efficiently with less effort.
  3. It's not fatalistic man, it's reality. Despite all the tinkering done by the old Devs and the people here, some sets are still better and are going to be more desired different reasons for team play. and that's a good thing IMO. different sets for different playstyles. some people might like to duo so something like a tank and an empath will be a great combo. others like to run on high powered, high performing teams and will pick the sets like Kinetics or fire blast that offer the most damage dealing in the fastest time. trying all this balance stuff you're dreaming for is a bad idea because it's going to just lead to neutering and homogenization and make the game bland.
  4. Actually I don't have that in there. my bad on posting that. sorry man.
  5. There's always been ATs and powersets that were better than others since day one. everyone keeps thinking about endgame level and ignore exemping down to run lower level content. sets like empathy are going to shine at lower levels where they're needed more. all depends on how the content is designed. if they go the route of baking in a need for CC and debuff like Hami raids and stuff, then yeah it makes everything valuable. But even if they do that, there's still going to be power sets that are just better than others. the idea of making everything equal is a pipe dream.
  6. yeah not every team has high powered DPS man. debuffs can and do make things go smoother with Reichsman.
  7. IH being a toggle is never what overpowered regen. stacking DP was what did it.
  8. I have a claws/nin scrapper I really like. rarely ever gets hit. this is the build I have for him at present. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1449;663;1326;HEX;| |78DA6594D94F135114C6EFB43394520AA514D929058102B652F5DD445113B106C5E| |5B1D632E0E0A46D3A75E1D17FC1F5C9358AFAE23FE07FE0FAAE3EE1F6E492B82446| |B19ECEF759349D74F2CBFDEE77EF39E79EB94D9F9D6E7EB0E7DC76A5B5ECB4B38E9| |399CB95B2C5A25932D2D9452BA7AA8F4FDEC85F3D93366DD34C8AF98CD35D13A7CD| |0533EF98C9FD567EC92A3BA75478B650B093BB0BA59C99292C648E5AB61D84642D9| |E285BF9C5FF47018CECEAB06D57D1CA257714E69733E9AC53364BCB5D92C0A8BC96| |4FF1A918EA9157A994AE461F83634FC8A7E43370FC39688CCB32CD5DEB5511CDD53| |C21B21DD43BC0251FAD12473BA6639F2C791C9CC891F3A40936481C2FE378194767| |9C06C669601C9F780D7A0D7A1BE96DA4B789DE933E34A29A93EFA7C7D536FD22D7C| |8DF60A2422AD4DE2871FC6E4515CD3FA9B02F69CBA601CC1981DB58D77C875C015B| |EE92F7C0D07DB01C572A889C3CC1179C7B05865F827E89DDCABC5BCF438B5C00375| |C242F815D97C92B605E726BE3DAB6ABC877E335F23A79031CBD49DE627D12B71D67| |6BB41FC019F61C24E7C0BE43E46170E008BF0789DB81B8AAA307FB7945EB64AF3AB| |7E05C07AA42BFAE06BF623CF80DD4C5DB0DAFDECDBE0EB0AF83EC6B8C7D4DCD604D| |41D6F4B2D65EF637C6FEC6D8DF61F67798FD1D667F03526B3FE2A9FE1FD08AB25F9| |4FB4557A16D7E4DBE21DF81A9B7E47BD091BE0EB1FEA18788755AB4116A236BCAAD| |7B4EEC716A717E4F2BF2414C3297C9EFB81341C92F495FF20B62F825BF296A533C8| |B3EBD76BFE5278F8AEAB55B5B9999A8CD5626EA9C53754AAA4ED95AA76CAB53F6D5| |29B37AEDDF4069AEE20FA9EAC9BB997C689259D6AB2570069FD6354D8BA1DEC45E1| |1C674F5F15F7F1CFECFEB9A47E31D09F32E447817FE0030ACE16F| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  9. And that should tell people something.
  10. TBH start over from scratch with it. ground up rework. the set has been nerfed way too much.
  11. I remember one of the major reasons for the blaster AoE nerfs and purple patch was because of people nuking stuff in 1 shot. That's not stuff lasting longer.
  12. Total nonsense and no offense but you're making "feel sorry for me excuses." the entitlement whining makes me want to puke. Why should people who can afford the time to play more not benefit from their investment? This reply sounds like a direct quote from that philosophy of failure, creed of ignorance and gospel of envy Churchill talked about. Stop blaming others and go and work for what you want. The most successful people in life at anything aren't crybabies. they work for it. get over yourself.
  13. What has to give is the stupid idea that globally nerfing everyone to make a few feel good is going to fix the problem without pissing a large group off. It's not going to solve the problem because people are still going to hit the ceiling. people aren't soloing +4 x 8 at level 20 or 30 like they are at 50. Make new harder content balanced around high powered 50s maxxed out with IOs in mind. raise the ceiling, don't lower it. What's keeping you on that team then? You.
  14. Except there are people suggesting that. Good try though.
  15. how about doing what many people have suggested already and creating harder end game level content that is made for incarnates? there's already a shit ton of content for pre-50 to do.
  16. PUGs are a different animal man. If you're a rookie getting tossed into the game with a team full of pros, what do you expect? this is why you form groups with others that have the same style of play.
  17. Yeah man that's called socializing and being in an MMO and it works. Nerfing everyone to make everyone the same isn't a solution that suits everyone. options are.
  18. Dude seriously, get off your high horse. I'm not your mother and I'm not going to sugar coat what I want to say just to appease you. I didn't say anyone is a bad player. I said it's a laziness problem because it is. Were people to spend a tenth of the time they do whining on the forums about feeling usless looking to form groups with people who like the same playstyle looking to form groups with people who like the same playstyle, they'd all be having tons of fun right now. Options are already available to play the game however you like. use them and stop trying to force everyone into one way of play.
  19. No it isn't it's a player laziness issue. anybody can create the challenge they want here. what you're looking for is nerfing everyone to force them to play how you like instead of letting others do their own things. That's selfish no matter how anybody tries to hide it. You want the rewards without putting in the effort. I'd love the play in the NBA but I'm nowhere near as good as any of the pros. Should they all get nerfed so I can join and "feel useful"? sure, fix stuff that's totally broken. don't nerf people just to make the game bland.
  20. Uhm no, it's me wanting to play with friends because we have fun together. no offense but your reply comes off as envious and jealous of others being better at the game than you. Why should people who invested more time and effort into their character have to lower themselves to your level to accommodate you? If you don't feel like you're adding anything to a team, leave the team and go find another one. plenty of teams being formed every day. there's at least a dozen people in this thread alone who look like they share your views on how to play. why don't you all team up together and go have fun the way you like? I'll answer for you - because it takes work and it's much easier to PUG it and then feel sorry for yourself and complain on the forums that nerfs are needed. you go play the way you want more power to you and I hope you have a lot of fun. let others play the way they like. No, they shouldn't. If you don't like them, don't use them and team with other people who don't like them. Problem solved.
  21. This needs to be repeated until it sinks in. Well said and I'd upvote a million times if I could. definitely seems like we're on the road to all the same mistakes being made all over again. I guess no one learns. Hopefully the folks here will do better than Paragon did. I'm sure they're up to it.
  22. I'm not angry at all dude. I'm curious where your response is to people crying for nerfs because someone else gains rewards faster or performs better than they do? I guess those people aren't selfish or entitled? just those of us who don't fall in line. And yeah, Regen is another great example. How many people did all those nerfs AND ED drive away from the game back in the day? Had a lot of fun playing my Regen scrapper back in the day until the nerf brigade started crying and look at where the set is now. I've yet to come across a Regen scrapper or stalker here. Look around the forums here for the posts talking about their EM characters they loved before the nerfs and how they all got shelved after. Don't those voices count too? Or should we just worry about numbers on a spreadsheet? and at least for me, I've yet to see a cogent reason for caring about balance at this point. were all this complaining about balance true, all we'd see are people playing TW toons and that's it. TW brutes or tanks are a rarity on the pugs I've been on for the past year, not the rule. The game isn't a commercial venture anymore so there's not much need to worry about people getting bored and moving on so they don't pay for stuff.
  23. LMAO! nice try again, but no you didn't call me out on anything and I'm not bent out of shape over anything. Having fun playing a character is not the same thing as being worried about balance. I liked the animations and flow in EM before the jealous math nerd busy bodies who were overwhelmed with care concern just had to cry nerf nerf nerf! because someone played better than they did, so they screwed it for everyone. The set didn't flow the way I liked anymore. That has jack to do with caring about reward speed. I'll repeat, I could give a crap how fast you or anyone else earn rewards. So long as I'm having fun, you go have fun your way. What you do isn't important to me in the least until whiners out there start crying about nerfs that screw up my fun, then yeah I'm going to voice my opinion. and LMAO like you're the authority on any kind of game design. Far from it. You go right on trying to cancel me though.
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