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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. LAg in AP is over the top from the amount of people trying to beat Ms Liberty to death, not to mention the chat spam of people whining about someone healing her
  2. Has nothing to do with looking for reasons to be offended. I 100% agree with the OP that the choices of animations for this set are amateur and piss poor for a supposed buff set. We're already rooted from our own animations, we don't need another one outside our control that looks like we're being given electro shock treatment. TBH, the animations and effects of this set are so bad, I won't team with anyone using it. Nothing against them if they like it, but I don't and can't stand the sounds, way over the top lightning effects and the shock animations. Whomever designed this needs to go back to the drawing board.
  3. So what's the point of having it then? It's just a beefed up boss or EB? Sounds bland
  4. No thanks. If it works anything like the stupid Kheldian stuff, teams will have quantums or incarnate stuff even if the incarnate on the team leaves and leaves an unkillable enemy for everyone.
  5. Wow you're completing misinterpreting the data. that's characters, not people, There isn't a million players. not even anywhere near close to that. The game didn't have anywhere near that many when it was live. What's not included in the stats is how many of those million have been deleted or are even being played. Now this is my own WAG, I would bet the 115k is pretty close to the actual size of the entire playerbase. those numbers are all alts.
  6. You're assuming people aren't going to volunteer. maybe might want to check this thread out Seems to me there are lots of people looking to volunteer. Same stupid comment applies to rebalancing pre 50 content, so this doesn't fly from either end of the spectrum. No one asked for quick solutions either.
  7. Honestly that's a very dumb question. they don't need to be plain and simple. Repeat it 50 more times it won't make the suggestion any better. You seem to want to lock the game down and never add anything new. Hopefully HC goes legit and can start recruiting all the people volunteering on the forums and start making actual content. There's plenty of pre-50 pre-incarnate content already and none of it was designed or balanced for incarnates.
  8. Why stop there? Why not make them available at the P2W vendor in Outbreak? No thank you. ^ That
  9. Incarnates don't come into play exemping below 45. No need to balance anything. Make more content designed for it.
  10. I have an uncle who is a King in Somalia that would love to hear from you.
  11. You've zero idea what is involved with any of it. Form your own groups and don't use incarnates. Problem solved.
  12. that's what they are supposed to do lol. so you're argument is people shouldn't be using them? yeah, good luck with that. Very simple solution ... if you don't like them, use LFG to form a "no incarnate powers" team and have at it. problem solved.
  13. lol no. Come on man, no one is going from mob to mob using Judgement. Trying to say otherwise is ridiculous.
  14. Crying whataboutism just means the argument has no merit and can't stand up to questioning. Yeah no, no nerfs required. Just start making content that is made for incarnates. It's not like people are speeding mob to mob firing off Judgement every 5 seconds.
  15. Yup. and again, the problem is not with IOs or incarnates. it's that there isn't enough content designed with them in mind.
  16. Nope, no thank you. Once again, the problem is not incarnates or people using the incarnate powers making the game too easy. There is not enough content specifically made for pimped out incarnate teams. Of course you're going to curbstomp TFs not meant for them. More content made for incarnates is the answer, not nerfs.
  17. why couldn't they? there was no law banning anybody from writing a letter to the editor or dear abby or any columnist. sure not all got published, but not everyone reads every social media post of every person either.
  18. This is why there were newspapers, radio, television...
  19. Not trying to be insensitive but more people have died from hunger ebola Plague iInfluenza Cancer fire war car wrecks list goes on so I guess any names with any variation or combination of words that some people somewhere died from should be banned too? I think some people need to extend social distancing to the virtual world too. No offense, but I've personally seen way more names on here that I find a lot more offensive than COVID and I do what any adult should do - ignore them.
  20. Yeah I'm glad everything having to do with prestige being required for base building has been removed. The game is much better off for it IMO. Take a look at the bases being built in the base sub forum and then try to come and say that there is no sense of accomplishment there.
  21. Yeah it's not up to you either man. nor did I ever say the decision is mine to make. to me as in me personally as in my own opinion, it's not a huge priority.
  22. And herer is the thing you don't seem to want to acknowledge - this is a public forum and I'm expressing my opinion. As far as I know we're allowed to do that here. Lets be clear if the homecoming people want to fix this, more power to them. go for it. It's up to them to decide on what is and isn't priority. All I'm doing is expressing my own personal opinion. If you don't agree that's ok, but if you don't like people disagreeing with you then stop making posts. Different opinions aren't a bad thing.
  23. I'm under no obligation to answer anyone I don't want to thanks. What he said. priority should be based on how bad the impact is. cosmetics are low priority and some here seem to forget if these "simple" fixes are always addressed but no big ones are, that pisses off people too. There seems to be a very pervasive problem on these forums with people who can't seem to or don't want to accept the viewpoint of others. I've said it already yeah this is an annoying bug and can appreciate it bugs people. I just disagree it's a priority fix.
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