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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. Here's my Fire/Rad/Fire build. Does well for me. It does run lean on endurance and even with Ageless Core, on last 30 sec of it, you might need to hit Consume, in a farm; but in general content there is often enough time between mobs that it isn't a thing. I generally run with Beast Run and Sprint on and will cycle Mystic Flight on if the group splits and I need to hurry over to the wayward bunch, the built in TP is priceless. But other than that, it's straight forward, tough as nails, and does good damage. GL out there.... Edit: Can't log into game, but I think I'm actually using Resilience Core and not Cardiac... I was looking at swapping for a better endurance cushion, but like I said, no real issue. Brute-Dragon (Radiation Melee - Fiery Aura).mbd
  2. Oh and also didn't die from Bobcat either. Took y'alls advice and stood behind her since there was a Tanker. Felt a little cowardly...but I didn't let it show. We did kill Neuron first for the army badge, so, and again thanks to y'all, I knew she was gonna do pissed-off-damage.
  3. Here's how much I hate Group Fly. Step 1: Create new toon Step 2: Head straight to Pocket D and turn that shit off. Step 3: While there, watch the RPers while trying to guilt trip a farmer for a door gig.
  4. Oh yeah I pug 100% of the time. I only have 4 buds that play so even when we're all on, still need 4 more. But I do have a nice "collection" of global friends that knows what's up. And I've been putting notes and ratings on folks that I see playing really well. Everlasting has no shortage of really good players, we just all seem to be from all over the world or at least have different gaming times. I don't dislike pugs at all. I think it adds an extra layer of challenge to the TFs. And I don't mind wipes so long as they aren't my fault...occasionally they are. What I don't really like is a slog, but those are rare. But good news! I survived the sewers last night! But that could've also been because I was teamed up with a global that was rolling with her Tanker and she definitely knew what she was doing....but still didn't die. My strategy, not be the first through the gate and ate green candies like a fiend, also didn't use any AOE. Now, I want to see how I do without a Tanker soaking up the majority of aggro. Next challenge.....standing in the blue. It can be done, I've seen it.
  5. Primaries: Super Strength, Radiation, Energy, and I personally like Electric Secondaries: Invulnerability, Bio, Fiery Aura, and again personally I like Electric It's all down to playstyle, IMO. I don't gel well with Doms but have played on teams with some and they absolutely were clutch. I like Brutes and Corruptors. I have others that I like playing but those two ATs are my jam. And I think it's down to synergy within your build that'll determine if it's a "must play." I have a Rad/Fire Brute whose endurance use is crazy, but he absolutely melts mobs. And I have an EM/Rad that I can mash attacks 90 to nuthin and endurance is never an issue, and the ST attacks are brutal. I'm working on a Rad/Rad build, on paper it looks solid, we'll see how the combo plays out, could be my next "must play." I say keep rolling the dice, but then you could be to Brutes as I am to Doms...just not in the cards. I do agree with @Erratic1 that Brutes need a lil love, but that could just be my bias shining through.
  6. My base defense % on my SR Brute: M-53%, R-50%, A-51% I bet I'm tickling the incarnate cap on a team, but I'll have to check. But that matters little in the sewers if the leviathans have auto hit.
  7. Likely? 1. In a PUG, less so. 2. Very, now that I know it's probably auto hit. 3. Maybe, if I get lucky and someone has it and they time it well. 4. In PUG life "team synergy" is potluck.
  8. Ugh for realz?! Welp that makes sense... Yeah the pylons sink fast unless the group falls apart, which in a pug happens sometimes especially if there aren't enough higher-level vets in the group. So would it make sense for the Brute/Tank, like @Doomguide2005said, to pull all the mobs passed the pylon to clear way for DPS to smoke it? Though, "strategy" in most pugs is more (chaos + luck = success) than anything else.
  9. The heal from Fiery Aura has a toxic resist buff built in that is stackable. Mine is on a 11 sec recharge and I can stack it to 90% toxic resist with 4 or 5 clicks and then maintain it.
  10. Gratz! Dude, make the mistakes! :)) There aren't any real wrong ways to go. And if you're like me you'll be tweaking and tweaking until you got it like you want it. Or you'll post up a question and one of the vets will help ya out. You get loads of threads for your first few levels, after that you rely on threads to drop. Personally, I've found it easier to T3 my alpha then pop into some Apemage TFs, ITF, DA content, or anything that rewards incarnate components. Each common is worth at least 20 threads, uncommon is 60, then there are the rare and very rare which are worth Emp merits, fastest way to gearing your incarnate powers, IMO. But everything can be undone or done over, if you find that you've taken the wrong path. Seriously, though, you've found probably the best game out there, and it has a great community both on the forums and in-game. Have fun!
  11. Still too new to have too many alts, but Inf is easy to come by, so for me, as of right now, I just don't think I would bother stripping one down. The market is full, prices fluctuate but nothing crazy, and so far, I haven't wanted for anything...well not since I figured out the inf game. Got thousands upon thousands of reward merits, enough inf that I can buy what I want when I want, enhancement-wise that is, somethings are still pretty up there for me, but those things are wants not needs. I used to be short alot. A new alt would out level my wallet and they'd have to sit at 50 for a week or so until I managed to scrap together enough to finish them off. Now my stockpile of enhancements and reward merits is good enough that new alts don't outpace my resources, and that in turn has led to me saving up even more inf...so forth and so on. It may be the long way around...but hey still gets ya there.
  12. I appreciate all the replies!
  13. So don't use AOE on the pylons? lol And do Bobcat first... ok Yeah Neuron went down first the last few runs.
  14. Or Apemage, whatever your preferred name happens to be. This isn't exactly a Brute question, but I'll be using my Brute experience as the example for the situation. How do I survive the leviathans in the sewers on a melee? Toxic resist on many of my Brutes and Scrapper are very low, so is it just load up heavy on orange candies? My SR Brute doesn't stand a chance, though I sort of expected him to dodge more but newp dies just as fast. There a trick I'm missing? And on Bobcat... She can 1 hit drop me at will. That a thing with her mechanics or again what am I missing? If I use a range AT I have no problem with either situation. Thanks!
  15. WuTang

    SS/SR help

    Yeah so what I was doing wrong was...... It kills me how deep my ignorance still is, but in my defense, there are still things I have yet to do, so... Any ways, after a frustrating gaming session, where I was literally on the verge of stripping this dude, I went to in game help and asked...well for help. Turns out my measuring stick, yeah wrong stick. So, what I typically do, because most all of my Brutes are setup for general play, is to go into an S/L farm and see how they do. Apparently, that's not an ideal environment to test SR (or any other toon not specifically built to farm), or so I was told. A very kind player PM'd me and suggested, if I already had T3 Alpha, to solo run some +4 radios. So, since I did have T3 Alpha I called one up. AND....it was night and day. My dude seldom took damage, and I was clearing mobs fairly quickly. Fought Council and Clowns without any problems. I have, since then, fought a multitude of different mobs and haven't had any problems like I was seeing in the AE farms. Even did fairly well in some DA mish teams and Tinpex, only the sewer worms got me once. So to sum it up...still learning. How does DDR work? I thought it prevented the debuff 95% of the time, but is sound like you say it reduces it? I've looked at taking Rebirth, but my build's endurance won't hold up. It does drain slow, so it is nearly where it needs to be to not need Ageless Core. But I also wanted Soul Drain on perma, which it is...now however, after playing the build it could probably not be, and I wouldn't really notice. There are times when I don't use it like at the end of a mob when there are only 2 or 3 left standing. I also wanted the Soul Mastery pool, so I won't have the extra End from the Energy pool.
  16. You want your S/L/F/C/N/NE defenses to be around 38%. This allows Invincibility to scale them to 45% (soft cap) with just one bad guy near you. I'm on a different computer or I could link my SS/Inv as an example. Look up Hyperstrike, he has some amazing starter builds for Invulnerable. Start there and tweak it for your needs. I've not done a TW, so I'm not much help there. Yeah know looking at your file, I think MIDs is having a brain fart on this PC. Somethings don't look right and aren't acting right.... I'm going to check back later on my other PC when I can get on it and look over your build there.
  17. WuTang

    SS/SR help

    5% of all attacks get through regardless of how high your defenses are. So, you will get hit. Which also means you will get debuffed, and DDR is only 95% so you will also get your defenses debuffed. Higher level baddies have a higher +toHit which also means they have a better chance of getting attacks through. And with your build, if the damage type is anything other than S or L then the attack will hit for quite alot of damage, which you will need to heal up from. Me and my son run farms, he has barrier and maneuvers, my defenses are at +60% and my resistances are all (varying) but stick around +45%(base), except T&P, and I still take damage, because I take at least 50% damage, of the 5% of attacks that get through, until I'm at 60% health and then I'm still taking alot of any damage that gets through until I'm nearly dead. SR is not "you don't take any damage ever," not even close. I do like your SS/SR build for farming S/L though and with all the built-in heals no wonder you don't "need a heal." Hey why did you shoot for 60% def? Was it just for the rage crash? I'm looking to see if I can bump up my DM/SR build with some of your slotting. I do certainly like your regen better, but mine has a selfheal built into Siphon Life, like +190 HP every 3 seconds. So, I won't need to go as crazy as you did. Also, I have to admit (I forgot), but the only reason my HP dropped really low sometimes is because I wasn't cycling in Siphon Life.
  18. On my Time Corruptor I put the entire Numina set in Temporal Mending, so the bonus is always up.
  19. Holy crap! Dude I get on auto-pilot sometimes and don't even think...You are right about Hasten, it's really pointless in this build. Hasten is just one of those that I take so often it's sort defaulted in.
  20. Yes I took Ageless Core for both those reasons.
  21. OH! You are looking at the first build I posted. I'm on like rev 6 now. I posted the more current build later down the thread, but I didn't screen shot it.
  22. Dude please just...ugh I am sorry. I read what your posted wrong and thought you took a shot at me.
  23. My bad man! That's on me.....I read in haste and thought you said "your" not my. I sincerely apologize!
  24. Oh the scaling isn't my HP but the amount of % added to the base resists...I thought that was health loss. I had it backwards. Hey I am SO sorry!
  25. WuTang

    SS/SR help

    Ok a few things to think about, or at least the things I thought about when deciding on this very combination... 1) Rage crash is real. and reduces your defenses, the primary damage mitigation for SR by 20% for 10 seconds. To me that is significant. 2) SR has built in scaling resistances which means during the crash, which is about once a minute, you are going to take quite alot of damage before they are at levels that really protect you well. This can likely be overcome by eating a medium purple, they last a minute, so one might straddle two crashes(??) would have to test that. 3) You have no heal in either power set and you will need to heal. I'll attach the build I created but have not put into use yet. I chose to pair SR with Dark Melee. He's 50 with a couple T3 incarnates (Agility & Ageless), and I can tell you from my limited experience that in practice the scaling resist doesn't reflect MIDs. My build shows that at 50% health I should have 90% resists in all but toxic and psi, that is not the case, it's more like 20% I might have 90%. BUT, that is where I typically stop taking damage and can heal back up from there, so I'm not bashing SR, but be prepared to feel like you are driving a car long after the gaslight has come on. On your build... You want Practice Brawler's recharge at 60 sec or less, what MIDs does not show is that it stacks, which gives you huge status protections. So, take the end reductions out of it and put in recharge reduction. You don't have the Brute ATO set, either of them, both are great, so try to work them in. Your Health and Stamina: put a Miracle +Recovery in Health and a Performance Shifter +End in Stamina, and I usually pair it with the EndMod from the same set and then boost is to +5. Also try to work in a Panacea: +Hit Points/End in Health. Work in at least 4 LotG +Recharge throughout your defenses, 5 is max and even better, IMO. You have the wrong I/Os in Hasten and Quickness. Chose I/Os from the "Invention" section. Overall, I think your resistances are too low. I shot for ~40% in all but toxic and psi. The higher the base is the quicker the scaling maxes them out. Knockout Blow benefits greatly from procs, they'll be 90% chance to hit. If you plan to stick with Ageless Core, you won't really need help with endurance from the Epic Energy pool, IMO. And SS usually doesn't need Accuracy either, as Rage covers that quite nicely. But hey, I hate missing too. You could stick with the Energy pool and switch your Destiny to Rebirth Radial, gives you a massive heal and (I think) 200% additional regen. My build has not been used so I don't know the flaws that are likely (definitely) in it. I usually have to tweak something by level 50. Good Luck! And have fun, I like both power sets and I'm sure you can make them work together. Brute (Super Strength - Super Reflexes).mbd
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