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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. RNG is NOT my friend either lol
  2. M-kay every calculator I've found only has a 35% chance for binomial but a ~40%+ chance for cumulative. So with 3 bites at the apple he only doubles his chance of getting 1 stun per rotation. Still doesn't feel worth it.
  3. Have you tried this build without the KB>KD enhancements? I don't think Thunderstrike and Lightning Rod need them. I've got a Scrapper and built a Brute for my son, both are Ele/Ele, and neither have the KB>KD loaded and neither knockback any enemies. The game lists it as knockback but in the description in both is states "knockdown," and so far for me and my son, that is all the enemies do. Trust me I'm not a fan of KB at all and appreciate anyone who feels the same :))
  4. That's not how it works. Each ability has its own chance of proc'ing the stun, the chances are not cumulative. If you've ever converted enhancements, same thing.
  5. Question about Super Reflexes... I ran a farm with my boy last night so I could watch a few things in a no pressure environment. The scaling resistances don't seem to match MIDs, by quite alot. MIDs, if I understand it correctly, shows that at 50% HP I should have 90% resistances to all but toxic and psi, but that was not the case, at about 30% HP they were mid to high 70s. Now I managed, didn't die, didn't hit an insp, and my HP regained, but is this how it is in practice? Seems a good bit off and makes me worry that outside of a farm the build might not be in the right place.
  6. So, this is the build now. Got it geared out and got T2 Alpha. The attack chain feels pretty good. Even without Ageless Core it isn't bad, just keep my runs toggled off for now and I only have to eat a blue occasionally. I kept Shadow Maul, for a 3 attack AOE combo and I proc'd Siphon Life. It may still need some tweaking, but it feels good and durable. Brute - Dark Melee - Super Reflexes_6.mbd
  7. No one I've talked seems to know about it.
  8. I have to like the concept and play to keep going on a toon. I've built some homage toons but once the novelty wore off so to did my interest, with the exception of my "Hulk," him I still play. I find that my original concepts last much further after 50. I plan out my builds on MIDs before I create the toon. Most of the time I have a powerset in mind before the look and am usually working on my next toon while I'm leveling one. Especially if I run with someone who is using a powerset I haven't gotten to and they make it look cool or very effective, then I'm in. I don't typically choose the same powerset more than once, but I have across different ATs, so the flavor or playstyle is different enough to warrant the time and effort. For instance, I have an Ele/Ele Scrapper and Blaster, so I've not gone with electric on a Brute or any ranged AT since. I did build a Triple E Brute for my son, and I will admit it looks fun to play, but I just can't pull that trigger. I also take an interest in powersets if I hear they are "difficult" or challenging to use. My most recent Brute DM/SR, I initially only made because a buddy of mine said /SR a garbage set, and I was like "here hold my beer." I just hit 50, so we'll soon see how it pans out... I only have about 9...11...(somehere in there) 50s, so really, it's not difficult to juggle time on each right now, but some here have gobs of 50s. Not sure how it'll be if I reach that level. I will say that I have an Illusion/Fire Dominator, that I hit 50 on and still haven't even bothered training out the last 5 levels....just lost interest. There was a dude on Everlasting that recently retired from the game but only after he hit 40,000 vet levels.
  9. I would add the TFs are also complex, or at least there are still some where I just follow the leader...so to speak. But yeah, there is so much flavor in CoH that one could literally play for years and still find new things, I think.
  10. Let me use some bro-science to explain... In the gym, there are certain machines where you can change the angle of the lift slightly to gain a small advantage or spot yourself if needed, this can be seen as "making it easier." But, if you have added more weight to increase the resistance then it's not really easier, even if it may appear so to onlookers. This game can be as challenging as anyone wants to make it, but it also can be super easy. One of the many facets that I like about CoH.
  11. Me too, but still a pain. And on this occasion, I'd actually forgotten to take a pic.
  12. Nope. I finished the respec and it finalized. And the powers in the trays from one toon to the other are not the same. And the power tray has not changed since the "loophole" occurred, so it seems to be permanent. @lemming in your case, did you change powers to some that you did not have before? That could explain your partial refill vs. my total refill.
  13. Yeah dude, welcome! This is probably one of the best MMO communities around. (still fairly new myself, only been here since Feb) As for the game itself.... It's still pretty addicting for its age. Have fun! I hear Excelsior is a packed server so if you wanna get on a team should be pretty easy, but soloing is still a thing alot of people do.
  14. Okay, not sure if anyone else has had this happen and as I don't wanna respec again for no reason, cause, ya know it's a PITA (though much appreciated), I thought I'd pop on here and see what's the what what. Any who... I just respec'd my latest Brute, last night. All I had to do was rearrange the slot, all the power selections were remaining the same. Finished the respec and realized I'd left a few of the new enhancements on my bank/storage toon so I alted, emailed, and logged back into my new Brute; and at first, I was like WTF, then I broke out in a smile. The worst thing to me about the respec process is rearranging all the powers as it slams your trays full of everything you have available, but after relog all my powers were back in the trays as they were before the respec. This a glitch? Has anyone else tried this or had this happen? And was it only because my power selections were the same between specs?
  15. Maybe I just play too much...but nothing you need in-game is too expensive, it is play-money, and you don't even need it except to buy the "expensive" things that never degrade in any way. The things that I might consider expensive are the items that are locked into a toon or the things that aren't needed. But even then it's play-money, and since I can't blow my real dough (cause adulting be spensive) I blow the crap outta in-game cash. I make it rain! No not really cause usually I've already bought a crap ton of enhancements for my next alt. Ultimo.... dude not sure what to think, but life is better with set bonuses, or even procs, if you're into that sort of thing. PI mish teams, being a hitter (not a sitter) in an AE farm, just running 50 level content on a 50...earning inf is super easy and fun to do. I played the AH when I first started after some rich dude named Yomo spotted me 100mil and that got my first billion, but after that I just play the toon post 50 until I've recouped what I spent on him and then rinse and repeat. I felt bad, everyone dogpiling you cause you suck, but bruh is broke y'all. Stop pinching that inf and hit that AH like it talked about'cha momma. But dude, seriously, nothing hits too hard.
  16. Awesome posts! Thank you all for the help!
  17. Ever since I thought that my Dual Pistols / Time Manipulation Corruptor was outputting low DPS I've been watching closely and more "accurately" what each attack is doing, as well as my controls. What I want to understand a bit better is the reduction % that each level of bad guy has: minion, lieutenant, boss, EB, AV, monster, GM (did I miss any?). And, then there is the level difficulty, +1 thru +4, how does it factor in? I'm also guessing that each may have their own varying levels of resists and defenses. Is there somewhere that might have each, even if it's generalized? Without a tool that collects data I'm not sure how else to figure out what power is effective and what can be skipped out of rotation per bad guy. Taking my DP/TM Corruptor as an example, Time's Juncture has a -21% toHit and a -24% damage debuff, but how does that scale with each rank of bad guy? Same question for attacks. And I know there is going to be individual resistant and defensive levels that come into play, but there's got to be a general rule of thumb, right?
  18. Actually, looking back over it I'm not sure there still is enough DPS. Slotting as you suggested only increased ToF by 30 point, but Siphon Life did increase significantly more, but even still. Is SR maybe better on a Tanker?
  19. I've been wanting to do another Brute, haven't built a new one in a while now, been on a Corruptor kick. I wanted to use two sets I've not used yet and landed on Dark Melee and Super Reflexes. My thoughts are since there is only one heal, I maxed out its healing potential. Then I got the positional defenses in the 50s and got the -toHit in Touch of Fear bumped up to 16% to really make him hard to hit, especially with all the other -5% built into the other attacks. I got the base resistances close to 40%, except for toxic and psi. Not sure how his endurance is going to act so I added Theft of Essense proc to Siphon life, but after incarnates it should be good-to-go. Couple general questions... How much accuracy/+toHit do I need to land 95% of hits on +4 AVs? (never have figured this out) How much are debuffs reduced on +4 Avs? For instance, the -16% in ToF, would be what? How quickly do the scaling resistances work? And lastly....prob more importantly... Build look good enough for any and everything? Been thinking about getting into some star runs. Thanks in advance!! Brute - Dark Melee - Super Reflexes.mbd
  20. "Squishes" can be built tough, but due to the lower HP limits they can still be "1 shotted," it's just math. I've got a Dual Pistols/Time Manipulation Corruptor, between his defenses, -toHit debuffs, and damage debuffs I usually can stand toe-to-toe in melee with just about anything...for a while (not AVs though), but every now and again RNG doesn't roll my way and I'm left assessing the quality of the floor. But hey, that's what the team is for. They pick up the slack left by your corpse and then you rez or get rez'd and do it all over again. Even my best Brutes die from time to time when they get hit with the right combination of debuffs and damage type. And to be honest I'm never more embarrassed than when my Brute is humbled, my squishies go in knowing there is a good chance they get to taste the floor, it's actually just part of their diet at this point. I don't think any damage output changes are necessary on the bad guy side, but I would like some damage types to get a buff *cough* smashing and lethal, but I don't see that coming either. One can dream though....
  21. Yeah the endurance issues are real. Chrono Shift's recovery throws the endurance bar off because it's only 30 seconds long and all the powers consume loads of endurance. So, while not fighting everything is great, but Ageless fixes that and if I exemp down I just eat blue candies like a fend. Also, I think maybe it's because this is a quick recharge build so all my power cycle back up quickly. Yes, I don't see where the damage issue is either on paper, but there is one in real world application. That's why I was wondering if there was maybe a bug, or something happened to lethal damage, or the tougher mobs got tougher vs lethal. I played this toon in teams all the way through to 50, he never once sat in an AE, I know it well. I also realized there was a problem in a 54 PI group where it was just me and a tanker, it took us forever to whittle the mobs down that we duo'd, but that was just before I was fully geared so I attributed that run to that.
  22. I've built a Corruptor DP/TM and it's great fun. I can bounce into a mob unload on them and rarely take any damage. I pretty much exclusively leveled him in teams, not AEs, but actually playing because it is such fun. At 50 now with some incarnates and I've come across an issue. I posted about this in the Corruptor forum but haven't gotten any feedback, but that post didn't start out with the problem I'm having. It started when I was deciding on which of two other problems I was more comfortable living with, being mez'd or running low on endurance. Fast forward, I chose being mez'd... But any ways to decide if endurance was actually going to be an issue I went to the pylons and cycled through a few rotations and sure enough my endurance was not going to hold up. However, I was so focused on my blue bar that I didn't notice the pylon's green bar hadn't budged. I could chip away a sliver of it with my nuke but it would regen it back while it was on CD. But I thought, maybe that the pylon was just too big of a critter, because every run I'd been on in a team I hadn't noticed an issue. So I started watching my numbers... What I found was that on bosses and below I could melt them fairly easily, but EB's and up my numbers became virtually nonexistent. On EBs I might get a 9 damage, but on AVs and monsters it would be 1s, 2s, of 3s and sometimes nothing would register, "miss" didn't float up, nothing did. All my tests were done with Incendiary Ammo on and this wasn't just a run or two, this was several runs that I observed over a few days. So, has anyone else seen this or have I somehow just built my guy wrong? Corruptor (Dual Pistols - Time Manipulation)-7.mbd
  23. WuTang


    Alrighty.... So.... Where to begin? Got him to 50. Incarnates slotted: T3 Agility, T3 Destiny (Clarion atm), T3 Assault Dilemma #1. Do I want to eat blue candies or purple pills? Ageless Core vs. Clarion Core I hadn't run solo with this guy, so I wasn't sure if sappers were getting him in some cases when endurance would bottom out or if others' abilities were keeping the blue-bar blues at bay when I didn't see problems. So, I went out to the RWZ pylon dummies and went to work. Endurance in a longish fight will not hold up. The powers just cost too much. My endurance ratio is 2:1 recovery to use, which I thought would be enough once I got Mu Mastery:Power Sink, it is not. The recharge is 33 seconds, the cost is 16, and the return on one baddie is not enough. So, I'm leaning towards Ageless BUT wait...this is when I discovered.... Dilemma #2. I was so focused on my blue bar that I failed to realize that the pylon's green bar, the oh so important one, ya know, cause if it was a bad guy that'd be what I need to whittle away in order to "arrest" him....or her, yes I'd "arrest" a chick too, momma didn't raise no misogynist (not sure I used that right)! Sorry I digress, the green bar was NOT budging, nary a scratch had been made. So now I think #2 is way worse than #1. Either I suck, very good possibility, the build sucks, still me sucking, or Dual Pistols doesn't do enough damage...even if you look like Neo doing it. I do see it at work all the time, people on the floor working their butt off but not getting anything out. I can attach the final build later cause for some reason Mids is erroring out on this PC. I mean I noticed tons of tiny orange numbers floating up, but I figured they were adding up to this huge number. Any ways, any thoughts on where I went wrong? Oh and which would be better, popping a purple pill on the occasions I get mez'd or being a blue candy junky? Clarion is great though, at T3, left side, 120 sec buff one, I haven't gotten mez'd by regular mobs once. It feels great sitting in melee not worrying about that, but the blue-bar blues is the pits. Corruptor (Dual Pistols - Time Manipulation)-6.mbd
  24. I didn't rearrange your slots, but chose different enhancements. I do appreciate that you are thinking of your fellow heroes and utilizing the KB>KD, very important in a team. But any who, this is what I would do. Power Gumbo (Energy Blast - Force Field)-1.2.mbd
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