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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. I think the XP is good if the AE farm is built with or after "page 5" changes. I can't what exactly that means but I believe it means the mobs have been adjusted to once again grant more XP via attacks and whatnot. I do know the map I run is large and takes about an hour to solo and if I have one lowbie in there they'll be in the 20s before I'm done. Edit: Also I've leveled fairly quickly, and it was definitely more fun just by running TFs. Just have to have enough inf on you to keep up SOs upgrades until 27. But run DFB, then Posi 1 & 2, etc...
  2. What's the fastest way for a leveled out 50 to gain incarnate components and threads? Going a different direction with the build and need to build a couple different incarnates, but I'm out of threads. Do all mobs have the same % chance to drop threads? Some people say ITF is the best option, but I don't think so. I know Tinpex/ApeMage is a good one for a couple quick components but is there a quick solo path? Thanks! -WT
  3. Also, Midnight Grasp loves procs.
  4. I do like the regen, that's an amazing job. My only concern is your accuracy and +toHit being so low. Without Build up and the extremely low proc chance (9%) of Build up from Arcane bolt you are floating in the ~63%-91% range and that might give you some problems.
  5. If one is planning on playing blapper style, how does one arrange defenses/resistances? I have but one Blaster, and I went the route of hover blasting with him, so this is new to me. My power choices are Dual Pistols / Ninja Training and right now Arsenal. This combo seems very attack heavy, can't imagine all are must haves. I have a Dual Pistol Corruptor so I've got a decent handle on that set, but when combining it with another attack power set...don't know, was thinking about skipping Dual Wield, possibly Empty Clips, and Piercing Rounds, though my current MIDs build still has Empty Clips, but I know it's not particularly strong. In Ninja I've skipped the dart and both powders, but Golden Dragonfly looks skippable as well. Endurance and recharge don't look to be an issue, so I was going to go Clarion for the stat protection. Right now, my defenses are in the 20-25% range, so a medium or large purple will get me over the hump there. Right now, I've got procs throughout which is why my defenses are lowish, going for high damage, resist debuffs, recharge and prayers. I want the Teleport pool. I figured the Leadership pool is useless unless y'all think Maneuvers is needed. Any who on to Blappering...blapping...whatever... With DP/NT coupled with Combat Teleport will I still need to "joist," or with Clarion can I sit my lazy butt next to the tank and kick ass? I know each pull and each mob type will have different challenges and the playstyle will obviously need to be flexible, but on average will I need to be running in and out or is there a way to build it that would let me stay put? My DP Corruptor also has Time, so I plant him in the fray and go ham...but he also has heals and a stout -toHit debuff aura. Thanks in advance for any help! -WT
  6. I have to agree here. I've recently been shown the errors of my way concerning Bio. My lesson came to me on my Sav/Bio Brute. My original build had fairly high defenses 35%-40% S/L/F/C/E/NE and 46% Melee and in farms or on teams he did fine, but I struggled with some enemies if I got away from the group or solo'd and my damage never felt good, but my regen was through the roof and I never had to watch my blue bar. Another thing always bugged me is that I had other toons that had no problems with any group even some of my Scrappers could stand better, my Claws/WP as an example. But... Now, I'm in a new boat, still learning the ropes though. @Spaghetti Betty threw together a build for my Sav/Bio Brute that on paper I just couldn't see it working...at first. Defenses had been lowered anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 and my resistances dropped ~10% but my damage output shot up 30% - 50% and I gained a couple range attacks which I dearly wanted. And guess what... So far, I've had a better time of it than before. I haven't yet faced all the foes as before but that'll be coming soon and I bet he fairs better.
  7. I cobbled this together... I'm working on a Bio/BA Tanker as well....just my BA/Bio Brute got in the way. I don't really like it yet, but I think it would work for most anything.... I'm still very new to Tanker builds. Tanker (Bio Armor - Battle Axe).mbd
  8. This is for my son... I made a Battle Axe/Bio Brute and his theme is a tree where I utilized all the bio armor pieces to add to the look rather than minimizing their effects and he carries around the lumberjack axe. The look is good, when he's in Villian Stance 2 he looks like a tree. Any ways, through that my boy came up with a fantastic theme, a "swamp thing," so to speak, WB/Bio. And then working with him on his theme we came up with the idea of using the tentacles from dark mastery and coloring them like vines. He's my boy so he wants theme plus practicality. Working on the build, Water Blast looks awesome. None of the powers look skippable...and also none of the powers in Bio look unworthy, which doesn't leave much room for other things. Can anyone help steer me in a good direction, please? Water blast is a nice full range set, so I figured keeping him at range was a good idea, BUT I'm absolutely open to any suggestions. In my laymen view Dehydrate looks like the most skippable. Right now, I've kept it because it's a self-heal, but I don't know how good it is and only because I can't seem to get Bio's regen very high. We are keeping him "grounded" for theme, but right now we've taken Super Speed for the travel power which isn't very thematic either.... I was also thinking Teleport and use the goop effect and leave it up to my boy if he wants to keep the toon grounded of not. If anyone has a Water Blast or a Bio build they'd be willing to share, it'd be much appreciated. As always, thanks to y'all in advance! -WT Edit: Actually, just reread Rebuild DNA, is that not in the calculation in MIDs? Edit #2: Whirlpool, that's not worth procs, right? Cause location AOEs act like pets, right?
  9. WuTang


    Oh and here'e my...I don't even know what rev I'm on...build. I borrowed some of @Grizleeslotting, it's better than what I had. Wu Tang - Scrapper (Staff - Ninjitsu).mbd
  10. WuTang


    Nuther question... Staff, Sky Splitter, worth skipping for a snipe?
  11. @Grizlee I might've swapped out Charged Brawl for Ball lightning. Or a proc'd out Electric Shackles. Edit: I might've also barrowed your Nin slotting 🙂 ...and very cool concept!
  12. I've been kicking this around since yesterday. Some buddies wanna do a Staff team, the AT is up to me though. I've read this and that about Scrapper vs. Stalker, but I wanted to use Ninja because I've never used it before and on paper at least Ninja didn't look as good on a Stalker...could be completely wrong though. And, just messing around with the costume, I came up with a great looking ice ninja...so I want to use Ice Mastery. So...never used Staff or Ninja or Ice...so.....no clue. Staff is cool looking but the DPAs look low, and I DO NOT understand how Ninja works. Some of the builds I looked over, the endurance looks wonky. I know there is a clicky...with a nearly 2 sec cast, but is that to be leaned on that hard? And are we supposed to shoot for as much resist as possible or is ~40% doable. I don't have access to the build I worked on, but to be honest it's just a Frankensteined version of about 3 builds I looked over. What in Staff is skippable and in Ice Mastery, does Shiver have a cool effect? Kind of hoping for a fog effect like you get from some Storm powers. I was thinking of using Frozen Spear, Shiver, and Frigid Wind. Also, and I guess I should've asked this first, Ice any good? The debuff looks strong, but MIDs could be displaying incorrect data. SR is my backup for Ninja; I wanted a Def oriented set. Also, if I go SR might switch to Stalker. Any help would be muy apreciado! And a belated Merry Christmas to you all! -WT
  13. Yeah I'm leaning strong on swapping it into Storm Kick. Just if it stacked with an AOE I could see that being more beneficial and I wouldn't have to respec. Thanks!
  14. The ATO +res if it's slotted in the PBAOE can it stack the 3 times on one power activation since the proc is based on individual targets? Or is it just a chance for 1 stack per cast?
  15. Ok so that's what I've heard. AH -res in 3 slots, one in Beta Decay was just a default option, one in Ground Zero is my sure thing, and the one in Crippling Axe Kick was to ensure the debuff was maintained on my focus target. So, the way I've got the build I should be able to maintain a -40% res debuff with FotG and AH. That's what I was shooting for. My thinking right?
  16. Hmm could've sworn I've seen people talk about stacking -res...but even though it's from a seperate cast or even a different enhancement type they won't stack? What if it's different %s? Like 12.5% from Annihilation?
  17. OK so 100% S/L resistance is 100% resistance to S/L res debuff? Very nice! Thanks loads!
  18. Just a quick update...at level 45 now and feeling good about the build. I've stacked four -20% res, and I could be wrong, but I think that's helping the ST damage out a good bit. It doesn't feel mushy. I've had a thought though.... Would it be beneficial to swap the +res ATO set into Storm Kick instead of Cobra Strike? My thinking is that Storm Kick is a must as it benefits my defenses so adding the +res seems like a "WTH didn't I do that in the first place stupid?!" But would the reduced proc chance gimp the ATO set? It would allow me to skip Cobra Strike if needed. Right now I'm hitting it on recharge to ensure I keep the 2 to 3 stacks maintained. I could throw it into Dragon's Tail instead but if I expemp below 20 I won't have access to it. Also, if it's in the PBAOE, can it stack with one power cycle, or no? This is the current build... Tanker (Radiation Armor - Martial Arts)1.1.mbd
  19. I could've sworn I read somewhere that 100% resistances to type damage helps with debuff protection...or some benefit to having them at 100%, but danged if I can find that thread. My search skills may not be firing on all cylinders this early, but does anyone know what I am talking about?? Maybe point me in the right direction...please? I don't know maybe I dreamed it...
  20. Wow! Snark, you got 3x the defense you normally roll with! You're gonna die so hard now. It's been several months, but you and I talked about this very combo before. I like it! It was the first toon I ever fully incarnated (that a word?) out. And still my best DPS toon. My build is a Fire/Dark/Soul and very fun. The debuffs plus high damage output is criminal, and then you add in healing and rez'ing...you'll feel like Bert entertaining the crowd.
  21. Yeah, I've noticed some so small inconsistencies as well, but on the whole it's a very useful tool, especially as I'm not experienced well enough with CoH to just look at a screen shot and know what's someone has done. Preciate the heads up on the info. And I ended up skipping Crane Kick and took Crippling Axe Kick so I could stack another -res.
  22. Ok might be pivoting a little... Stone Melee isn't looking too good to me. Will level it out a bit more and see, but with that I've worked on another build Rad/MA. Quick question about Storm Kick. In MIDs the tooltip implies a plus to positional defenses, but all defenses seem to be affected, except P/T. Which is correct? Edit: And which is better to skip, Crane Kick or Crippling Axe Kick?
  23. I get that. But the powers FF +recharge are in already have control aspects and to be honest, don't think I need them...just like to make bad guys flop around at will. The fact that I get a +recharge boost is just icing on the cake. Without the FF +recharge it's only 6 sec off perma, but with them they knock 13 sec off Particle Shield, 12 sec off Ground Zero, and 13 sec off Radiation Therapy. In-game be slightly different, but those are some significant recharge reductions on some powerful powers.
  24. With all the recharge in the build, according to MIDs Build UP will have approximately 50% up time. On Hasten I was building towards a fast recharge build. I monkeyed around with the powers quite alot before I finished but plan to take Hasten much earlier than the build shows. It could probably be argued that it could get away with 1 slot, but when I exemp down the build's recharge will be affected and Hasten won't likely be perma at that point. Unbreakable Guard can only be 6 slotted once and those fat 3.75% T/P and 5.25% F/C resists are tasty. Not arguing, just giving my reasons. but I'm going to rearrange the slotting any ways cause @Soveraanswered my question about the ATO resist proc....before I even asked.
  25. I was using Fault for +recharge and acc set bonus from Armageddon flipping slots between Fault and Tremor net the same result for my goal. The only reason I took Fault was to have 2 AOE +recharge procs that all but guarantees 100% up time. I did notice, somewhere, that Tankers can get away with ~76% resist and let the ATO proc fill in the rest. If that is the case, wouldn't 90% be overkill? But then again I read that 100% resistance levels help resist debuffs. Edit: also... Fault and Tremor are they knockback, up, or down?
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