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Everything posted by WuTang
Yes! But I'm still a new dude so I got questions I'd like to ask him...like How did he handle Rage crash? Or... Why did he have two travel powers? And... Did he have End use problems and how'd handle it?
I looked at Hecatomb: D, D/R/A, NE Proc, ToD: NE proc, Unbreakable Cont: Smash proc Mako's: Lethal proc
I think you are giving up too much by not proc'ing out Crushing Uppercut. 3 Hecatombs and 4 procs would double its damage and shave a second off the recharge.
Welp that's basically where I'm at. Got ~30% def on just about everything.
Is Dampening Bubble skippable? Debuff resistance in a static bubble seem situational at best.
I was looking at not only support by my own survivability as well. Couldn't get any defenses to soft cap. Got S/L res in the 70s, but my thoughts were along the same as y'alls it'd be easy to soft cap def, but I haven't managed it so far.
I was playing around with a themed idea yesterday and I think Corruptor would be a better fit for the Theme but.... After having played around in MIDs a bit just didn't like any of the outcomes. Does Force Field work better with a Defender?
I built a Scrapper with Electric Armor and he does fine and that is a resistance set, as well. The armor is there and if you like it, use it. And with Electric Armor I built a Brute with it as well that my son runs, it is a beast, but overall, my Scrapper's resistances across the board, other than S/L/E, are higher and I soft-capped both on defenses on Melee and S/L.
Originally, when you said the build only got to 39.1% def, was that with Barrier's perma 5% included? If not, then you were at the soft cap, or near enough not to matter. And if you are at 43% now then with Barrier you'll be at the hard cap of 48% (these numbers are for general content). I can tell you from my builds that 45% is good enough, but the problem you'll have is with mez. I have a Dual Pistols / Time / Mu and if I could figure out how to get the endurance just a little better so I could run Clarion then he'd be bullet proof, but as it is I have to keep Emerge insp on hand at all times because he lives in melee and he gets mez'd alot. Mez will cause you to drop some of your protections and with such a shallow HP pool we're just a few hits eating floor.
Yup...this is my conclusion also. I have recharge in ever place I could put it. I'll have to have a fourth (non-finisher) attack in the rotation. So, I'm going to respec into exploding shuriken. I currently have it proc'd out, one of which is Annihilation's res debuff. Do you happen to know the duration of the debuff?
Yes! I actually looked at that and it proc's out nice as well. I will have to go Ageless though, barrier won't be an option at that point.
Dual Blades / Ninjitsu Scrapper - Bobby Filet
It's good.
What I'd like to see are optional tweaks made to the existing travel powers. Like adding flips to regular run animation. Make the regular run not look like you have a stick stuck up your backside and make the chick's head not bobble, optionally of course - some may love looking like a perky pug running around. And I don't know what they were smoking when they came up with the amination for parkour, but I like the flips and don't really like ninja run either, or sometimes it doesn't work with the theme. More options for teleport animation, but to be honest, I am pretty happy with those. Or how about make it so phase, in Super Speed, actually works with stationary objects...and running on water would be epic! Also, while we're at it, add a minimum FX to everything.
OK I never did get around to putting the build on the test server...but I did get it to level 46. Right now without the purp sets, Hasten is 20 secs off perma and Crushing Uppercut is off by just 2 seconds for the rotation I mentioned. I'm also still missing 1 LotG global recharge. So, I'm figuring with purps' recharges, the last LotG, and Ageless it'll definitely be off recharge for the rotation. What I've learned thus far though... It's a Boss deleter. It's a different playstyle than I'm used to, just ST rotation, but it's 1, 2, 3, sometimes 4, next target. I dipped into the Teleport pool and use Combat Tele to get into position before my team can scatter the mob, otherwise my rotation switches to using Spinning Strike until I find the boss. I even last long enough sometime to take the big guy out solo then I might have to pop a med purple to smash the rest. Endurance is absolutely not an issue so that got me to wondering...if it turns out I don't need...need Ageless for recharge, which I'll know before Destiny gets unlocked, would Barrier be a better choice for more survivability? Barrier would also work thematically as my Stalker is a science origin that utilized technology, so a force field look is a good look. On the other hand.... Ageless Radial will boost my debuff resists to accuracy, slow, and perception to levels that will make them almost bullet proof and give me a lil defense and regen resist to boot. But they are already at decent levels. Nother question... I don't really like the animation of Sweeping Cross and I've gone into the Weapon Mastery pool (didn't know it had a drone!) partly for theme, and right now I've selected Web Grenade for the build...useful? The enhancement set bonuses help but other than that and being as I haven't picked it yet, I'm feeling like I'll never use it. Or it'll be just for the runner or flyer that's trying to get away.
You do you boo. Edit: Errr...umm...don't mean that in a snarky way....
On Everlasting it's the....forget what it's called....but it's the "hologram" that makes you tiny.
Well I mean is this any worse that a Team lead running an all Defender ITF? I agree that the lead calls the shots, and I will also concede that there quite a few farm-babies out there that don't know their AT. BUT, all I do is PUG and I take all comers. Using the ITF as an example, since it's 35+ which means you get an assortment of skills and lack thereof. The first leg of the ITF is pretty easy and if I'm running it, I will be on a 50 that can handle it and can do pretty well with just a few decent players even at +4 (don't do star stuff, yet), so it's my litmus test and I will adjust accordingly. I mean as far as I'm concerned, I just wanna have fun and the difficulty setting doesn't affect my machismo, but I REALLY don't want a slog, cause those are not fun. BUT...at the same time don't really want a steamroll either, got to find that balance. Exclusion is no fun especially for the excluded, but people gonna do what people gonna do.... I remember once, in my early days when I knew less in-game slang, I had no idea what "smol" was and a smol ITF was forming, well I joined cause I like ITFs. Then I got the "you ain't no smol" from the team and they didn't elaborate, so I bailed. Sure, I felt a lil slighted, but F'em, they lost a good(ish) player. Bottom line....don't get butt hurt, start your own team, and don't exclude just because douchebag did.
@Projector I do like some of your ideas, but CU with a +9 recharge is a killer. There would be about 3 seconds of downtime even if I worked BU into every rotation. And with it proc'd CU is hitting for 168 more but the recharge on it increased by 38%, I think that may negate the proc advantage. Don't get me wrong, my first build also had it proc'd out. That's one of the things Betty got me to see differently. @Spaghetti Betty What do you think of this rotation (no epic snipe): HB > AS(hide) > CU > SB Build up would get worked in before Assassin Strike as often as it can be off recharge. That gives Crushing Uppercut the benefit of Hide & BU, all the activation times figure out to within a second of Crushing Uppercut's recharge. And, after the first rotation AS would have 3 charges.
OK had to tweak it again... Rev 5! @Spaghetti Betty you are right...that rotation of yours is mathematically sound +/-1 sec. And unless I'm mistaken only the first rotation will have 2 Assassin's Focus charges, but after that there should be 3 - barring any misses. So........ I think I balanced it out. Stalker (Street Justice - Electric Armor)5.mbd
@Spaghetti Betty OK retooled a bit, it's more expensive but meh it's just inf... With Ageless Radial I'll have 96% slow resist and Crushing Uppercut is at ~6 sec with full set of Hecatomb and running Ageless. Think I'll throw it into the test server and see how she does! Thanks!! -WT
Ok I guess my thing -now- is to make at least one of every AT...who knew?! Inspiration hit me the other day and surprise...surprise the name I wanted was NOT taken! Do I have the recent name releases to thank for this?? No idea, but it tis now mine all mine.... Any ways, and as usual with my builds, the goal it theme meets function. I went through 3 hand-to-hand primary sets before I picked Street Justice, but Electric Armor is a must for theme. Hmmmmmm, crap... and as I'm typing this I'm hit with, "could Electric Melee work and use a different secondary?" Oh well we're here now with StJ/Electric! I read the beginners guide to Stalking, great read, and thanks @Croax and all other contributors for that post! Having read that I made changes to my slots. I've built a decent Electric Armor Scrapper, but with it I soft capped melee and S/L defenses, it works pretty well, but I wanted to try out how I've seen many others slot it and didn't bother with defense (this changed a bit with rev. 3) and focused on attacks and resistances, but man oh man the HP is at Corruptor levels. There are a few things I'm unsure of but none more so than the epic pool selection. It feels like using any attack outside the primary set is a waste due to it not granting Assassin's Focus, even if it has decent DPA. And then there's the fact that I don't think StJ needs any more attacks, but I've never played it before, so not sure. So now I'm wondering if the epic Energy Mastery wouldn't be a better choice. (OK I did just retool for Energy Mastery, and I like it better) BUT, I'm gonna leave this part in cause I am curious if the epic attacks are worth taking. I focused on recharge to get Energize on perma. Proc'd the T9 for MOAR DAMAGE! Right now I've got Desitny: Barrier, but Ageless Radial would just about cap my debuff resistances and bump my recharge enough to fully perma Energize, not to mention make everything a bit faster. Plan is to use Power Sink offensively as a sapper more than an endurance replenisher. Skipped Placate, just didn't see a need. So without further ado.... Please feel free to pick it apart! Thanks!! -WT Stalker (Street Justice - Electric Armor)3.mbd
Char was it! And I didn't know that about holds, great info, thanks!
I always like your builds. I refer to any post you've made if I'm looking at building with any one of the 3 "regen" secondaries. I do like how this build is like, "rage crash...smage crash!" Just hakuna matata... I do particularly like how you slotted Char and will likely be borrowing it for future. Tell me though, how is your accuracy so high, or is MIDs bugging? I turned Rage and Vigor off, and it still showed ~160% accuracy for your attacks. Scary build though lol.... -WT