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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. Yup Spectral Wall is mediocre.... I find that I seldom use it and only when there is a runner. Don't known if it's worth rescpec'ing for though. Phantasm is also a little annoying. He good when he's alive but sometimes that's not for long. Army is great though, and they are about 3 seconds from perma.
  2. TL is a beast...can't speak for his weak ass (j/k) Sentinel but my man knows how to play. Seriously though, Sentinels do get a bad rap, I think. I've played on many teams where the Sentinel did very well. My kid built a decent Ele/Fire Sent and he's an asset every time we've rolled an ITF together. But I hear the same type of remarks about Brutes, why build one when there are Tankers and Scrappers... In the right hands any AT is powerful. The wrong hands are obviously the naysayers.
  3. One of my best Brutes is Em/Rad, tough, does great ST damage and good AOE, and easy on endurance. Solid choice in my book.
  4. Thanks for the advice! Put some of them in. Sentinel (Assault Rifle - Super Reflexes)1.1.mbd
  5. Only got a sec for a quick post.... Looking for advice and suggestions on a thematic character I'm working on, thematic but functional. I'm trying to not need Ageless Core, would rather have Radial to boost the DDR. The End use/recovery is on the hairy edge, but I don't think it is enough. This toon will be at range at all times and no real soloing. Thanks!! -WT Sentinel (Assault Rifle - Super Reflexes).mbd
  6. WuTang

    Need Help Please

    Yes. A buddy of mine built his for general content and it's great. I don't have his build, but if no one has posted one for you to look at by this evening I'll see if I can get his to you. Until then...and if you have MIDs... Look at this thread, I have a build there as well, my Rad/Fire/Fire Brute for general content, you can rip Rad out of any of those builds and insert Spines and see what you can come up with. -WT
  7. Yeah I have Kismet +toHit in Agile and I went for a KD proc in Soul Drain, because I think KD is funny...and useful. But yea 10 sec of boost would be nice but I also needed the 6% fire/cold resist
  8. JEEEEEEZUS, what did I start? Ok after my brain resolidifies, I may have more questions...or none at all. Seriously, you guys came out hard! Loads of great info THANK YOU ALL! I didn't think about low proc % still being affective in AOE/Cone, that's a makes me look at it in a completely different light. Especially +recharge in an AOE, gonna have to retool my SS Brute again. Also, the build that made me ask all the questions has single attacks at 90% chance and AOE/Cones at 70% chance and I placed an ACC in each to bump their accuracies to just over 100%. So, I think I'll pull the trigger. I linked it in the first page, but it's a Dark Melee Brute and I wasn't happy with the damage it was mediocre at best @Without_Pause suggested to me yesterday to build it out on the test server. But, having never done it before, I took the long way-round and ran out of time.
  9. So you're saying 5 procs is fine?
  10. So Brainstorm is the testing server for builds?
  11. This is the build... So take them down to 3 procs at most? Brute - Dark Melee - Super Reflexes_8-Procs.mbd
  12. GRRRR.... I gotta figure out how to use the "test server" and also, where it is...and how to insta-level to 50. I've been reworking a build for DPS and I've got up to 5 procs in a few attacks.
  13. So are you implying there is a limit on how many %procs we place in a power?
  14. O! M! G! I got referenced! LOL Welcome!! I would say back but I never played live so...but anyways this is about you not me! Have fun! Hope to see you in game! I'll be the one with a really cool costume...
  15. Hello all! Time for some WuTang newb-questions... Procs, I think also referred to as %damage(??), is used by many to bump up the damage, but I'm just now really, over the last month, coming to understand how good they are. But I've got questions...cause I got the "I don't knows." 1. What % chance is too low to make it not worth slotting (not talking for set bonus reasons)? 2. AOE/Cone attacks, is the % chance checked with each target or just on activation? Not sure if that's clear, does the proc have a chance to hit each target for full value? 3. Does the proc rely on the accuracy % of the attack it's slotted in to hit? Or so long as the power hits there is a chance the proc hits too? I'm assuming that if the power misses, then the proc has no chance to hit. Does the power's accuracy affect the procs at all, other than misses? 4. If an AOE attack fires off multiple times, like Dual Pistol's Bullet Rain, does each hit have a chance for proc damage? Same goes for something like Rain of Fire AOE, I think this is a pseudo pet though, but still don't know. Somethings I think I understand: Slotting recharge in the power reduces the % chance of the proc going off. But somehow global recharger does not have a negative impact on this. For some reason recharge boost from incarnates also reduces the % chance of the proc. The higher the PPM the more recharge the power can have before reducing the chance to hit. I prioritize by PPM, then by damage type, choosing psi/S/L as my last resort. Don't know if this is logical or me just being anal, but I've seen charts that show Neg Energy being the least resisted, but diversifying regardless might be a better call?? Ok so maybe I snuck some "I don't knows" into the "I think I understand" list. My bad... But any ways...I'm down for some edumacating! As always, thanks in advance!! -WT
  16. The OP is thinking with blinders on. Changing the sell price to soften the blow of an "oopsie" isn't the way to go. They do that, then what of the same "oopsie" made on the AH? What would cure OP's ills and maintain the status quo is to offer a buy back option at the vendors. But seriously, we're talking about relatively small amounts of inf. Suggestions: If you have an oopsie-filled day, run with a Hami league, get those 120 reward merits, go buy a Winter set enhancement, plop it on the AH for 18 mil, and in 30 minutes you could have all your inf back that was lost from many oopsies....and have 20 merits left over. Another idea would be to unload on the AH first then visit the vendor. I price check certain recipes before I vendor them. Good luck out there... -WT P.S. And don't mind @Yomo Kimyatadude's got so much inf he can't see his willy. 🙂
  17. Do you know that you lose all the defensive bonuses from Evasive Maneuvers once in combat? 30ish% is still good though.
  18. Oh and Domination is at ~74 sec - MIDs says 74 but in game it's a couple seconds faster...actually odd thing is Haste is the same way...sorry I digress. Is ~74 seconds fast enough? Cause I was eating through the blue before I T3'd Cardiac. Now though I'm around 75% full when Domination rolls back up.
  19. Yeah I'm baby stepping into the Dom-world with what I know. Control for mitigation is like using down force for traction, I know it's there, but it's gonna take me a few laps to trust it.
  20. Dying while solo or on teams? Are you a hover-dom? Or are you playing the field? I just built an Ill/Fire/Psi dom, my first, so I'm not experienced enough with them to give the level of advice some other folks can. BUT.... Some general advice Defenses: Mine is a hover-dom. She has 45% range defense. This is the soft cap for general play, hard cap I believe is 48%, which is easily obtainable while on a team, if you are already at the soft cap. This means that the bare minimum of attacks will actually hit you, so long as you stay at range, greater than 25ft+, so that you are also out of AOE range. Resistances: Lowers the amount of damage you receive on any hit by type. My Dom's smashing and lethal (S/L) is at ~75%, max for Doms. The rest, well they aren't that high. S/L damage types are the most common in-game and thus maxing them out tends to help survival. So, at 75%, if I am successfully hit with an attack for 100 damage it will only take 25 HP from my precious bar of life. Damage!: Some Vets don't care about either of those because they have a playstyle that needs not those little pesky, trivial survival gimmicks, cause an "arrested" bad guy does no damage. Killing first is a great survival tactic. My experience thus far with my Dom and mobs. I drop Spectral Terror right in the middle of them, then hit them with Gleam, then target boss(es) with Spectral Wall, then start wailing on them. So far, I haven't died... I kill bosses first then work my way down to the minions. Edit: Also, my build skipped all melee abilities. Also also, WELCOME! -WT
  21. @Sovera has a nice Claws/Bio build in: You could use it as a starting point for your build. If you don't have MIDs, I recommend downloading it. It's a great tool to have for builds. Mids Reborn weird...doesn't seem to want to link properly. But that is the name. There is a learning curve but it's not too steep. And feel free to ask questions, the vets here share willingly. AND.... Welcome to COH Homecoming! Prob the best game with an even better community. -WT Edit: Hmm the link did work...
  22. Not that that matters lol.... But seriously, I've hit 50 got her geared out and went with Cardiac Core for the 45% reduction to End use. Thing is, with T3 Alpha it appears, based on a few runs, that her endurance use is under control. I had planned on going Ageless Core to shore it up and nab the recharge, but her recharge seems to be fast enough to have perma-Dom and Haste is off for like 3 seconds, and the attack chain seems smooth. So my question... If not Ageless core, then what? Is there a better option to push the build for more? I've built her to stay at range, so her range defense is good. She's got 75% S/L resist with Cardiac, the rest are basically garbage. I generally default to Barrier or Ageless, but I wonder if she'd be better suited with something different? Any suggestions? Thanks! -WT Dominator (Illusion Control - Fiery Assault)-4.mbd
  23. WuTang

    IO trouble

    You might want to look at all the damage you've slotted in your attacks. IIRC, beyond 2 or 3 you get diminishing returns, maybe slot some recharge reduction and some endurance reduction, at least one or each. Assault same thing, two 50s boosted +5 is better than 3 endurance reductions. I would slot Physical Perfection for the 3-piece set bonus, but then that only gives you 10% speed/recharge resist in total, but I guess that is better than 0%. And surely you could spring for a few PS: Chance for +End procs for your endurance boosters? I would only 1 slot Soul Transfer, dealer's choice, but mine is recharge reduction. Somebody else would need to chime in, I've not played /DA, but I believe it's considered a resistance set.
  24. WuTang

    Why a Brute?

    Balancing a game with so many variables has got to be a nightmare. The only way I could see it would be through the ATOs. It would be madness to have to rework every power set in the game for one AT. That being said... Druids, in a different game, used to have more flexibility, but that was changed for "balance" (personally hated the change). Where one could be both tank and DPS with one build, now it takes two. Brutes could be made to where they could either be built for DPS or tank and possibly have a third option to stay where they are now, which is more gray area leaning either towards DPS or towards tankiness depending on who you talk to... I think this would be incredibly difficult, and maybe not really worth it. I'd be a fan of ATO changes or additional ATOs for each class that would allow for different play, and this could probably be done fairly easily. Limit the sets to two, like now and allow the player to decide the route they wish to take. I like the fury mechanic and it's go-Go-GO! playstyle. I've only been playing since Feb of this year and still most of my 50s are Brutes. Got a couple Scrappers, some Corruptors...etc, and I think holes could be shot through each, none are perfect, and all can be built "wrong" (at least I know mine are all still WIP). I know people that swear Brutes are the best and by huge margins, and then there are those that think otherwise. I honestly couldn't tell you who is correct, but I know I like to play them. Meh, but what do I know.... I'm still in the "honeymoon" phase.
  25. My son runs EM/EA/MM and it's great. Tough as nails, easy on endurance, and does decent DPS. I second (or third, fourth, fifth, whatevs) Mu Mastery. You get 100% endurance and recovery resistance and if you don't want Ageless Core then don't skip Power Sink and your endurance will be fine. Brute (Electrical Melee - Electric Armor)-4.mbd
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