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Everything posted by NotsoevilDM

  1. Mind/Storm controller. Great control, not so great DPS. Stuck at 40.
  2. I am slowly levelling a TA/AR defender. Like most defenders, you want to be on a team. Soloing is slow and painful. Depending on team makeup, I might focus more on debuffs or attacks depending on how we are doing. If we are struggling, I will stick to debuffs to help mitigate damage. But if we are steamrolling content, I will focus on the attack chain, which does include the oil slick/explosive arrow combo.
  3. I love my AR/Dev. At lower levels caltrops is your defence: drop it just in front of you to keep the melees away. With Hasten, attacks recycle fast so you can keep up a stream of 'short controlled bursts' combined with the M30 Grenade for some knockback. Flamethrower needs a different slotting approach that includes range IOs. Accuracy comes from your Targeting drone. At higher levels, you have Full Auto on a quick cooldown, LRM from the munitions epic pool and a turret or two out permanently. Biggest issue is 'accidentally' aggroing the entire room, not that I ever do that. If you don't like the Frankengun, you can swap it out for something more appropriate for your toon. Personally, I still use the coloured version of the Frankengun, but have Field Operative up in missions so you never see it.
  4. /SR scrapper here. The pylons and the blue are Flitz's nemesis in TInpex. Barrier helps but is not a guarantee. Single target attacks against the pylon help to reduce aggro from everything else. A large orange and some greens in the insp tray are his best defence. I also have a Fire/Fire brute. Same story but RotP can get him through the occasional pylon mishap and he does have a self-heal. The blue can still catch me out if not paying enough attention.
  5. I don't have that many toons, not yet anyway. So, I am keeping them all slotted for now, as I still take the few 50s I have out for a few missions, Hami or Tinpex every now and then. I usually don't transfer inf between toons, but I have noticed that a couple of my 50s are building up nice reserves so might start tranferring the odd million or two to help my alts get their first set of IOs at 25. Plus I have a small stash of Hami-O's in emails that will get picked up by relevant toons at 50.
  6. Only started playing again earlier this year and already have a few pages of toons. It's the right way to play CoH. Back on live, when the number of slots per server were more limited, I had at least one team of alts on the French server because I had no free slots on the other servers. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!
  7. Haven't seen it mentioned yet: Tinpex Good for merits and incarnate components. It's a 2-in-1 TF deal and can be be done fast.
  8. I typically have one toon that I am working on levelling up. Once they hit lvl 50 and are all IO'd up (not to ridiculous levels) and their incarnates are slotted to at least T3, I will usually move on to the next one. My main (Flitz) will still come out to play for Hami Raids and badges, as will the other 50s if I fancy a change. Then there are all the alts sitting anywhere from level 10 upwards that get an outing as and when the mood takes me.
  9. Indeed. Energy absorbtion is pretty much a default part of Cryo Magnon's attack chain for endurance recovery. The defence buff is a nice bonus..
  10. Tangent alert! If you want to talk about endurance issues, I am still working on an Ice Armour/War Mace Tanker. Thought it was just all the Ice armour toggles, never considered that War mace was particualrly end heavy. I have finally made it 50 with him and with incarnate powers slotted, endurance drain is now 'manageable'.
  11. I will usually wait for a rez, mostly because I play a lot of melee toons and popping a wakie in the middle of the mob is usually a bad idea. Except for Red Rag who has Rise of the Phoenix pretty much as part of his attack chain.
  12. Like it a LOT!
  13. I was recently on a team that was struggling with Jack, we just did not have enough DPS or healing to counter the mushroom circle. We regrouped and a couple of members switched out to alts and it went fine on second attempt. On the other hand, took on Scrapyard with a small team of just 3 or 4 and although it took a while, we were able to wear him down. What was the difference? The first team was not all level 50s with Incarnates unlocked. GMs are always going to be 'easier' with fully levelled toons and a team lead that knows what they are doing. But there are still plenty of us out there, just bumbling along and having fun with whatever badly slotted toon we are currently playing. Keeps things interesting and may result in the occassional team-wipe!
  14. Flitz: Science Scrapper Martial Arts / Super Reflexes - Can completely avoid damage from 1 attack (per turn). Looks like my forum image which was created with Bing image creator.
  15. I am sure it is probably very challenging to implement but there are plenty of assets in game for alternative MM pet skins: For thugs, there are Skulls, Warriors, and Family For mercenariies, there are Crey and Nemesis For robots there are Clockwork, Praetorian bots and the PPD ones One potential issue is that it could get confusing when fighting the same type of mobs but even that could be overcome with some tweaks to the skins. Plus, we want clowns and pirates first!
  16. Hero: Flitz teleporting MA/SR scrapper Villain: Red Rag Fire/Fire brute Red Rag struggles to hit Flitz but his flaming aura does DoT damage. Flitz can beat on Red Rag but he shrugs off a lot of the smashing damage, can heal what does get through (Healing Flames) and can even come back from getting knocked out with Rise of the Phoenix. In the end, Flitz might have to teleport away unless he manages to stun Red Rag and take him down while RoTP is recharging.
  17. Lead Hose approves of this post. Full Auto FTW!
  18. I did this with Defeat Lord Recluse mission. Went and did some other stuff, levelled up and came back and kicked his.
  19. He is a tough dude. I struggled against him with my Brute and think I only beat him by turning down the difficulty to -1/*0 and munching inspirations. Back on live, there were definitely missions (especially the 'Bring a few friends' ones) that were very difficult, if not impossible to solo for certain archetypes. I think on Homecoming things are a lot easier with people able to solo missions on +4/*8.
  20. The best kind of TF!
  21. I personally like the following combination: /bind leftdoubleclick powexeclocation cursor Combat Teleport Note that you may occasionally Combat Teleport to random locations when using this, but it is nice and intuitive for use in combat. If you are having problems option is to use doublerightclick or I think someone suggests mousechord instead. /bind lshift+lbutton powexeclocation cursor Teleport No need for macros!
  22. I only started playing again earlier this year and only have 3 lvl 50s. I don't farm, doorsit or rush to 50. I am happy to solo story arcs if nothing is going on, but will join TFs or team up with a few of my old friends from live when they are online. I haven't even looked into the flashback or AE missions yet, so still plenty to do. I typically have one character that I am working on - currently my third 50 to open up his Incarnate slots. However, I tend to jump about between various alts depending on what TFs are being run and will roll out one of my 50s for Hamidon, Tinpex or iTrials. I also regularly create new concepts so have a couple of pages of 'in-progress' alts. I have no idea how long I take in terms of hours but considering how long I have been playing and only have 3 50s, I would estimate that I am only getting about one toon to 50 per month. For me, it's definitely about the journey, rather than the destination.
  23. Playing on Little Red Rooster (Sonic / Fire Blaster), I tend to only use Shockwave when I can blast mobs into a wall or a corner. Saying that, I will also use it as a panic button when I inevitably aggro half the room, Not had any complaints so far!
  24. From what I understand, straight rip-offs will get the banhammer. Avoid using copyrighted names and obvious cosutme ripoffs and you should be okay even if your Hulk tribute is just Blue instead of Green and called the Blue Bulk. Damn, now I have to make an alt called the Blue Bulk. Update: Unsurprisingly, the Blue Bulk was already taken on Torch. Created Cyanide Smasher (SS/Regen Brute) instead, Claws / Regen scrapper in a yellow outfit called 'The W0lver1ne', yeah that's getting smacked down fast. Claws / Regen scrapper in a green outfit called 'The Strimmer', should be good even if the costume looks a bit like wolvie's. Damn, now I have to make a Claws / Regen scrapper called 'The Strimmer'. Update: The Strimmer (Claws/Willpower Scrapper) was available. However, while I did make him short and squat like Wolvie, his outfit is different as is his backstory: Landscape Gardener who lost his famiy to DE when Woodvale became Eden. Claws are gardening equipment, regen(willpower) from the very plants he is fighting. I like my backstories to be tragic or funny, sometimes both.
  25. Perhaps because I use them all the time on Flitz, I like the animations for Cobra Strike (palm strike to the smacker) and Eagles Claw (jump up and kick so hard that you backflip to land). I also recently noticed the animation for Energy Torrent (a sort of cross arm pull) which though understated looks cool. And while it doesn't look like much, for pure orange numbers it has got to be Full Auto from AR on Lead Hose.
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