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Goth Bunny

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  1. Released a few: Arctic Porcuspine Silent Sentinel Boomble Bee
  2. Yikes. They were just trying to help.
  3. My games are Black Desert Online and City of Heroes. Been thinking about trying Guild Wars 2 though.
  4. Ahh ok. I must be confusing it with another game lol
  5. My husband has Conan the Mexican.
  6. Is the character in an sg? I think you have to leave the sg before you can delete.
  7. This is happening to me as well. I also arrange mine by level.
  8. This happened to me with characters who had an aura before the costume creator update. After I reselected the aura it was fine.
  9. I love the arts section of the forums! I'm not an artist but I have big time altitis and I thought I would share some of mine. Believe me my costumes are nothing as great as what others have posted so here goes: Honeybuzzer
  10. Worst parent of the year award.
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