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Legion of One

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Everything posted by Legion of One

  1. Game "disappears" instantly during gameplay. Has happened three times, two of which may have followed run+jump. I submitted crash reports. First crash was on Excelsior, second and third on Reunion.
  2. I guess that means the closed testing began in Nov?
  3. Why do The Currator’s posts always get the Nov 22, 2023 date stamp? It’s damn confusing 😵‍💫
  4. Use \title change to open the editor.
  5. So, at this point is it the changes to pool/ancillary powers that are extending the beta testing of this update? Those changes seem to be the most contested and are consequential to all players after all. I wonder if that part of this update can be sectioned off to allow further testing and review or perhaps even expanding the topic to improving the efficacy and desirability of all pool/ancillary powers? This could free up the rest of this great update for release. There has been a lot of talk about what these powers are meant to add to the latter stage progress of a toon in the case of epic/ancillary and the diversification of toons and concepts vis a vis power pools. A whole substantial update could be devoted to this subject, and longstanding bugaboos (worthless powers, lack of alternate power fx for medicine powers, etc) could be thoroughly examined and tested. Just my two bits, and maybe too late to be helpful.
  6. Love a lot of the QOL changes to the UI and wonder if the same treatment can be given to the Mastermind (and Incanate) pet UI. I love my MM’s and have always wondered why the pet controls are so confusing (the ones that are at the top of the pet window). What is called the advanced mode is actually simpler and makes Defensive available. Would like to see just one set of controls with their dropdown mini menus, and also all of the pet commands placed into the power tray (Defensive is not there and is essential to effective control and bodyguard mode (do new players even know what bodyguard mode is?)).
  7. Will Sonic Resonance/Liquefy become customizable? Its colour can't currently be changed.
  8. Please correct the power icon for Patron/Mace Mastery/Personal Forcefield -- It currently looks like an AOM attack.
  9. This is apparently still an issue. Turning off speed effects from "other players" at Null should not disable Inertial Reduction for the caster. But it is, and no one else gets the benefit either.
  10. No, I can still siphon speed successfully. This is a bug.
  11. I suggest modifying the current position on sharing content under development. Without committing to a schedule or making promises, how about trying to toss out a teaser every so many months? Close comments, as this is not an invitation for suggestions. Just provide a disclaimer and tease some possible future updates, power sets, new mechanics, costume options. Make no promises, but share your excitement once in awhile. The silence dampens one’s spirit.
  12. If Knock of any kind had its own additional damage associated with the mechanic, this wouldn't really be an issue. As it is, knock is just disruptive-- it messes up herding, it messes up AOE attacks and debuffs, and it can lead to unintended aggro. If NPCs got an extra helping of damage when tornado flings them around a room, that would be awesome and make a little more sense. Storm summoning is one of my all time favourite sets, but it is build wrecking to have to neuter the knockback out of my power set. Add some + damage, or rework knock mechanics to make them more of a control, such as trapping enemies within a vortex without hurling them away.
  13. Here's my submission for the holiday AE contest: Arc ID: 35230 Arc Name: Homecoming For The Holidays Author: @Legion of One Number of Missions: 3 Description: Abominable snow beasts and dirty little gnomes (elves?) are planning to put the freeze on all of reality! Only by traveling to the realm of men, the realm of magic and the realm of the gods can the sources of this ancient curse be destroyed. Talk to Eistor the Bunny for more information.
  14. Is there an actual step-by-step guide on how to create an outdoor base? This one seems fine if you already know what to do, which I don't. I made a column out of my entrance room by filling in every level. Then I put the portal on top. Now I'm overlooking the unused grid of my base area. Can I balance an entire outdoor construct like the waterfall above on this column I've created? If so, what do I use for the ground level? All I can find is a small patch of grass. The huge still water tile is apparently not able to be placed on my column. I'm a creative person, but the fundamentals of this process are missing.
  15. I can't figure out how to update a published AE mission. No changes I make are ever saved if I exit and republish. Should I be unpublishing, or will I lose my ratings doing that? Also, after I change a custom NPC, the changes never appear. Yet, when I double check the NPC's stats, the updates have been saved. They just don't update in the actual story, and all of the pre-change stats, names or whatever are still there.
  16. I believe the change was made back in the day from uniform visuals to random (players each see different things) because of demands the original design placed on the computers of individuals users. I miss everyone being able to laugh when a car or forklift was propelled... Unfortunately, now there seems to be a bug that's preventing some players from seeing their own projectiles. Not sure if this is related to players not seeing each others' swords, but the viusual bugs are mounting.
  17. Friends informed me that my energy katana was invisible to them, though I could see it. They only saw it during some attack animations but mostly it was awol and I looked like I was gripping something... else with my hands. Similarly, my rifle has been invisible (even to me) on toons with munitions mastery epic pool (powers like LRM and freeze ray). I've noticed that the water blast colours seem to have been changed in the costume file itself. I had saved customization on two toons, and when I tried to load the files to restore the customization I saw that the saved settings were all water blasts in red. The costume creator has been a little kooky as well, changing ear styles and weapons such as dual pistols. Water blast colour changes were reset to red. Most annoyingly, you have to pay influence to change some of these settings back.
  18. Two of my water blasting toons, both with customized colours, have had their settings changed to red. One has bright red, presumably because their customization was bright, and the other has dark red water instead of dark green. I'm wondering if this is related to other glitches in the costume editor, like switching weapons and adding different ear styles that shouldn't be there. I actually reloaded a saved customization profile, and had no success in correcting this.
  19. I have a passkey, but no idea what to do with it.
  20. Yes, this has happened three or four times since re-launch. I've had to change the download location (I think) each time. But now it looks like there is some work being done to repair this.
  21. I can't launch the game either, but I have friends that are playing.
  22. My friends and I have had successes and failures with this mission. As near as we can tell, this either has to do with the non mission holder triggering the cut scene, or the non mission holder entering the mission first. We think it's the cut scene being triggered by someone other than the mission holder. We've been teams of 3 usually, sometimes level appropriate, other times exemplared down.
  23. Interesting. This is obviously working against me at the moment, since I'm actually buying the low level recipes. I'm competing against the higher valued recipes when I shouldn't have to be. As in, I shouldn't have to be willing to pay for a level 50 when I want a level 26.
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