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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. Another Everlasting player here, and this bug has been hitting me pretty regularly. About half the time I enter an instanced mission or my base, Global channels just completely stop working. I can't post messages to them myself, and don't see anything posted to them by others.
  2. Tavaris is wearing "Professor"... His apprentice Kaikara currently has "Trickster".
  3. One weirdness in the video... At the time he made it, that "Apply to Room" process with making one column and then filling the room wasn't working. He was having to do each square individually. He fixed that in one of the recent patches, so "Apply to Room" should work now.
  4. Some things just default to their "inactive" appearance when you're in editing mode, I suspect... I had it happen earlier with the Ouro crystal.
  5. You can... It's just not easy to explain in text. (Watching the base video Leo did about a week ago will help a LOT, since you can actually see the process in action- ) Make a base with a huge room. Pick a square in that room. Fill it in completely, floor to ceiling (People call doing that "making a column") Still highlighting that filled square, use the button in the Room Style box called "Apply to Room" That'll fill in the entire huge room and give a top level working surface. Turn room clipping on Select your portal object from the base entrance room Using the Shift key, raise it to the level of your newly-completed working surface and place it anywhere you want. You can then go back and "fill in" the little entrance room too, if you want. Just like you did the huge room. With your surface done, you can now start placing items up there. When you zone into the base, you'll be up on that level.
  6. Back in the day, I had a ghost. Ashton Fletcher... the spirit of the young sailor you meet in the Library of Souls arc... newly freed from his soul crystal prison, but too curious about the modern world and its heroes to move on. I had a great time with him, though I didn't get to do as much roleplaying with the character as I would have liked. Ashton was an exception, though. For the most part, I've just tended to take the "other path". I make Lore-related, but not strictly Lore-based, characters. My other much-beloved rogue Oranbegans, like the Nemissary, for instance. They were Circle mages, but not the specific ones you'd run into on a mission into the lost city. I think there's more freedom to experiment and explore doing that... Although it's likely to make serious "Lore Purists" angry when you start pushing the boundaries of what the old devs wrote, even if only in relatively small ways. So... there are risks. You have to know going in that someday *someone* is going to react poorly to your Oranbegan Chronomancer or your female Madness Mage because OMG!TheDevsNeverWroteThatSoItsBadWrongTerribleForYouTo!! No one ever gave me the proverbial hairy eyeball over Ashton, but that's probably because he was a very minor, "throw away" NPC. Those aren't really high enough profile for anyone to have formed strong opinions about them. Sometimes obscurity, when picking a Lore character to "adopt", is your friend. XD
  7. As a writer... I'm a damned good editor. (In other words, I stink like a week old gym sock. Those are two very different skill sets. XD) That said, if I *did* have any talent in that direction, I'd build a slice-of-life style anime/manga series for my Oranbegans. It would be 99% humor and shenanigans and minor disasters and the occasional small-scale personal drama... Just with a strange group of fifteen-thousand year-old body-snatching ghosts and their friends trying to deal with a modern, superhero-infested City that most of them don't really "get" quite as well as they think they do.
  8. ** A teenaged girl with dark hair and small, round glasses sits at a table on the dock next to Nick's Weenies, talking on her phone between bites of an overloaded ChiliWeenie ** "No. B... I'm serious! They *all* looked just alike. I mean... alike-alike. Not just, you know, like five brothers or something... but TOTALY IDENITICAL. They were all even dressed the same! "I know, right? It was freaky! But they were about to be eaten by wailers, so I had to-... Ugh! I know! Those blinky little eyes... Sooo creepy... But, I swear. Clones. They had to be..."
  9. Do I detect the presence of a fellow Songweaver player? Hail, daeva. XD If I were trying to recreate that kind of character here, I would probably go with a Kinetic as others have already suggested. If only because the set is a pretty good counterpart to the Aion Songweavers' ability to give their team-mates both traditional healing and the mana boost (HP and END, in City terms-). As for the attack side... Sonic is a definite stylistic possibility and debuffs are always a nice addition, plus it matches well with the whole caster-class "I'm going to slap you from WAAAAY over here!" playstyle. Add an Epic or Patron pool that gives you a DoT hold or imob to recreate rooting someone and you'll have that covered, too. Alas, there's no way for your City Songweaver to turn anyone into a dancing penguin... Not unless we can talk the devs into making us a stigma stone PvP set that procs people into Rikti monkeys doing boogie emotes, anyway. XD
  10. I'm using the thicker wooden docks from about half-way down the Landscape tab... But then, I'm building a pavilion-style thing out on open water. For a more enclosed space, like a regular building, I'd go for the thinner dock parts nearer the beginning of the list.
  11. Never once have I managed to get inside the train cars... I'm going to have to keep trying. I want screens of the inside of the train, too, darnit! XD
  12. Always waiting on that next call from Saul... XD
  13. Not to mention a return to the "raiding rules" would kill a lot of the improvements that have been made to item placement and such absolutely dead... I don't think having raids back would be worth rolling back all of those changes.
  14. I'm a "mostly solo" player, so I can answer question #2 from a lot of personal experience... It's absolutely soloable with almost anything. Some ATs are just faster at it or have an easier time. Personally, in the past I've had the most fun soloing with Stalkers, Scraps, Masterminds and Brutes. The New-to-the-Reborn-City AT called Sentinels are also very solo-friendly. I've been running a Fire/Bio and a Dark /Bio and have had a great time with both.
  15. Anyone who's run into me over on Titan knows that I take screenshots... Lots and LOTS of screenshots.... An utterly ridiculous number of screenshots. We don't have a Blogs or Where-I-Play section on these forums yet, but General seemed as good a place as any to start a new scrapbook thread for the good ones I've grabbed since returning to the game. Because you know I've been taking new screens. It's what I do. And I know you guys do it, too. XD Like so many of us, Anut (Claws Stalker) has spent a bit of time underground... If games have taught us anything over the years, it's that the most direct path to saving the world ALWAYS leads directly through the sewers. And then there was that one time we all fell through the world. I blame Nemesis. The mortal apprentice of a rogue Oranbegan mage, Kaikara (KM Stalker) is determined to prove to her teacher's former associates that she won't ever be an easy sacrifice. Scenic Saint Martial "Okay, when I said this place bites I really, really didn't think that was going to be, like, literal..." And while his apprentice is off getting into trouble in dangerous-looking caves, Tavaris the semi-reformed Death Mage (Dark Sentinel) confronts the source of Aeon City's shocking static cling problem.
  16. I never took part in Final Fight, but I did spend a little time with the Whitmoore crew near the end... After running for so long, it was hard to join as a newcomer, but I did have some fun trying to figure out where Surruna (Who really did deserve the title of "Shyest Hero in Paragon City"-) might fit into a group like that.
  17. I've had great fun with my Fire/ and Dark/ Sentinels, and I've rapidly become a full-on BioArmor fan-girl. My KM/Bio Stalker is growing up to be a monster.
  18. I've seen that a few times with my two stalkers as well... I've just chalked it up to being an odd lag effect. The "hey, you hit!" packet gets there while the "Okay, now to do the damage" doesn't.
  19. I hope not. I got sick to death of having to run those things over-and-over-and-over-and-dammit-OVER-AGAIN back in the day. It's refreshing *not* to have that grind ahead of me here.
  20. Since returning to the City, I always seem to be online at different times from my old friends. So, I mostly solo. Having the IC and OCC chat channels has made that a lot more fun than it might have been otherwise. The banter is entertaining... Even though one of the regulars thinks my disaster-prone, teenaged "Sorcerer's Apprentice" is an abomination who's going to destroy the universe because Magic. XD
  21. I don't think we have any of the low-resolution "old CoT" parts in the costume creator at all... and looking at the hats the revised Circle guys are wearing, they *probably* wouldn't work with player models. (The hats have extended bits that go all the way down the NPC model's chest. If I'm remembering correctly, player-character parts are restricted to one part of the model only, so to have the hats someone would have to be able to "rebuild" those hats without the chest part.) I'd love to have them, too, along with the glowing belts... and to have the larger gloves, caped shoulder piece, Death Mage back-piece and fancier long kilt that that guys currently get ported to female models... But all of that depends on someone having the time and skill to do some modification of the parts.
  22. The character limit is always an issue. It forces us to be creative. XD In the past I've done everything from the text of a simple, white business card that listed only the character's name, his position and the company he worked for to short diary fragments (The Nemissary's bio was an entry from The Unquiet Bride's diary, while hers was a selection from his-). One character had the Poem of Life. Another (a golden lady robot named Metropolitan-) had a bit of dialogue from 'Metropolis'. Another (a Time/Archery guy named Arjuna) had a passage from the Mahabharata. For most I just go for a short bit of in-character dialogue, though. I find that to be a word-count-friendly way to give a solid, general impression of the character as an individual. If space allows, I might also add a separate [RP NOTE] entry at the bottom, or a bit of OOC text about who and what the character is, but I don't always have that luxury. I'm still working on my current Homecoming characters', but here's one of those "Conversation bios" from one of my original Liberty mains as an example. This one belonged to Grey Kestrel, my Rogue Stalker who, even after the railroad-a-rific mess of the Patron arcs, remained exceptionally devoted to Scir. (The 'Cardinal' she mentions was her perma-summoned Adept partner, who was basically roleplayed as a whole separate character unto himself-) =========== "Listen, hero... You don't know us. You don't know jack about who we are, or why we're here. You just see some Arachnos assassin and one of those damned Mu mystics out to spoil your fun, don't you? 'Here to rain on your sunny little parade. Well, it's time to catch a clue, cape... It's not like that. "We aren't your enemies, and this has got nothing to do with Recluse. We're not doing this for him. So get your hands off of Cardinal, and stop trying so hard to make me kill you." ============ That pretty much sets the whole tone of Kes as a person, even if doesn't give away a huge amount of specific information.
  23. This. If anyone is dead-set on having the old-school "unlock experience", they can chose not to equip those items on their own new characters. Wait until they're the proper level and have run the missions before using them. Yes, that takes some self-control. But it also doesn't muck things up for those of us who want, say, an Oranbegan character to start out with the glowing eye aura they ought to have. Personally, I always thought that costume/aura locks were pants-on-head STUPID in a game where character customization was such a huge draw... but if you really want to limit yourselves, there are ways you can do it without screwing things up for other players.
  24. I cheated. Well, actually I sort of ducked the question entirely, which might as well be cheating. Rather than recreating any of my old characters and figuring out where they've been and what they might've been up to for years, I decided to start fresh with completely new ones. They're vaguely related to the old gang... Amun and Anut are members of the same species as my original flock of "bird-things" and Kaikara is the apprentice of one of my semi-reformed Oranbegan magi... but being individuals without the same "burden of history" as those older creations has made it much easier for me to gloss over some details. What happened to the other Elysion Guardians? Amun and Anut have no idea. They only know that they're the only ones currently on Primal Earth. Where has Tavaris been? That's not something he's willing to discuss with his young apprentice. 'Not when she still has three chapters of the Obsidian Librum to read and that new minor binding ritual to practice, anyway. Maybe that makes me a lazy storyteller on some level, but I find myself much more interested in making something new than in strictly revisiting the past.
  25. Adding another data-point, since I've spent the last couple of days leveling my red-side character (For checking purposes, it's Kaikara. A currently-25 Rogue KM/Bio Stalker from Torchbearer)… I have noticed that she seems to get less frequent drops of all kinds than my similar blue-side character. Kai's rate of collecting salvage, recipes and enhancements over the course of normal solo play hasn't been zero, but it's been lower than what I saw with Anut (a currently-32 Claws/Bio Stalker on Everlasting. Both being almost exclusively soloed and the same AT eliminates any possibility that the difference is the result of playstyle-). That's been a little troublesome from a "building resources" point of view, given that merit rewards for villain mission arcs also tend to be lower than they are on the hero side.
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