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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. You'd also have to ask yourself if you were willing to lose a character forever because of... oh, say, a mapserver incident in the middle of a ship raid or a bit of power-delay lag-spiking at the wrong second. Because that would happen. And if it was an automatic process there wouldn't be a "Wait, I didn't do that! Not my fault!"... Unlike taking the Iron Eagle approach and just deleting the deceased yourself manually.
  2. I know you want it to be a fixable bug, Pax, but it really isn't something that's broken or related to the zone changes in King's Row... Depending on the map, that's just not unheard-of, as annoying as it may be. Likewise walking into a map you supposedly have set at +2 and finding a bunch of even-levels instead. I had it happen last night in one of my missions from Shadow Spider in Grandville. I backed that mission down to +1 because I knew I was going to have to punch Crimson in the nose, and *still* ended up with his entire room at +3. Ouch. And potentially a seriously rough fight if I'd been on anything but my KM/Bio Stalker. o_0 It just is what it is. It's not a bug... It's supposed to be a "feature". XD
  3. Just one thing, unrelated to King's Row but important to remember about instanced ("door") missions... No matter what you set your difficulty to, there's going to be some variation in the levels of the goons you run into. Even set to +0, you may see anything from -1 to +2 depending on the map and spawn locations. (Atta's map in the Hollows is a great example of that-) That's not new behavior. It's pretty much always been the case, and it has nothing to do with the zone you're in... It's a property of the instanced maps themselves. Back when AE was new, there was a lot of discussion about the hows and whys of that. Some players liked the variation, some absolutely hated it, but the devs told us all that it was "working as intended".
  4. "1 am L33T b3y0nd L33T!" Ah, fond memories... XD I like that arc an awful lot, too. Me? I've been giggling over Vernon von Grun for the last week. And Becky. Because Becky just rules.
  5. Kaikara… KinMelee/BioArmor Stalker... "Semi-reformed" Death Mage's apprentice... Currently has a summer job as Scirocco's intern. Her Festivus list of Grievances includes, in no particular order: -Minion goons who run away like little babies (Every Longbow Eagle, Tsoo Sorcerer and CoT Spectral on Earth, for instance-) -Av/EB/Boss goons who run away like big babies (Mangle, Arbiter Sands, Castillo... She's looking at you. <_<) -Sappers. *Everybody* hates sappers. -Comm Officers and Death Shamans, because "extra goons but no extra goodies". (She considers DE Rubbles exempt from this Grievance, because they're so darn adorable.) -Cheaty McCheatersons (Like Granites and Death Shamans) who can somehow miraculously manage to summon their adds IN SPITE OF BEING ONE-SHOT ASSASSINATED BY A STALKER, IN HIDE, WHO THEY WERE COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF PRIOR TO SAID INSTA-JIBBING. >_< -... and Arbiter Daos. Because he's a jerk.
  6. I've always hated it when people give "smart-ass", troll answers to questions asked in Help or the chat channels. I don't care how dumb the question may seem to you, it was a dick move back in the retail days and it's still a dick move here. Just answer the damned question honestly, or ignore it. >_<
  7. Dear Diary- I had to go and pick up ANOTHER misdelivered box of wailers today... I think the Sup3rFr31ght guys just really, really aren't very good at their jobs. And their dispatcher won't stop telling me how great his new giant hammer hands are. And how he wants to show the whole entire world his "L33T" body-mods. It's starting to freak me out. <_< Anyway, this time they'd gotten the street name all messed up. The order that was *supposed* to go to the testing department of a company that soundproofs buildings. But instead of going to 2113 Recluse Park East they send the box to 2113 East Recluse Place. That's like, completely on the other side of Port Oakes! Turns out that address belonged to those Malta guys. They'd already opened the box. They tried to "resolve the issue" with a lot of guns and a flame-thrower, even though I told them that that proooobably wouldn't work. But... yeah. You know how Malta guys are. They didn't listen to me. When I left, they were still trying to put out the fires. And catch the wailers. Who were bouncing around all over the place with a couple of stolen Sapper guns. I did get a nice picture of the old Pirate Fort, though. -k ============================================== Diary, I'm kind of worried about Vernon... His project started out sounding fun and all, but I think he might be getting a little carried away. He says he wants to turn everyone in Paragon City into Tentacle Monsters. <_< I am SO not going to let him do that... Some of my friends live in Paragon City, and it would be really, really awkward if they all ended up like Pyriss. When I met her, all she wanted to do was punch me and set me on fire and then try to eat my face. I'm not going to let that happen to B, and Kit, and Aly, and Buddy and Sheep. I just don't know yet how I'm going to talk Vernon out of it... Mad Scientists are super weird about their "fiendish plans". I mean, look at what Lord Recluse has done with his tower. Grandville sort-of looks like somebody forgot to dust off all the cobwebs. -k ====================================================== Dear Diary- I was GOING to try to talk Vernon out of the whole turn-everybody-into-Cthulu thing, but I couldn't get a word in edge-wise. (Grant said he'd been like that all day. Practicing his maniacal rants and Seriously Evil Laugher in the mirror-) I ended up just hauling the Tentacle Monster bombs out to Eden like he wanted, but I *also* took the batteries out of his remote control before I left, so he couldn't detonate them. I'm sneaky like that. XD Eden was really pretty. It sort of reminded me of the forest around the Sanctum's portal in Saint Martial. Only a LOT bigger! Vernon was really disappointed when he pushed the button and nothing happened, of course, but watching him mope around the tower for the rest of the afternoon was better than having to explain to my friends why everyone was suddenly a Tentacle Monster. -k PS: While I was in Eden I got to meet a really interesting ghost. His name was Woodsman, and he sort-of reminded me of that guy who plays Aquaman. Only dark-haired. And with these big, shaggy reindeer-things instead of fish. He thought Vernon's bombs were really going to explode and all, and didn't believe me when I tried to tell him about taking the remote's batteries out. I had to disincorporate him. When he reforms and sees that everyone ISN'T covered in tentacles, he'd better apologize for telling those deer-things to throw rocks at me. >_<
  8. Thanks! It's been a blast reading about Frank's adventures. ^_^
  9. Welcome to the City. ^_^ For awhile, Mr. Coyote and I were among those "refugees". (I even made a blade/chaos-focused version of my favorite CoH Tank-) Eventually we both moved on from Secret World, but it was good fun for awhile there.
  10. Don't make assumptions. I've been an RPG player and GM for many, many years. (My first tabletop game was "black box" Traveller, if that gives you any idea-) I'm currently running Exalted and playing 13th Age. When I say I can't play the game and RP at the same time, it's not a lack of experience in either. It's completely an issue of manual dexterity. I find it very difficult to type out a conversation while also using my keyboard controls to control my character. It's as simple as that. So... yeah. Watch it with that broad brush, Valor. Not everyone is a nimble-fingered multi-tasker with flawless coordination. :-*
  11. Actually.... I can kind-of imagine Recluse ending up sitting on the floor, playing with the kitten and a piece of string when he thinks nobody is looking. XD
  12. Exactly. Just the fact that my base code and the Sanctum's general information are out there means that it's an open base rather than a private one. The "lake house" is meant to be a quiet place for mystical types to do their thing, away from noisy clubs and nosy mundanes.
  13. As much as I loved my PBs, I have to agree about the Photon Seekers... Making them more like the Seeker Drones might not be a bad idea.
  14. I don't farm myself, but I have absolutely nothing against them. Farmers listing their drops help to stock the auction house with goodies, and that's a strong plus in their favor as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Dear Diary- Remind me never to take an office job with Crey. Those guys are just RUDE. >_< Somebody from their bio-sciences research and development division heard about that wrecked-up clone lab I found in Praetoria City, and wanted to ask me what it was like, so I went to their office in Grandville to talk to him about it. I guess he forgot to tell the receptionist or the security guys that I was coming, because they didn't want to let me in. They sent this thing they called a "scorpinoid death-stalker" after me... SCORPINOID!!DEATHSTALKER!! Seriously. They really called it that. It kind of fell apart when I punched it, though. (MindWyrm says that it was probably some new guy's prototype design, and they must have run out of development money before they could armor it properly. Because those Crey suits aren't supposed to crumple up like soda cans. Even though this one did.) I sort of feel bad for smashing it now. 😞 Anyway, since I couldn't find the guy I was supposed to talk to, I went to HR to see if anyone knew his office number. The only person I found there was one of those weird Rikti aliens. She said her name was Kelly. And then she tried to melt my brain. I really, really *need* my brain, so that didn't end well for anybody. And I still didn't find out where that guy's office was... I wanted to try the lab next, but the security goons there were even more obnoxious. They wouldn't let me past the second floor. Anyway, I finally just gave up. If Intern Steinmann seriously wants to talk about clones and labs and giant tentacles and things, he can send me a text. I am *not* going to go back to that office. >_< -k ==================================================== Mad Science is the BEST Science, Diary. ^_^ I ran into Vernon in the Grandville tower this morning, and told him that I was still kind-of miffed about that "wrong portal" business the other day. Vernon blamed Grant for "incorrectly recalculating the acceleration of the dimensional vortex's quantum divergence" (Whatever the heck THAT means-)... and Grant said that Vernon was a "spikey-haired crack-pot who couldn't tell the fourth dimension from Arbiter Sands' frappuccino". Vernon really did seem pretty upset about something, though, so I asked him what was wrong. (He may be a nut... I mean, you know, MAD SCIENTIST and all... But he's a sweet guy.) He told me that his boss wasn't taking him seriously, and that he was afraid that the Union of Scientific Evil was going to reject his membership application again and that if they did he'd lose his Doomsday Weapon Development Grant. So, I said I'd help him with his project. That's what friends are for, right? 'Should have known he was going to ask for Tentacle Monsters. Lots and LOTS of Tentacle Monsters... And some of those Rock Dudes. And a few Killer Mushrooms. And one of those Walking Hedge things. I spent waaaay too much time in smelly caves today. -k PS: The sunset in Grandville was really pretty, though.
  16. Not all of us have the coordination or manual dexterity to both conduct an extensive in-character conversation *and* play the game at the same time. (Heck, some of us can barely do that while our characters are standing still! Ask anyone on the RP channel what my typing is like. XD) So, they may not have been ignoring you or avoiding doing the IC-thing. They may have just been concentrating on kicking goon butts and not becoming Veng-bait.
  17. There are LOTS of us around. We are legion... In more ways than one! XD Though I've been trying very hard to stick to a smaller number here, I was definitely in altaholic territory back-in-the-day. I had something like 60 characters by the end. I did tend to get them to 50 (eventually-) and to finish them with decent builds at that point, but it was sometimes a ridiculously slow process. I pretty much always had four or five in various states of "working on it" at any given time, and I'd bounce between them as the mood struck. I got a lot of "Wait. Do I know this bird? When did you build an [AT/Powerset X]?!" from some of my friends. Now? I've only been here about a month and I already have four, in spite of my best efforts NOT to go alt-a-palooza. <_< Granted, I've pretty much abandoned two of them to concentrate on leveling and equipping the other pair, but that *still* means it's taking me twice as long to get them to any particular point as it's taking some of my (much) more focused friends. Those two are 45 and 43 now. The abandoned pair are 32. That's the down-side of altitis right now, when we're all still trying to get re-established. 'Having your more focused buds say, "Hey! Let's go join that BAF/MoM/Underground iTrial!" while you're still trying to get to 40 because you're dividing your attention.
  18. Dear Diary- There are some really weird people in Grandville... That discount freight company that Dean talked Tav into hiring misdelivered a whole order of wailers, so I had to go out and find them before somebody opened the box by mistake. (Those guys are a SERIOUS pain to catch again if they get out. >_<) The address turned out to be an abandoned warehouse, and it was full of Arachnos goons. They were giving Flambeaux a hard time, again. (I didn't ask her why, but Flambeaux being Flambeaux? It probably wasn't completely unjustified.) She tried to blame it on her robot, but I don't think the bot was the one who torched that Night Widow's butt-cape, sooooo…. Webmasters are REALLY tall, by the way. I kind-of wonder where Lord Recluse keeps finding guys who'll fit in that armor? He must do a lot of recruiting from the NBA or something. Anyway, while I was talking to Flambeaux, that Mangle guy showed up again... It seems like he *always* shows up whenever I'm talking to one of the other girls... So, I thought "Maybe he's being such a pain because he wants to get our attention, but he's just too shy to ask any of us out for pizza or something?" So, I introduced him to Flambeaux. Mangle says I'm mean now. Because she set his head on fire. -k PS: At least nobody tried to let the wailers out. ============================================================ Diary, some things that have been seen can never be unseen... Today my friend Black Sheep needed some help with a really tough Praetorian and her goons, so Kit, and Slushie, and B and I went with her to this huge warehouse to kick their butts. She had called these guys "gimps" on the broadcast channel, but I'm not sure we really knew what she meant before we got there. It was... really, really weird. Like, waaaaay weirder than the D, weird. They were all wearing these crazy outfits and they seemed to WANT us to beat them up. O_o (It reminded me a lot of that fight I had with Silver Mantis that one time. I'm *still* not sure what all that was about... Tav just told me "not to think too much about it, lest I need the brain bleach".) Slushie covered us all in ice, which was kind-of neat. An extra layer over my Thorn armor meant that those people could NOT touch me. Which was a Good Thing. Because... euwh. And eventually we did find the person Black Sheep was looking for, after we'd beaten up about a million of the pervs. Her name was Praetor Duncan, but she likes to be called Dominatrix. I don't even want to ask what's up with that. 'Pretty sure I'm not old enough to know, legally speaking. Anyway, we arrested her. But the memory of that place and all those goons in leather straps is going to last for awhile. -k PS: I wonder if the Paragon DA will try to charge her for contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
  19. Might be something to suggest as a potential "NPC Object" reskin. Things like the party-goers and lab tecs and animals that can currently be placed in bases don't have to patrol around... They just stay in place doing their particular emote. I'm not sure how something as specific as an alts costume file could be attacked to those objects, but that's probably a little closer to something that could actually be done than having them patrolling around.
  20. This started with Going Rogue back in the retail days... It's nothing new. And as someone who tends to main stalkers, I personally love it. XD
  21. They still can. In my experience, while the MM themselves can walk through their pack of minions without any trouble... Other players may not be so fortunate. I've been blocked into rooms and corners, and kept from moving through sewer doorways repeatedly over the last few weeks by both Desdemona's demons and a friend's Dire Wolf. Sometimes you can shove and worm your way through them, but often you can't. ETA: And heaven help you if that massive Zenith Warcry or Malta mech falls over and dies in a doorway... You won't be able to get out past it, either, until the model fades. *THAT* annoys me more than the MM pet issue, honestly. A defeated critter shouldn't be able to prevent me leaving a room. <_<
  22. Dear Diary- Wow. The D is a pretty strange place... When I got there, there was some kind of fashion show going on. Lots and lots and LOTS of people in all kinds of crazy outfits... My favorites were a lady called Sea Hag (Who had snakes for hair!), a big, black werewolf named Black Spiral Dancer and this really sweet extradimensional horror from Beyond. (He didn't have a head at all.) My friend MindWyrm was there, too. I had just dressed in my new black coat and dress, so I didn't enter. Even my armor wouldn't have been fancy enough for a line-up like THAT! None of my pictures came out, though. They were all too dark. 😞 ((Player's Note: Sorry guys. I did try to get some screens of the Friday costume contest, but they ended up too dark to really show off everyone's costumes or to do the winners justice. There were some exceptional ones there, though. I recommend watching the recorded stream if you weren't there in person to check it out.)) B and Aly and Ve showed up after the fashion show was over. There was pizza and we went out to the lodge, because it was quieter than the club. I got a silver medal on the big ski skope, even though I almost ran into a snowbeast. ^_^ I didn't stay there as long as the others did. I had a lot of homework to do and it was crowded and... yeah. I probably should have stuck around, though. It sounds like B had kind-of a hard time and Kit was being a pain. -k =========================================== Dear Diary- Edratarees is cursed. Or maybe the Vault is cursed? I don't know... But there has GOT to be a curse there somewhere. Nobody has luck that bad without the involvement of metaphysical entanglements of some kind. Master Maros taught me all about that. This time he lost an artifact called the Taper of Frozen Flame. A bunch of Longbow goons and some person named Polar Shift snuck in while he and Rob were out getting coffee. (They have to go all the way to Nerva for that. One of Mistress Nomia's hoarfrosts ate their Keurig.) I said I would help them get it back, but I almost got my butt frozen off doing it. <_< -k ==================================================== Diary! I think I know where all the clones come from! I was running another errand for Scirocco, but ended up going through the wrong big, noisy portal-thing. Instead of going to Aeon City I ended up in Praetoria City. (I am *never* going to ask Vernon for directions ever again. >_< ) The clones must all come from Praetoria, because I found a lab full of them. Or... they did all come from there, anyway. That place is pretty messed up now. I don't think they can make any more. And I have *got* to tell Feral about all the gigantic tentacles... SOOOO many giant tentacles. -k
  23. Peacebringers. I had a human-only, a human/nova and a human/dwarf back-in-the-day, and I loved them all. I liked the look of their powers, the sound effects, the shape-shifting... and what was, to me, the added fun of picking out the Quant in the next mob and then going all Killer Space-Squid (or Killer Space-Crab... or Very Angry Fuzzball) on them before they could fry me. XD They never really felt underpowered to me.... But then, I wasn't a serious build engineer/power gamer type, so I probably just didn't go into it EXPECTING them to be All That and an Order of Calamari. They played just fine for what I demanded of them.
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