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Everything posted by FUBARczar

  1. I don't think it has anything to do with the HC team per se. I think in general it is not uncommon that people fear the worst. Given that so little has been said, that leaves a lot to the imagination to a group of people that indulge in imagination, so it is quite the recipe. People have longer memories for the things that go bad like Energy Melee nerfs, and many were let down with hopes of fixing Rage towards the end of last year, but still nada. It all seems like standard fare.
  2. just because a Dominator can solo an AV doesn't mean it should, or that it is even in the same league as other ATs who do the same feat in a fraction of the time.
  3. yeah, it's sad, the momentum mechanic is what makes it unique, and thematically appropriate. It's unclear but there does seem to be hints at its removal, once that happens TW becomes just a slightly different version of WM and BA. Bye bye character, hello homogenous zone. Hmmm, maybe if we got enough people to whine about Water Blast, Street Justice, Staff, etc we can get those mechanics removed as well, since there are people who won't play those sets because of their mechanics. Oh how about MMs, a lot of people won't play MMs because of their mechanics, so let's destroy...err, rework MMs too.
  4. Well, what I posted wasn't an attack or aggressive, it was just a pun, but I guess you had to be there... Ok now about TW. Let's not throw the baby our with the bathwater. TW is not crazy OP, except on scrappers, so it does deserve a trim. Fine, I'm already over it. But the changes should be such that it doesn't harm Tanks and Brutes, for which TW is not OP. I'd also advocate avoiding Energy Melee type nerfs that took a popular top performer and turned into an old shoe overnight. So let's be careful to give it a trim (for scrappers) and not cut off an ear or the whole head. So what do you think needs to be nerfed after TW?
  5. I didn't lose grip on context. What you fail to understand is what IOs offer. IOs open up so many more build opportunities and variety. IOs open up more varied choices from picking sets knowing that you can cover annoying holes or effects like egregious KB. Crying that IOs messed things up is silly. And you can play with out IOs with others that don't have IOs and you can have your vaunted team balance back, so your CC is more valuable, or your heals, or whatever. yeah my Doms do great for Doms and I'd bet better than yours as well, but they still are a bottom tier AT, in that they aren't a force multiplier, virtually no debuffs or buffs, quasi useless pets, less survivability that every other AT really (more or less on par with Blasters), etc. etc. If you actually read some of the earlier posts (like this one) you could have been more familiar with the context and the basis for minor buffs, but you must have been too busy shot gunning a response to do that I suppose. Classic, accuse others of what you do yourself. Lol a stalker does less damage than a Dom, your ignorance is telling.
  6. True it's close to 1.0, Melee is 1.05 and Range is 0.95. I think Dominators are close, we aren't arguing for a large makeover. Just a smidge more damage to bring them more in line with the counter-AT, Blasters. Even is Doms had the same damage scalar they would still do less damage, because the Blaster, Scrapper and Stalker inherents add more damage. Also Doms have fewer melee attacks than blasters have primary/ranged attacks. I think it's interesting to up the damage scalars to be the same as Blasters but in reverse, which would be for Dominators Melee: 1.125 and Range 1.0. Again Dominators would not have a full attack chain of melee powers with the higher damage modifier, so they will still do less damage than blasters, especially when you add the extra damage from the inherent that blasters have. Also moving into melee range is more dangerous, so it's high risk, high reward kind of thing as well. They are still glass cannons.
  7. no they have not all been attacks, not to mention you initiated the reduced-civility. And stating "Your argument is without merit." is not an attack (no need to take it personally), it was meant to accurately assess the argument you were making, and I gave several examples why the argument wasn't a good one. I also didn't cite numbers of individual powers. The only numbers I cited were AT damage modifiers. When I asserted that Doms need a boost (to damage) to have more parity with their counter-AT (Blasters) I gave reasoning, examples, etc. I didn't get angry with you for disagreeing, that is silly. I didn't care for your posts that weren't constructive, or claimed that somehow I had no right to respond to your posts and what not. But sure we can end this, but I may respond to future posts on germane topics with germane discussion.
  8. it was for levity, it wasn't intended to shut down an opinion. It was really just a play on words. As far as TW, it is head and shoulders above other sets for scrappers, but not for Brutes and Tanks. Just hope they keep that in mind and scale it back for the standout scrappers w/o harming the other ATs. Agreed Amen
  9. Wow you do realize that you first responded to me here. Unfortunately you are being ridiculous. For some reason you can comment on my post but you think I can't comment on yours. what??? And then you respond with unproductive, unconstructive drivel like this. Also your response to Coyote was a response to Coyote's post which itself was a post in response to my post See Coyote quoted me. You realize that right? So I was following the conversation.
  10. Sorry my bad, I didn't know that posts on these boards were to be considered as private messages. But to be clear relaying the history is not conveying a point? So what you were saying was pointless?
  11. I did, maybe that person can start an SO-only SG, so all like minded players can team together and find their balance together.
  12. yeah I remember how pathetic Dominators were at the launch of CoV. BTW an "argument" simply means b: a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view. Were you not coherently stating a series of reasons or facts to make your point, to relay the "history" of the game? My bad, maybe you were just speaking aimlessly. And to be more clear: No they don't do more than expected. I think your expectations are of your own making, limiting your PoV. It doesn't really matter if a power is from a primary or secondary set. Do Range attacks have a lower modifier if they happen to be from a Blaster's secondary?
  13. your argument lacks merit. [Blasters] do more damage than you would expect for a [melee] second AT, that is to say it was intentionally boosted higher than it otherwise would have been in order to make them effective damage dealers... OR [Brutes mitigate] more damage than you would expect for a [defense] second AT, that is to say it was intentionally boosted higher than it otherwise would have been in order to make them effective damage [sponges] (aka more survivable), ... Or... It sure seems like many of you run around doing content at level 50 (effectively at -1 after the level shift). No wonder you think a;; your powers are so effective. As I said before, I and everyone I know plays at +4/8 all the time any time, no matter how many people are or are not on the team. And lvl 49+1 pets have marginal damage and survivability. They are more of a hassle than a help really. The are nearly impossible to keep track of, they almost always run off and attack useless targets, and die in 1 or 2 hits.
  14. you can knee-cap yourself voluntarily. You know that right? you don't have to use IOs, they are a choice. You may roll completely unslotted, have at it.
  15. wow, insightful and constructive. I'm on Excel come and show me how it's done then... Bring you Dominator and show me how useful your pets. Bring a Blaster and show me how sustain is inferior to Domination, I can always use vengbait.
  16. b/c it seems you didn't look at the previously related posts. Mez protection and sustain powers can be considered comparable. And call me silly but tweaking a damage modifier seems less involved than revamping an inherent power. Blasters: - Dominators: Defiance (ie more Damage) - More Control (especially w/ Domination) & crashless nukes Sustain Powers - Mez Protection (via Domination) And pets... only maybe Singularity, Poo and the dark hound are worth anything, even then at +4/8 which I pretty much only run the pets are very meh. Can't control them, can't monitor health, hard to keep them alive, they are very marginal.
  17. Blasters have more "defense" than Dominators with higher base HP, with the sustain powers, and some sets have quite a bit of control. But yes Dominators have controls to help mitigate damage, to make them survivable enough, close enough to blasters. In fact, that was my point, that they are comparable on this point. But as far as being a damage dealer, Dominators are not quite where they should be. Dominators should compare to Blasters like Tanks compare to Brutes now. And don't worry Blasters will out damage and should out damage Dominators, but Dominators should be doing a little better than they are. Giving them a slight bump in base damage, and in reverse of what blasters have makes sense, and is even poetic. Blaster's dmg modifiers are Melee: 1.0 and Range: 1.125. Dominators are currently Melee: 1.05 and Range 0.95. Tweaking Dominators to Melee: 1.125 and Range: 1.0 I think fits nicely. Blasters will still do superior damage to Dominators b/c Blasters inherent gives extra damage, having aim+build up, and Blasters also have way more range attacks than Dominators have melee attacks. Not to mention there is still a lot of risk for dominators to be treading in melee range, more than enough for the reward.
  18. Farming builds on farms do not require any mitigation from the primary, so it doesn't matter. In the rest of the game it varies.
  19. if you AFK farm sure you can us Staff or Foot Stomp, but I think Burn works better, so your primary doesn't even matter if the farmer is /Fiery Aura.
  20. I did on live, but Spines is so much easier and as it turns out faster too.
  21. go look at the farming threads, with all the numbers they have posted about clearing times, and influence/hr, etc.
  22. yes, only one AT (Scrappers) has AT leading performance. For Brutes and Tanks it is still good but not necessarily the best. Take farming for example. Brutes farming want to be the most efficient, which is why overwhelmingly for farming large mobs solo on a Brute Spines and Radiation Melee are on top.
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