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Everything posted by FUBARczar

  1. funny thing is now mental is bottom tier with it's feast or famine nature, and poor performance vs a single hard target compared to other blaster secondaries.
  2. that's not the argument I made. I was saying that people are not choosing TW b/c they value concept over performance, which seems to be the case for Super Strength. Furthermore considering this on of the direct effect to a nerf (depending on how heavy handed it is) may be that people would probably abandon the power set and it would drop from being one of the most picked sets to one forgotten. We don't want TW to become the next Energy Melee that was nerfed into forgotteness and only finally barely is being revived. Also a lot of the OPness is only from the extreme builds. Not to mention to OPness is evidenced in unique scenarios like pylon testing for scrappers only. What's next nerfing Street Justice? Nerfing /Fiery Manipulation? B/c the fastest pylon testing after a quick look was 1:03 TW/Bio, But an SJ/SR had 1:15, and an Ice/Fire blaster had 1:23. And there are many other sets under two minutes. So Is TW really that much of an outlier? Is it really soooooo OP? I think it is exaggerated a just a little. It's also true that b/c of all the drawbacks with TW (wind up, redraw, etc.) people still won't play it even if it is strong. And BTW other people tried to repeat the 1:03 time with the same build and could not get below 1:20. So it's only select one out of a select few at this point. Hardly a problem. Pylon Thread Here
  3. sounds good. Just a thought concerning TW before decisions are finalized for what gets tested. It doesn't appear that TW is OP for Brutes and Tanks, and there should be concern about scrapper changes also negatively impacting Brutes and Tanks. So I was thinking (I know watch out), perhaps a change that would preserve the uniqueness of TW (Momentum) and still reign in TW Scrappers a little w/o harming Brutes and Tanks would be to remove Critical Strikes from Rend Armor kind of like MA's Eagle Claw and KM's Concentrated Strike. Rend Armor would still be useful with -res and -def, but it would also lower overall dmg potential w/o harming the other ATs. Or something along those lines, BUT TW should still perform on top if only by the smallest of margins that way we avoid tons of regret and buyer's remorse as much as possible. Remember that so many people choose TW on Scrappers because they want performance. It's not like SS where people still choose it just because they want to be Superman. It needs to be said that we don't want nobody to play TW anymore so let's keep the nerf as more a thoughtful tweak an actual nerfbat and not a real bat. And keep in mind that TW outperforms in one off cases like a rikti pylon. In regular play it's not so OP. In fact I am playing a TW/Bio Tank right now and so many times I wind up and my target is dead before I connect, forget about missing the attack. I think TW is garnering too much attention. And don't forget the redraw.
  4. I never did put words in your mouth, I asked questions as to your meaning. In fact, every sentence you quoted ended in a question mark. looking at what you posted/argued (below) you argued against voting/democracy (albeit by only a portion of all players) calling it "arbitrary "tyranny"". I think saying such warranted questions and clarification. That said, it is perfectly fine for people to post and debate ideas, and then based on merit make some decision. I probably agree that voting on it is probably not the best way. The process would benefit from discussion and selecting via data yes, and also reason allowing for nuance. on that point I think Master of Runs on Task/Strike Forces should require Max Notoriety (+4) w/o inspirations for the same reason no deaths or temp powers are allowed. Can you really be called a Master at +0 especially if incarnated. So I advocate for a new badge like "God of X's Task Force" lol, or something
  5. no, no and no please. Don't remove flavor from the menu. Why would want to strip a unique set of it's uniqueness? We might as well drop Soul Drain and replace it with BU, same with Claws and Dual Blades. How about remove Staff Mastery from Staff? Not every set needs to be the same. Not everybody has to play every set. Please let us retain uniqueness and payoff for any pain. TW is fine it's Kinetic Melee, and others than greatly need attention.
  6. One problem is finding other Doms that can stay alive for a 4-man master run at +4/8. I have only teamed with a handful capable of this like @Mezmera (shout out), @Dayday and a few others. Also when playing with great players like these they don't just spam counter-productive control powers. They know the idea is to stick and move, get the objective done ASAP and on to the next. Most fat is trimmed. Having all the same AT highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each AT more. With this testing I think it highlights that they could use a damage bump, especially without strong access to good debuffs across powersets. This is one of many reason Doms should be compared to Blasters (which actually have more debuffs available) and not to say Controllers. Even Compared to "low" damage Controllers Doms (which are a Dmg AT) underperform. I think all along there has been a sense of seeking some balance between Red and Blue. Just look at the recent Tank balancing. Tanks and Brutes were benchmarked to one another. Then we have Blasters and Doms. Defenders and Corruptors. MMs and Controllers (btw give them the pet control window). Scrappers and Stalkers. BTW here were the powersets on that run: Plant/Rad, Plant/Psi, Mind/Fire and Fire/Energy - it's not like they were all Ice Control/Electric Assault Bruh, can't we have unique sets and mechanics? Not everyone needs to play TW, or any set in particular. Variety is the spice of life. Don;t change Momentum and don't kill the pay off (ei damage) either. Plus remember there are Brutes and Tanks w/ TW and every change suggested to avoid the scary TW/Bio Scrapper will disproportionately harm every other player with TW. It's not about QoL, it's a unique mechanic, that isn't and doesn't have to be for everyone. Not only that, it is also thematically appropriate too. Imagine going to 31 Flavors for ice cream, but there are actually onlt Chocolate and Vanilla... What the...??? Give me some freaking Bubble Gum ice cream!!! Do you know what I mean? I commented on Energy Melee and Blaster Secondaries. Also see my response directly above this one concerning TW
  7. Seems like what you describe was "democracy" (aka mob rule) having a player vote. If they vote multiple times it's like taking mail in ballots of dead people, or people that moved and casting them too. hahaha Also in a democracy many people don't go to the "forums" and participate in the process. So I guess u are saying you don't want any bias from active forum going players, only the bias of the volunteer devs? So you want a smaller elite group to decide everything rather than give at least a few more people a voice/ability to contribute? Yes things may change, but people shouldn't try to be heard or influence the process? Why do you post on the forums?
  8. Fire comes close to about 20% increase in DPS compared to the next tier of sets (Beam, Energy, Water). But overall performance in a full game setting I think Fire is good, and the rest should be bumped a little to catch up with at least (Beam, Energy, Water). That can be done by simply lowering a few casting times, and maybe slight damage bump on a few powers. Take the lowest performer (Sonic) for instance: Decrease the animation time of Shout and Bump the damage of Screech like on Sentinels, widen the cones from 30 to at least 45, and Shockwave deserves a slight damage bump and bring Howl animation down to 1.5 to 2.0. Boom Set is ready to go as a competitive performer. How about Psy Blast? Lower the animation time of Psionic Tornado and bump damage a little with a slightly delayed smashing damage component and lower the cast time of Psychic Scream to bring DPS up to Ball Lightning levels. Bump Will Domination damage to Freeze Ray levels. And done, now Psy Blast is competitive. And so on. Small tweaks like that will raise the lowest performing sets, giving those who pick on theme over raw numbers/performance an ability to compete and not be noticeably weak compared to other sets. And allow min/maxers more choices w/o killing performance. Win, Win and achieves stated goal of balance, another Win. was it Whirlwind haha Don't poo poo passion. Bring something to the table. Perhaps things need to be communicated and discussed from earlier stages. And pretty much all of this stuff in this thread is posted elsewhere and just brought here because of relevance, or thinking that this thread is actually being read by decision makers, etc.
  9. Reality check out how the sets perform here: blaster primaries Ice isn't as good as you are saying
  10. huh? Fire doesn't proc well compared to Ice, Dark, Water, etc. etc.
  11. I hope that Energy melee at the very least get's the mechanic that Dominators have. And blaster secondary sets? hmm if only Dark and Elec sustain powers weren't clicks. Am I the only one who feels that way?
  12. I had a TW Brute on live, and have a Tank and Scrapper now. TW on Tanks and Brutes are not OP. I still prefer/play more non-TW on both. The scrapper TW is a beast sure, but not everyone gets it to that level, just look at pylon numbers. I've seen many people want to play but after they do they don't like it. To each their own. That said a recharge penalty would not be good, it would penalize Tanks and Brutes more b/c it really is only scrappers that "over" perform.
  13. Well WP, and Shield have a half crash, and Radiation also has a small one. Stone, idk what to do with stone. It's a set that works against itself. Very odd. And of course the elephant, T9 Granite makes half the set irrelevant. MoG - haha what's happening there? like this
  14. I wasn't defending it. I simply expressed a desire to raise the tides before you chop the trees down. Ice got Icy Bastion on Stalkers and Scrappers which gives +resistance to all but psi, +regen +recovery + status resist. Stone Armor needs a lot more than a T9 look. Shield, WP and Regen are at least somewhat useful.
  15. It really only concerns Electric, Energy, Super Reflexes, Ninja, and Invuln. But also in a way looking at Dark and Fire as well. Ice Armor is a great example of changing things up.
  16. Do you know the definition of whataboutism? I did nothing of the sort. FYI whataboutism is a logical fallacy where you "argue" that the person is a hypocrite while ignoring the issue Anyway, there are endless discussions about rage which is why that should be settled first. my first point addressed a logical approach towards continued development my second point refuted you broad claim, and narrowed you argument down to really only be about one AT my third point expressed my opinion that feel matters, and like someone else said, they won't play TW because of the long wind up, supporting what I said my fourth point was also addressing priority logic. IDK maybe you work from least important to most, that would be really unique, quirky Sure, I didn't think it was very EMO though, just making a plea seemingly consistent with the posts on the boards to address bugs, things not working as intended or under performing stuff vs requesting nerfs.
  17. The problem isn't control. For instance there is no problem with immob., fear, sleep, confuse. Stuns somewhat and holds a bit harder. The real issue is damage. Since Dominators don't really have any debuffs to speak of it is really the AV fights that drastically slow things down the most, then EBs of course. Doms are still really fun to play, they just don't perform to a reasonable level. B;asters and Dominators should have more parity. They do kinda of thematically, in their own ways, pretty equal but different, except damage output on totally different levels. Blasters: - Dominators: Defiance (ie more Damage) - More Control (especially w/ Domination) & crashless nukes Sustain Powers - Mez Protection (via Domination)
  18. 1: Buff under performing sets before you think about nerfs. Nothing is so broken to warrant taking time away from fixing badly performing stuff. 2: You are really only talking about scrappers, otherwise all of the farmers would be using TW instead of Spines, Radiation or SS. 3: There needs to be some reward for the slow animations and such. 4: Popularity does matter. Resources should be allocated to powersets that would make the biggest impact to the most players.
  19. You looked at Dominators? Really? Because they are still way way way under-performing. How do I know this? Lot and lots of practice. Take the ITF as the testing bed. ITF is good for this because you don't have to worry about too much mez, or heavy psi, while still having a lot of goals/objectives to complete in each mission so even attempting to speed them still requires a great deal to complete, and really engages and tests your characters. It requires being able to handle a lot of max aggro situations, many bosses at once, many EBs at once, and even multiple AVs. Maybe you have heard of the ITF Challenge (On Excelsior)? If no we run short-man Master (no deaths or temp powers) of ITF at max notoriety (+4/8) w/o inspirations. Typically we ran 4-man squads of the same AT. The results are interesting. The current best successful master runs by AT are: Scrappers 14 minutes Brutes 22 minutes Blasters 23 minutes Corruptors 25 mins Stalkers 26 minutes Defenders 26 minutes Tanks 26 minutes Controllers 31 minutes DOMINATORS 32 mins Sentinels 37 minutes MMs never tried So yeah Dominators should be like to Blasters, what tanks are to Brutes, but not even close. For starters, maybe try a simple damage modifier change to be the opposite of a Blaster: 1.125 Melee and 1.0 Range. So you want to nerf TW before you fix a set that is way more popular? Namely: Super Strength? Especially fixing Rage!? That would be super laaaaaaame........... Seriously what are the numbers? Anecdotally I see maybe 1 TW character to ever 10+ SS characters. It's not overperforming, and that's its secondary effect more damage (no control)
  20. you give up a lot (especially survivability) for like an extra 20% recharge
  21. not so fast. So I run +4/8 4-man master ITFs w/ inspirations off for time. We typically ran all the same AT. Current the best times are Scrappers 20:11, Brutes 26:03, Blasters 29:23, Corruptors 29:43. And there have been many runs of each with all sorts of different powerset combinations. Of these top runs I would say that only the Corruptors run was all top tier sets. So as it stands right now Scrappers are way ahead, and Brutes are ahead by quite a bit too. But I am confident that with a better mix of Blasters that could come down to 25 mins, but then again I think Brutes can improve by a few mins, and scrappers can do sub 20 minutes.
  22. Here is the one I run Hover Blaster
  23. Here is a durable Fire/Mental maybe you can fish out some ideas Defense S/L/E Melee Defense and Resists
  24. I say petless if you like to move fast, 'cause the imps also die kinda easily and attack weird stuff sometimes.
  25. That's good, both top choices. All ranged, or blapper?
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