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Everything posted by ShardWarrior

  1. Breathtaking! I shall call them... "Mini Mes"...
  2. This is because the "writers" for modern Star Trek - I use that term for them very loosely - are nothing more than third rate hacks who lack imagination, creativity and any iota of cohesive story writing ability. Love him or hate him, while Trek was under Berman's watch, they were able to create all new characters and series from TNG to DS9 to Voyager to Enterprise by building upon the existing universe. They did not need all of the nonsensical fan service of having someone from TOS on the crew. Star Wars has the same problem for the most part. JJ Abrams is a talentless hack in my opinion. Kurtzman is just incompetent and lazy and his team of writers lack a basic understanding of Trek lore. I will bet real money none of them watched Star Trek other than one or maybe two episodes and one of the TNG films.
  3. Amen. The less interaction anyone has with social media, the better.
  4. While not entirely surprised, I was sadly disappointed with episode 5. It had some very cool moments, however this is shaping to be yet another disappointing Disney Star Wars story.
  5. Alternatively, you can make use of the in game ignore function to ignore people who are disrupting the channel for you. Then you will not have to see their off topic chatter. The ignore function works beautifully.
  6. He just does not do anything for me as an actor. From clips I have seen of the various films he has been in, I do not see anything that impresses me. I should mention I did enjoy him in Moana. I grew up during the era of Schwarzenegger and Stallone competing in the action films of the 80s and 90s. I have had my fill of those kinds of movies.
  7. I have to admit, I have never really smelled what the Rock was cooking. He just does nothing for me to be honest. I think the last time I saw him in a movie was Scorpion King. Pierce Brosnan would be the reason for me to see this, if anything.
  8. Just a slight difference in power and ability between Palpatine and a ten year old with no knowledge or training, no? 😉 That line did not make sense to me either.
  9. I simply do not buy any of this at all. I seem to recall several lines of dialogue along the lines of "the force will be with you always" and the like, so the force "fading" makes absolutely zero sense and seems a rather large stretch.
  10. Yes, they specifically said that the Empire is rounding up force sensitive children, which would include Leia were she discovered. Were they to find Luke and Leia without knowing who they really are, I seriously doubt either would be getting a pass over as a "curiosity." It certainly did not sound like anyone was getting passed over. That was not really my point though. If she is supposedly showing now, why was she not showing again and no one knew or sensed what she was in Episodes IV, V and VI until the very end? It is like her force sensitivity comes and goes on a whim.
  11. This is one of the gripes I have with this show. If Leia is supposed to be "showing" her force sensitivity on this series, did she somehow lose it prior to Episode IV: A New Hope? Luke, Obi Wan, Vader et al did not have any inkling about Leia being force sensitive in the original trilogy. Vader could sense Luke in RoTJ. Did Leia somehow have the force as a kid and then it went away until she was much, much older?
  12. Remember, this is Disney Star Wars. That is a very, very, very strong maybe. 😉
  13. This has been an issue ever since the changes made to spawn points when they (foolishly IMO) made all those base portal changes. GM spawn points have been messed up ever since.
  14. Some people take this game much, much too seriously in my opinion. I will never understand the need to criticize others and to dictate to them how they should or should not be building their characters and playing the game. Honestly, if this bothered you so much, leave the team and find something else to do more suitable to your liking. You save yourself and all your teammates whom you are complaining to a lot of grief. ^This.
  15. I honestly hope this is the case as this would be truly epic to see. However, I temper that in knowing that this is Disney Star Wars which does not have the best track record in handling characters from the original films. I have a sinking feeling that Obi Wan is going to remain the broken old man and it will be young Leia saving him.
  16. So far I am very much loving this series. I have watched every episode several times already, which is something I very rarely do. I just absolutely adore Ewan McGregor in this role. You can really see his passion for the character coming through in his performance. I cannot say enough good things about him. He is so perfectly cast in the part of Obi Wan in my opinion and his performance is so nuanced and layered, McGregor is showing what a phenomenal actor he is. You can see and feel how heart broken and defeated Obi Wan is with the weight of everything that happened on his shoulders. I very much enjoy the "Unforgiven" vibe here - the aged and broken down gunfighter going out on one last mission. My gripes are very minor - I am looking forward to how they wrap this one up. Absolute best of the Star Wars on D+ so far in my opinion. They really hit it out of the park with Obi Wan.
  17. No thank you. This is what PvP zones are for. There are zone wide events and players can earn badges in them. No reason for PvP to bleed over into PvE zones.
  18. The content would not be unknown to you if you were to actually run it.
  19. There is literally hundreds (if not more) of hours of content besides Ward missions.
  20. Why not do any of the other abundant content besides these if you are bored? No one is forcing you into running TFs, Council Radios or farms. There is quite a lot of content you can run other than these. This sounds like a self inflicted problem.
  21. No thank you. If you would like to PvP with other players, there are plenty of zones and arenas to participate. No need for it elsewhere.
  22. You can create a separate base on an alt and then use the passcode for any of your other characters in other supergroups.
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