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Everything posted by Dryfter

  1. I have a costume suggestion that likely wouldn't be too difficult to implement. How about being able to wear brooches as part of our costumes WITHOUT a cape? Many of them are pretty sharp and would look good in the center below the neck where they would usually clasp the cape or next to the shoulder pieces where they would be with a half mantle. This may be able to be done easily by adding a "No cape" option under the cape options, if that makes any sense, leaving the option to choose a brooch still open.
  2. On the semi recent option to hide when your toon was created... I'm glad it was done, because I like choices, but, I would like to suggest that the default be changed to SHOW vice not show. I think that most people do not care if others see their toons creation date, but others (like myself) do find it mildly interesting to see the date. Leave it as an option, but flip the default.
  3. Even with classic controls selected, when I am looking at a side view of my toon movement snaps me to forward (Normal from the rear) view. It didn't used to do that. Is there a way to go back to the way it was before the update? This only seems to happen with newly created toons. Existing toons work as before. Sometimes I like to look at my toons and their various effects from the side while moving. Makes for good screen shots. This issue prevents that.
  4. Torchbearer is where my primary farmer resides and he's loaded (Funds my incredible Alt-Itis). Pretty sure I was untouched by this and if I did get pinged it was very minor. Whew!
  5. I don't think cars, planes and such could be done. It would take too much here. But, I betcha skateboards could be done. Rollerblades as well. Tie them into Super Speed.
  6. I VERY much support this. I started on HC on the TB server, as did my old SG, because we thought the name would cause it to be the most populated server. We failed to take into account the "Power of Stan". That SG is still on TB, as are many of my toons, but I have about 3 times (I have terrible Alt-Itis) as many, as well as my personal SG and base, on Excelsior. This will even em out a bit with the new and returning players coming in with the recent GREAT news, and hopefully it will stay somewhat evened out in the future. Good idea dev peeps!
  7. Maaaaaan... When all of the servers were down for a bit this morning I feared for the worst. Turns out it was the BEST! Congrats GM peeps!
  8. Maybe a bandolier full of knives as a costume option to go with this. I like it!
  9. Maybe allow a catalyst to work both ways. First one attunes it and second one returns it to its original level?
  10. I don't want all of the crazy things that are being asked (demanded) for on this thread, but I WOULD like 4 slots at level 50 vice 3. Just one extra little rounding out the toon slot. I know we can't all have all slots full and all powers for everything. That would make everyone Superman and make the game MUCH too easy, and it already IS pretty easy. And to the guy who thinks he can't have his Scrapper fly while having all of the other powers he wants, I have dozens of fully decked out bad arse Scrappers and ALL of them have a travel power. Not to offend, but you're doing something wrong. On another subject... I really really really REALLY want dual auras. PRETTY please?
  11. Have you gotten to the mid 30's with this set yet? I've got a level 35 Storm/Time Corruptor and I think the set solo's GREAT. Won't be everyone's cup of tea though. It's a planning/takes a wee bit of time to do the damage set. Not as much instant gratification when compared to sets like fire.
  12. Homage toons that don't cross "The line" are great. Have a few myself, such as "Legacy Vell" (The only thing he has in common with Mar-Vell is the color scheme and the star). But I am WAY sick of seeing toons such as Cycl0ps, that look just like the comic book versions. It not only puts our game in danger, but it shows a complete lack of creativity. The costume creator in CoH is QUITE rich. There is zero need to copy the talents of others. I report them. EVERY TIME.
  13. Been looking forward to it too, unfortunately I can't seem to get the game running. Gets halfway through the download and closes 😞
  14. I was just talking about this ingame yesterday. I'd love to have 5 or 6 different animations to pick from.
  15. (My you are an angry fellow...) I am suggesting an additional choice. If you do not want the choice Greycat, that is fine. Perhaps others do. Flavors are good things, most of the time at least. Take off your shirt and stomp out the fire under the collar. Sheesh.
  16. Thus far Greycat, the most compelling argument that you have made is that YOU don't want it. Ok. Very cool. Start or join a SG that doesn't use it. I suspect that many or even most won't. Don't take away the freedom from those who might enjoy having another option.
  17. Holy cow are people making more of my suggestion than it needs to be. Each SG can do whatever they want to with it. Super Groups actually used to actually be a little different from each other and more than just a base. If it was enabled, I'm sure many would do nothing at all with it, and that's fine. But the ones who do might actually have to TALK to their members. Maybe even have meetings like we used to do back in the old days. For those who chose to make it matter, the ranking system within the SG might actually mean something again. And if you don't like the way your SG is handling it, change to another. Everyone has a fully decked out base these days anyway. Lot of choices on how do handle prestige is it was enabled, including doing nothing with it at all, which is the only choice there is now at all. Just trying to find an easy way to add a tiny bit of more fun to our already crazy fun game.
  18. Heh. Now I'm working on dinner with no time to play. Figures... Enjoy Super Duper folks! Look for me as Ghost Bow on Excelsior in an hour or two!
  19. Switching back and forth from keeping up here and reading "Heroes in Crisis" on dcuniverseinfinite.com on another tab.. Good stuff. Love having a gazillion comics to choose from at any given time to read. 🙂
  20. Having some fun here today. Love you stupid little cartoony in the glowing box on my desk people :))))). (Except for you villain's. You're mean and smell of elderberry's 😉)
  21. I'm a hardware tech. If I forget to plug something in I tell the customer there was a "Discontinuity of electrons". They generally accept it and are dazzled by my brilliance 😉
  22. Used to LOVE tabletop Champions. My old Brick Shatter was a powerhouse...
  23. Odd... This happened at about the same time I found that glove with the gems on it buried in my backyard. It looked so pretty I put it on and snapped my fingers. Did I do something bad? 😉
  24. It is an imperfect world, sometimes things break, and Venus is very far from my backyard. The HC team does a GREAT job, and this kind of thing is bound to happen from time to time.
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