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Everything posted by cranebump

  1. Eisenhower warned us, didn't he?
  2. Now, now, Ozzie. You don't really remember all those lyrics.:-)
  3. I forgot. I used the Storm Korps in my Leviathan arc.
  4. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Sand_Kings i used this as bg lore for an arc long ago, but none of the guys are named. I can’t remember if M1 was one of them or not but I scripted him as one. https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Tank_Badge
  5. Synapse and Cit both cause me to do 2 things: (1) Sigh and say, Should I? (2) Check the clock to calculate how much of my dwindling game time it's going to suck. Syn just feels repetitive and boring (as does Cit). But I think you can take out some of the suck by doing 2 simple things: -removing the hunt mish and the patrols (they're not difficult, but they're unnecessary relics) -placing Bertha in Steel (to split the TF discretely into 2 component "parts" by location). Removing all the suck would be a bigger endeavor. We're talking rewriting the thing altogether (and maybe shifting some of the focus to Boomtown, the way Pos uses Faultline).
  6. I have never tried this. I don't use "defend object" much at all (I'm trying to recall the last time I had that as a mandatory objective). So I have no feedback on reliability of the effect. However, I think you might already have your own answer concerning its efficacy. If you tried it, and it worked on multiple, successive tests, with the same settings and the same map, then the answer to whether it's reliable is likely "yes-in that instance." If you've done it across multiple maps, then the answer is likely a straight up "yes." That said, I wouldn't discount "I got lucky." AE can be fickle. That said, even if it does work the way you want, I'd think twice before forcibly exiting the player with a mish failure effect. They'll register it as a failure, whether it "actually" is or not. All the aftermath text I write isn't going to wipe away the big ol', shiny MISSION FAILED that just appeared on their screen. They don't like that, even if the actual consequence doesn't affect the story a bit. In the end, you get a (sort of) cool narrative effect, at the cost of inflicting a failure upon the player, in a situation where they had no opportunity to circumvent it. I think they'd perceive that as simply unfair.
  7. Ugh. Yeah, THAT PI one (and its ilk) is particularly bad.
  8. Yeah, having to sweep when the zone is above level is a real pain. When I'm running arcs, I bounce between 2-3 contacts. When I feel powerful enough to do a sweep (the one where you're supposed to go to Steel and you're 2 levels below the zone minimum), then I head there and do what I gotta. Worse case scenario: autocomplete every now and then.
  9. I didn't catch any connection between Kellum and Malta in her arc, but...I did get jumped by them . More than once. I also got ambushed by Nemesis, as well, so...best I can figure, Kellum's information security protocols are, em, less than airtight. I haven't played her second arc yet, though, so...maybe something there?
  10. Got a special one for y'all tonight. Evidence that CATCH-22 is a bestseller in the CoH universe: You think you're as Archon as me, bro? Guess again.
  11. Nowhere. I played Civ 5 and 6 (and still do, though I wish some elements of 6 were in 5, since I prefer it, overall).. Did Star Trek Online for a short while. Thought about revisiting Champions, but then remembered my previous experience with it.:-) Played a lot of Tabletop when I had local groups. Now, everything's online, including my Dungeon World crew.
  12. ba-dah-bump-CRASH!
  13. Maxwell Anderson sez: Man...Crey and Nem sure are, um...thorough. Then again, a bit inefficient. 16 pieces to destroy. Maybe I should wait til they build it, then just before they activate it... (sigh) Okay, no nuke from orbit. The only way to be sure is to eat the cake one forkfull at a time. P.S. My favorite part of this arc was when I zoned in through a lab door, saw a group of Nemies, popped my Mutations power and turned into a monkey...just as those long ranger dudes spotted me and opened fire...that was boss...:-)
  14. Upside to the whole thing: 52 merits upon completion (and some sparring with Ms. Crey herself). And there was a Kraken team recruiting right next to mish door, so I picked that up, as well. Yippee!
  15. This one was about 40% break, the rest regular glowies.
  16. Getting close to finale on Janet Kellum arc. Time to take out: ...riiiiiiiight... (This is where you need the option to nuke the place from orbit)
  17. General chat is not part of my standard setup. I'll have Broadcast, LFG and Local open. I "listen" a great deal more than I chat. Unless I'm on a team, and it's a "snappy" one that gets all (well, any of) my dated references.
  18. Good point. He's full blue. I'll change alignment and see if that's the problem. Thank you.
  19. Not to mention the whole super clothes family. Superpants. Supersocks. Supersupportgarment.:-)
  20. First: I read the TP guide, below. Maybe I missed what I'm looking for, but here is my issue: Tested to see if portal/destinations were linked. It appears they are? But then when I go "live:" I deleted the original small portal and tried a second one. No dice. Also switched portal types: Same thing. I'm pretty sure I've used these rings for normal TP egress on a different base, and everything was fine. I must be doing something wrong here, but I'm not sure what.
  21. Bad news. You can't set an ally to patrol. They'll remain there until freed, then they'll obey the command given them when freed (Follow, Do nothing, Run away, Run to nearest door, etc.). As far as actual patrols go, you can only assign enemy groups to patrol, and the patrol will only spawn as members of the group. There is no single patrol member, afaik. I suppose you could try to create a patrol featuring something like an EB or higher, and hope it spawns a single member. But there's no guarantees. Best bet is to maintain the single ally spawn, have them announce they're remaining where they are to "patrol the area" (then use release command=Do nothing). It's either that, or have them spawn close to a door, and, then freed, they can say, I'll check out (insert area A here)., while you (insert area B here)! Then give them the Run _____________ text. They'll then run off somewhere, at least. Assuming they don't glitch and follow you everywhere (because that sh*t happens, man).:-)
  22. Forgot about this before, but I did steal a costume idea from this guy: Kept the basic color scheme, but my guy (Souler) doesn't show off his gams like that. Also gave mine gloves. FYI: this character was repurposed as this guy for the Brit audience: (aka Marvelman), and both of them were inspired by this guy: Everything is an homage, to an extent (I am a part of all I have met). Direct copies? Another story. Oh, and off subject, but here's something: How not to draw a natural-looking figure. It's like we were using a not-fully-posable doll as a model. Either that, or hombre's been riding bareback for hours and hours in his civvie guise.
  23. AE XP awards are less , so as to keep regular game mishes paramount. Just make sure you're running X2 XP when farming.
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