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Everything posted by cranebump

  1. Well, gang, Acrobattle got demoted due to 100 days of non-activity (boo!). I have done some minor soloing with my other Riders, but play time overall has been less of late. I do have Tracklash stuck in the 30s, so my latest Rider project may be to get him to 50. I'd also like to develop another "Armored Suit" hero similar to Hydrofuse (a Sent I have on Excel that I really enjoy running). Having done Water Blast/Rad Armor, I'm looking for something pretty trade-Energy Blast/unsure. With yet another Regen discussion on the boards, I considered going with that as a Sent secondary, along with Weave/Toughness to cover some gaps (and maybe Sorcery to get RoP for additional defense). Be interesting to see how viable a toon I could get with something like that (at first glance, it feels a bit fiddly and clicky). Since I'd be solo running a lot, I can use all the KB I want.:-) Anyway, my next run is THU evening (tomorrow, 21 SEP). Whatever I'm doing, you can hit me up for a team up. 'Til then, Ride On! (those of us who are left).
  2. With the latest entry done (Turf), casting about for a new idea. Considering a random story elements generator. And the Asa Ronan follow is still lingering in the mind.
  3. Ah. Well, then...that confirms my complete ignorance on the subject.:-) (I'm actually interested to know this, as well). As for your current dive into the deep end, I look forward to your report. (there WILL be a report, yessss?):-)
  4. Very well, then. I guess if we need to get technical, we should take a look at what you asked: I've been wanting to use the Regeneration set for a while, but after looking it over, it seems to have extremely limited Def/Res. So making a Tank, Brute, Scrapper, etc... utilizing this set seems like it would be tough to survive. Or am I missing something? I get it allows you to gain HP back at an accelerated rate and has self heals, but is that (good) enough to survive / offset the amount of damage coming in? Yeah, I "edited" that a bit.:-) Anyhoo, here I'd still ask: to survive what? Are you wanting to breeze through +4/x8? Or have a casual story run? Then again, if you're just looking for every response under the sun, I'd say we have a Mission Accomplished there. In any case, I commented about the parameters of your request because, if I don't know what your "(good) enough" is, I don't know how to give you the best information (or whether to provide any at all, as what you desire may not lie within my level of expertise). Plus, everyone will respond with what they consider "enough," since they don't know what you want. Which leads to this free-for-all, meandering journey back into Regen. Again.
  5. Feels like the assumed litmus test for a lot of folks is “will it solo overclocked mobs, mishes and bosses.” Might pay to ask the OP what they consider “good.”
  6. Yup. The “notices the PC” dialogue. It’s a thing, and it suuuuucks. I’d like to say it’s a bug, but, by now, it may as well be a feature, considering all the ways I’ve tried to work around it. This is why you sometimes have to spawn bosses sequentially, if you don’t want them all talking at once. Wish I knew why it as this way.
  7. I'll give it a run when I get a chance. Upcoming weekend is busier than usual. Was this the arc on Mollywauk's twitch channel?
  8. It's a very effective power, and is now a major part of making the game even lazier -- er, em, that is, more "convenient" -- to play and succeed.:-)
  9. I've only run Regen past L20 on a couple of Sentinels, and it's...okay. But, if I wanted it to do what other, more diverse sets do (lake Rad Armor, which gives me +regen, +res, a self-heal, and a Pboe that also heals allies), I'd have to cherry pick from ancillary pools for other powers. Since this is the case, it makes more sense to go with what already has diversity built into it, unless I'm running a theme toon. I wouldn't go so far to call it trash, probably because I'm not a min-max build expert. I'm not a complete idiot, either, though, and, in my less-than-full-expert view, the set feels like it's significantly more work to create a build to take on more than default mission play. For a casual-play toon, though? It's fine.:-)
  10. Next time, try this:
  11. It's probably okay to overtune your bosses a bit, because (a) people running AE probably run with min-maxed PCS anyway, b) players CAN use Insps, c) Players can also bring help in, if need be, d) players can use signature summons or other pets. Most of all e) you can't plan for everything. One ATs impossible boss is another ATs breezy encounter. If you really do want to balance damage, you can try remove the offending attacks (like Hurl). Otherwise, trust the players to figure things out. As long as you're not intentionally trying to build impossible bosses, it seems to me you've done your job.
  12. Retrograding IS an option, alright. Esp if you’re on some form of blaster, as I usually am. I was running Water/Rad, and had to eschew the 1 Pbaoe Rad attack I have, save for a couple times when I timed my escape right. Mainly kept hitting with Sentinel vulnerability mark, used absorption+self heal when he managed a melee on a pass by. I didn’t get him locked into the lava until just before he went down, when the KD kicked in twice in the blasts. My End is excellent on this toon (though damage is meh), so I never worried about blue bar. I was plain out of red insps though, so this dragged.
  13. Got the notion I'd solo Hess TF with my semi-puny little L32 Sentinel (TF lvl capped at 30), which was fine, until Archon B (AV) battle. Went around and cleared minions and turrets after the first engagement. Couldn't take him in a stand up fight, so... Lava. Lava is your friend... It was quite the lengthy dance, but finally burnt that bastard. (and thinking now, "Why did you skip Hover, you idiot?")
  14. Promises, promises.:-)
  15. Make their experience positive by showing patience, generosity and plain ol' good manners (I could say this about all PUGs in general, of course--especially since I've run into a few more examples of the opposite of late).
  16. That "film criticism" encounter made me lol.:-) And I had no idea Double Indemnity was a book (and that the author also did Mildred Pierce and The Postman Always Rings Twice). I feel edumacated!
  17. First time out of AP, on what I think was my 2nd character (on any MMO) ever. Zoned into KR via tram. Bounded off the Tram, starting running toward the Detective contact that just popped up, and... I suddenly get hit by electric bolts coming from somewhere. No travel power, no idea of the geography of the zone. Didn't think about tabbing targets. So I just bound around - like I'm playing "the ground is lava!" - until I fall over a fence and just die, never engaging with - never even seeing - the stupid clock spawn that's always lurking around the power station/culvert area there. Pretty sure I gave some witnesses an awesome show of noobness, though.:-)
  18. Same here, obviously.:-) I also avoid Shadow Shard arcs and Croatoa. So....I'm thinking my impending Kheld might have an interesting path to tread.:-)
  19. Well...I'm obviously on board with this.:-)
  20. While reading this thread, and ruminating on what I've yet to do, it just occurred to me: I've played exactly one Kheldian (and for less than 10 levels). So...I guess I know what to do next (especially as they're supposed to have their own storyline?)
  21. I just hate Freaks. I feel about them the way others feel about Warriors -- pointless and stupid. And yet, there they are. All over the place. I'd personally like to get rid of them, but I have no basis to justify the suggestion, other than my unending, irrational hatred for these stupid, dumbass, piece of s*** m**********rs.:-) (pst...I do not like them) That said, I'd not replace anything. I'd update nearly everything, expanding "horizontally" (telling more stories within the level bands these groups inhabit). I'd develop more synergy between groups and their agendas. I mean, they all should be united in kicking the good guy's asses, right? Anyhoo, as to the question at hand: UPDATE: Another vote for Council in endgame mode (MOAR GIANT ROBOTS!) UPDATE: Another Legacy Chain vote. . What happened to them after they were smashed to bits? Surely there were some survivors. Wouldn't they try, try again - maybe compromise their principles a bit, due to the mission and the environment? Adopt an "ends justify the means" approach? Was going to mention our favorite plant blob thingees, but this: ...is better than any suggestion I could make. This one is interesting... ...but problematic. As already stated: Arachnos is too deep in lore to extract. And Malta actually causes some players to pause when they appear (gd Sappers...). That said, I feel like you can layer in this proposed group over the top of what's already here. Schisms in both Arachnos and Malta, leading to a strange alliance, ultimately headed toward a collision as they achieve their ends (Okay, now that we've one, WE'RE in charge- not you.). That could certainly make a cool endgame arc. I mean, I assume it would. I don't play a great deal of endgame content, so I'm probably the wrong person to comment on that.
  22. That sounds about right. I’ve been caught in the middle of them a couple times. I sorta like them. Reminds me of dem old daze, when I’m sitting there between solo mishes and boom—bunch purps roll by from someone else’s high level mish. I imagine we get less of these since regular mishes aren’t run as much?
  23. I have 1 L50 on Torch and he’s not optimized (he’s a trad leveled toon). But I could port one of my others from Excel over. I have a couple that don’t get much run anymore. I’ll look out for ya mayhap!
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