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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. Ah yes - now THAT'S the detail I was looking for!
  2. I tried to enhance Kara Skye here and was initially unsatisfied. Something about the face the system seemed to get wrong. Made her look cross-eyed and just... Wrong somehow. I guess it was triggering an "uncanny valley" response in me. So I went over to the side and opened up the "advanced options" and started messing around. And I bumped some sliders back and forth and got something rather unexpected. The face and body was MUCH closer to being spot on. But the details in how it all was rendered... Well! Looks more like an OIL PAINTING that you'd hang up! Not precisely what I was going for - but I'll take it! As Bob Ross might've put it - a happy little accident! ๐Ÿ˜†
  3. I suppose the advantage for enhancement of a Mecha based character is that most of the work has already been done FOR the AI interpreter already in the form of sharper more defined angles and such. EDIT: Interesting how it re-interpreted the head design as more of an integrated smooth look overall rather than the rather distinct pieces making it up in the game.
  4. Original Screenshot of Cyberman 8 And - how Krea interprets it. I might not have put quite so much segmentation into the metal - particularly the helmet - but the fact that Krea properly "GOT" that a "metal" look was what the intent was is impressive. Also - I'm not sure - but I don't think the shoulder details quite match. But still - the overall effect is about 98% spot on! I'm happy with it!
  5. The absolute ROASTING in the comments section is hilarious and incredibly ON POINT! -------------------- "Close your eyes, What do you see?" "I see todays sponsor: Raid Shadow Legends" -------------------- "Close your eyes" Alien: "I can't" -------------------- Youngling: "I see fire" Master: "Wrong universe" -------------------- MASTER "Close your eyes, what do you see?" YOUNGLING: "THE MESSAGE!!!!!" -------------------- โ€œClose your eyes. Your eyes can deceive youโ€ฆ tell me, what comes into your mind?โ€ โ€œA perfect ESG score, Masterโ€ -------------------- "Close your eyes, What do you see?" " Harvey Weinstein" -------------------- "What do you see?" "Disney stocks going down and down and down" -------------------- "Close your eyes, what do you see?" "The Cult of Personality" -------------------- Jedi Master: Close your eyes. Youngling: ...I don't wanna, Hollywood has a bad track record with younglings... (oof...) --------------------
  6. Now this... this is EVIL. Also nerdy - but EVIL!!!
  7. Ah yes - one of the all-time classics of Mecha Anime! And almost unbelievably - it's by "Kill 'em All" Tomino - the main driving creator behind Gundam for most of it's existence! This was basically Tomino "chilling out" and relaxing with a COMEDY series that spoofs all the major tropes of the Robot Genre as it had become at that time. Or - In other words - somebody slipped Tomino the GOOD STUFF and he got extremely high and mellow and produced this cross between a Giant Robot show and a Monty Python movie! TOTALLY off-character for him when you see all the rest of his work!
  8. I never in my life knew I needed the energy of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman ("You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian shit!") AND at the same EXACT moment combine it with the relatability of Private Hudson from Aliens ("Well, that's great. That's just fuckin' great, man! Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over!") in one supremely hilarious over-the-top improvisational stream of consciousness bit of badassery! My GOD my sides have left ORBIT from laughing so hard! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  9. Any word on Sister Flame and her family? Would love to see her post about re-discovering City of Heroes!
  10. Apparently I broke the link above when I was editing it. Fixed now. I've double-checked it now and it works properly. That's my source above at the link.
  11. Unfortunately, this game production is involved with the infamous Sweet Baby Inc. - you know those people who were involved with such flops as Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Starfield, Forspoken, Saints Row Reboot, Gotham Knights etc. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13860172/companycredits/?ref_=tt_dt_co#production Sweet Baby Inc basically is not in the business of providing good writing for games - but in consultation services that oversee writing points that involves making stories in games more "woke" so that these games can pass ESG quotas for investment firms like Blackrock etc. In other words - they make stories bad and cringe to satisfy evil corporate overlords who know NOTHING about the properties, lore or what gamers really want or care about. And in fact - they actively take note of what gamers want - and go in EXACTLY the opposite direction 9 times out of 10. Therefore expect that this game will be as terrible for the lore of Indiana Jones as "Dial of Destiny" was. Don't bother with this one, folks. It's Dead On Arrival.
  12. I'll say it again so that all may hear. I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY!!!! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘
  13. I have confidence that 90% of the people in these forums would get the reference above. For the 10% who don't - here ya go. :D
  14. "WTF? Did you just..." "NO WITNESSES!!!" *SMASH*
  15. Dang! She's got that Pixar Mom booty going on! ๐Ÿ˜… This is not a bad thing. ๐Ÿ˜
  16. Random Seer in Imperial City, Praetoria: [NPC] Seer: Yes, you did leave it on. You should return to your home now, Citizen. (As in - the stove - like in the opening to the Deadpool movie.) ๐Ÿ˜…
  17. Holy crap! FOLKS! THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT!!! WATCH IT!! I'M NOT KIDDING!! This ties together almost EVERYTHING WE LOVE!!!!
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