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Everything posted by Troyusrex

  1. On my Kin I'll also spin up repel and go into Perez and go "bowling with skulls". If you are significantly higher level than the mobs and have fully slotted knockback they go a VERY long distance. I like Perez because it often has large groups of skulls.
  2. When I'm feeling mischievous I'll log onto my kin defender who has speed boost slotted with max +running. This puts them at max run speed for all regular movements. Most people aren't used to that and have a difficult time controlling their toon. Too much of a good thing... Anyone else have anything they when feeling mischievous?
  3. It's a great power, making you super tough for 3 minutes (which is quite a long time). The crash is not ideal, but I can't remember ever not finishing off my antagonists before it ran out. I only use it in tough situations, but it allows me to jump into a large group of 54 bosses and survive.
  4. You are totally missing out then. Kuji-in Retsu is an amazing power that lets you fight pretty much anything. Yes, the crash is a problem, but you have 3 minutes to defeat whatever you are up against, and that's a huge amount of time. I also one-slot it, but I think if you start using it you'll find it's a very nice power.
  5. Congrats!
  6. Look, I know I should go to null gull for every character and change it so that group fly doesn't affect me, but I haven't. Your using group fly in this way would annoy me as well. That said, I would assume responsibility and take a side trip to Pocket-D instead of asking you to change your playstyle.
  7. Gamma was indeed the problem! Thanks for the quick response!
  8. Probably. I have it set to auto update. Assuming that's what happened, what's to be done?
  9. Maybe it's my settings but it's impossible to play in teams anymore let alone leagues. Everything is so bright with explosions and bubbles and color everywhere that I can't see a thing. I've been playing for over a decade and it's never been like this before. Below is an extremely typical image of an average fight. Thoughts?
  10. I'm partial to an empath because I find the Adrenalin Boost (AB) +recharge to be great. The +regen and +recovery don't hurt either, but not fully needed. When farming actively (instead of automatically) I use a fire/fire/fire blaster and AB.
  11. My recommendation is to just let them die and not tell them how to play. If they verbally get after you first, then it’s fine to defend yourself and point out what they are doing to contribute to their own deaths.
  12. I don’t have Mids loaded so I can’t talk specifics to this build, but the general advice from @Maelwys looks strong. Procs are very helpful. My one specific is that if you are going to do PBAOE then strongly slotting hot feet for slow makes a tremendous difference. You can’t hurt people if they run out of your radius. Without a good boost to the slow effect hot feet will simply drive everyone away. My very extensive experience in this shows that slow is far more valuable than damage on Hot Feet.
  13. For a couple of years I was making thousands of trades a day. Even had a fair amount of automation going. But then the systems started to reject more and more transactions (with the note: "Please wait a moment."). At that point it stopped being worth it. My gig was buying packs, opening them en mass, converting the enhancements until I got saleable ones. Rinse and repeat. Quite profitable. 5% if I just dumped the cargo. 50%+ if I used converters and priced things not too aggressively. ABIG added bonus is that I ended up with a thousands of useful things like team inspirations and amplifiers. (Here's an experiment. Stock up on team damage/accuracy enhancements. Get on a team fighting AVs. See how well the team is doing. After awhile, use enough of those inspirations to max everyone's damage. I usually go with 4 larges. Then watch what happens. Struggling teams instantly turn into romping teams. Surprising numbers of players never understand what changed. Inspirations are vastly under appreciated) I got so tired of the increasing "wait a moment" notes that I stopped supplying lots of great things to the market for cheap prices.
  14. I had the same issue with the last release. This helped and made it playable, although not 100% fixed.
  15. I am so very, very guilty of this. I had things highly automated and would just buy, open, take from email, post to AH, rinse and repeat. Extremely profitable.
  16. I should know this, but I don’t… is there an easy way to export a build without having to enter every last IO into mids?
  17. I can’t speak to storm/water but my second favorite character is a storm/ice. Very tough, deals a lot of damage and mayhem. A real blast to play.
  18. When Homecoming became known to me I rolled a Storm/Ice defender for nostalgic reasons. I choose to take three rain powers: Blizzard, Ice Storm and Freezing Rain. I LOVE this toon and those rain powers are a good part of why. I tried looking around, including at City of Data 2.0, to see if there might be a build that could fit even more rain powers, but wasn't able to find any. I figured I'd tap into the collective knowledge here. Any thoughts?
  19. I have never participated in Hard Mode, but can't wait to!
  20. a big +1 in this, even before adjusting for the size of their team and resources they have. They do a solid job with little money or support.
  21. BP is so often between my camera and my toon I find it almost unplayable.
  22. If you are talking active farmer, then fire/fire/fire blaster would be my choice.
  23. The shame is on you. A REAL marketeer would have sensed opportunity AND helped herokind by going to all your alts, turning merits into boosters and selling them for 1.3 million. By providing liquidity you help everyone except the marketeer who made this scheme. If you do it right they get a large amount of inventory they have to sell at the prevailing rate or just eat.
  24. At 50 I'm totally sold on Fire/time. Very tanky. On an ITF +4 I'd run around and aggro mobs to bring them to the group. Wasn't foolproof, once or twice I got busy and did not re-up farsight and faceplanted, but very, very solid. Looking forward to incarnate and a little relief from the endurance puddle. I'm fully IOed up, which helps, but it still need a bit.
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