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Everything posted by Troyusrex

  1. Mine too! I'm no longer broke and if I'm not even soon will be. With Winter IO prices increasing all that influence I spent on Winter packs is coming back to me and much more quickly than expected.
  2. As of now there are 10,002,475 for sale. So, that's at least 2,475 more to work through. But I bet a lot of those are very close to 25,000,000.
  3. Mostly admitting I had a problem. Certainly not bragging or complaining. I just couldn't stop and spent everything I could muster (which was a few years trading profits). But, it was all also tongue in cheek. Not only is it just a game, I could go back to converting IOs and remake the money. Oddly, the compulsion is now gone as packs aren't on sale anymore. Once prices start to inch back up on Winter IOs I might still break even but it's going to take a long time to unload the thousands I have (not to mention the converters!)
  4. More Tiny Tim here... I might have lost a few (dozen) billion on Winter Super Packs, but I have a huge army of snow beasts and enough respecs to last a lifetime!
  5. My Strom/ice has been great. At this point (veteran 20+) I solo +4/8 with no difficulties. Of course, stormies are a bit of an acquired taste...
  6. I used to be a well-to-do merchant, trading in enhancements and salvage. I made a nice living and enjoyed the finer things in life, like full purple IO sets for all my alts. Life was good. But then I fell upon hard times. I got involved with Winter Super Packs. I told myself it was just because they were 60% off. At first, it was just a few, but I found myself buying more and more. It became an obsession. I not only emptied all my alts, but I cashed in all my Reward Merits just to get a few more super packs... Then I would sell the Winter IOs and buy yet more packs... Each sale at a small loss, but it adds up over time. So, now I've bought and opened thousands, maybe tens of thousands of packs, and I have trouble scrounging up enough influence for market fees when I put Winter IOs up for sale. Of course, I now have a few gazillion candy canes and snow beasts, so it isn't a total loss...
  7. I happened to log on early the day these went on sale last year, realized what it meant, bought a ton of winter packs and sold them Winter-Os for big bucks. I made at least 10 billion off of it, but I wasn't sure they'd sell for enough to cover the costs and thought I might lose it all. What a day!
  8. I hear the Vahzilok Polluted Plot arc is a good way to go. I haven't tried it myself, but hear it mentioned often for merit farming.
  9. Well, better it go to you who was on watch and quick to take advantage than those bottom feeders at 100K! (Not that there’s anything wrong with bottom feeders, but I favor the industrious).
  10. @Yomo KimyataYes, you did warn me and thank you! That warning is actually why I was on the look out at prices as I was selling. But, I just had to see for myself.
  11. That's why I originally planned to do it in the middle of the night when people would be less likely to notice. After I'd dumped about 8K in I started to see large new bids coming in. Now I know where at least some of that came from.
  12. Glad you noticed! I hope you made a nice profit.
  13. It almost doesn't pay to be ebil anymore, given how many ebil-er marketers are out there! I've been stocking up on rare salvage since August 1st with the idea of crashing the market and filing every bid. I figured I'd need 25K to handle it. I was going to do it some late night when I couldn't sleep, but this morning I saw this: I had well over 20K stocked already, and I was pretty bored, so I decided to just dump them all now. I usually take a few hours to set something like this up for maximum efficiency, but even with a more haphazard approach I seem to have totally overwhelmed the market servers (almost a half hour after I hit the last "post" they have not all sold). Anyway, I gave up after about 12K or so when I went to dump yet another alt and saw this: In other words, over HALF the bids out there are for less than 1/4th the usual going price of the item! That's an awful lot of alts with major bids that likely have been there quite awhile! I don't mind letting some people profit a bit in my goal to crash the market but, wow, that's a lot of ultra low bids.
  14. Right. An hour of farming pays off immediately, and hour of AH can take days or weeks to pay in full. Looking at time spent in game, I find AH to be far superior. (Then again, I don't AFK farm, so those returns might be crazy high if "in game" just means time at the keyboard).
  15. I say fight. Make it unprofitable, or at least less profitable. Many ebil marketers (or maybe I'm just projecting....) will give up pretty quickly. There's a big ocean of places to make an easy buck and I don't want to fight with you on your little pond. Sure I COULD spend billions to win a market, but why bother?
  16. I haven't traded many Super Packs lately, but I used to trade thousands. While they made a LOT of influence, a wonderful secondary benefit is all of the "character Items" I have. I can grab a defensive amplifier anytime. I always have Windfall running and I have an almost endless supply of inspirations and self rez I can grab from the ether. Just about the only thing I DON'T find useful is the many hundreds of respecs and tailor sessions...
  17. Yes. All stuff centered on you. It does NOT suppress it for others, just for you.
  18. I suppress the effect using the following: /suppressCloseFxDist 200 /SuppressCloseFX 1 The only downside is that sometimes I forget I have hurricane on!
  19. I have to admit I played an entire TF (Citadel) with an grav/kin alt yesterday and only at the end did I realize the build was almost completely unslotted! Only ATOs and not all of those. But it was a very solid team so I didn't even notice!
  20. Could be, but I have to admit I've never seen it before.
  21. I was shocked this morning to put a bunch of common salvage on the market for 5 inf only to find it not all selling immediately. Then, lo and behold I look and see there are 0 bidders. Kudos to whoever filled all bid for common salvage! That's quite a feat!
  22. Is there any way to create these via merits or converters?
  23. Are you referring to Tailor sessions here? I've probably opened over ten thousand of these things and don't remember costume tokens (but if they don't show in Character items there's every chance I overlooked them).
  24. My ATOs at 8 mil (well, a bit under) are still selling well. You might consider a higher selling price. Then again, at the price you have you still have a profit and they go quickly.
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