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Everything posted by Sancerre
yea i agree overall. Both RoP & UP also lock out 1 of 4 power pools though. power pools would mostly be setup as: 1) speed / hasten 2) fighting / tough+weave 3) leaping / combat jumping (generic 2% defense with virtually no end cost... and mystic flight sucks without it) **CJ is skippable but it is incredibly efficient to have. 4) -- FLEX -- **Leadership for maneuvers would typically be a go-to here to bump out 3% defense to all for self (and party) (would not recommend Leadership Assault on scrapper, not worth end cost) shield defense as a powerset kind of softly demands you take every single power -- just gets tough to fit everything. also -- special shout-out to teleport/fold space. if you are willing to 'sacrifice' power slots, i think fold space more fun and practical than RoP and UP both. especially because energy melee's AoE is incredibly TINY.
shield defense alongside standard global IOs, weave, and combat jumping slotted up gets you _most_ of the way to softcap. you can do some clever slotting for scrappers strike set 3 pc to get the 2.5% melee defense twice but you'll lose out on proc damage. makos bite (melee single target) is good for ranged defense but you lose proc damage. blessing of the zephyr (universal travel) has good positional defense bonuses and can be often forgotten about. winter sets are otherwise your go-to for big defense gains. generally speaking, you'll need to make a decision... do you want to focus on set bonuses to get self soft-capped or let team-mates and/or barrier incarnate fill the void and go for proc damage instead. crit proc goes into total focus. **** ENERGY TRANSFER*** (bone smasher is also viable if you prefer it there) true grit can be odd to slot, but would recommend at least getting near ED% on the heal (2x raw heal will do that) and you can make your own assessment of 'value' on the resistance or global IO muling from there. active defense is fine with 1 recharge IO period, but you might want 2 slots UNTIL you get to perma-hasten levels of global recharge. the defense debuff resistance can be double stacked and is very valuable to do so where needed... dont skip over grant cover. its good for a lotg mule and provides valuable defense debuff resistance to you otherwise. one with the shield is solid as a one-off and the crash is manageable -- the T9 is worth taking even if you do not invest much slotting into it. you can do some interesting chains with melee hybrid and rune of protection, BUT it is not infinite anyways and you 'waste' 2 power choices getting to rune of prot... i would personally recommend staying away from rune of protection shenanigans. melee hybrid > one with shield > melee hybrid is a 6 minute chain in its own right which is nice for AVs or something, BUT you are playing a scrapper so probably stick with the fundamental role of DAMAGE --> assault hybrid.
very nice write-ups. i would have advised to reserve a bunch of posts at the front of your topic such that replies wouldnt break up the flow of your powerset reviews, but appreciated content all the same!
big item to note with sentinel is that max targets is TEN (10) instead of SIXTEEN (16)... and especially for the big t9 nuke. it is a substantial difference. may or may not be a deal breaker, but something to consider.
not intending to steer you in a massively different direction but ice/ice (both primary and secondary) are IMO much better for stalker. the big decision to me for scrapper vs stalker is how well controlled the scrapper crit strikes proc can function and whether or not you get a taunt aura. ice armor does _not_ have taunt aura (to my knowledge) and the crit strikes proc just does not have a great home in ice melee (best served in freezing touch but also sucks to put it there -- greater ice sword recharges too fast to be reliable proc but is otherwise your next best option). stalker trades greater ice sword for assassins strike (big win) and icicles for hide, which helps buffer out more +defense. ice melee is top tier regardless anyways (stalker and scrapper). ice armor is a bit of an oddball though because it doesnt end up specializing hard enough into particularly anything defensively (except the T9 when it is available)... i personally feel like it needs _SUBSTANTIAL_ investment into the expensive winter sets to get a lot of fire/cold defense added in that is mysteriously missing from the power set otherwise. there are other ways to get fire/cold defense set bonuses but winter sets are like the fast lane i guess. anyways... it can feel like a bit of a problem for surviving solo without making creative use of your ice melee holds/ice patch against toxic/psionic/fire damage types before you make the big IO set investments.
thanks for all the feedback about my comments btw regarding the /nin t9 -- is that just because of the +end self clicky effectively removing the need to work around ageless and/or carry blues? or is there other hidden tech there?
awesome thanks for the reference. a few things in here pop out to me as something i wouldnt have moved towards but the results in your video speak for itself. chance to hide proc... i have read that most people just dump it in assassins strike so you dont accidentally use the free crit on assassins strike. i guess with total focus you almost always follow into energy transfer or power crash here so that makes sense for energy melee. do you end up using weaken resolve at all? seems like a waste of time unless achilles heel procs... and its not even a capped proc per minute at 30s. understandably you probably just have the proc in there as a why not scenario really surprised to see you slotting in so much recharge on energy transfer and total focus ON TOP of procs... counter-intuitive to me as far as proc math is concerned placate slotting initially is really surprising but has quite nice set bonuses for typed defenses heavy favor towards chance to heal procs on endurance auto powers instead of stamina procs -- presuming end is just not a concern with perma-energize focused accuracy slotting on top of having kismet already seems excessive but this just looks like an area where i can flex slots around so all good. i honestly never considered energy torrent before seeing your build, but it is quite a nice power and fills in a much needed void for force feedback recharge proc that energy melee doesnt have otherwise... incidentally the focused accuracy is just kinda needed anyways. also energy melee doesnt have PBAoE so its already typically in positions for cones (with power crash in mind). DPA is serviceable even as a single target attack with all the procs in mind anyways. i might opt for javelin's toxic proc instead of the annihilation smaller -res proc (only 12%) and the big one... agility core paragon. really hard for me to look at playing stalker and not immediately gravitate towards musculature. i do see the major impact being on overload here which is the hallmark of the build... 15 seconds longer gap in cooldown. ill have to walk that one down a bit and see what feels right for me. really appreciate you posting this.
yea the +special at the start of clarion (i think about 15 seconds?) is almost exactly the same as power boost... and they do stack if you wanted to go that route (unnecessary though). as far as the overlap vs duration problem... it is something you learn to deal with -- the cooldown matches duration EXACTLY so dont dally if you are in the middle of a bunch of baddies (Q it up as it is coming off cooldown)... that said i have never had a problem refreshing clarion + farsight in the middle of baddies... be it lag or whatever tolerance... there seems to be some 2 second-ish buffer/tolerance before you actually lose all your defense. it also means that your big buffs (far sight and chrono shift) have de-synced re-applications... far sight at 2 minutes, chrono shift at 1 minute 30. again just something to deal with. special note that i am sure you are aware of all the same -- you can overwrite the boosted farsight with a non-boosted farsight... so you do need to be careful about that. power boost can be available more often to fix that mistake. conversely you get 1 chance every 2 minutes to do it right with clarion. i think the decision for power boost should be more tailored to your power sets and what level content you enjoy running anyways. for example electrical blast has the end sapping amplified substantially. for fire blast... well i just want to do more damage and power boost doesnt help that in any way directly. as far as the gaussian proc -- i personally run fire/time corruptor with gaussian in Aim. stacked with on top of big soul drains, i can very easily get near damage cap especially for big t9 nukes. i could be wrong here, but i do not believe proc duration/length increases based on what skill it is slotted in... just proc chance. global recharge is very valuable here to maintain very high proc chance while also having the buttons available more often. proc chance math is an entirely different rabbit hole anyways.
clarion radial (destiny incarnate) is an alternative to power boost (the +special is virtually identical)... or you can use both before farsight i suppose. the potential benefit here is running dark mastery over soul mastery. the soul drain from dark mastery is half the cooldown allowing you to have PERMANENT soul drain (and mostly aligned with t9 nuke cooldown). a power boost build is going to be better where you exemplar down and dont have access to incarnate... or if you otherwise dont value your personal damage as much. dark mastery's dark consumption is also helpful if you run tough/weave and leadership toggles (you will run out of end eventually)... typically though you would run ageless incarnate with power boost so you get end recovery there... just ends up being a bit of an inverted approach.
your build takes a very unique approach that i am very interested in --- possible to clip it into mids? general question -- non level cap stuff, does the build operates just fine not needing to cycle overload? presuming it would be so long as no psionic mobs.
nin gets 34.6% DDR baseline. shield with double stack active defense gets 70% DDR. you can in fact maintain 100% uptime on double active defense with 2 recharge IOs and standard (near) perma-hasten level global recharge. ageless radial has a -persistent- 21.25% additional DDR (the first minute of ageless has a lot more debuff resistance). so with ageless radial, nin can maintain a MINIMUM DDR of 56%, but shield can maintain a MINIMUM DDR of 91%. the difference is very much night and day when you -need- DDR, but there is also plenty of content that it wont even matter. if you decide on barrier instead, you should look to use it for emergencies instead of just pressing it to maintain the constant 5% defense/resistance (for NIN specifically) again i think /nin is a fairly strong set, but it has a clear weakness there... just as shield has a weakness with no endurance/heal tools. find ways to patch up what you can through incarnates, IOs, ancillary pools, epic pools, etc.
what you are missing is that even if you spam ageless radial on CD, you only have a persistent ~55% DDR... not particularly 'close to immune'. after one minute you only keep something like 21% debuff resistance for the last minute. shield defense and super reflexes are 'close to immune', both being able to maintain 90%++ on scrapper. also the crit from stealth is kinda meaningless but nice fluff when it happens. nin is still pretty good overall anyways, but vulnerable cascading defense failure. also there are no offensive attributes in the set (+dmg or +recharge)
i made a thread about a month back asking for GiS to get some love... had no negative feedback. just need to wait for the next patch cycle and try to bump it up for attention i guess.
GiS is good for scrapper to hold the crit proc if you want to lead into freezing touch. otherwise you can put the crit ATO in freezing touch to be a much more consistent proc... but you can never use the bonus crit chance on freezing touch itself. if you dont want to do GiS crit proc, then you should either utilize frost in single target chain or pick up cross punch. GiS is worth using, but it is definitely underwhelming. the animation time on it is perfectly fine to fit the ice melee rotation, but the damage is just not where it should be.
the concept of fire/ice is great thematically and the ice patch synergizes well with burn as well as providing a ton of CC for squishy fire armor but the lack of FF recharge is rough. MA and claws really shine in this aspect comparatively... cause burn feels like its just always available and burn is such a foundational piece of fire armor tanker. its a bit frustrating cause i feel like ice melee is so close to being a top tier set... and its not even so much the buttons themselves, but rather that nothing accepts FF recharge! cross punch is really the only thing that can elevate ice melee, but the proc rate isnt all that great and the cone/range sucks. its rough to fit the power in as a tanker though cause you are already forced to take frozen fists and, while not necessary, cross punch feels a lot better fully synergized with kick/boxing.
brute has higher damage resistances and still has acceptable damage output for bosses+. if you dont see the value in 90% damage cap vs 75% damage cap then you are entirely ignorant of the math. also larger HP pool to compliment rad's high regen and absorb. anyways, there is plenty of content where the 75% damage resistance is perfectly acceptable and easily more than acceptable to get by with however. i dont think i was hiding anything when i said that but you chopped out my entire post and highlighted one line. as for rad therapy -on claw scrapper-, of course you would still use rad therapy for healing and endurance. spin and shockwave both cooldown fast enough (especially with force feedback recharge procs) to be spamming them a ton whereas rad therapy has a much longer cooldown. also they both will be doing as much or MORE damage than rad therapy. the better question here is why do you think it has value in slotting damage procs -on claw scrapper-. What function is it serving that spin/shockwave isnt? i would say, additionally, ground zero is kinda skippable but it is nice for aoe -res procs and it also hits a much higher target cap. the DPA isnt much different than spin otherwise. if this was playing in something like energy melee scrapper instead, where the AoE is... lacking... i would have a different opinion on slotting rad therapy. in case my opinion wasnt clear in my first post -- the combination of claw/rad for tanker, brute, and scrapper are -ALL- strong. you just need to choose what ratio of offense/defense you prefer between the 3. also inspirations/p2w buffs will give the largest benefit (relatively) to scrappers so you can hide a lot of defensive under-comings it has through that.
rad therapy on scrapper is 'fine' to proc bomb but... especially on claw scrapper i really dont see the point. shockwave and spin are incredible damage aoe and also insanely low cooldown. for rad therapy proc slotting, the regen is good and essence theft proc is good... otherwise i think it is a waste. for tanker, it is definitely more worthwhile to consider. to the OP: claw/rad scrapper has _consistent_ incredibly high damage output and durability (except cold resistance but its uncommon). rad/claw tanker should also be very strong but you do need to be aware you are trading damage:defense between them. the 90% resistance cap --IS-- very significant but depending on the content you do and what role you want to fill... that may not matter to you. on the opposite end... stronger baseline damage and critical strikes is also very significant... bosses and up will take a lot of time more time to kill for tanker. as for brute they fit in the middle of that... higher resistance cap but more difficult to actually get there because all of the base defense numbers are the same as scrapper. also the fury passive damage bonus kinda dillutes the consistent damage bonuses that claw/rad provides. all that said, brute would probably be the most enjoyable experience solo, whereas tanker/scrapper would probably feel better in teams (depending which role you prefer).
this sounds similar to champions online 'munitions' powerset actually. https://championsonline.fandom.com/wiki/Munitions would be interesting to have something like the MG2-87 from Let it Die though (without the casino RNG portion) where it -looks- like a minigun but has an assortment of functions. anyways im a fan of the idea
big agree on this.
i dont know the exact number but it is rare that i would _NOT_ crit. i would also just caution that there is a fairly substantial delay between re-stealthing so it isnt really worthwhile to think about it much. if it happens, it happens.
you are generally overslotting things i presume for set bonuses. you can get a ton of global recharge value from force feedback proc in dragons tail and crane kick. you should take crane kick over cobra strike. also slot crane kick with the KB -> KD overwhelming force. with those in mind, alongside using ageless radial, you dont need to be too concerned with getting your hasten strictly down to 120 as you are pushing so hard for. the force feedback procs will get you there very easily. slotting in seishinteki kyoyo (end recovery) is kinda strange. you get more value just slotting a straight end IO in there instead of the CHANCE TO PROC 10% endurance (less than the IO). set bonus isnt very good there either. i am a bit surprised you are not picking up exploding shuriken given the lack of AoE that Martial Arts provides. i think you have slots to spare if you slim down your build elsewhere. your scrapper Crit ATO proc should be in either Eagles Claw (as the most consistent proc button) and/or in whatever button you plan to slot as little recharge as possible into -- crane kick is a good target here. i wouldnt be overly concerned with the set bonus of superior critical strikes. surprised you grabbed tactics _AND_ slotted it up without putting kismet in your build. all of your attacks are already exceeding hit cap for +4 targets (with level shift) without tactics except storm kick as is, but kismet fixes that without taking up a power & slot. tactics does not protect you from to-hit debuffs, you already have perception, confuse and fear protection from /nin. seems like a big waste. i would recommend trying to fit in another winter set bonus or 2 for recharge protection... as it is definitely one of the most annoying debuffs in the game. ageless provides something like 22% debuff consistent debuff protection so getting in the 70% range + ageless would feel great. the 5 set bonus of the purple version generally gives 5% of some defense as well which is very powerful... obviously these sets are expensive though so can be rough to claim these are necessary. tough slotting -- gladiator's set bonuses are kinda trash. i would favor unbreakable guard virtually everytime for defensive slotting (that goes for danger sense and ninja reflexes as well)... up to the 4% melee defense, 4 set. Focus Chi -- the gaussian set is a great place to get 2.5% _ALL POSITIONAL_ defense as a 6 slot bonus and you still maintain about 85% proc rate on the build up proc... or you can keep it at 90% proc if you buy lower level recharge IOs for that set. not necessary though... just an option. Kuji-In Rin slotting seems excessive. the resistance and protection STACKS. you would actually be well over the psionic resistance cap for scrapper in your current loadout with that in mind (90%). i would personally say any amount of slotting for resistance here is excessive. im not sure what is good for caltrops slotting so i cant comment on that too much but currently just 1 damage proc seems kinda strange.
i am not sure if you intended to post this in blaster. there is _NO_ ninjitsu powerset for corruptor. that said, the secondaries for corruptor are often great for teams but not as useful for the corruptor individually. /time is incredible. you can easily softcap defense to _ALL_ and have crazy high global recharge... also brings a ton of awesome AoE debuffs. /time is, in my opinion, the best defender powerset all around.
Nothing Says 'Brute' Like: The CHAINSAW set
Sancerre replied to AspieAnarchy's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
sounds fun. i am struggling to imagine a chainsaw-wielding-'hero'... that would 'arrest' villains, but that wouldnt stop me from making it. -
so i tried both variants here... claws and martial arts. gotta say i prefer the feel of claws a lot more. just wish martial arts had at least 1 extra AoE attack cause dragon tail is so FLAT on the damage scale. i might be happier if i had pieced together a gloom/obliteration variant but im happy with claws at this point. i guess that is the price the set pays for having a 10% all defense just thrown in there. the single target damage kinda feels roughly the same... but martial arts can have a lot more controlled burst because of build-up vs follow-up. that said i definitely feel the difference of only having melee/SL defense capped vs all positional defense capped. it is a big point to unpack, but carnies, for example, absolutely devastated my claws... and im not sure if there is really a good solution to psionic damage other than to avoid it or team with others. the other thing i want to point out is that i had previously been playing mostly toons that were fully soft capped on positional defenses and it was remarkably annoying to discover all of the status effects that come along with playing a resistance powerset and getting smacked around for tiny numbers... and notably to hit debuffs. i absolutely understand why it is necessary to have focused accuracy available on claws. i think martial arts can get away with not using it to some extent, but physical perfection is definitely welcomed. Also im thinking i will want to redraw my build to include a lot more damage procs (similar to your _NO_ shockwave build, but i personally do want to KEEP shockwave -- mostly because it makes sure global recharge is well maintained for perma hasten and i feel better seeing more numbers flying), but slots are so tight as it is.... tough to decide where to make it all happen. finally, im interested (if you are able to explain) in the specific details of burn and proc interactions. it seems to work exceptionally better than advertised and i have no idea what is going on with it. is this some kind of pseudo-pet voodoo?