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Everything posted by Sancerre

  1. That was pretty much my experience last night. It's going much better now with Clarion! I've already got him to 50+3, Alpha is Musculature, Destiny is Clarion (also T3) and it is perfect. Clarion+Far Sight (with no HOs actually) brings him to exactly 97% to hit. Showed me a bug that 97.0% does NOT like up your Snipe button, but you still get instant snipe :) Between that and the extra End Mod from Musculature, and all the IO set bonuses and all, the End issue is less of a thing. So capped defenses across the board (with a bunch of extra, just in case), Perma Hasten, Farsight and Soul Drain. It's pretty fun! Still a far cry from Blaster damage, but the tools you bring to a group, especially for AV killing and the like, are immense :) forgot to mention -- im surprised you didnt slot out times juncture a little bit. the archetype has no means to mitigate -defense debuffs aside from overcompensating. hits WILL get through the 5% wall and if its a defense debuff then you are going to be in for a chain reaction of pain. if you have a little buffer zone of extra defense and a good margin of -hit, you'll be OK with eating a few -defense debuffs. i would say as far as damage goes... slowed response with achilles heel proc makes a HUGE difference. also if you have an extra slot, gladiators -res proc in soul drain is fantastic. finally, i would recommend dumping all the slots in AIM and just leave only the chance for build up in it. if you dont slot recharge in it, the build up will proc 100% everytime. if you do slot recharge, its random. with chronoshift, hasten, and global recharge from sets, etc, aim should probably be around 30 seconds without slotting recharge directly anyways (which is the same cooldown as soul drain, how magical). same concept with slowed response actually. DONT slot recharge in it. i dont know how archery compares... but as fire i can basically rotate between killing a pack with inferno and then a pack without inferno... so 2 packs every 30 seconds or so. and then youll start to wonder why people would roll blasters. ultimately i think the better question is whether or not a defender is better than corrupter... and to that end im not sure, but its probably not much of a difference.
  2. this, but also remember dark epic pool can achieve (near) perma soul drain. so you dont need to focus too hard on this. i would just say that it kind of sucks that you cant utilize instant snipe while leveling without having a stockpile of yellows available.
  3. Unfortunately it looks like the To Hit bonuses falls off pretty fast with ED. Even with four Membrane's in place it only brings To Hit to 96.6. Of course, zero Membrane's and one mob of Soul Drain are enough to get it to 97%, too. I do wish there was an easier/better route to insta-Snipe though without depending on that every 30 seconds. clarion radial epiphany also boosts the +to hit of farsight. 2 level 50 membranes with tier 4 clarion will give *exactly* +22% to hit. it must be the tier 4 version though... tier 3 doesnt quite make the cut. again though, for archery i think that would be less of a problem because you get an innate buff to hit stuff over non weapon archetypes (but i could be wrong about to-hit vs accuracy here). another option is to slap in kismet somewhere until you can craft tier 4 clarion and/or run leadership tactics. as for end usage... i was initially distraught with end use on fire/time as well (im sure its not too different). but it gets better and better as the IO sets all come together. a bunch of individual set bonuses that give minor end recovery or end reduction add up. also you dont typically slot for end reduction in attack powers, but an IO set will typically have it in there. finally i would say... dont forget that agility also improves end recovery bonus substantially which helps boost stamina passive as well as chronoshift and dark consumption. all that said, running the extra fighting power pool toggles (tough & weave) makes end use even more painful which is why i dont particularly like it.
  4. off my knowledge of /time corr: use clarion radial epiphany. activate farsight within the first 30 seconds (clarion's power decays after that). or you can also use soul mastery instead of dark mastery for power build up. same concept, but soul drain has a MUCH longer cooldown and will not be up 100% of the time. so unless you REALLY value something else for incarnate slot, i dont see a good reason to do that. either method should boost your defense about 10% if you have farsight diversity capped. That said, you can get a lot more value out of farsight with only 3 slots instead of 5. 1 luck of the gambler (global recharge), and 2 membrane exposure hami-O (+to-hit, +defense, -recharge). Incidentally this also puts your +to hit at 22% which is what you currently need for snipe to be instant (beta patch will make the instant part irrelevant but the 22 hit will still boost the damage of the snipe... whenever that goes live). As a special note though, i think archery has innately higher accuracy because it is a weapon archetype so you may not need +22% to hit. as far as archery goes... hard to say why people would want snap shot. as /time corrupter, you will have very high global recharge and may not need it in your final loadout. try and see what works best. i would say the same for explosive arrow... if you think the power functions better with knockdown then slot it in. as for slotting... i would recommend viewing https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,1697.0.html as fire and archery are actually quite similar and the IO loadout can be reasonably swapped around to fit. as far as epic power pool is concerned, and especially so for /time, its hard to imagine a reason to NOT use dark mastery. perma soul drain is incredible. i would probably only recommend Power mastery & soul mastery otherwise mostly for the Power Build up (if you are incredibly opposed to using clarion incarnate for whatever reason).
  5. the sentinel isnt worth it?
  6. the goal in general on *any* toon would be to soft cap defense and then try to work towards the best smashing/lethal resist you can manage (alongside any others). but i dont know if that is entirely possible on many of the corrupter ATs. /Time in particular has it easy here, but many of the other ATs function around targeted -to hit debuffs. while technically the same as defense, it is far more volatile because whoever you planted the debuff on might run away or die. one concept i really like is rotating rune of protection and melee core (hybrid) incarnate to keep yourself with 30%ish resist all and general mez protection. that along with the pool power armor (i would generally recommend dark mastery across the board on every corruptor, but all of them have the same smash/lethal resist) will bump another 30%ish. from there, general set bonuses and/or tough will get you capped on smash/lethal.
  7. Thanks. This helps extremely. How do you slot these powers? And what is the stealth IO for Sprint and how does it work? -hasten: general idea is to slot it as much as necessary to keep it up permanently. for a /time corrupter (thanks to chrono shift) ultimately you dont need to slot it at all as you only require a single lvl 50+5 recharge reduction if you have enough IO sets. but you probably want to slot it up for 3x recharge while leveling and then 2x recharge at 50 until you get a lot more set bonuses. -combat jumping: i wouldnt recommend slotting specifically to increase defense, instead there are a number of fantastic one-off IOs that can be placed in. slot out as many times as you need to fill them in. Examples: Luck of the Gambler (global recharge), Kismet (global +to Hit), Reactive Defenses (Scaling +resist all), Shield Wall (+5% resist all), Karma (Knockback Protection). -maneuvers: mostly the same concept as combat jumping, but it gives slightly more defense and end reduction actually helps a lot on this skill, as well as being a great bonus to party members. That said, this is a great place to add a defense IO set if you feel inclined. Generally i would say either put some kind of IO set in it or just slap a luck of the gambler recharge in there and leave it alone. -assault: not much you can do here. a single level 50+5 end reduction helps with the end cost. while leveling or before you get plenty of IO sets, you may consider adding extra end reduction slots here because it is pretty good to have one at all times. -tactics: since you are running /time, farsight really overshadows the overarching need for this. that said, it is incredibly beneficial while leveling to reach the +22% hit sweet spot for instant snipes, but whenever the current beta build goes live, that will mostly be a moot point. you can also achieve +22% hit via clarion radial incarnate and farsight slotted with 2 lvl 50 IOs as an endgame setup. once you are there, tactics is entirely unnecessary. -mystic flight: slot out the blessing of the zephyr set or just the Knockback reduction IO. -Spirit Ward: either slot out one of the healing sets or leave it alone. while it is a good skill, because you can not use it on yourself and people are generally super tanky already when in a party with you (farsight + time juncture), it may not feel worthwhile to slot it. -Rune of Protection: One of the Resist IO sets and/or some of the one-off unique IOs. some examples: Steadfast protection (+3% all defense), Gladiator (+3% all defense), Unbreakable (+HP). As for the stealth IO. for running the set is called "Celerity". For jumping the set is called "Unbounded Leap". For flight the set is called "Freebird". Sprint will accept leap or run enhancements. The concept is that Superspeed reduces your threat range dramatically. Then having stealth (either via the IO or the power) will collectively make you able to walk around (almost) any enemy undetected.
  8. just going to list what i consider the "good" power pools: -Speed: Hasten is pretty much mandatory on everyone. stacking global recharge is incredibly powerful and the only reason to not take it is to be the anti-meta guy for the sake of being different. Superspeed is a very fast travel power and also can combined with a stealth IO to become essentially invisible. Burnout is useful in some specs, but ive never used it. -Leaping: Combat Jumping is an extremely cheap toggle (endurance wise) for good "air control" and a minor defense boost. can be slotted with any number of the amazing defense IOs (luck of the gambler global recharge notably). if you are getting flight, you should also have combat jumping for the "air control"... you will feel the difference immediately. its very difficult to not recommend this in every build just like hasten. hard to recommend anything else in the leaping tree though (dont get acrobatics, there are easy ways to get knockback protection via IOs -- blessing of the zephyr) -Leadership: generally all great group toggle buffs. at minimum maneuvers is in a similar boat as combat jumping but much more expensive endurance wise. vengeance is great for parties as is victory rush before you get IO'd out with end recovery bonuses/reduction. if you ever have room for extra powers and you really dont want/need anything else, leadership pool is probably the place to go. -Concealment: Stealth is similar to leadership maneuvers but harder to recommend because there is a stealth IO that you can put in sprint and it otherwise functions the same as maneuvers. it is another toggle defense power though, so can be useful. hard to recommend anything else in concealment though. -Flight: purely for hover defense bonus and afterburner. otherwise go with sorcery power pool -Sorcery: Mystic flight is all the same, but Rune of Protection can be amazing. While it can not be permanent itself, it can be rotated with other defensive toggle/click cooldowns (notably incarnate powers) for an effective permanent buff to your defensive stats. Spirit Ward is also actually very good, but will often feel more like a forced pickup on the way to Rune of Protection. -Teleportation: Recall friend is great in parties if you are also picking up a stealth package and plan to rush missions in a party. Teleport foe is great to have when enemies get bugged behind a wall. Kind of situational overall but it can definitely be useful -Fighting: Tough & Weave are notably pretty good defensive toggles. unfortunately you will need to pick up 2 absolutely useless powers on the way to them... and even then they are only "pretty good". if you plan to ONLY play against smashing/lethal enemies (and avoid all other content) this is a solid pickup. BUT a big footnote is that smashing/lethal is very easy to get from IO set bonuses and you SHOULD be getting one of the epic/patron defensive toggles that has smashing/lethal resist anyways. Overall, it kind of feels fairly expensive to pickup 3 other powers just for Weave from that perspective. i find myself gravitating towards the following in every build: -hasten -combat jumping -leadership maneuvers & assault -sorcery mystic flight & spirit ward & rune of protection to me, it just feels not optimal if i dont have this as a baseline.
  9. the main difference is going to be incoming and outgoing damage. -kinetics has no real defense to speak of but has incredible damage boosting, recovery, and recharge. managing recharge can be awkward with any downtime (you need to SIPHON recharge from an enemy for yourself) -time has a massive defense buff and to-hit debuff allowing you to be quite tanky at all times (easily hit defense soft cap). it also has basically everything you want EXCEPT large damage buffs (im aware slowed response reduces resistances) it would probably just boil down to party all the time vs wanting to solo sometimes. being able to walk into a party of critters and not die is very easy with /time, but much more difficult with /kin. parties would probably generally prefer the damage boosting of /kin, but as someone else said there are a lot of /kin out there already... so being different can be nice as well. /time is no slouch anyways.
  10. the power genomic evolution says it grants an increase range buff while offensive adaptation is active, but it doesnt feel like it at all. ive literally tested taking baby steps turning offensive adaptation on and off and it seems to have 0 effect on range. conversely, the effects of +range on aim are immediately noticeable (with the skill noting +33% range). it also says you gain max endurance with efficient adaptation active. so i have 110 max endurance with efficient adaptation off and 110 max endurance with efficient adaptation on. so thats a pretty clear case of it not working. cant really test the "bonus resistances" for defensive adaptation too easily, but id wager they dont work as well. is this skill just bugged or am i crazy?
  11. its odd you would even bring up overpowered. The set as a whole is extremely stylish visually but lacking in comparison numbers wise. As far as PvE goes, there really isnt much reason to use swap rounds for anything but incendiary... and you are trading Aim for that. Even then, the damage isnt screaming OP, its merely on par with other sets not named fire. Or i guess you might prefer the highly resisted lethal damage (which many would argue assault rifle is ONLY "bad" because it is majority lethal damage) so some of your skills can have knockdown/knockback and then the whole idea of flexibility with swap ammo is gone anyways. aside from that you are trading snipe for a questionable low damage, shorter range disorient. maybe its more useful in pvp with the -recharge rounds, but then i would probably prefer ice anyways because it has better holds. the main thing is most of the other power sets have something "unique" about them whether it be range (psychic), -res (sonic), -hit (dark), or even just raw damage (lookin at you fire), but dual pistols tries to be more of the "jack of all trades" powerset. but yes indeed the set looks awesome.
  12. if your concern is damage. the concern then is just managing fury. PBAoE auras help a lot with this (/bio has one). brutes with the fury bar past near 3/4 full are pretty much scrapper level damage. there are caveats but that is kind of the general idea. brute will be better in parties early levels because they are naturally tankier and have taunt built in. scrappers will be better solo in the early levels because you dont need to keep muscling forward to maintain your damage levels... you can actually take a break to recover and not feel like you are being punished. that said at the high end of things... it matters much less. between incarnates and IO sets, both will become extremely tanky and high damage. and while there is currently very little scrapper stigma in party creation, it could very well return... that is to say majority of the time, the party would probably feel better with a brute instead of a scrapper, but nobody particularly cares at the moment. also, i would basically recommend anything NOT titan weapons. /bio and TW both require a good bit of management that will interfere with each other. if you decide on brute, anything with another PBAoE damage aura is lovely because it builds fury.. but it is not necessary (see the current fad of super strength brutes).
  13. Go look at the Homecoming Beta board. Based on comments and datamining on the 22% To-Hit triggering insta-Snipe, they were looking at changing Snipes to have different stats in and out of combat. Out of combat, they were the stock 'slow snipe', with a higher base damage; in combat, they would be 'fast snipes', with the damage a Snipe has now, but have their max range cut to 80m. Once you either attack or are attacked, you are 'in combat', forcing the reduced-range fast snipe until you have spent 15 seconds neither attacking nor being attacked. Along with this was a new Snipe-specific enhancement set, the sixth piece of which functionally put you in permanent fast-snipe (and nerfed range) mode. After considerable pushback on the proposal, the changes are being revised. Snipes will retain their full range throughout, and the in/out of combat timer is being reduced. Several proposals on how To-Hit will affect snipes are being kicked around, as are revisions to the new sniper enhancement set. It's not easy to describe;you should read the thread in the beta board. beta changes are as follows: -out of combat (10 second timer of not being attacked) will always have the slow interruptable snipe but it will have a noteworthy damage boost -in combat will always have instant snipes regardless. -there will be a new PvP sniper IO set. the special IO will guarantee always having instant snipes (so the out of combat snipe will be instant as well, but no damage boost). -base cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds basically the way the build plays it will just make instant snipe more consistent and achievable much sooner. final loadout and playstyle fundamentally wont change. soul drain being a PBAoE for your big damage boost really leans away from getting a "big opener" slow snipe on a single target anyways. maybe while leveling up the big opener could be useful, but even the reliance on time juncture during early levels as your defense... i would always lean more towards just jumping ontop of them as an opener (that way more of the incoming attacks have severely reduced accuracy). so end result is that you get instant snipe immediately and in a final loadout you dont particularly need to worry about the hamidon enhancements, nor do you need to worry about timing clarion + farsight together during the first 30 seconds of clarion (although it would still be best to do so for maximum defense boost)... and we will lose about 1 second of recharge on snipe after all is said and done. i understand the concern that basically the build "comes together" and there is no real compensation for the indirect nerf compared to other ATs as well as the to-hit boosts feel like a waste now. but, at least on the /time corrupter side, i dont feel like it was really a DECIDING factor for choosing /time. it was more like a bonus. /time was and still is already amazing and really only rivaled by /kinetics and /radiation. and further it just speaks volumes for how to-hit as a stat is just bad and needed a gimmick surrounding it to be worth considering valuable. or maybe the abundance of accuracy in IO sets and availability of kismet just overshadows the need for it at all. for other ATs, i dont have much of an informed opinion (lack the experience/knowledge). I will say it will definitely also buff scrappers... which i find humorous. also im going to back to rain of fire. breath of fire pretty much *only* feels good during the first 30 seconds of clarion range boost. its otherwise to narrow and requires too much in and out for a build that leans on a PBAoE debuff aura. i would definitely note that using rain of fire without distortion field feel awful 90% of the time (so i need to remember to use that together always... as i leveled to 50 off the original build with no distortion field). together though it is quite nice. i still prefer fire blast over flares though.
  14. my understanding is that it functions like every other proc. there is a set number of expected procs per minute listed on it and it will happen (roughly) that often. in this case it is 3 procs per minute. this will be influenced by the base cooldown of the skill modified by any recharge reduction slotted specifically into that skill. global recharge bypasses procs per minute functionality. So, a skill with a cooldown of 20 seconds (after recharge reduction in the skill specifically) would have a 90% chance to activate it (it will always have a 10% chance to not activate). a skill with a cooldown of 90 seconds would also have a 90% chance of activating it. a skill with a 10 second cooldown (after recharge reduction the skill specifically) would have a 50% chance to activate it. for final clarity... if you had a skill with a 20 second cooldown modified by GLOBAL recharge reduction (hasten and set effects typically) down to 10 seconds, that would also have a 90% chance to activate it. but personally, i think the way to approach it is to slot it into whatever small spammy skill you use a lot and hope it procs right before you use your big skills. if it procs it procs kind of thing... let it be.
  15. i like being a scientist so i refined the build more to my liking. rearranged some slots/sets and changed out flares to fire blast (my preference) and also rain of fire to fire breath (again my preference). also the fire breath 6th slot is a floater really but i find the range bonus on it really helps to actually hit multiple enemies. i just dont like rain of fire and fire breath allows me to actually kill a pack inbetween inferno/judgement cooldown. biggest change is the zephyr set in flight and the superior avalanche over obliteration on dark consumption. also just as a general thing i guess i just dont prefer stealthing missions with superspeed (or as a travel power over flight) but having a soft stealth to reduce aggro range on sprint is good enough for me. i just find it problematic turning time juncture on and off. ++slightly higher defenses/resists (roughly .5% defense and 5%++ resists specifically to fire/cold) ++floater slot available (used for +range in fire breath, you may enjoy putting the gladiator -res back into soul drain instead) ++faster flight power ++aim added in with gaussian build up proc for more damage (dont need recharge on it because there is so much global recharge in the build) ++slightly higher status resistances (4% ish as well as some speed protection) --slightly lower max HP (20 hp) --slightly higher end consumption (.04/s) --slightly less accuracy (really doesnt matter) --slightly less damage (3%) --superior avalanche is quite a bit more expensive instead of obliteration as a general note, even with the upcoming snipe changes... i think the manticore set is still better than the new one and i dont see a need to mess around with farsight... theres really no useful/outstanding set bonus with 2-3 defense slots. the "best" you could do otherwise is do luck of the gambler 3set for the extra 12 HP and sacrifice the to-hit bonus. so may as well keep the hamidon stuff as "best" although it would realistically never be useful given the massive accuracy of attacks in general on top of having a strong to-hit buff even without the hamidon stuff, but in the fringe scenario where you get bombarded with -hit debuffs... you would still be good. Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962 http://www.cohplanner.com/ Click this DataLink to open the build! NeverDead: Level 50 Magic Corruptor Primary Power Set: Fire Blast Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation Power Pool: Sorcery Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leadership Power Pool: Leaping Ancillary Pool: Dark Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Fire Blast (A) Apocalypse - Damage (3) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance (3) Apocalypse - Chance of Damage(Negative) (5) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (5) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Recharge Level 1: Time Crawl (A) Tempered Readiness - Accuracy/Endurance Level 2: Fire Ball (A) Superior Scourging Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime (7) Superior Scourging Blast - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime (7) Superior Scourging Blast - RechargeTime/PBAoE +End (9) Superior Scourging Blast - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime (9) Superior Scourging Blast - Damage/RechargeTime (11) Superior Scourging Blast - Accuracy/Damage Level 4: Time's Juncture (A) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance (15) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Endurance (15) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge (17) Dark Watcher's Despair - Recharge/Endurance Level 6: Temporal Mending (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb (17) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance (19) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime (19) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime (21) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance (21) Preventive Medicine - Heal Level 8: Spirit Ward (A) Healing IO Level 10: Hasten (A) Recharge Reduction IO Level 12: Aim (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up Level 14: Fire Breath (A) Ragnarok - Damage (23) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge (23) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (25) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Recharge (25) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance (27) Range IO Level 16: Distortion Field (A) Slow IO Level 18: Blaze (A) Superior Malice of the Corruptor - Recharge/Chance for Negative Energy Damage (27) Superior Malice of the Corruptor - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge (29) Superior Malice of the Corruptor - Accuracy/Damage (29) Superior Malice of the Corruptor - Damage/Recharge (31) Superior Malice of the Corruptor - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (31) Superior Malice of the Corruptor - Damage/Endurance/Recharge Level 20: Assault (A) Endurance Reduction IO Level 22: Maneuvers (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed Level 24: Mystic Flight (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points) (31) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance (33) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range Level 26: Blazing Bolt (A) Sting of the Manticore - Chance of Damage(Toxic) (33) Sting of the Manticore - Damage/Endurance (33) Sting of the Manticore - Damage/Endurance/Recharge (34) Sting of the Manticore - Accuracy/Damage (34) Sting of the Manticore - Damage/Interrupt/Recharge Level 28: Farsight (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed (34) HamiO:Membrane Exposure (36) HamiO:Membrane Exposure Level 30: Rune of Protection (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3% (36) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP (36) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime (37) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime (37) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance Level 32: Inferno (A) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage (37) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge (39) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (39) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge (39) Obliteration - Accuracy/Recharge (40) Obliteration - Damage Level 35: Slowed Response (A) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff Level 38: Chrono Shift (A) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery (40) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance (40) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge (42) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Recharge (42) Numina's Convalesence - Endurance/Recharge (42) Numina's Convalesence - Heal Level 41: Dark Consumption (A) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance (43) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge (43) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (43) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage (45) Superior Avalanche - Recharge/Chance for Knockdown Level 44: Dark Embrace (A) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All) (45) Aegis - Resistance/Recharge (45) Aegis - Psionic/Status Resistance (46) Aegis - Resistance/Endurance (46) Aegis - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge (46) Aegis - Endurance/Recharge Level 47: Soul Drain (A) Armageddon - Chance for Fire Damage (48) Armageddon - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (48) Armageddon - Damage/Recharge (48) Armageddon - Accuracy/Recharge (50) Armageddon - Damage/Endurance Level 49: Combat Jumping (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed (50) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage (50) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) Level 1: Brawl (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Dash (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Slide (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Quick (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Rush (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Surge (A) Empty Level 1: Scourge Level 1: Sprint (A) Unbounded Leap - +Stealth Level 2: Rest (A) Empty Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift (A) Run Speed IO Level 2: Health (A) Miracle - +Recovery (11) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance Level 2: Hurdle (A) Jumping IO Level 2: Stamina (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod (13) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End (13) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy Level 0: High Pain Threshold Level 0: Invader Level 0: Born In Battle Level 0: Marshal Level 50: Clarion Radial Epiphany Level 50: Support Core Embodiment Level 50: Cimeroran Core Superior Ally Level 50: Void Radial Final Judgement Level 50: Reactive Radial Flawless Interface Level 50: Agility Core Paragon ------------
  16. you can have it always be instant snipe by paying a tax of 1 slot and a 10 million+ pvp IO. but hey thats cheaper than picking up tactics and slotting it up.
  17. you have mentioned this a few times, im not sure what you are referring to. it feels exactly the same. there is no delay. I get 100 ping on indom server and 120 ping on justin. maybe you are much further away and have 200++ ping on justin?? that said, im all for beta version of snipes although it does feel like its cheapening choices. i'll eat the 3 seconds of recharge i guess. not a big deal. the range was the bigger issue for me initially. the 10 second window instead of 15 feels more intuitive as well. i wouldnt often want to open with snipe (mostly because i use soul drain) but its a more realistic gap for the standard gameplay in city of heroes, and i can still fit it in sometimes if i wanted to. i just want to remind everyone slotting out tactics to have perma instant snipe was/is NOT MANDATORY. it was an OPTION. especially for blasters that can rotate aim and build up, this is less of an issue than people make it out to be. if you WANTED perma instant snipe you had to pay the price. just like if i want higher smash/lethal resistances, i would dive into the fighting power pool and pick up tough. Nobody seems to care that hasten is essentially mandatory across the board for any sane person and is a dead-end power pool (unless you want to pick up super speed for stealth purposes). I'm NOT advocating hasten become a baseline power like the fitness tree either nor am i advocating any nerfs to hasten. I'll also remind people, most high end builds will pick up maneuvers from leadership anyways because it is an easy way to get defense and a slot for luck of the gambler global recharge. will people ONLY dump tactics or will they ALSO dump maneuvers? i kind of doubt the latter. a lot of people also love having vengeance.
  18. glad to see the range back on a SNIPE ability. also, im not a balance/designer kind of guy, but giving targeting drone 30% recharge seems excessive. something more like 20% seems more inline with every other powerset that has a recharge bonus built in. I understand its a toggle, not a passive... but still. final note. i dont think many people mentioned it at all, but scrappers also get snipes from the patron pool. i dont imagine many scrapper builds were often utilizing high slotted tactics or even picking up snipe in the first place. but this definitely streamlines scrapper epic/patron power pools especially because shadow meld was such a strong pickup already and moonbeam is just sitting there as a pre-req. not suggesting it needs a nerf on scrappers but just find it humerous the intent is to bring blasters inline with single target damage and yet it also helps along scrappers.
  19. i went with /elec. you get 20% recharge passive, 50% end reduction on everything and ALSO a fill your end bar clicky. solves a lot of the shortcomings of TW. overall the set is a monster if you disregard momentum. constant knockup, tons of AoE and insane single target damage, a defense buff, resistance & defense debuffs. the problem is dealing with momentum. the damage of the set during momentum is awesome. getting momentum is a problem often times. you dont get momentum when you hit absorb bubbles (even if it is a successful hit). you dont get momentum on a miss (which feels REALLY awful) -- that said, chain misses are absolutely disgusting. outside of build momentum clicky, the standard momentum window feels so short. and one of the biggest issues surrounding this is maximizing your attack windows during momentum. anytime you need to press buttons not related to momentum during your window it feels REALLY bad. all that in mind, playing in parties is often very awkward. you might as well not do anything if you dont have build momentum active because by the time you finish swinging, whatever you tried to hit will be dead and your momentum will be half gone by the time you get to the next target and then you'll have to get momentum AGAIN. overall an extremely strong set limited by an extremely frustrating momentum mechanic. as an aside, i dont know if its a bug... but pretty much every attack in the kit has a delayed aspect to it. skills swing around, make sound effects etc, and then it actually does the damage/knockups 1 second later. im not sure why because it doesnt lineup at all with whats happening visually but it can often feel bad if you were spamming a knockup skill as you die and then the mob gets knocked up right after you die.
  20. its already been expressed before this isnt a "high end set IO requirement". also many builds utilize leadership power pool regardless... so often what you are saving here is slots. as with many RPGs there is definitely a huge enjoyment around planning out your build and seeing it come together as you grow. so you are disregarding the playerbase that enjoys that aspect with this mindset. if it was just a buff to everyone, i dont think as many people would be upset. it is a nerf to many blaster /device builds and corrupter /time builds (among others) that likely wont change anything in their builds after the update and get no compensation. i think there are just better ways to go about this.
  21. not a big fan of the snipe concept. its a straight nerf to anyone that has built for it already... and in blaster /dev case they cant reasonably just respec out of a powerset. slow snipe will reasonably never be used because of the nature of the game... very few people will stand around for 15 seconds to wait to snipe something (especially in parties). could you perhaps make those changes tied SPECIFICALLY TO THAT IO. that way if people want it, they can have it (reduced range, increased recharge -- i guess Dom's case is more complicated). Point is you want this change available but you feel its necessary to introduce PENALTIES around it. There are some powerset combinations that will leave their general build unchanged but now just have a nerfed snipe ability. for anyone that was using tactics slotted out the wazoo to achieve instant snipe, freeing up slots might be a blessing... but the same crowd may also be upset with the reduced range and increased recharge.
  22. interested in your thoughts on some powers: flares vs fire blast -flares has lower activation time -fire blast does more damage -either way its more of a filler attack -both recharge fast enough to not worry about whether you might not have a button to press rain of fire vs fire breath -rain of fire always sends enemies scattering in panic -can be good for defensive purposes -can be extremely annoying because stragglers are now all over the place instead of roughly grouped -fire breath cone is initially very small -with clarion boost, the range is reasonably good and the damage is quite high, even if over a couple seconds -activation time on fire breath is long general problem im feeling with rain of fire is that the damage isnt upfront and just sends them running everywhere... so i dont often feel like i want to use it.
  23. just curious on some of the slotting choices. I thought the IOs that activate for 120s need to actually be a clicky or a toggle... not just a straight passive. so they actually work in passive skills?? Example would be Miracle +recovery in Health. also just a general question regarding time's juncture -- is this really necessary to keep on and especially slot out when you have 60%++ defense on everything? or are you more using it for the 20% damage debuff for the few attacks that do roll in? Otherwise looks awesome. giving it a try... was rough trying to solo stuff before chrono shift... but once i hit 39, the build really seems to open up and i imagine its just going to get way better with incarnate stuff and set bonuses. status effects in general, and ESPECIALLY knockdown, are a huge problem currently.
  24. Seems like only the skills that require momentum show all of the detailed info. any of them that do not require momentum are missing A LOT of information, including secondary effects like +defense, -defense, etc. Skill with no momentum required: Skill with momentum required:
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