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Everything posted by Troo

  1. If it is a part time effect, no thanks. Taking a rather simple set and complicating it won't be well received. (not just me)
  2. All Insect Posi 1 & 2 Team Thanks team.. even you Dung Beetle! You were Craptastic! (in a good way)
  3. This is troubling.
  4. =(
  5. @DougGraves maybe we're thinking of it differently. I do think COX is easy at it's core and by design. It's fun. Costume, powers, a progression system, and a way to make those powers more effective. We can jump in and play with folks at any level. - on top of that - There is a whole mess of nuance, time sinks, and shabang that are for the most part optional. Is there challenging content, yes! Regardless of how strong there is something in the game that can be challenging. (top end kinda unfinished though) I've not seen a slew of folks soloing the Tree of Thorns Respecification Trial
  6. @Xanatos As is often the case, I agree with much of what you are saying. Is game balance pointless in MMORPGs? You are correct. However, it isn't pointless. It just doesn't need to be the primary focus. It should definitely be considered in development and a goal for good design. That said, who wants a bunch reskinned homogeneous spreadsheet numbers? /em puke.. This topic does spill into power creep, game progression, replayability, roles, feedback loops, gamification.. -- Nerfs. These should be used in exceptional situations not as tuning instruments. -- Define being super. This is going to vary person to person. For me it is Fly, Jump over buildings, or Run so fast that the character is almost hidden. COX nailed that and had us work our way up a little to be able to do those things. Alts just needed to get to level 14.. The old developers from live did get it. The game just grew, the game industry morphed, folks came and went with varied visions. And even still.. one heck of a game. -- Regarding PVP & Is game balance pointless? This might be answered with another question: If balance is so important, why doesn't pvp use a single ideal build or team? (at a high level, this is what happens isn't it? there's a meta/fotm and as folks try new things that meta shifts)
  7. I'm just going from memory and might be conflating Energy Punch cast. Still 1.0 and 0.5 would make sense. or it could have been 1.0 and 0.83.. even still, it was a massive change.
  8. @Bopper I think Energy Transfer was 0.83 cast & 0.5 hittime
  9. As always. Thanks @Bopper! This is an important aspect of how powers work. For this discussion: Power Name Cast Arcana TimeHit Rch End Energy Transfer 2.67 2.904 2.2 20 10.19 Total Focus 3.3 3.432 2.3 20 18.51 ..the actual activation time and the actual hit time represent embarrassing over corrections from what they used to be.
  10. @siolfir Those hit times are a great addition to the conversation. Where did you get them?
  11. The original change was made for a reason. Balancing PVP. You could be right, ET is not an under performer (in ideal conditions). BUT ideal conditions are hard to come by. When we factor in non-hits it is a horrible under performer. What do I mean about non-hits? Basically single target corpse blasting. Power is activated with target at 1/2 health, but by the time the animation finishes the target is defeated. All costs still occur and it needs to recharge before next use. It's not necessarily the animation time that is the issue. It's when the damage is applied. A 'proper' way to address this could be to cancel the power on target defeat. No cost and available. I don't think this exists, could be an unrealistic amount of work and testing. Another 'proper' way to address it could be to move the damage to the front end of the animation. Again could be an unrealistic amount of work and testing. We can avoid experimenting and unnecessary development + testing time. Just change it back to what it was. We already have the numbers and the animation.
  12. Sorry, my intention is not to be rude. We're just talking in circles and I don't want to argue with you. You always seem nice. (I'm also at work) It does seem, repeating the same thing over and over, it isn't going to get you to look at it from the other perspective. Maybe It boils down to a 1 second Energy Transfer -vs- a 2.6 second Energy Transfer with a new gimmick and other stuff. If you are proposing Energy Transfer as is with the 1 second animation plus other stuff.. honestly, you could do what ever else you wanted. But I don't think that is what you are proposing. Revert the Energy Transfer nerf. Simple and quick (this gets us back to the 1 second ET)
  13. sigh..
  14. @macskull I love that you put a bounty on me. @barrier honestly, I'm surprised that those trying to increase the number of pvp participants don't distance themselves from you more often.
  15. @barrier @Xanatos just because I don't PVP with you doesn't mean I haven't PVP'd. you may not have had a chance to read where I posted Admittedly, I do find "Now targeting Troo, 3, 2, 1 fire" a bit lame "If you hit 75% of the targets called, I'll give you 250M inf and a public apology." ..obviously you feel there is a gap between what you are doing and regular players. "I suggest you gather 7 friends and go 8v8 over on Indominable. PVP is leagues more difficult than PVE." ..as you stated earlier they are just different. 8v8 is more about builds and coordination. That you both trigger so hard on any perceived criticism regardless of how slight, it is a bit sad. You are making the case for why folks don't.. Such a welcoming competitive community.
  16. FYI for any that don't know. I like PVP. (Admittedly, I do find "Now targeting Troo, 3, 2, 1 fire" a bit lame and prefer zone and arena for 1v1. Base raids were fun but that's likely because we won far more than we lost on Justice) I wish more people participated. I also wish there wasn't such a barrier to entry with where the current PVP happens.
  17. It's not often I have to look up a word, and then also look up the words in the definition. Well done. A1 - I'm not sure if they are different. A2 - n/a That does not mean that this is not a factor. Not all folks are drawn to it or measure it the same way. I differed with your point that the difference between PVE and PVP was the sole reason some didn't like PVP. I also differed with the premise that PVE is easy and PVP is hard mode. COX is just a easier game period. COX PVP isn't that hard. While skill is a factor, Build selection, Build cost and Team coordination (where applicable) all are much bigger factors.
  18. A primary difference between Energy Melee and Energy Assault is Energy Transfer and Ranged attacks. (Dominators can access ET in the epic power pool) I get that people who like and play Energy Assault would like to propagate it to other archetypes. Folks who play or played Energy Melee feel the same way. Co-oping another power set is a nasty way to get one's preference onto other ATs.
  19. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there and I do appreciate what you are saying even if I and others vehemently disagree. Just so we understand each other, I have pretty extensive experience playing Energy Melee (years on live). Others who have commented are likely to have similar experience. Now imagine if we said your existing preference should be completely reworked resulting in Energy Focus being removed. That wouldn't be the same power set, would it? That's what you are suggesting for Energy Melee.
  20. Of course. It's all part of the learning curve. At least respecs are easy to come by currently.
  21. poppycock.. ..but I do agree that PVE being different from PVP definitely doesn't help.
  22. Is this an attempt to bully someone to try and suppress their posting or were you appointed the forum police? Regarding the pvp timeline pattern: One could suggest this thread might be following that same pattern. As far as contributing "a single constructive in this entire thread" I'd point you to: Sure some may trigger on one or two terms which illustrates it's own point. Listening after all can be a challenge. That @macskullgets bored by lower level pvp is irrelevant, this was about how to get folks to try PVP. Listening might be important to that end.
  23. 'Princess' may be gender neutral in this case..
  24. Ahhh, classic pvp "Let's get people involved!" a little bit later "Oh, ignore the a-holes. we're not all like that.." a little bit later "Hey, where did everyone go?"
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