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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Now I am hungry again. And it is way past bedtimes...
  2. Alright! Where's the Turkey? Happy Thanksgiving, friends and fellows! Enjoy your long weekend and hope to see ya all again in the other side of the cardiac 😉
  3. Dang, I missed it again! I really should be checking notifications and Updates more often. However, I wouldn't have been making it on time anyway, was still on the road at that time...
  4. You all look smashing on the Theme Team Thanksgiving Dinner Plate! I admire the creativity that went into these costumes again! 👏 And now I am hungry... For Morti next week I will bring Doctor Barbarella, Peacebringer on duty! Need to run her in a little bit. Been quite out of touch with the peacebringers, which is an AT I play very rarely, I forgot most of the fun I think.
  5. @TrixieKixx Hey fellas, I am gonna sit this one out. Have been invited to friends birthday this saturday, so gonna go for the beers, beef and banter on offer there. Have fun, I may see you again on sundays SWS, if Indom manages to stay up for it 😉
  6. Tanker Tour coming to Reunion this month? I missed the last couple of runs, but would try to make it to the next one...
  7. That's why I keep coming back this activity here. It is actually quite a challenge to build a unique costume. My toons always get complicated fast, it is not easy to keep it simple and create a distinctive look! Good Job everybody! 🏆
  8. @TrixieKixx I am signing up with Emerald Arrowmage, Bow/Nature Blaster. Hope I can be there in time next weekend. Will likely be out and about on saturday. Keep you posted if I am running late.
  9. Hey @Midnyte, thanks for the boatload of pics. Nice captions, especially the colour-blinded one 😉 I think you missed Bourbon Neat in the list of participants. That was @Jaxman100, right?
  10. Another pitch here for one of the future themes. It may have been done before, when I wasn’t yet a regular on the teams, but how about going for an All-Mastermind TF/SF? Maybe looking for one that isn‘t all narrow-council-cave-bases-from-hell, so that one doesn’t get even crazier mad than usuall with all the traffic and camera FUBAR that it brings… What say you? Rich may even promote this for his stream a bit, as this probably is something you don’t see very often. For a reason, I guess, but hey…
  11. @TrixieKixx So if everything goes to plan, I will be showing up with MARILLION, which is one of my all-time favorite bands since my early highschool days. Still making marvellous music today, and I have the honor of having my name on the cover of the officially first ever crowd-funded project, which was their Anoraknophobia album in 2001. Go read up on it 😉 Thinking about a costume, I decided on the Jester who was a prominent theme on their very early album covers: It‘s a dressed up Bananiac, but I couldn’t bring myself to give him a sad face like in the picture above. My version is still smiling happily… or rather, madly… if I am honestl Plant / Rad Controller, for the… ahem… record.
  12. I started a base and it is basically a big storage container. I am always amazed at the effort that people put into it. I am totally occupied with the Costume Creator, and now I started to Plan toons in MIDS. I am still afraid of the Base builder and what kind of rabbit hole opens there.... That being said, it was fun to roam around the Base. And thx for the goodies, @TraumaTrain!
  13. Wow, you were farming that poor House pretty hard, Midnyte! 🙂 Not much left standing after you were done with it, eh? Nice shots, as usual. And thx to you guys for letting me slip in for a few runs before I had to jump.
  14. Hi guys, I am in no particular need for specific badges, so not much advanced planning from my side. But If I have enough time today, I will run the following toons (which basically are the ones I enjoy playing most right now): Le Savant d'Ombre - Dark/Zombie MM Amber Elfling - Staff/SR Stalker Forlorne - Fire/Fire Blaster Demolishia - SS/Rad Brute Bananiac - Plant/Rad Controller Demolishia is the 1st 700mil Battlemonster that I built myself, and I am still validating this. She is quasi untouchable, but feels a little bit lacking on the damage side. I am playing her quite like a Tank right now. But the Powersets are awesome for her character 🥰 All the AoE, and Knockups gallore, so much fun!!!
  15. Don't know yet if I will be there, Kids are planning a Halloween party and I may be busy prepping The House. Would love to join that for sure. Are you planning to stream again this weekend, Rich?
  16. Hey @TrixieKixx, have I missed it or is the Dr Kane thread still pending? I will probably show up with Le Savant first, my Zombie/Dark MM. On any eventual 2nd run, I will just go with what I feel like playing. Also, I ... think... this weekend we will set back the clock for DST... but that should be saturday night, so Theme Team will still be at 1800 my time in the afternoon... Need to check that, not to miss the slot again like last time that happened 😆
  17. That's awesome, @Midnyte! Congratulations for taking Indom, it was well overdue for one of your fabulous toons to take home a price. I must say I would have been totally clueless with that theme. Great job! 🏆🎯
  18. That all sounds spectacular, @TrixieKixx! Although I will have to think a bit about Thanksgiving dishes... there is no corresponding tradition here in the way there is in north america. Another idea for a future theme: I was looking at Iron Winter and his Bio, and having watched Black Widow yesterday, how about making a Cold War Soviet Hero/Villain Team? I have seen quite a few faboulous characters running around building on such a theme, and have also made a Tank myself built on that premise (staking a claim right now, if we would decide to go for it 😉 ) People, what do you think?
  19. That's a great recap, @Midnyte! Thanks a lot for always taking the effort to do this. I currently do neither find the nerve nor the time to be funny and original about it, so apologies for taking a break. Work is sucking out a lot of my energy, but I am hoping to break free from that in a few months again...
  20. Great thing! I am looking forward to re-view this! Will see if I can hop on the discord as well next time you do this. Maybe need to figure out some audio settings to make it work though. Seemed to be very low volume for some reason that I still haven't figured out.
  21. It does not seem to be brewed by one of the 6 Munich breweries, so you won't find it anywhere at the actual, original Oktoberfest. But it is what you could name an Oktoberfest-style beer, being brewed as a special type of Märzen like the ones served at the Oktoberfest itself. That being said, you should just enjoy it like you want, and have your own little Oktoberfest with it! I am quite impressed with the variety and quality of beer that can be found now all across the US and North America since the Microbreweries and Craft Beer Companies ushered in a real renaissance of the American Beer. Hope you like it!
  22. I will totally sign up for that, Rich! Not finding a lot of playtime right now, so I feel a bit out of touch with the game. Twitch may just fill that gap a bit...
  23. @TrixieKixx Hey Trix, can I ask for a concession for saturday? Again not sure if i can be there in time tomorrow, but if I am, I would like to bring another controller to the action: Haunted Lilac (Dark/Rad). She's the only one I can field in Zombie Dress right now...
  24. OK, looks like I will be there after all. Sending Mr Ponzi Scheme (Mace/ Elec Brute). This is actually my marketeer toon, I don't play him actively. But he features Brains! 🙂
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