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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. I was searching for the glowing white Disney princess on the right side of Fräulein, and it may be a matter of perspective, but I could only find one on the left 😉
  2. Rrrright….😉😁 I too was throwing myself with fervor at the giant monster fight after the contest, looking forward to mayhem, badges and all that stuff! But after getting knocked out 3 times without even getting a shot off myself, I realized that even sidekicked to lvl50 my lvl11 toon was not going to cut it there. ☠️ I think I was much better off in the end running my Mastermind through that Penny Yin with Jaxx and Trixie again!
  3. I have to say I absolutely love what is happening here! Every single winner/finalist you picked here is just awesome as far as I am concerned! Applause! 👏 And keep it up please. Looking forward to seeing more of those great concepts. Would love to take part myself, but the time and date is in the middle of night over here…
  4. I was asking myself if Voodoo would be considered some kind of folklore (it definitely doesn’t fit the bill for fairy tale or fable), but it seemed to be close enough to home. And I didn’t have any other toon ready that would have been remotely fitting anyway…. But watching the competition it became pretty obvious quickly that there was a way too high bandwith of interpretations, I would say. Let’s hope that they will be more specific about it in the future, or maybe take into account having bios if the toons are not self-explaining.
  5. Well, both Snow White and Rapunzel are definitely plain old central European fairy tales and as such would allow any kind of interpretation for this CC. That being said, I would think it is save to assume that if you took any likeness to the Disney movie versions of those stories, you would get ripped by the admins, given their touchiness about trademarks.
  6. That name is also brilliant btw, @Vigilant Vergil! 👏
  7. Hmmmm, now that will be interesting… Thinking about this I would say my favorite dessert is Creme Brulée… or Kaiserschmarren… But I have absolutely no idea yet how to put either of THAT into a costume! I will probably dress up Bananiac again in some way. Choice of LVL45plusses is growing, but still limited…
  8. Wonderful postings, @Midnyte and @FrauleinMental! Feels like having been there, appreciate it! Impressive line-up of costumes again (and applause for the great bios)! Looking at them, I am struggling to name a favourite! Although I can see a certain likeness between Workshop and the toon I would have brought, so that would naturally make him a frontrunner for my pick of the day 🙂 I also have to salute the Kraftwerk homage! Which brings up this question: @TrixieKixx, we all know your obsession with food themes by now 😉, but how about a „favourite musician/band“ theme for one of the future runs? Final note: glad I got the donations ping yesterday with the reminder for the costume contest! And that the hotel wifi did hold up for the duration… Le Savant D’Ombre was at the right place, at the right time 🙂 http://i.imgur.com/n8MQ5Lc.gifv I have to say, however, that this CC theme seemed to be too unspecific… I failed to recognize any relation to any fables, lores or myths that I would know of at a good deal of the entrants (some of which still looked stunning nonetheless, of course, but a little explanation in a bio here or there would likely have helped). Would love to see what you guys ran with on Indom (or wherever you participated). Please post some pics!
  9. As for the Reunion Contest, I can only say the judges displayed an exceptional choice of good taste and appreciation to a worthy circle of finalists! (...again)🏆 P.S.: Talking about which, any heads up on when I can expect my crate of glorious goodies? 😎😉🎉
  10. Just found this thread and I think it is another shining example of what I so like about this Game! Applause!👏 On a separate note: Who here of you busy Guys&Gals from Sales and Purchasing did NOT have this happen to him or her at one time? I have been both on the giving and the receiving end of something like this a couple times. Albeit basically an order of magnitude below the original posting. So for me it probably equalled out okay 😎
  11. Thanks for the very EU-friendly scheduling, Trauma! I absolutely need to play more redside and definitely will put this on my schedule! That being said, I will keep watching this space, as I won't be there next weekend...
  12. Oha! I actually hadn't checked! Now that would be a darn shame having missed out on those 80 Merits! 😳
  13. Thanks @Midnyte for the Photo Ops, you got great ones. And for entertaining my Bananiplant, it sometimes can get restless. 😄 And congratulations of course for dinging 50 with Embers, that feels like a special moment if this happens when on the team 🏆 And before we dig into my regular "Themes and Teams" Column, I would like to make an amendment to your post upstairs, as I think we can now rightfully welcome the newest member to this elite little group: .... and this is where I realize that I have the in-game global, but not the Forum name of Burnt Umber 😳 Anyway, guys please get that into the logs next week, so it gets included in the line-ups. For now we just go with EDIT: Thank you for identifying yourself! @Vigilant Vergil - Commenticia (Illusion/Force Fields Controller) And welcome to our little chitchat as well. But now, here we go for this weeks edition of the "Fly-By-Lie-By-Looting" Theme Team Recap: The Bug brung it! It's good to have a Tank on these teams that only goes to faceplant when he feels like it! The Shadow Shards travel itinerary is not for the faint of heart! Easy to get lost, and not easy to get around when those lazy Team Transporter pilots just refuse to drop you off somewhere else but a door! Talking about doors... I keep smashing them, and they keep staring back empty at me! Sometimes I am more than a little worried about this teams obsession with them... I totally missed the funny part about Velociraptors, but hey: You don't watch the chat for a minute, and next time you look it has turned completely sideways to some new absurd topic! 😅 Had to jump seat at the end again, but at least this time I was not leaving unfinished business! Family was staring me down by then, but I took this one FOR THE TEAM! 💪 A few more shots here, but Midnyte really got that part covered perfectly... The Brung It Part: Lazy TT Pilots, hovering around for an extended smoke and just burning fuel, while the Team was at full attention! Not easy getting a Pepsi in The Shadow Shard A Hero doing a Hero's Work Things to not be concerned about(?): Rounding this up with another Bonus Pic, hope you like it: I wish you a splendid week and a Good Hunt next saturday. Will be going on vacation to Austria on friday for a week, so this time I really have to pass (which is a shame because I have this beautiful Mastermind Tecknomancer, a Demons/Traps that would be just so perfect for Penny!)
  14. Just a Heads Up, looks like thanks to a strong vaccine reaction from last week I am gonna stay home today. Which means in turn that I am going to be there for the Theme Team. Looking forward to see all you pests hovering around in the Shadow shard! 😉
  15. Hello my friends, this time really just a short one. Don't have a lot of special moments for my recap really, and this still somehow feels incomplete because I had to leave early. But my family was giving me hell because we were about to leave for dinner that I promised a while ago 🙂 So without much further ado here, shooting off a few more pointy observations from the hereby to be known as "Blasts from Futures Past"-Theme Team: We may have found a new Regular, if we may count 2 successive visits to our little errands, On Time, and In Theme! It was nice to have you on board, and here's to hope to see you again, Nox Atrissima / Horrere! (I remember that I checked for your Global, but didn't capture it and now can't recall it...😌 Hope you find this shout out!) I suspect one reason why we were running later than I anticipated is because certain people were continuously trying to kill Clockwork Dynamo and those little Copter pets that were all around for obvious reasons... Force of habit, I guess... I didn't get all of the conversations, but one time I looked somebody was talking about rubbing Bourbon on their arms... Explain yourself!!! Sentinels Inherent: Indiscriminently hit Buttons - Indiscriminently hit more Buttons - When shiny ring appears, hit THAT button! More or less good things happen... It's kinda simple really (and personally, I can only say it suits MY playstyle perfectly. But the keen observer may have noticed that already 😉 ) EDIT: See, I forgot an important point: After you hit that colorful button, you need to go back to hitting buttons indiscriminently. Sooo...., not that simple after all, I must say! I loved the line-up, folks! Each one looked really cool, and given the obvious choices in the CC, everybody found a way to make their look special! This is soo much fun!! And I got to dust off another of my creations that I always wanted to play more seriously, but never got down to! Theme Team be praised! Nice work on the Bios again as well 👍 Some more impressions that I want to add: And finally, although Trixie just did a perfect set of Bonus Pics already, here is one that I found for us: Take care, folks! The Shadow Shard awaits!
  16. Damn, so sad I missed it. Next month looking good so far, however.
  17. Great pics, thank you @FrauleinMental & @Midnyte! Man, I am really sorry I missed that last part. This has become one of my favorite Strikeforce showdowns. At least from the pictures it looks like I did my part to bring Duray down. 😁 Thinking about this, I could have left my radiation aura on auto ... @TrixieKixx, I will also be (very!) doubtfull for next week 😞 Just in case I would be able to make it, sign me up with BZZZZnaniac, the incomparable Janitor-turned-Bio-Radiated-Bananafly-powered Superhero! (AT is Controller, for the record) Edit: Plant/Rad Controller, to be specific. And saturday actually appears to be looking good so far.
  18. Looks like I am not going to make it today. Sorry to miss it, had a lot of fun last time. But got family business and wont be able to play tonite. 😞 Have fun, and I hope to be there next time!
  19. Hi Folks, busy week again, so this is coming late. But as I kinda like getting laughs and praises for doing it now, I won't let this stop me! See what you did there? 😲 So here we go again, another edition of Bananiacs Beautiful Broadcasts on what I am hereby calling "The Art of Antiquity"-Theme Team: Midnyte, you really killed it already with your own recap! Thanks again! Great job! I would like to add a few more minor things: IT WASN'T MY FAULT! AND I GOT THE EVIDENCE, TRIXIE! 😜 Your Honor, I would like to present sample #1! I am not sure if the Warwalkers appreciated the pediatric effect of the Spirit Sharks enough... I know - even though I still have a hard time to believe - that there is a badge for smashing doors. Watching Jaxx for a while, I was begining to suspect there is one for defeating Oil Slicks as well! Isn't it funny that every time we have done this TF now with a small Theme Team, that we actually get random pickups that perfectly fit in with the theme? Sample #1 Okay, now we got that out of the way, here are some more impressions: Starting up with a gorgeous and amazingly antique line-up: Memorize!!! From the 2nd run, a very fun, no theme Penny Yin. Hard to discern anybody underneath all those glowy buffy things, though. 😄 Working on Doors Badge. Is this really a thing?!? Bonus Pic: Salve, Amici! 😉
  20. I intend to be there this week again. Planning to bring one of my lower level Shield tanks. I hope I can make it on time, though. Just a Heads Up, I am scheduled for a Silver Mantis an hour before on Indom with my regular team. But this should be doable in 1h I guess...
  21. @TrixieKixx for next week I'd like to register my Rad / Rad Sentinel Curie Automaton, a mechanical embodiement of Madame Curie. Absolutely love Steampunk as a theme. I have built a whole team of Automata in that frame, and had a terrible time deciding on which one to bring forward 🙂
  22. Hey, I feel called out! Thank you @Midnyte for making sure we never forget the heroic sacrifices that were made! I felt obliged to make a point: That having your Alpha slotted (or Beta, or Gamma, or whatever... ) is no reason to not faceplant good in this Taskforce! 😎😁
  23. Well, to be honest, I HAD my Alpha slotted when we did this. And in totally selfless acts of solidarity I was faceplanting at least as much as you were! 😇 So I am determined to go back and set a few things right! Are you with me, @TygerDarkstorm?✊😆
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