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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. No, it doesn't. Flippers can't just set any price they want. Flippers only ever sell their wares when they are the lowest listed price at that time. At best, you could argue they pay high prices for the item at their time of purchase. But in this case they're also paying suppliers more than anyone else was willing to at the time -- this encourages supply of goods, which is de-inflationary. Flipping also causes an extra round of market fees to be removed from the economy, which is fundamentally de-inflationary.
  2. My experience isn't like some of the feedback here at all. Usually, I see people who didn't build for some degree of sturdiness being defeated and needing to respawn or waiting for someone to rez them, all the while the now short team slows has to slow down. Sometimes over and over to the point I wonder how it could be fun. I'm also not speaking about lowbie toons, for whom it's understandable. I see it as my first responsibility to be sturdy enough to not do that to my team for whatever mechanical role I play. Even so, the game isn't hard and I'm more interested in having fun than rewards/hour. If they're okay with working their debt badges and still having fun, press on!
  3. It doesn't only happen with TF's; sometimes I'll join a story arc team and they redirect to radios or tips part way through, and vice-versa. When running teams, I've had player join and then ask if we can run their missions, or say something like "This team's great - we should run a TF!", instead of what I've advertised and others have joined for. I just imagine the other players groans. So I quickly say "Thanks, but I advertised to run X, so that's what we'll do." If you have content or a play style you want to team for, just form a team for that -- don't try to hijack someone else's.
  4. I generally try to be a good person, but I'm minded never to invite any of their characters to anything, ever, if see someone multibox farming in an open zone. "You don't need a team -- you have your own. Have fun on it."
  5. marketeering doesn't cause inflation. not even "flipping". Inflation is caused by there being too much Inf in circulation relative to supply of goods. And we don't even have inflation. We have very slow, long term, deflation.
  6. If you are patient selling converters, you can do a little better, but 50k is a good rule of thumb. We've had persistent slow price deflation in the game, so most things you could spend merits on are poor deals compared to buying them on the market, except, as noted above, converters, sometimes boosters, sometimes unslotters, and most Winter-O's.
  7. "MegaMech Falls", sung by Black Viper after completing the Ernesto Hess Task Force: "MegaMech Cometh" https://www.udio.com/songs/xrV4eZfFmXVAfrhdpREJnJ?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  8. "Heroes Rising", a City of Heroes Theme by Black Viper and the Midnight Choir. https://www.udio.com/songs/4DaeoP55yRxGRSEtsZRkLt?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  9. "Go! Hunt! Kill Skulls!" https://www.udio.com/songs/cupcvM5jLhEfZCzaGvHzGG?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  10. Prices and spreads have dropped a bit since then, but a person could pick up some loose change doing this still, today.
  11. "Black Viper and the Circle of Thorns" https://www.udio.com/songs/e3UeuFNXRH3WUXyVFHz1kg?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  12. Black Viper composes a pair of short songs in Pocket D, related to Valentine's day. "Pocket-Hearts" https://www.udio.com/songs/f9ehKGqvi1ff5dfEB3JrBL?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing "Heated Rhythm" https://www.udio.com/songs/iiSKQjGFfbcysXXuuF4Pui?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  13. She meets up with other heroes in Atlas Park, and they get a call about troubles in the city sewer... and, of course, she writes a song about it. "Sewer Dance" https://www.udio.com/songs/fJvanE9ZHvrzdcpLe5XZsh?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  14. Out and about with other heroes, fighting thugs and criminals, even low level ones, she finds exhilarating, and writes a song about it. "Thunder and Grace" https://www.udio.com/songs/tqGYwNZasb1vTQyViRDAVp?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  15. After the incident in the grocery store, Black Viper is encouraged to take up heroism, and gets a costume. In this short, she sings about shopping. "Elegance in Black Leather" https://www.udio.com/songs/5GPJ9BJz8TeSqGFdkVN1Bb?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  16. I used Google Lab's ImageFx ai generator. It takes careful prompting and some trial and error to get the vision out. https://labs.google/fx/tools/image-fx Udio.com also has a built-in album cover generator, and the covers for the songs following the link were made using that. I use the free version of the tool, the paid pro version allows you to upload your own cover art from an image file.
  17. Black Viper's song about the first time she faces down criminals, when her corner grocery store was robbed right in front of her. https://www.udio.com/songs/j4EebYRhTduNA6tttoEbZb?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing (My lyrics, music composed and sung by Udio.com.)
  18. Rhea O'Connell, was born in 1999 in Kings Row. Her parents, Elena Reyes and Marcus "Mac" O'Connell, were murdered when she was fifteen, a traumatic event that ignited her desire to fight injustice. After this tragedy, she was raised by her aunt, Isabel Reyes, who taught her discipline and strategy. She honed her martial arts skills in underground fighting clubs and developed super reflexes that grew from her high-stress environment. Operating outside the law at first, her actions eventually led the FBSA to register her as a vigilante due to her success in curbing gang activity. She has a strong sense of justice and independence and views herself as a vigilante who is more effective operating "in the shadows" rather than as a conventional hero. Rhea had her heart set on a musical career, singing and song-writing, before the tragedy that took her parents. Instead, she embarked on a driven effort to become a crimefighter. However she still has music in her soul, and currently in her civilian secret identity, Rhea works at "Back Alley Beats", a music and instruments store in King's Row, not too far from the monorail. The store aims for a slightly gritty and underground feel, appealing to local musicians and people in the area. The name references the "back alley" aspect of Kings Row, and its slightly darker, grittier side. They also have some iconography of Back Alley Brawler on display, though he is not commercially associated with the store. A few others at the store are aware of her secret life as Black Viper, and sometimes put on costumes as well, and play as a band for tips at local bars and clubs after hours as "Black Viper and the Midnight Choir". She also occasionally sings on missions about the superhero-life, enemy groups she faces, and missions she's been on, and so forth. Edit: Unless otherwise noted, music in this thread uses lyrics written by me, with vocals and instrumentals by genre & style prompted AI's such as Udio.com, and Riffusion.com, both of which I recommend. I claim no copyrights to the lyrics. Udio and Riffusion both allow unlimited non-commercial distribution.
  19. I read an article some years ago about untapped genetic potential in humans. The made a good case that there is a lot of it. It would just take astronomical odds for someone to win enough of the genetic lottery to go far beyond our current one in hundred million peak athletes. But it is possible. You don't need chi and all that, just a really good RNG roll.
  20. I make a lot fewer than I used to, once I found my permanent main. However, when I do, I tend to level them up pretty fast. I depend on my many years of playing lots of different characters, powersets, and roles to ensure I'm not a burden while I get up to speed on controls and tactics. However, I can definitely tell that the hundreds of hours I have in my main have put me far, far ahead playing that character than any of my alts. I suppose that's the same for others. If I leveled a new alt up very slowly getting all those hours in, I'm sure it would make a difference. Would it be enough to matter? From my experience with others, I don't think so. We're almost all pretty easy going on sub-optimal builds and even sub-optimal play. If a teammate is evident giving it a good effort, I'd never complain.
  21. It's not only having the chance to learn what powers do, but also the time spent with them (which admittedly varies by person) of practicing one's facility with the controls to develop the eye-hand coordination to get them firing off in a smooth and useful sequence.
  22. Thank you! I searched for a while to find one I felt would do it.
  23. I would like a new standing emote that has the character hold a microphone and dramatically sing with it, as if performing on a stage.
  24. I could see this being tied to the range you set. If the range is 50, then speakers within 25 will show up white, those from 25-50 show up grey. It would just be automatic at half the distance, no new slash commands would need to be added. (I'm sure it's still not a trivial thing to do, since it has to be done on the client and the server would have to distinguish the lines apart when sending them over. The hard limit its easier -- the server just doesn't send them at all.)
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