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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. I've played many variations. My current favorite focuses on these: Self survivability - I won't be very effective if I'm defeated all the time or frantically trying not to get defeated. Maximize primary set buffs/utility. My primary set will be as strong as I can reasonably make it. Tactical flexibility from things like teleport, soft controls, ground patches, and so forth General team support from leadership, hybrid, etc. Burst "save-the-day" capability. I play mainly on teams, and I like to think people were glad to have me along, and get that excited glint in their eye if they see me join up the next time around.
  2. I think from the OP is has to be a power a player can choose to take for the build from a primary or secondary powerset, excepting the vanilla Tier-9 nukes. If we were to open it up to all the powers in the game, then I'd have to pick a GM power that deletes a spawn. :D
  3. A streamer friend of mine is well over 500. :O
  4. The travel pools have been changed and improved enough I think you should take pains to try each of them fully. And also a no-travel pools trial, as well. See how well you can do without any of them at all (hint: pretty darn well).
  5. If they're a developer they enter it directly into the database. There may be some fancy scripting involved, and it might need to go in as multiple chunks, but having backened access to the database means the usual rules we as players have (limited market slots, stacks of ten, etc) to follow don't apply.
  6. I agree its possible, but that's spending 80 Billion to get stuff that would be worth half that in a few weeks, and that could have been bought for half that a few weeks prior.
  7. I think it was a number of people. Those of us who've been using the markets for a long time in big ways generally wouldn't spend that much in so short a time when we know the prices will be back down in short order. But people with a stable of new fifties and flush with cash from ToT and selling prismatics might not batt an eyelash at spending 2 Million each to get booster right nao. The daily spikes in numbers of bids to buy -might- have been a flipper trying to buy a lot at 10% or more below 2 million to resell at or above 2 million. It was a thing of beauty for those of us with the reserves of boosters and merits to draw on and sell :D
  8. I'm certain people do this anyway. One of the things I do is set up test sales to monitor ranges. e.g., for common salvage, I'd out in 1000, 2000, 3000, ... 9000, and 9999; and then see which sold overnight. This costs a lot less to do. :D
  9. I think the best time to execute such a test would be right after a server restart -- before everyone gets back on to be posting more of it to sell. I would be interested to see how many one would need to buy per hour to keep it empty of non-seeded posts. I'm not sure one person can bid, retrieve, and delete fast enough to keep up with it.
  10. I made some billions on this. I had boosters left over from thousands of Superpack purchases and loads of merits which I traded in for boosters to sell at those elevated prices. For a while, every night the price would peak in the 2-5 million each range, I would sell out everything I could post, and the bids to buy outstanding would still exceed 25,000. It normally sits about 11-12,000 or so. This was, ofc, due to loads of new fifties coming out of the ToT Hotel Madness. That's still going on at a slower rate, but I think the big rush for it is over, and booster prices seem to bakc to the pre-ToT normal.
  11. I should have been more clear. I outlined two alternatives, the first of which is crafting a great many recipes. Almost certainly this is to convert and resell as more valuable ones, and of course this makes good inf per unit. It's also a lot more work per unit. I could see someone doing this for up to a few hundred recipes per day, but not the thousands needed to become the dominant buyer of yellow salvage. It's possible there are dozens of new players in the craft-to-convert game, and that would make it possible, but I don't see the downstream effects of that (a more general softening in the prices of the better IO's that would result from greatly increased supply of them) The second alternative (the latter one) would be to flip the salvage itself for a profit; e.g., to buy yellow salvage up at 15K and relist it at, say, 20k to make a 3K profit per unit. This is the point to which "I don't see how that would make enough inf to be worth the trouble" because it's hard to do on a large scale without macros or botting. Whoever tries this is going to end up with a lot of unsold salvage jamming up every nook and cranny they could possibly store it in.
  12. It's still seeded at 10,000; just like it always has been. What more likely happened is whoever was buying at 10,000 either realized they were grossly overpaying without any point, or got bored trying to manipulate a market they coul not possibly keep up with.
  13. Try bidding for one at a time up in modest increments until you find a reasonable price that fills instantly. If there isn't one today, wait until tomorrow.
  14. Edit: Srmalloy already had this suggestion and I agree.
  15. When I ToT solo (or when i'm the first one and am starting a league) I get out my trusty Vanguard Heavy. It really helps on those EBs.
  16. The problem I have with counting "It rezzes" in favor of Howling Twilight is someone on your dead has to be dead.
  17. If someone's buying up huge amounts of Uncommon salvage, they're either crafting a huge number of recipes or are flipping them. If the latter, I don't see how that would make enough inf to be worth the trouble, unless they were using CoC-violating macros or full-on botting. There's an old saying that you will make more money trading wheat than diamonds. But that's only true if you can efficiently manage large scale trades.
  18. Yeah, but sometimes people don't have that. And the ones who have not visited Null seem to correlate in my experience with those who don't have LRT either.
  19. I'm going to start opening base portals whenever someone on my team complains about SB. "Here you go, type /enterbasefrompasscode ZONE-8888, go to the portal to Pocket D, visit NULL. We'll wait for you."
  20. kin for sure is an involved, fast paced set which isn’t the right fit for all players wanting to play a buff set, but is certainly in the top 3 most powerful sets in the right hands Kinetics is noticeable easier to run than it was before the powers like Speed Boost and Increase Density became targeted AoEs. If you used it in the distant past and you remember it demanding you be a tediously repetitive buff-bot, I recommend trying it again. You may be very pleasantly surprised!
  21. Also, if you have recharge, or if you use Siphon sped rapidly, or have the Force Feedback +recharge proc'ing, then you can often double or even triple stack Fulcrum Shift. I three-slot my Fulcrum Shift with Dsync Provocations for Accuracy and Recharge. That might be overkill for most folks, and is certainly out-of-budget for many. Between Fulcrum shift and Siphon Power, I can get that 300% for the melees in my team out of a single target, like an AV we're pounding on.
  22. I've struggled to find good synergies of other powers with Judgments. They don't benefit from bonuses like most other powers do, so I've had to look more tactically. One way I do so, is to exploit Judgment's ability to single-shot defeat minions to thin them out of the way of a Fold Space, so that it will pull in more Lt's and Bosses for a subsequent Fulcrum Shift and traditional T9 nuke: Judgment -> clears minions -> Fold Space -> bunches tougher mobs -> Fulcrum shift -> maximize DMG debuffs/buffs -> T9 Nuke.
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