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Posts posted by Display Name

  1. I'll take the badge, if offered!


    Anyway, the badge for "Avoids the Green Stuff" has a grammatical error, I think...?


    "You defeated Anti-Matter at the Keyes Island Reactor without letting a member of your league get caught in a Obliteration Beam."


    I think it's supposed to be "...an Obliteration Beam."


    Er...  Not that I'm subtly bragging about having the "Avoids the Green Stuff" badge!  Heh!

    • Haha 1
  2. Now this didn't cause any problems at all, but it was kinda fun to watch the players click on my portal and reappear a few feet away.  When my Ouro recharged, I was able to cast it again and again.


    Anyway, I believe the conditions that allowed me to do this was the fact that we started the Lambda itrial in Ouro and exited the tf back into Ouro (instead of arriving the "natural" way.)  I've never checked other TFs for this glitch and tbh, it was only coincidence that I noticed it this time.


    I'm not reporting this as a "problem," but I suppose it's worth reporting.

  3. Can we PLEASE have an option to do something with the Incarnate salvage besides crafting powers for a single toon?!  I've been badging Incarnate missions and now my Incarnate salvage window is CLOGGED!!!!!!!!!!  If I don't get Rare/Very Rare, I just click "Don't accept reward."  And even then, it's only a matter of time before I start blowing off Rare and Very Rare rewards!  And I'm nowhere near level 99 vet, yet!?



  4. This is a power that every /Temp Blaster has.  So I thought, why not enh it and use it?  It had only one slot so I slotted it with Tempered Readiness: +acc, +slow.  I've been a bit surprised at it's effectiveness!?


    Most teams I go on missions with can solo incarnate content, so I don't really use my /temp powers often.  The animations are too slow with a group of steamrollers!  But when we run into an AV that gives me time to use it, it *actually* worked sometimes!?  I fire it last in a chain with a 6-slotted (Superior Entomb) Time Stop and 6-slotted (Razzle Dazzle) Time Shift.  Sometimes the AV will be Held for a few seconds and sometimes they're just slowed.  But I don't think I've ever been disappointed by it!  Yay!


    Does anyone else use it?  Do you have any tips for it?

  5. I created an Ice Blast/Tactical Arrow and got nearly all of my Primary/Secondary powers to experiment with them and was overwhelmed by how many offensive powers I had available!?

  6. I would like to see a cool down for the Base TP power from the P2W agent similar to the Reveal power.  Base TP is a prestige power, too.  I would like to see a more "legit" form of base travel that would allow a person to set one base at a time for their power.  Or maybe purchase each time for each base.  But with a much quicker cool down.


    Of course if they give that to us, people (myself included) will start begging for MT, ATT and TT to get the same cool downs.  But honestly, I'm not sure we should rush into *that* particular can of worms just yet!

    • Like 1
  7. Well...  This is my first MMO so I don't have "years" on it.  But I've been playing several months, so here goes:


    When I first started playing, I was made (vaguely) aware of Dual and Team insp drops and that they were disabled by default.  Since I didn't really know what an "insp" was at the time (but I knew what a "drop" was since I've played video games since Pong) I didn't pay much attention.


    Recently I decided that I was tired of my insp trays being clogged by small drops so I decided to turn them off.  Imagine my surprise while doing this when I noticed that Dual and Team insp drops can be turned on for a mere 200K!?!?!?


    All of this occurs at the P2W agent, btw.

    • Like 1
  8. So after carefully reading a couple of replies, I've concluded that it's really not necessary to change the hostage rescues except to:


    1) add features that prevent or discourage the "click-and-go" habit most players have when there is an unusual hostage situations (ie: hostages are defeatable, etc)


    2) increase variety for how hostages are handled.  Maybe even make it configurable when you talk to the contact.  Hostages could be set to fade-on-contact, teleportable, and/or defeatable.


    3) Make no changes to the hostage's perception because they're "normals" anyway.

  9. Now that Cosmic platform is so ubiquitous, the Ouro badge is nearly useless.  I used to recruit lowbies hanging out at Ms. Liberty and help them get their Ouro badge at level 1 just to blow their minds.  But no one is interested anymore...  😞


    People don't understand that the Ouro badge is better for tp'ing to Atlas Park (for instance) and the Cosmic platform is better for tp'ing to Peregrine Island (for instance.)  It takes both of them to efficiently fast travel!

  10. On 10/8/2019 at 9:19 AM, Redlynne said:

    To be honest, with Minimal FX Mystic Flight in the game

    Ok.  I'm seriously with you on this "minimal" thing.  Like, seriously.  If I get a power that I use on other people (I'm talking to YOU Ice Armor!) then I always choose "minimal effects."  Period.  I don't want to diminish the true glory of their incredibly beautiful toon with my clumsy effects!  Right?


    But I reserve the right to "effects" my own toon!  If I have Mystic Flight, then I'm likely to flaunt it!  Lol!  "Yeah, tp baby!  Whuchoo got?"


    Hmmm...  Too bad Mystic Flight requires wasting a power to purchase.  It would fit perfectly with one of my toons!  Let's have all travel powers available through the P2W agent!

  11. Wow!  My topic was quoted!  Lol!


    I've used Ice on multiple builds now, and I don't like it.  I like damage!  I saw a Fire/ sentinel that was awesome!


    /Regen can make your Sentinel nigh-unstoppable!  Lol!

    • Haha 1
  12. Psychic Blast has TK Blast with KB.  Mental Manipulation has TK Thrust.  I had previously counted Psionic Tornado.  Also Bonfire from Fire Mastery.


    I understand what "knockUP" is, but how is it useful?  I've seen it with Levitate, and people get mad when I use it because it moves the enemy.

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