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Everything posted by MJB

  1. At the moment you can create a macro using `requestexitmission 1` to exit missions via the keyboard, which is great, however when the zone you are trying to exit too has multiple instances then it opens a dialog box asking you to select which zone to go into. For example this happens a lot during lady grey TF asking whether you want to go to RWZ 1 or 2. It would be great to have a way to say "get me into the first available instance" or "get me into any random instance", perhaps use the argument to the macro. So for example `requestexitmission 2` might automatically put you into the first available instance.
  2. There is alpha enabled in RV, meanwhile arena has all incarnates enabled (though players often enforce limits on which incarnates are allowed to be used, but technically all are enabled)
  3. procs are resisted on homecoming, they were unresisted pre-shutdown though. controllers still see a lot of use, though mostly for the secondaries (maybe with the odd long hold or confuse thrown in, which is still quite effective with coordination)
  4. a lot of people use it as an escape tool, but relying on it as your only travel power would make life difficult to get a lot of attacks off
  5. i would be totally for that if it wasnt possible for dominators to also 3 shot people (let alone corrs or defenders, which could do the same thing + heal themselves, or blasters and scrappers who can do the same thing except 2 shot instead) not to mention sentinels, who are as tanky as stalkers while also being able to stack mag 12 holds permanently from range. or forts who can do it with mag 20 holds, etc etc. really the more i think about it, the more i think that for mez to work in a balanced way, damage and healing would need to be nerfed across the board. any mez system just isnt going to be fun to play while kill times on a held target for every AT other than controllers and warshades on a squishy is <5 seconds in a 1v1 situation, let alone team play. even now its fully possible for a dominator to kill a defender 1v1 before mez suppression kicks in, with the only counterplay being changing io sets and setting yourself up with cooldowns like unrelenting before the hold happens.
  6. I would go as far as to say melee AT's are overpowered and reducing the gap would mean nerfing melee across the board. they arent seen in 8v8 due to the ruleset (taunt ban) and because being able to tank 4 people at the same time doesnt matter when there are 8 people on the other team. in small team/zone with just a bit of practice with movement they are definitely strong. in 1v1 i would be willing to bet 2b+ inf i could beat any blaster with a few of my scrappers. also melee is quite fun in small team stuff, for example: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1022183669 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1032482146
  7. you can access the arena from anywhere (including pvp zones) to do impromptu 1v1s using the menu: it would be nice if people would try to play/understand how pvp actually plays at the moment instead of making suggestions based on their experiences of trying pvp once 14 years ago, the game has changed a bit since then.
  8. psi/plant is good for just about everything so sure
  9. i assume you mean roll back to before i13: io's existed before i13, though there are new sets/procs and whatnot now but w/e lets ignore those. technically there is nothing stopping a rollback other than a few issues it would present that ill talk about later. many people are, many people arent, some people want a halfway house or completely different system put in place. i dont recall ever seeing a formal vote or anything it depends™. there was a test a few months ago on the private beta server for what it might look like, and while there were some bugs with certain power interactions not respecting the pve/pvp flags, the dev work to make the test happen was pretty small. mostly just disabling some zone wide flags iirc. the test overall was some decent short term fun but it extremely quickly turned into the people who knew what mechanics were extremely abusable completely destroying everyone else with 0 counterplay. however there are some things that exist now that didnt before that could bring up significant balance issues, for example poison only existed on mm's, scrappers didnt have em, procs werent nearly as big a deal, etc etc. so really quite a lot of dev work would need to go into balancing these sorts of things unless people would be happy facing ice/poison controllers with perma mag 20 holds and -300% slows, or ice/plant blasters with perma mag 12 holds and 3 shot capabilities (and no free res to counter that), or em scrappers literally 2 shotting people, sentinels literally existing at all, etc etc. the main arguments i keep hearing for reverting pvp to pre-i13 are one of a) "my build works differently in pve and pvp and i dont like that" or 2) "i used to be able to take my <insert terrible pvp combo> character into zone and still do well. the problem with a is the aforementioned balance issues, and we all know how much pve players love having balance changes put on them for pvp reasons. also a pve build would still never do well in a pvp setting even with the same mechanics available. simple things such as phase shift being fantastic in pvp, good travel power selection being mandatory or even that pve softcap defence does almost nothing in pvp when players have so much access to tohit buffs mean that people would _still_ need to have pvp builds to do well. meanwhile problem 2 is more nuanced, really in ye-olden-days people could take whatever into zones and do well because no one knew what they were doing and everyone had terrible builds, but unfortunately we now live in a world where people can watch the best players to know how to play, and builds are extremely cheap to get up and running. so yes ar/elec blasters could do well in i12 RV, but only because they were facing other people with terrible builds. ar/elec in reality sucked then and still sucks now, the only difference is now everyone can have a good build set up in a few hours whereas before no one knew what a good build even looked like, and if they did it still took weeks to get it up and running. are these problems solveable? absolutely yes, but they would require a lot of work/resources. i feel like i should also mention since it will inevitably come up from someone who hasnt tried pvp in the last 14 years, i13 had multiple parts to it and imo the worst parts have already been reverted or changed, to go through them: travel suppression: completely removed in homecoming in all forms, pve has more suppression than pvp atm heal decay: completely removed in homecoming diminishing returns: still exists and is annoying, talks about adjusting curves to allow more sets to be viable happen but nothing has come from it yet. double edged sword damage tied to animation time: still exists, but is arguably a good thing for balance mez changes: still exist and suck if youre a controller/dominator player for sure, but also does mean you are allowed to play the game without buying break frees every 2 minutes im sure im missing something but w/e, you get the gist. imo travel suppression was the biggest problem in i13 and movement atm is better than it was in i12, i recommend trying it out. as a final note: everyone wants base raids back, last i heard they are just royally broken and dont really have anything to do with i13. tl;dr it could be reverted, but this is a very different game compared to i12 and it wouldnt be the same as it was. current situation also isnt perfect.
  10. im going to assume AE is not allowed because thats boring. if you were allowed to use inf from other characters then i suspect nothing would stop some proc-monster scrapper, probably /fire for burn. a blaster might get close. so lets assume you must source all of your own inf, are you allowed to use the AH? depends on your definition of solo, but lets say no because it complicates things, which means io sets are off the table too (for how i would want to do this challenge anyway). another thing to consider is the p2w exp boosts, if you arent allowed outside inf then choosing something that doesnt rely on enhancements (read: accuracy) much would make more use out of double xp, which is a pretty huge boost to speed. so a few things come to mind, first iirc the half way point between 1-50 is somewhere between 36-40 i think, which is where a lot of sets get pretty much their full power and i think at this point nothing is going to be faster than a kin of some kind. so an OG fire/kin controller sounds pretty strong without IO's for the second half, however all early levels would be pretty torturous. would it make up for it? maybe, not sure. what is for sure is that a fire/kin would need a lot of inf for enhancements, which may make the entire idea unviable to start with. a /rad corruptor doesnt really need accuracy enhancements at all, and while AM is up has no endurance problems AND gets everything it needs pretty early on in life (debuff toggles, AM, if its a fire/rad then blaze and fireball are both pretty early too), however getting recharge for AM uptime would be quite difficult. also i suspect survivability would be a problem at higher difficulties. most scrappers that do a lot of aoe damage would run into end problems pretty often, however if you can solve the end problem and get an aoe damage toggle a claws/ scrapper only really needs accuracy in followup and should be able to do decently from there. warshades and peacebringers get tohit and end from nova form, online from level 6, which might be pretty good. i lean towards warshade a bit because of sunless mire, but surviving pre-eclipse would be a big issue. after eclipse and with smart use of insps i suspect warshades would do quite well in this sort of challenge. both HEATs also have the advantage of being able to use nearly all of the enhancements that will drop from enemies in some way or another, which i suspect would be a big help. both HEATs also get travel powers for free, which is a minor help (everyone should get a travel power pretty early on to save time anyway), but it is a help regardless. the biggest problem i think would be quantums, which would definitely be annoying and slow you down. all the veats get accuracy and tohit in their secondary which is pretty huge, they all have endurance problems though iirc, the best would probably be fortunata? they get access to followup and between the nuke, total domination and mass confusion the endgame should be pretty easy. finally a sentinel of some kind (maybe fire/rad?) would have accuracy issues, but would otherwise be able to clear just about everything +0x8 from pretty early on i think. love me some theorycrafting, i could be completely off base on this but im tempted to try it, over a few days. tl;dr: fire/kin controller destroys endgame, if it gets there scrapper struggles with enhancements/end /rad corruptor good early, maybe doesnt scale veats have end problems, might do really well otherwise warshades op edit: pressed submit too early
  11. i think its safe to say pvp is not a limiting factor here
  12. on live the amplifiers still buff black dwarf/dark nova, however on brainstorm currently the buffs disappear as soon as you change form from human. they still work as a human as expected. presumably peacebringers have the same bug but i havnt tested this
  13. tested on a ice/poison controller both in an arena map vs a player, and in RV vs random npc's, spamming any attack/debuff/power i had for several minutes and arcane bolt double (1.5x in pvp i guess) damage never procced. it worked fine in pve when the patch note first made it to brainstorm i tested arcane bolt with a fortunata and that worked, though i havnt gotten around to testing that again to see if its a controller specific bug or a regression.
  14. fightclub has a community, but also imo scrappers are really strong in small scale pvp situations, for example: and really ive been having a lot of fun with this toon lately. in big stuff like 8v8's i think you would struggle to find people who want to play with you
  15. note: this is also the case on live servers, but as the beta build was supposed to nerf this, im posting it here on live servers we consistently tested the placate proc to last for 8 seconds when used in will domination, which ran counter to the advertised 5.33 second duration. on brainstorm this was supposedly nerfed to 4 seconds, however preliminary testing showed it still lasted for 8 seconds. this led to further testing and interesting results. methodology: 2 players enter an arena match, 1 player uses a power with the proc on the other. the player who got placated then spams an attack to try to auto target the placater and attack them as fast as possible. times were measured using the arena clock, from the time the power with the proc activated until the time the counter attack activated (both from the same players perspective, being an attacker or defender made no discernible difference). note that all times are rough due to inaccuracies in the arena timer, combat ticks and networking weirdness results: will dom (close range): 8 seconds will dom (close range with assault on the target): 8 seconds mesmerize (close range): 5 seconds will dom (long range): 10 seconds something to note is that the placate proc is the only proc i can think of that activates when the power activates, not when it lands, so my theory is that its either activating twice (once when the animation starts, again when the projectile lands, hence the long range will dom lasting longer), or the timer for the placate to expire doesnt actually start until the power hits the target. pacify from the presence pool lasted the correct 4 seconds, stalkers/veats were not tested. also interesting here is that assault didnt appear to lower the duration of the placate, but it is supposed to provide placate resistance.
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  16. I keep hearing that people don't like that mez effects only affect half of the AT's. The solution is then obvious imo, lower the mez protection granted in armour powersets so everyone gets affected by mez's's's's's's's. Pretty sure the only reason this wasn't originally the case is because mez's's's's's's used to detoggle everything, but now that they just suppress I think it would be balanced.
  17. 2 years ago ski slope timers used to record in increments of around 0.12 seconds, over the years its slowly been getting worse and worse on indomitable right now they are recording in 1 second increments: which is obviously not accurate at all, however on the beta server its gotten even worse to recording in 2 second increments: i realise posting static images isnt the most accurate way to report this, but just trust me 😛 it doesn't seem to be related to server uptime (otherwise times put up soon after a server restart would show far more accuracy) Please fix this so the competitive integrity of ski slope racing, the true endgame, can be maintained.
  18. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it just gets weirder. i went to the trainer to get my slots back and realised all my purple and ATO io's have disappeared... i still have the slots in the powers they were slotted into, but theyre all gone... i still have the set bonuses so it seems its just a UI bug. might be related to going to the trainer again and the game not thinking im level 50? sure enough when i zoned back into RV all the io's came back into their correct slots so maybe not related at all edit: also it seems i now have exactly the same number of catalysts as catalysed io's that temporarily disappeared... despite them still being catalysed after coming back. so if nothing else its a catalyst dupe bug
  19. probably nothing new, but i have had it happen to me where: respec in RV (everything is fine) slot in RV (everything still fine) zone into GV slots/enhancements were then gone again
  20. so apparently i can get my slots back by training up again (though dont get the enhancements back) and apparently this is expected behaviour. when i went back in RV after getting the slots again they stayed put, however due to the inconsistent nature of this bug it might just be a fluke
  21. "some loser" from indomitable, however this only occurred when I made the second build on the test server (it only has 1 build on indom) instructions are the same as main post, i'll see if i can get a minimum reproducer also since making this post i've had this happen without zoning, just coming out of the respec screen. it seems non-deterministic
  22. When I respec to get the slots back it dousn't seem to happen again, so might just be on first zone? edit: Actually just gets weirder, same toon this just happened on i respecced in AP, slotted and toggled up, went back into RV and CJ doesn't have any enhancements or slots again
  23. Noticed this on a few characters now, with the flow of: make new character insta level to 50 using brainstorm cheats slot up including multiple io's in combat jumping zone into RV combat jumping now has 1 slot and 0 enhancements in it (my character notably has fewer enhancement slots than it should) all set bonuses are also lost so its not just a ui bug it seems i've also noticed that combat jumping sometimes swaps places in my tray with double jump and detoggles itself, which makes me think somewhere on zone transition the game is confusing cj and dj
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