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Everything posted by Tahliah

  1. Thanks so much! She's going to be thrilled to know it will run COH. I'd ask what other non-Acer laptop with a 17" screen you suggest, but I think she mostly just likes the red keyboard backlight, but hey, we were all young once. I got her a cooling mat a couple years ago, so she should be set there, and she knows to stay plugged in to play games so battery life isn't an issue..
  2. Heh, pulse kb the ouro portal squatters. Not a bad idea. Let's see them tossed back, though, not just shifted away. And add the same pulse repel on Lady Liberty in AP. I'm for it!
  3. I've done most of the stuff in this thread (and, sadly, still do some). My funniest do'h moments were picking teleport as a travel power and spending ages clicking on different zones on the map trying to tp there . . . and not knowing about respecs initially, rerolling my main ice/ice blaster once I figured out what powers I wanted and worked best for me (yes, I literally had two lvl 50 ice/ice blasters, back to back, my first two 50s in the game!).
  4. Is it bad that this STILL gets me? :P
  5. If you look at the top of the screen, you will see numerous helpful options. From left to right: Browse, Activity, ACCOUNT (i.e. the third one at the top of the screen). I hope this helps! :) To the OP, as noted, you have two separate accounts, one for the forums and one for the game. You can use the same screenname for both (I do), but probably best to use different passwords. As an aside, I did have trouble logging into my account on the new COH launcher for some reason. It wouldn't take my game account details. I found it weird, but I just decided not to log in to the launcher. Who knows, we may need a third account for that? Anyway, the launcher still launches the game, and the game itself will accept your game account login details. As long as I can play the game, I am happy.
  6. My niece has been saving up for a gaming laptop and wants a 17" screen (for some reason), and she asked me if she can smoothly play COH on an Acer Nitro 5. I didn't know what to tell her so came here to read this laptop guide. I'm a bit lost, and while I'm assuming she can since I play on a rickety old HP laptop, I hate to be wrong and have her get her hopes up only to have to return it ( . . . and I don't want to be the dumb aunt who has no idea what all those spec numbers and letters mean--well, I am that dumb aunt, but I'd rather she didn't find out just yet. Heh.). Any help would be greatly appreciated, including, if you happen to know off-hand, if it will run WoW. (Yeah, I know, but she likes that game, too, for some reason.)
  7. Tahliah

    Bug Hunter...

    Interesting! i thought it was always invisible (except in badge count). As a badger, I totally understand the desire to get this badge. I think, though, that badges that are unattainable by pretty much the entire player base is not really a good thing. I am only just over 1k badges ,and I could care less about being the most badgey-ist badger evah. BUT to a lot of people, getting ALL the badges is important, and there should be a way (or no bug hunter badge)?
  8. What Snarky said. Not only is this the wrong forum to reach the vast majority of HC COX players, but it's really--at root--your problem, handled best in recruiting by a strong team leader. If you want a specific team for a specific purpose do what we all do: hit up your sg, your globals. Expecting excellence from a PUG is . . . . ill-considered (at best), self-defeating (realistically), and down-right stupid (at worst). You can't change all of "them," best to focus on what you can change. Start by avoiding PUGS when your expectations are sky high. PUGS are awesome and often super fun, but they are not, cannot by their very nature be, elite teams. If you want elite, build it. If you're calling on PUGs and whining that they act like . . . erm, PUGs, . .. . sympathy wanes.
  9. Never have I played any melee toon past lvl 20. Okay, maybe not even past lvl 10? It's just not my thing. Never have I used another person's build for my own toon. I like to try everything out, every power, every decent IO set, etc., tweak as I see fit, and build toons that are best for me and my playstyle. Oh, sure, it takes YEARS to get a build just right this way, but to me . . . that's the goodness. Never have I reviewed another player's toon and told them via unsolicited tell that their build sucks or needs "x" to be viable. Never have I rejected a global friend's desperate call to fill a TF or team (well, unless I was already on a TF and therefore couldn't leave that commitment) Never have I turned down a Frostfire mission. So fun!
  10. I never played WOW, but I'm so glad you have joined us here at HC! Welcome! There are endless ways to personalized your UI, so you should be able to create something that is most comfortable and familiar to you. As everyone is posting, you can move anything anywhere. You can also resize individual windows using /windowscale [insp/tray/pets/whatever]. For example, I have my inspirations and powers at the smallest possible size because I know what they are but chat at a slightly larger size because I need to be able to actually read the text (not necessary for insp or powers which are easily identifiable or just muscle memory). Also, you can track things like hit points, recovery, damage, debuffs, and etc. by right clicking on the item in your Powers selection and setting it to your interface. This tracker can be placed anywhere you like. There are a lot of ways to add to add trays, commands, maps, whatever, so check out the Guides section on these functions.
  11. Funniest thing I've read all day. Literally laughed out loud! Hee!
  12. This is a weird thing that does seem to happen a lot, but I am with @Ukaseon this one. If there is no team direction, it's a kill-all mish we've all done a thousand times, and we can actually solo or duo a full room, why not? How is the team slowed by one or two players tackling half the map on their own in a kill-all yawn mish? If two can do it, then surely the other six can manage, no? On the other hand, I do see how this can be troubling on lowbie teams if all the toons are also lowbies (with none of the set bonuses, etc.) and just rush in and die and are therefore hindering, not helping, the team. I think it might also be that a lot of us are used to running on teams that EXPECT you to pull your own weight and to splay out to clear maps as fast as possible (i.e. not as a single team but with able ATs branching out solo or in pairs to clear a map as fast as possible--very helpful on shard TFs, etc, but may not transfer well to regular game play). Again, though, and as Ukase notes, the team leader needs to set the terms. I do tend to do the branch off thing on kill-all maps when I know I can handle whole rooms on my own or if I see another teammate heading off alone I'll run along for backup, but if a team leader says to all stay together, that's what I do. It's his (or her) team, after all, and I'm just there to help out.
  13. This is pretty much what I did, too, plus the zone event badges and alignment choice ones. Honestly, I had a horrible time getting the exploration badges in Prateoria. Having to swim, just so, to hit them was a real pain since some of them are so close to zone changes that I would zone out before hitting the exploration badge or go over the exact same area ten times before it "taking." SO frustrating.
  14. I agree with this. Team/League leaders form their own teams by their own rules and can dictate and enforce (by the power of the kick) anything they like. But people see what is happening, some of us take note of it via global rating/comments or by ignore. The sad part is that by the time they figure out why they can't build a team, it's too late to fix it because no one will talk to them, join their team.
  15. Your mostly soloing can't possibly have anything to to with the fact that you feel superior to everyone else, right? If everyone is stupid, can't read or understand basic directions, and is too egotistical to see their own shortcomings that you can spot form miles away, well, you're better off on your own. I agree! You are the exact sort of person who should solo.
  16. I think I've told this story before, but it's worth repeating since the topic is strange (to the typical player) team request requirements. I was happily soloing my beasts/nature MM and someone was looking to fill a team on an infrequently-run TF I still needed at the time on my badger. So I sent a quick tell that I am switching to join the tf. We do this ALL the time and always have since live. I get back a tell that there are no "reservations" for this special person's team and that my saying I'm switching doesn't matter because first-come-first-serve blah blah. Seriously crazy town. After that reply, you couldn't have paid me to join that person's team. Or any team he ever formed ever again (yes, he got the dreaded Tahliah one-star, but no ignore). If you want to have and enforce weird rules that long-time players will laugh at, go for it. Your team, your rules. But don't come whining about how people think your ridiculous and awful rules are ridiculous and awful. You blazed a path, own it.
  17. This is one of my pet peeves, too. If you ask for tells, you need to be prepared to answer them all. (Probably what the OP is trying to avoid with his weird you can only get invited if you ask via Broadcast.) I am a "PST" LFGer,,and I always respond to every tell, it's not hard, I have a tab set up for just tells. Once the team is full, I put in LFG and then respond to whatever stragglers didn't see the LFG. It's just good manners to respond to people, even if it's bad news. Typically, though, there are so many responses that I tell one or more of the people that there is enough interest for another team to run the whatever tf. That gets the burden off me because not only is my team full and announced as such on LFG but another team for that same TF is forming. It's really not hard to be nice.
  18. Seems like a critical leadership fail to me. If everyone in the game is used to sending tells to get invited, and you decide you don't want that, okay. Fine. Carry on. But why come here and gripe that your unusual persnickety rules aren't being followed? You chose to forge your own path upon unbeaten territory, but you are horrified that people don't follow you with machetes raised? Shrug. You have every right to demand whatever you want for your team. I've actually seen LFGs for specific ATs, powersets, and levels . . . for freaking Posi. I laugh, I move on. I would see your LFG, laugh, and move on. Laughing and moving on is a good thing, healthy. I highly recommend it. To you.
  19. I'm such a goof! Plagues, plaques . . . not exactly tomato, tomahto, huh? Thanks for the giggles!
  20. What a downer, Oklahoman, but it really just sounds like he was finishing something up and tried to get on too late and then was a sore loser. I wouldn't take it personally. You are so awesome and we all think so (except THAT guy, pfft), and I love love love your trials and your LFGs. Can't thank you enough for the many trial badges you've won me! ❤️
  21. Thanks so much, @Ura Hero! I was just about to update this for anyone who didn't know. Appreciate the sharing of knowledge. I really didn't know this.
  22. KK, off to cruise the red zones for plagues (and exploration, why not kill a few birds with one stone sweep :D). Again, I so appreciate the feedback and help. You are the best!
  23. P.S. I have been so consumed by this that I was just lurking in the forums hoping some magical someone would help me. Again, THANK YOU @ZorkNemesis
  24. Omg, THANK YOU so much! I will figure out how to get that badge. You ROCK! ❤️
  25. I asked about this in Badges, but it occurred to me that the Archmage Tarixus missions via Ouro might be bugged. In short, when I click on the Pillar and select his missions, I get only the intro text. No way to select the mission; the bottom part where you can select the mission doesn't exist. Yes, I am a villain, and yes, I can access other redside missions via the Pillar (both in my base and in Ouro). Should we be able to select these missions? And if not, why are they still appearing as options via the Pillar? Bug? (she asks breathlessly, desperately wanting Bug badge :P).
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