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Dark Bladed

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About Dark Bladed

  • Birthday December 12

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  1. To whoever wants to answer: With the benefit of hindsight, what is one thing that you wish you had done differently? Whether expanding upon something for the release, changing the implementation, outright not adding in something, whatever the case may be.
  2. I'll be around to help, feel free to reach out whenever.
  3. Update with new log in event badge, back to waiting on next page.
  4. And done until Tuesday 🙂
  5. Can I join the cool kids club too?
  6. The previous record was about 20 or 30 seconds slower if I remember correctly, currently at work and can't check. But yes that specific run will no longer be replicable.
  7. Should a "streaming" tag be added in to the game, alongside the "roleplaying" and "help" tags players can set? It may not be worth it, with how few people will probably stream, but could be a good idea nonetheless.
  8. While I've not played with the Veracity group on Torchbearer, I can say this is pretty standard for record attempt runs. We never did the Steel Canyon mayhem, as it was never needed, but making sure everyone had all the P2W buffs, Nukes, and Inspirations were key. Frost Bite from the Candy Keeper in Pocket D was also gotten almost every time, as it is an extra damage proc on all attacks for only 100 candy canes. Incan is absolutely used in any TF that allows it to be, though. Whether its to TP actual players, or just to TP your Lore pets around, pretty much everyone was running Incan. This is a bit extreme, but at some point it may be needed. For the Security Chief?s, the idea is for everyone to split up and each grab one, as there are 8 on the map. Really the one in the far back of the map should be left alone, and that person should run straight to the door to immediately go in as soon as the key is found, and Incan everyone to the AV. If that one security chief that you didn't kill was the one that had the key, you'd probably reset then, but that's uncommon. But things like that do need to be thought about for each individual TF; how can you split up, what can you use to make things go along quicker, what can be skipped. This part I'll hit on in two ways. One, I think I may know who you are talking about, and if so, I don't think it was just cutscene skipping that was the cause. I know plenty of people who have done it, many many times, and never gotten in trouble. Maybe they just got lucky, but who knows. Two, there are two types of cutscenes you are mentioning here, incarnate cutscenes and normal TF cutscenes. Both of them have triggers, but they work differently. Cutscenes like the start of BAF, or Keyes, can be skipped if everyone on the league has seen the entirety of the cutscene on their respective characters. Its not an account bound trigger, so if you have a different character that's seen the cutscene, that doesn't matter. That specific character has to have seen it, along with every other character in your league. Cutscenes like the end of Dilemna Diabolique and The Underground, or before the final fight of Magisterium, can not be skipped. Then there are the TF cutscenes, which trigger by being in a certain part of the map. Case in point, STF/MLTF. Once you get close to the first portal is when the first cutscene will trigger. Once you get close to Romulus at the end of the ITF, that cutscene will trigger. If you know where these lines are, and can think of ways to get around them, the cutscenes can be skipped. As far as I know, both Aeon cutscenes in the second mission of STF/MLTF can be skipped, and the Clamor cutscene in the last mission of Penny Yin can be skipped. Every other cutscene has the trigger area around other objectives, so there is no way to finish the mission without seeing the cutscene. As a fun little fact, on STF/MLTF, you can skip both cutscenes and get outside, but the AVs wont spawn until after the first cutscene has been triggered.
  9. So I wasn't on that specific Faathim TF run that's mentioned, but I do run with those same people for most speedruns. I can pretty confidently say that the run didn't use Incan from anyone that wasn't on the team. Most of us feel that its pretty cheap and wish that it could be changed, but that's neither here nor there. Looking at Faathim, there's not a whole lot to it, if everyone knows exactly what their job is. Not everyone needs to go into every mission, some might be going to a different zone for a different mission, or some might be going to a specific monument at the end. Mac is pretty spot on in a lot, but not all, of those times are ran where everyone has a specific job, and everyone knows what theirs is. Things like super red inspirations and ultimate inspirations are pretty standard with a lot of runs, as is temp powers like P2W buffs and Warburg Nukes. With the upcoming speed cap changes, it will be interesting to see if any newer speedrun times are set, as most of the people from that Faathim run you mentioned for example, are away from the game. Most, if not every run listed in that thread and on speedrun.com can be beaten with enough work. If anyone is new or interested in speedrunning, and wants to know more about how certain things are done or why certain sets are used or not used, feel free to send me a PM, or if @Snarky is okay with it post it here. You can also reach out to me on discord (Dark Bladed#5217) or join the speedrunning discord in my signature.
  10. With the release of the Paragon Market, you could buy enhancement storage increases for, what I think was around $20 each. Each purchase would increase your storage by 1 tray, and 4 purchases were available, 2 on release and 2 more added later. As for the change to 70, I don't know exactly. It could be that there was another 3 slots already in the code, and the devs from the private server just added those as well.
  11. So its been a while since this thread was replied to, and a lot of these times are now out of date. I'm going to shamelessly plug speedrun.com, as it has everything up to date, including some of the older times as well. Making an account over there is free, and it allows for submitting times if you are a solo player, or run in a duo, or any other number of categories. Some of the newer records some people may be interested in are : STF/MLTF - 8:53 LRSF - 8:18 LGTF - 9:46 Apex - 5:20 Tin Mage - 5:21 I'll also shamelessly promote our new discord. https://discord.gg/T5cMTf5 Feel free to join if you're interested in speedrunning in any away, whether you just casually speedrun the ITF, or you go all out in everything.
  12. @Glacier Peak The 48 second time was not done solo, but with 8 people. Here is the screenshot.
  13. I meant any /cold MM will be doing that. You can get similar kill times with a TW/Bio, and the same extra pets, all while at the damage cap. Those Lores and signature summon are doing most of the damage, not the MM pets.
  14. Just keep in mind, that is with Lores, a signature summon, and a backup radio, all while at the damage cap along with his normal pets at the damage cap. If you stripped those away, and ran no inspirations, it's going to be more like a minute+, not 20 seconds. It's still impressive, but that's the nature of having so many pets, nothing unique to demons/ specifically.
  15. @Sakai The runs were talked about on the discord and in the other thread. Runs are LRSF, then ITF, and then MLTF to round it out.
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