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Everything posted by ed_anger

  1. It’s kind of baffling that terrible zones like Croatoa and Kallisti Wharf (with nothing in it) are on the train, and PI is not (and it’s kind of the hub of leveling in your 40s). Yea, the tunnel is doable from some zones, but not many.
  2. Who’s the better musician, Katy Perry or NIN?
  3. It’s going to depend on how you want any to play. The defender/corrupter variant will be more active and more damage focused. For pure support go controller.
  4. Shrug, there is some sense to the current order, it's the original CoH archetypes, than the CoV archetypes, and then post 50 archetypes (ok, Sentinel jammed into CoH). Whether that order makes more or less sense then pure alpha is debatable, sure. I'm also guessing that's the order they appear in the app?
  5. What's the numeric value of level differences, ie what bonus does a +2 or a +4 have to hit you? What about Lt, Boss, AV -- do they have to hit bonuses? If so the soft cap only applies to +0 regular mobs then, no?
  6. Other servers are much, much worse, population wise. Pleiades just merged with Rebirth, both mostly deserted. From Reddit: “Pleiades never recovered from the server debacle they had a few months ago, when they had to shut down and relocate... before it was a small server, but active, more or less on par with Rebirth; after it was pretty much deserted, 1 or 2 people online, sometimes none.”
  7. recipe storage would make sense, as there is storage for everything else
  8. There's enhancement storage, by far the best way to transfer them.
  9. And some people want to play the game and outfit their characters while leveling up without having to play the AH game as well. And I assume that on the larger live servers there was much more supply of rare items/salvage, that may not exist here.
  10. Nope. Use your supergroup storage for that. If sending lots of merits you can combine them into empyrean or hero/villain merits (10 and 500 regular merits).
  11. Thanks, well aware it's not going to happen, just trying to show people how the change could cater conceptually to their needs as well, since they seem to keep arguing it couldn't.
  12. Seriously explain how functionally this doesnt allow exactly whats possible with the status quo. I'll wait. Oh, and I already pointed out the dev input above, but since yall want to argue....
  13. 1. have players join supergroups by global name 2. players can join as many supergroups as they like 3. you can set supergroup title per character, the same way you select badge titles work for your RP needs?
  14. I love my dark/dark defender with a bunch of cones and a couple PBAoEs (damage and heal), as I end up constantly repositioning to get what mobs that remain in cones, get near players to heal, jump in the crowd to nuke, etc
  15. ed_anger


    So when/where's the BSDM meetup?
  16. Wow. Loved every second of this show, absolutely fantastic. Superhero show about adults, for adults... infinitely better than any Marvel crap.
  17. I love the hissyfits people have over this suggestion. Have people join supergroup by global name, but let them join more than one supergroup. Easy fix. Not that this discussion is even relevant, as there's already dev feedback.
  18. I did mean it for you, I deleted it and was going to rewrite. Thanks for the details.
  19. So sassy, so cryptic. See what I did there?
  20. It’s more the opposite of what you didn’t say.
  21. You make small girls the same way you make small boys. You see, when two adults love each other....
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