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Everything posted by Starforge

  1. Great name, here's my own Homefront on Everlasting:
  2. I believe I remember Captain Midnight. You were in the Palladium Sentry right?
  3. This event is just a couple hours away! Can't wait to see what sort of costumes everyone picked out. Should be a great time for all those in attendance!
  4. Prize Pool Update 1 billion influence has been allocated for the CoH trivia that will be played throughout the evening along with 4 billion for the large Halloween-themed Costume Contest. 1st Place - 2 billion influence 2nd Place - 1 billion influence 3rd Place - 500 million influence 4th Place - 350 million influence 5th Place - 150 million influence There will also be a second, secret costume contest held by Ferret with the following prizes: 1st Place: $50 Steam, Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation Gift Card - You choose. 2nd Place: $25 Steam, Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation Gift Card - You choose. 3rd Place: Headshot art piece of your character or a character of your choosing.
  5. I remember Lady Marrus fondly, good to see you back!
  6. We’re one week out from the big event! Remember this is intended to be an open RP event for folks to mingle and maybe interact with other characters they might not have had a chance to meet yet. Bring your best Halloween costumes for our big CC and don’t forget to brush up on your CoH trivia. Hope to see you all there next Saturday, 10/19!
  7. Per the SG Recruitment Fair thread, 10/18 will be for villain groups and 10/20 will be for hero groups.
  8. The Global Defense Force is opening the doors to their base for what we hope to be a new annual Halloween blowout. This is an RP event open to everyone and guests can expect live music courtesy of Cape Radio's DJ Arcade along with a large Halloween-themed Costume Contest and CoH Trivia throughout the night. Hope to see you all there on Saturday, October 19th! When: Saturday, October 19th, 2024 @ 6 PM Central/7 PM Eastern Where: The Hall of Heroes (Hall-22329) Current Prize Pool: Over 5 billion influence in prizes between trivia and the Halloween Costume Contest!
  9. Yes it’s still active, many folks posting every day. We’ve got a Community Story Arc coming up soon as well.
  10. To whomever would actually have the answer to this: "Was there ever any plans to include Horus as an in-game NPC? If so, why did it never come to pass?"
  11. Welcome back, BAB! Hope to catch you in game sometime!
  12. I believe the majority have settled on Everlasting; it’s Homecoming’s unofficial RP server.
  13. Definitely remember The Imperial. Nice to see ya back!
  14. SG Name: Global Defense Force RP/RP Friendly: Yes, Moderate to Heavy RP Theme/Era: Silver to Modern Age, akin to the Justice League Redside/Blueside: True Blue Heroes Recruitment Message: With evil spreading beyond Paragon City across the world, the United Nations established a partnership with the Global Defense Force in 2012 in order to protect the planet from villainy wherever it appeared. Based out of their orbiting space station, the Beacon, the Global Defense Force stands ready to quickly arrive whenever and wherever they are needed in order to keep the citizens of Earth safe from evil. Following their battle in 2022 with the intergalactic warlord, Conqueror, the GDF have recently established the Hall of Heroes as their secondary base of operations off the coast of Paragon City. OOC Notes: Originally established in 2012, the Global Defense Force is a true blue superhero group envisioned to be akin to the Justice League and through years of worldbuilding, we've established many notable NPCs and enemies that are open to our members and allies to use for any stories they may want to tell. We very much like to also showcase member-specific "Spotlight Arcs" to give more of our individual members focus and shine along with our currently in-progress "Phase 2" overarching story arc. If you have a character that you think might fit a Justice League-styled group, please DM me to discuss characters before invites to our discord go out.
  15. I recall the global and I think their GDF character was Barraj if I’m remembering correctly. I don’t believe I’ve seen them on Homecoming thus far.
  16. They are never right and exist to crap on each and every update HC makes. Anyway, back on topic, attach an Aether reward to each badge and I’m good with this change.
  17. Frankly, thumbs down from the usual suspects are a badge of honor. They give me strength to go on and read through these feedback threads each and every update lol.
  18. This, I’ve picked up a handful of names for new alts over the past month or two that I’ve found to be available on Everlasting.
  19. I just want to run the arc to get the badge lol. I don’t plan to have any character that does it work for a 5th Column character ICly. That kind of foolishness is for the birds.
  20. Yeah, you aren’t being penalized anything. You can absolutely continue to play that way with no changes or diminished rewards. The diversity bonus is just that, an extra option bonus if folks actually try to diversify their team composition a bit.
  21. Not at their current prices anyway lol.
  22. Porting it to Hoods would make a lot of sense also.
  23. Not seeing any of the patterns working on this on Brainstorm.
  24. Currently it appears the Paragon Protector helmet has a default black color on the neck that can't be changed on male characters. Is there any possibility to have that take the same color as the lower jaw portion?
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