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Everything posted by Dragotect
If they aren't going to/can't fix the bug I wish they would do SOMETHING about the noise/visual vomit. For the last week I've had the same level 50 changeling in practically all the TFs I've run. I was elated to find out they got rid of the ringing with EVERY attack on peacebringers, and have actually enjoyed playing a bit on one, as ever since live it is the single noise in this game that gives me a headache, but with this garbage I'm to the point I'm about ready to just quit the team if one joins on my team to avoid risking them playing the infinite changeling glitch because they didn't get rid of the ringing on form swap. And no, I don't think that I should have to turn off my game noises JUST so I'm not bothered by exploiters playing their glitch.
It's probably an artifact from when the Rikti model was swapped. Since the mission has special characters that pull from the Rikti pool, the code that did that may not have been enitrely polished when the live Devs blanket swapped the Rikti models as the sub level 30 instances of Rikti appearing may have been overlooked. I could see a stray bit of code that tells to pull from "rikti" models not distinguishing between the old and new for this mission and since it doesn't distinguish between "rikti_new and rikti" (not sure what the real code would be) it can pull from both pools of models so you'll see both variants in the mission. OR, it was done intentionally to partially preserve the old rikti skins ingame for veteran player nostalgia.
What's the smallest change to CoX that you really want?
Dragotect replied to DougGraves's topic in General Discussion
Metallic 2 for women/huge and the sybil/sorceress serene dress. They keep teasing the latter 'might' come, and I'm kinda tired of waiting at this point after seeing them not just play with it in their NPC content with the evil warshade sybils, but prominently FEATURE they got to play with it on the Page 4 announcement. I understand full length skirts aren't ever going to be a thing, but cape clipping and quirky physics is something we've all lived with since what... Issue 3... 4? Edit: I was off... it's been since issue 2. -
These poses only work while you're actively flying in a direction. They do not set your flypose, given they've figured out how to set other movement poses in the costume creator I hope they can look into doing the same thing for these
Damn, given the responses to my opinions here you would've thought I shoved a stick in their mother's eye or something.
Honestly, illusion doms are only good because of spectral terror (terrorize is like hold light, and WAY better than the AoE immobilize pretty much every single dom set has). However, they're incredibly lack luster in the damage department for an archetype that is already poor performing in damage output to begin with. Phantom army is supposed to make up for the spectral terror not doing damage, I guess, but the recharge is so painfully long it's almost not worth it until you get sets going. This, however, just feels par for the course as far as my experience with doms go. They really suck at soloing, teaming, controlling, and DPS until you can get them fully geared with sets. I think extra damage against CCed targets, like controllers get, would go a long way toward making them better for solo play. Or if their first two holds (typically single target immobilize/hold) did 50-100% more damage they would be fine for leveling solo. The domination lock down effect, if you can't get it perma, is really only good for locking down AVs on teams otherwise. The endurance boost simply isn't good enough for solo play as it isn't often enough and is done out of desperation FAR too often against groups of around 5 or risk endurance burnout by number 4. Not only that, but I swear just one dominator on a TF adds 5 minutes to the complete time because they AoE immobilize too soon- making all those tighter, more damaging AoEs from blasters/melee 50% less effective- and simply cannot make up the damage lost this way. I've only gotten minimal enjoyment out of my more recent dominators by focusing on their secondary set because that's where their damage is. Doms, in my opinion, are the absolute worst archetype in the game because everything they do is done better by the other ones. They're either blasters without the burst damage to bring down enemies before enemies bring you down or controllers without the support to survive a battle of attrition. They simply underperform on every regard while leveling, and I've rarely slotted them out with sets because I can't justify the cost to do so when I could have more fun with a factory setting blaster. Even worse, they're the only archetype where I'll ever scale back to -1 difficulty simply to reduce the time it takes to get through a mission. Essentially, before any other archetype Dominators NEED to be addressed but aren't going to because they're also probably the easiest class to make insanely OP given they're theoretically a control and damage archetype. And on paper that should be a win/win as far as soloing goes, but in practice they're just masters of nothing.
Or perhaps list the power- there's no need to be shy about it- and how it doesn't align with its description so it can be changed. If a power genuinely doesn't match its description, that falls under bug category.
What are you farming? Simply saying you're 50 doesn't give us enough information. Throughout CoH's live run, they tweaked and altered things to avoid inf/xp farms. Sometimes this included reducing rewards to 0 (like the demons spawning from certain CoT portal rooms). Sometimes, when those things spawned, for some reason a variant of the spawn was overlooked in the purge so they did still give xp. Then, when incarnate systems came around, they applied incarnate xp to ALL and didn't go through to find the xp/inf things that were devalued. Or is this simply that you aren't getting any influence, but XP (incarnate and otherwise) is fine? If that's the case, you've probably hit the Influence cap per character. Last I heard it was 2 billion (on live), this may have been changed post live. I can't say, since I haven't bothered getting there again.
Stop colors resetting when cycling to the top of the options
Dragotect replied to xl8's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I get this problem a lot too. Typically only with costume options that, when cycling through, can out right disappear (belt, shoulders, hair, chest detail, split options for glove/boot/shoudler). It is annoying, but I think it has something to do with the code marking the piece as 'null' when swapped out. This then resets the colors automatically to the 'null' setting. -
The only realistic reason for this is RP purposes for in and out of character (and maybe using aliases for a spy character or something). If you're RPing, it's already assumed (unless stated OOC or IC) that secret identities are just that, secret. Out of costume, you aren't Giganator, in costume you aren't Carlos Carlosson. Honestly, even the psychic RPers (who would have a reason to know both) typically try to keep to this rule unless they're pricks who meta game. The only other reason-annoying and selfish-would be because you want to reserve 'x' amount of names by making one character instead of 'x' carbon copy characters. You have your SS/Invuln tanker, why do you need to make 9 more just by another name? And yes, not all the good names are taken (as someone said up above, and because I usually find something good enough), but that doesn't mean there aren't thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of good names taken that just flat out aren't being actively used or even used at all beyond level 5 (I go through and purge characters for this reason, since I know I have altitis). Your suggestion, to make sure someone doesn't snipe your 'y' name while going around as 'x' instead of 'y', just isn't feasible so long as they cannot figure out how to detach the character name from the account name.
Focused Feedback: Travel Power Updates (Build 1)
Dragotect replied to Arcanum's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
Wouldn't you just run fly with combat maneuvers then? The speed/control would be the same as fly+afterburner before. Plus, now, you get a drastic boost to speed for 30 seconds if you hit afterburner. -
I'd be fine with this if, let's say, for every 1 cool costume sets/pieces locked behind a grindwall there were 4-5 cool sets/pieces released at the same time that didn't require it. Or gave a regular set with a fancy version behind a grind... If I'm remembering correctly the glowy version of Ascension armor was this way. Or I'm crazy.
What does any of this have to do with end game balance?
Unless, of course, a future update has the Menders going to Cimerora to stop midnighter meddling post ITF... There are ways to get it to work, features don't have to be excluded because I'd hope all of homecomings groundwork will lead to great things to come.
No... Just no. 99.999% of the time the character will be junk. Imagine, getting only non damaging sleeps? Or only non elemental defenses? How about one attack from each different weapon attack (oh God, the redraw)? What about only teammate buffs? So many ways for a toon to have zero attacks except the first, brawl and the origin power. Oh,hell! What if all your powers were t9 defenses with horrid crashes? Or only auto powers? Or only MM pet buffs with no pets to buff? So many 100% useless possibilities. Or only t1 attacks with the lowest damage modifier? How would powerpools work? Are they included so you might only end up with all the travel powers? And why have the restrictions? I'm not gonna bother going further if I have one attack for 40 levels and losing one slot for a junk toon is nothing if I have 999 more. Also, why hope for a god-like character when you can just make one currently? The idea of a random primary set paired with a random secondary set could be cool though. If you have two defenses, at least you have power pools to get attacks from. Imagine an FA/Bio that has PP taunt and attacks.
I believe powexecname should be pow_exec_name. At least it is on all my key binds, I don't do many macros.
You can set the interface color to whatever you want (blue, red, orange, white, etc.) in the options menu. Once this is done it won't change between alignments. Maybe switching too much caused it to freeze, or perhaps you ever so slightly altered it in settings on accident.
I'm not sure, but if the name is already taken it might not let you transfer. I may be thinking incorrectly on this, I'll try when I get home from work if no one else has an answer.
I don't like meme attacks as a form of shutting down another person's opinion. And, the opinion that the paid for sets we're a touch of power creep, or a heaping of it (TW is probably the biggest offender), and could use a bit of a nerf sits fine with me. At the same time, sets like Regen and energy melee should have steps taken to return them to some semblance of what they were before their nerfs. I also agree Dom's/controllers could use better damage output. As it is now, they are my least enjoyable to solo. If a Dom is control/damage, none of its modifiers should be less than 1.00. Since controllers are control/support I'm more inclined to buy that. Dom's is really mind boggling as a partial damage AT that it was done that way. The example of the brutes vs tanks is really on point when comparing blasters and dominators. I also found the dom pet pointless, without support to keep it alive it was just an annoyance (immobilize, the one mass control that is up reliably from fight to fight just wasn't enough damage mitigation).
Aaaaand now the thread is ready to be closed.
No, I mean any buffer. I'm not maxed on anything. My highest resist is around 65, not close to 90, and defenses highest is around 30. Could be my build, but I'm more roleplay than min/max. Either way, one FF and it makes me untouchable. One thermal, and I rarely see my HP below 97.5%. Any buffer, any debuffer, and it's easier for the team too. Healers leave you too reliant on their reactive support as opposed to the proactive support of the other two. Ideally, though, yes. Kin + Rad has been the best support pair since I started playing back around issue 4. And that isn't surprising. Since +damage coupled with -resist/Regen is a pair that multiplies itself. Not sure why any of this matters, either. I've never been refused a team spot on any of my alts because I was on the wrong buff type, attack type, or anything (except when I joined a speed run team that did not advertise as being a speed run team).
I completely agree. As an IOed/Incarnated out willpower brute, I'm ecstatic when I see a debuffer on the team. They make it so much quicker or easier for the whole team. I don't really enjoy +4 TFs unless a debuffer is present. Debuffer + buffer and that's the dream. I'll pass on healers. I'm more of a roleplayer and play with more of the roleplayer crowd than meta player, so maybe that's why I have this perspective.
Is something going on with teleport pads?
Dragotect replied to SolarCenturion's topic in Base Construction
Issues arise when you try to hide beacons/portals. I had that issue, too. I fixed by ensuring some part of the beacon had direct line of sight to the portal. I know things can shift a little if they'd normally be out of bounds each time the base loads (a bug, I believe). This may be why the issue resolved itself before. -
I was just about to post that, glad I checked yours. I'm predicting MM pet customization and controller pet AI improvents.