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Everything posted by Megawatt

  1. or MAA (Maaaaaa!) as i call it. a really 'simple' suggestion, i am not sure how possible it is but basically level 1 pools that gives MM's the attacks from another MM set as an option, not watered down less damageing versions just straight up offensive primaries pulled from the other MM sets so that if i wanted i could grab the 'Tactical Carbine' from Mercs for my necromancer because i didn't feel like using dark magic for that character i could. I can see the 'possible abuses' as mostly being people rolling minionless MM's that have a ton of attack powers and to that i say 'so what ?'. i am not sure how much work this would take but dont think theres a lot of room for real abuse and it would lead to a great deal more customization which as i recall is one of the games central pillars.
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  2. Little bit of an update from me: i'd also love like alternate versions of existing MM sets, like say beast summoning but with a 'hunting rifle' instead of BEEEEEEEES or what ever. Mostly so you could play a natural version of it that isnt some kind of weird person that chucks birds at people.
  3. i just hope if it is that it works like other weapon sets rather then like crab spider....i wouldnt want a permanent weapons pack (though i would LOVE geting a weapon pack costume piece.....)
  4. if i could pick any one of my own suggestions though i'd probably select Heavy Sniper since it would likely require less work (the model exists in use by PPD Operatives and you could use the standard Sniper rifle, the Redding, maybe the Nem Rifles)
  5. Or a SWAT officer in general as backup.
  6. Because i often get stupid ideas for power sets and i've annoyed the channel i'm in FAR too often with them i figured i'd post them here. as i said in the mastermind thread i am not so good with numbers mostly concepts. First up: Heavy Sniper Rifle Tier 1: Snap Shot: Standard Attack Tier 2: Aimed Shot: slightly better damage - maybe a minor debuff of some sort Tier 3: Leg Shot: Slow or stun or even hold Tier 4: Sniper Shot: Sniper Shot Tier 5: Swap Mag Armor Pierceing: -Defense High-Explosive: limited AOE Gel Rounds: Stun Tier 6: Air-burst Round Tier 7: Paint the Target: Basically Aim Tier 8: Anti-Material: lower damage, LARGE -Def Tier 9: One Shot, One Kill: Massive damage, long recharge single target. It's like a better snipe Second: SMG Tier 1: Short Burst: Standard Attack Tier 2: Medium Burst: Slightly better damage, maybe a bit of fear Tier 3: Hot Foot: Slow as the character fires at an enemies feet Tier 4: Shred 'em: large -Def Tier 5: Spray and Pray: AoE Damage, basically emptying the Magazine Tier 6: HEADS DOWN!: same animation as spray and Pray, this works as a ranged stun or fear as the character empties the magazine to pin enemies in place Tier 7: Controled bursts: Basically Aim Tier 8: Chicago Type Writer: Cone Damage, likely quite light Tier 9: Thunder of Guns: Large Area attack -Def and heavy damage (Tier 9's are supposed to be insane right ?) Third: Chakram Assault, because why do only the circle have them ? Tier 1: Ring Toss: Ranged Chakram Throw Tier 2: Chakram Slash: Melee Chakram Shlash Tier 3: Bounceing Ring: a chain shot type effect, throw it at one enemy and it bounces to another and so on Tier 4: Spining Slash: Melee Slash in a cone Tier 5: Razor's Edge: add a Bleed Effect for a short time Tier 6: Tendon Rip: Immobilize the enemy and apply a minor bleed Dot Tier 7: Posioned Throw: PBAoe, Foe - Regen and -Rec, self +Regen and +Rec Tier 8: Long Throw: a snipe with a chakram Tier 9: Razor Storm: PBAoe, decent damage - spin in a circle throwing out a bunch of Chakram Forth: Grenade Launcher Support, you know the PPD Equalizers ? you know how we dont really have any options for 'natural' control ? Tier 1: Web Grenade: Foe Immobilize, -Fly, - Recharge Tier 2: Glue Grenade: Area Effect, Slow, -Recharge Tier 3: Foam Grenade: Moderate Dot (Crushing), Hold, -recharge, -speed Tier 4: Flash Grenade: Enemy blind, -acc Tier 5: Wide Area Foam Grenade: same effects the foam grenade but more targets Tier 6: Acid Grenade: Dot, Stun Tier 7: Anti-friction grenade: works like ice slick Tier 8: Sonic Grenade: foe -resistance (All) Tier 9: Gun Drone: summon a small hovering gun drone Grenade Launcher Assault: Tier 1: Launcher butt: pretty easy, thump some one over the head with your grenade launcher Tier 2: Explosive Grenade: small AOE Tier 3: Flechette: Cone attack Tier 4: Ricochette Round: a bounceing impact grenade Tier 5: Venom Rounds: add Posion to attacks Tier 6: Danger Close: PBAoe attack Tier 7: No Man's Land: Targeted AOE, works like caltrops but its miniature mines or shrapnel or similar Tier 8: Slug Round: sniper shot - assault sets seem to have snipes Tier 9: Dragon's Breath: AOE, major damage, minor Fire DOT Power Armor offense: an An arsenal of weapons built into your fancy armor (i dont know how possible any of this set is) Tier 1: Burst fire: wrist mounted energy blasters, micro gauss guns - what ever it is it fires fast Tier 2: Double Burst: same as burst with both arms, probably does a knockback too Tier 3: Micro Missile: Foe targeted AOE, Minor Dot maybe Tier 4: Shock Net: Hold Tier 5: Targeting Sensor: Aim Tier 6: Railgun: Snipe, Shoulder mounted heavy weapon ala a BoomGun Tier 7: Sonic Stunner: Cone stun Tier 8: Strike Drone: Deploy a small drone to provide close support and targeting asistance Tier 9: Alpha Strike: PBAoe, open fire with every weapon in your arsenal at every enemy around you That's all i really have for now, I will probably end up adding more later on. Kind of pulled some of the -fly and other similar things off the wiki from similar powers (a lot of the GL Support powers for instance)
  7. i would love if this is a thing they did honestly, i want to make a Psi/somthing Stalker but i just cant if i'm stuck using mostly the weird TK Fist.......also 'Penny Yin and the Burnouts' sounds like a band.
  8. has 'replacing all Psi-Melee animations with Psi-blade variants' been suggested yet ? because i was really disappointed to find only 2 Psi-Blade Melee options.
  9. I am not so good at the mechanics of this stuff......but i am GREAT at suggesting basic ideas Praetorian Police Squad The Thin line between order and Chaos, the few, the proud of the Praetorian Police department are here to serve and you have the honor of leading a small number of them. FOR PRAETORIA! T1 - Force Gauntlet (Bolt): a single charged shot fired from your force gauntlet - its not enough to put a rebel down but it may keep them off you long enough for backup to arrive (Basic blast, maybe a KB) T2 - Summon Trooper: Activate an emergency beacon to call in 1-to-3 PPD Troopers, they have your back. (i dont know if there could be a third like Pyro or not, maybe trooper 3 is a surpressor with a couple of force cage like stuns ?) T3 - Force Gauntlet (Burst): rapid fire tripple shot from your Force Gauntlets (Energy blast so possibly a stagger or KB chance?) T4 - Threat Escalation Protocols: Authorizes your squad to escalate to more agressive methods, its really too bad the hostiles didnt surrender when they had a chance (standard upgrade, probably just adds attacks and such) T5 - Force Gauntlet (Cage): some times the best way to handle a threat is to lock it down while you focus on more pressing matters. (works as a Stun or Hold) T6 - Summon Justicar(s): when the going gets tough Justicar's can be called in to provide heavier backup, Useful for strike breaking or door breaching (Summons two Justicars) T7 - Flash and Clear: Some times the enemy comes in overwhelming numbers, thankfully you are equipped for that - employing your force Gauntlet on overload to create a bright flash and concussion to stun enemies in an area around to allow you and your squad to work. T8 - Summon Sargent: this officer is the one that's really in charge of the squad, or so the old wisdom goes, Sergent's come equipped with the best equipment among the unit includeing a few extra tricks that may not technically be regulation. (equivalent of a commando obviously) T9 - Extreme Measures: some times the odds are against you and there's dangerous work to do, thats when you authorize extreme measures, going weapons free with lethal options (including possibly force grenades and other fun toys) Malta Cell Here come the Men (and Woman) in Black, with the roar of a black helicopter or the thump of a black SUV's doors these operatives are here to work for you. Remember what you see you did not see when working with Malta. T1 - Burst: Short. controled. Bursts! not those wild trigger pulls some folks prefer T2 - Summon TacOps: Call in a black helicopter or SUV loaded with the offensive side of your cell (calls in 1-to-3 Malta TacOps) T3 - Marksman Shot: a single well aimed shot is usually all thats needed to bring down a normal foe, let's hope this one at least hurts the meta (a single damageing shot, give it the sniper annimations but it doesnt have to BE a sniper shot) T4 - Go Loud: The time for subtlety is at an end, it's go loud or go home (basic upgrade) T5 - Shock Net: For when you dont wish to kill the Meta or their supporter but bring htem in for questioning you can deploy your launcher to do so (limited stun or similar, maybe with the electrical control cage effect for the duration) T6 - Summon Operations Unit: Heavy support can be had in the form of the Operations unit, consisting of the often seen Operations Engineer....and the rarely seen Operations Gunner. (Ops engineer maybe with out the turret but with a shotgun and some Debuff ability, give the gunner a big backpack and a heavy minigun ) T7 - Sapper Grenade: What do Meta's hate the most ? thats right a sapper gun.....yours may not actually be a full sapper gun but you have an experimental underslung sapper module to introduce them to the concept. (an AOE sapper attack - give this to actual malta too it will be hilarious!)) Alternate T7- Suppressing Fire: Hose down an area with bullets to keep the enemies heads down (Minimal damage but holds or stuns or fears enemies in the targeted area.) T8 - Summon Gunslinger: He's got spurrs that jingle jangle jingle and he's here to kick Metahuman behind at your command T9 - Thermopylae Protocol: Thanks to advances in technology you can remotely activate the nanite enhancements in your cells equipment, now it's an even playing field. (i am not sure what all this would do upgrade wise though i'd love to see the OPs Gunners heavy machine gun turn into a Railgun and the Gunslinger get laser pistols or somthing) The following is a VERY Wild Pie in the Sky flying pig suggestion, the former two are more likely to actually be possible PPD Hard Shell Team When it gets too hot for SWAT you and your team get the call, equipped with heavy suits of power armor and advanced weaponry the Hardshells are the PPD's response to the growing threat of groups like Malta (never heard of them.......) T1 - Mini Gun Burst: Line up a burst with your suits arm mounted minigun, it's not subtle but hey maybe you've got rubber in the belt T2 - Summon Shell: with a Kerchunk and a crash the officers in these suits stomp through the door or fall from the Osprey above, usually all that stands between civilians and a rampageing super troll or worse. (Minigun based, maybe with energy punch as a backup T3 - Heavy Burst: if a lot of bullets dont work maybe all the bullets will, thats why you've got the exo-suit right ? to haul all that ammo ? T4 - Party Favours: Upgrades to the Hardshell suits arent cheap but hey the city is worth protecting (basic upgrade) T5 - Thumper: while not approved for use by most of your team, City hall HAS allowed team leaders to use this shoulder mounted mini-missile launcher in extreme situations T6 - Summon Hard Shells: some times bullets arent enough, thankfully the Hardshells are armed with lasers instead of miniguns, hey buddy the future is here. T7 - Swarm Load: The Thumper can be set to fire rapid fire into an area, you've currently got it loaded with gas rounds as a way to surpress large groups so your team can wade in. (AOE Stun or hold) Alternate T7- Repair Drones: Most people think of these little guys as slightly scary annoyances but to an officer in a damaged shell these modified drones can be a life saver (basically an AOE heal over time but each person in the area gets a PPD Drone 'linked' to them for the duration) T8 - Summon Enforcer: Please put down your weapon, you have 30 seconds to comply.......yea you didn't think you'd WANT that bot watching your back but here you are calling in an Enforcer T9 - Worst Case: you dont have the option of calling for a hero when the situation gets too tough, instead you can authorize your team to deploy extra hardware i may have had these ideas for a while, i wonder if the hardshell should have a second inherent 'armor up' and when it ISNT active then their abilities (Except sprint and travel one hopes) are surpressed and they are free to run around in their normal costumes.....actually did i just accidentally make a PPD themed HEAT ?
  10. Yes....yes a thousand times yes - this would be great for power armor or any one playing a praetorian clockwork - i'd also like to get ahold of the Warworks PGMP/FGMP attacks as like ultimates perhaps.
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