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Everything posted by Gobbledygook

  1. Not only am I from Florida, but I also happened to have been born at the University of Florida Teaching Hospital (Shands) in Gainesville. AKA The Swamp
  2. Did you hate yourself back then? Are you ok?
  3. Definitely giving me some 80's flashbacks
  4. If you ever remember, or stumble across the right collection of words again, please share.
  5. This is my first try. I'll have to play with it more, but it wasn't to far off. Just need to figure out a way to get the wording for the sport gloves and boots figured out.
  6. I believe the word Superhero was jointly trademarked, or whatever it's called, by Marvel and DC many moons ago.
  7. I know nothing of BA, but if you look in this thread, you may find some helpful info on Regen. I'd offer more help if I could, but I have been away from the game for awhile, so my memory is fuzzy.
  8. I've never had staff on a toon, but I did build a pretty sturdy Regen brute with help from @Spaghetti Betty and @Sir Myshkin I myself haven't been around for some time though, so I'm unsure if they are or not.
  9. Just like my sons dreams of college, but damnit man, that boy was born to be a Marine!!
  10. Make one of the other Summers brothers instead? Havok or Vulcan could easily be represented by Energy Blast, or Radiation blast. I know that doesn't necessarily solve the problem, but, well, you know. I wish they would take some of Tyrants eye blasts and create an Optic Blast power set.
  11. Thanks, I was looking for this the other day. Different reasons, of course, but still, I appreciate it.
  12. Psionic Armor and Shield Melee! You heard it here first!
  13. Hi, coming of a year or so break, and wanting to make a melee type with the above mentioned powersets. My conundrum is, which AT? I've always been a Scrapper at heart, with a couple of really fun Brutes added in for flavor. I haven't played either set as a Tank or Stalker. I have a 50 EM/Rad Scrapper, and a 50 Fm/Inv Brute. I haven't played either in awhile, Hell, it's been close to two years since I played the Brute, Before any of the changes to either set, and he only had a middling build. I like killing my enemies. Not just standing there and having a slap fight. But I also like to be durable enough to stand toe to toe if whatever PuG I'm on doesn't have a traditional Tank. Off-tanking is what I think is the term? So, if you had to choose, which one would you take on an adventure?
  14. Any good resources to teach chess? I'm great at checkers, but want to learn chess
  15. Not on HC it's not... (I would put a smiley face emoji, but I don't know how)
  16. I have an Em/Rad Scrapper that is very fun to play. Might re-roll as a Brute for smashtastic fun.
  17. Super Strength is kinda broken on Scrappers. You HAVE to pair it with an armor set that has a taunt aura. Otherwise, after that first Foot Stomp, everything just scatters.
  18. Remove the + Def from Energy Drain but increase the amount of end drained from the mobs? Make it more of a controllish power?
  19. I do love my Super Strength Scrapper
  20. Thanks for the feedback. You too, @Spaghetti Betty I was thinking nearly the same thing as you laid out, I just wanted to double check with some experts. Now, about that build you so graciously provided... That's a Sentinel...
  21. TL;DR F/F/F or F/EnM/F and why. Also, with the changes to FA, do you still need to slot the knockback IO? Evening everyone. I have decided to roll my first tank up I'm pretty set on primary, but undecided on secondary I went Fire Armor cause at heart I'm a pyro, and like to burn things up I was thinking Energy Melee, to make it easy to destroy any adversary Fire Melee seems to be better on hard targets than it used to be But is it enough to bring it closer to the glory of what Em can be? I have experience with EM on a Scrapper, post buff of course, I combined it with Rad Let's be honest, the AoE of EM is kinda sad With the Tank buffs to AoE, cones and target cap It makes me wonder, is the multitarget aspect still crap? Once long ago, Ihad a FM brute as my main, but FM then and now, are not the same Does the pure fire damage and ability to slot a couple of -res procs Help FM's single target damage go from "meh" to "Hey, that rocks" Yeah, I wish I hadn't typed that either. But I did, so now you have to suffer as well. WOuld love to hear from @Sovera and @Camel in particular.
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