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Everything posted by Akisan

  1. I'm in favor for having a side zone keep it year-round - it's more interesting than the usual street sweeping I do when I'm waiting for friends.
  2. This would be *exactly* why I added Stealth to my build - not so I could sneak past enemies, but so I could ditch suicidal NPCs off in corners so they don't pick fights. (Or better yet, sneak past them so they're still "hostages" until the map's clear)
  3. I'd argue that Echo:DA would be even better with the mist and ghosts. It'd be really nice if they raised the ToT cap to 50 there, but only if ToT spawns are based on ToTers' levels, and not zone level.
  4. Whoops, guess I mis-read that one. But, well, seeing as we've a fun thought experiment going anyways... Yes and no. Some (like Rest, Sprint and Stamina) are, and others (like Walk, Domination or Gauntlet) aren't. So yes, Hide could be made into a slottable inherent 1) If I had to add a power to Stalkers, I'd be tempted to pick Aim (maybe named "True Strike" though), to give them a little more of a DPS edge over scrappers. I think of the sliding scale of intended Melee AT balance as: Tank <> Brute <> Scrapper <> Stalker (more toughness on left, more damage on right), and this'd help stalkers do a bit more on that front. (instead of just being a ST-focused, somewhat sneakier flavor of Scrapper) 2) As this would be a part of a rebalancing of an AT that's (too) similar to another AT, such a change to the other ATs wouldn't be needed. 3) AT distinction? Like I mentioned earlier in my post though, it's really hard not to think of Stalkers as just sneaky, ST-focused Scrappers. An extra burst of damage (and being able to more reliably hit those harder targets) might help make up for the lower AoE potential though. (And please keep in mind - I rarely play melee ATs, so I'm just giving my impression from teaming with said ATs.)
  5. To clarify - pretty sure you're asking why Hide isn't an inherent power (like Rest or Sprint), but don't want it to be an Auto power (like Health or Stamina). I'm not against it - Dominators have Domination as an inherent, after all. It's just part of the class mechanics. I'm not sure what would replace Hide in the Stalker secondaries though, and I'm concerned that the chance could further blur the distinction between Stalkers and Scrappers.
  6. Yes please, especially if we can get an "afterimage" aura option for those highlights
  7. I'd love a slow XP option while levelling, but will have to vote "no badge" unless existing toons can get it somehow. I really don't want to have to reroll my badger, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.
  8. Most toggles take a second or 2 to "recharge" after you drop them, so they take recharge enhancements to shorten that downtime (Chilling Embrace has a 10s recharge, IIRC). Normally, this wouldn't matter, but offensive toggles (like Chilling Embrace) drop when you get mezzed, so a recharge might be useful there. I don't recall if offensive toggles just suppress now, but I do recall that *all* toggles used to drop when you got mezzed (which frustrated me to no end - I've run 9 toggles on my blaster for years!) (And is probably why I hate Stun so much...)
  9. That's great and all, but I'd like to spend my time playing, not repeatedly committing suicide. Also, for RP reasons, I tend to only play that character until he is defeated. Once he falls, he's done for the week. (So... burning off Patrol XP that way is a big no-no)
  10. @Rudra's not alone on that - I've a character running under "golden age" challenge rules (made much harder by the low-level enhancement change) that isn't supposed to benefit from Patrol XP (or low-level DOs/SOs). Right now, I compensate by running every 3rd mission with XP off (at least while I have Patrol xp), but it doesn't feel right. Having a way to turn Patrol XP off, or even having P2W powers that strip all Patrol XP or add a bar of Debt would be great.
  11. I like this a lot more than giving up larger set bonuses early. 6.25% recharge from just 2 (non-unique) enhancements could free a lot of build space, and the trade off of having that power be somewhat less enhanced isn't even much of a problem thanks to ED. I can definitely see a case for raising the effectiveness of the lower level IOs, though, especially since SOs are available that early. IIRC, 10 and 15 IOs are really cheap (especially if memorized), so they would have to be either more expensive, or weaker (they're currently about DO strength?) vs. SOs at that level (since they don't have to be repurchased)
  12. I'd say... not an archer. Those chains are asking to get caught in a bowstring. (they look good, though!). Could definitely see him as a Beam Rifle + (psi/atomic/dark) Edit to add : Soul or Cold epic pool.
  13. Some of us are both intelligent and pretty emotional, and thus value stuff for being polite and concise. Being blunt and to the point isn't always a good thing - if you offend the person you're trying to convince, your job just became that much harder. (The bit about how something is said is very true though - oftentimes, it's not what you say, it's how they feel about it!) This is pretty much exactly what I had in mind for copying the info into the LFG window too, though I'd probably also highlight the on-cooldown TFs (orange/yellow?).
  14. Yeah... I remember having to ask that. And having to be really careful about when I healed Blasters while on my Empath. It worked well... as long as you were ok with pretending Blasters had a max HP that was a quarter of what it is now.
  15. Yep, Full Auto'd was the only other crashless. Also, IIRC, RoA also had its cooldown reduced when the others became crashless. As for that activation delay - I learned to never open with it. It was much more efficient to snipe the boss in the group, then RoA where the mobs are going to be, that way it hits and you don't lose out on your snipe (plus, RoA's too weak to one-shot said boss...)
  16. OP - your suggestion's long overdue. Several other MMOs I've played have that information readily available to the player. I would, however, suggest multiple places for the cooldown to be noted: In its own window (as you stated), as a highlight & tooltip detail on the LFG window, a(n OOC) reminder on the contact dialogue when starting the content (if any. I know Hami doesn't ask if you're sure you want to beat him up), and in detail on the (locked!) reward screen. @Zect - it's great that you wholeheartedly agree with the OP's suggestion, but calling everyone else childish is a rather, um, childish behavior. I get that some suggestions can't be implented without breaking game balance, but stuff like requesting a buff for underperforming sets is pretty reasonable - especially since some of us, myself included, would be equally happy with everything else getting nerfed. Case in point - I'd love for Archery to get some of its identity back by way of all other sets getting crashes added back to their nukes. But, well, that ship has sailed, so I must instead ask for the set to be buffed to stay competitive.
  17. Yay, kindred sprit! Love bouncing around the shards, though I don't fly (SJ here), so lots of Gravity Jet use! (Side note- one of the jets just rockets you out into open space, don't use that one) Please no. The jets are so much fun to play around in, and once you know your way around the zones they're much faster than traditional methods. As for easily teleporting around the zones - part of the existing zone storyline includes the molepoints, which are progressively revealed as you progress. You can teleport to/from Firebase Zulu and these bases. I'd love to see more of these bases added, along with extending that storyline and/or branching some of the new content off of those points. I'm not sure about making the shard Co-op - as Crey and Nemesis have proven, there's a lot of profit to be had by exploiting the shard, so Villains probably won't have the same goal as Heroes out there. A "world threatening" hook to unify the sides could allow it, but we already have that in DA and the RWZ. I'm also not ok with making the shards PvP (factional or freefire), so maybe 2 instances of them (red & blue)? It'd add to the mystery if you could glimpse "echoes" of players that are in the opposite faction mirror. I'm... not sure either way for making it an incarmate zone. I kinda like being able to just fool around in FBZ without constantly aggroing everything that I pass (...stupid grey DA enemies...), but there's definitely potential for that kind of storyline in the deeper shards.
  18. "Hand shoe"? I'm wondering if a lot of German words are the original words that English was based off of, but were phased out as we blatantly stole borrowed words from other languages.
  19. Always fun to parse. I tend to prefer garden path sentences though: The old man the boat. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
  20. A lot of Oriental languages are that way - the conjugated verb is pretty much always the last word in the sentence. Also, having taken 4 years of French and Japanese (native English speaker), I can vouch for English grammar being weird. I do love the fluidity though.
  21. Yeah, "proc" is both noun and verb, kinda like "ski" is. Not sure "proc" is the best (or even correct) verb to be using in "the mission's not going to proc" (unless said mission is itself a random drop/occurrance), but language evolves, so...
  22. Can I vote for option 1 please? It drives me nuts that Stun is the *only* hard CC I can't get any permanent protection against as a squishy. (I'd also be okay with both options being applied - even if the base value on the toggles drops to 40%)
  23. That's... every bit as horrifying as I suspected it might be, based on your first clarifying post, @Luminara. I can't even imagine how often powers are/were bugged at some point in development because a dev mis-matched cost & actvation frequency.
  24. As horrifying as this is, it makes me hope that more expensive toggles both tick faster and drain more per tick. Having that pulse rate not correlated to toggle expense would be madness-inducing. But... then how else would I guarantee dreams about being my characters?
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