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Everything posted by Techwright

  1. 🎡He's got the whole world, in his hands... 🎢 Gently picking debris slab from a collapsed building to free people, standing alone on a bridge holding off an army...yeah, for certain Atlas is the game's version of Giant Man or Longshadow. And he might not be the only one. Talos' final battle created Talos Island, and one gets the impression he was a Paul Bunyan type with Babe the Ox horns. His statue is just as big, though admittedly that's not uncommon in the city.
  2. I've been watching the YouTube videos put out by Flipswitch Games regarding their in-development game of War of the Worlds, and though clearly not ready for Alpha just yet, the work done to this point is amazing. Several of the videos terrified me just watching (of course, nudged along by the player acting rashly a few times). Night time sequences are particularly stressful. It's clear the game is taking many of its cues from the Tom Cruise film, though perhaps not all of them. Here is the latest demo. Note around 19:45 that there is also play-as-tripod mode: And here's the channel if you wish to view more: https://www.youtube.com/@waroftheworldsgame9026/videos
  3. It's been half a year...what, if anything, ended up happening with SWTOR?
  4. Oh absolutely. I've been very keen to see a multiverse movie where Tom Cruise takes the Tony Stark role, if only as a one-off. I've been intrigued by this ever since I'd heard Tom had been considered for the role. And lets be honest: if the Joker, Batman, and Superman can have a variety of actors good and bad in the roles, there's room for others to interpret Stark. That said, RDJ was perfect. I said it back in 2007 the moment I heard he was cast. It was like he'd spent 10 years of his previously self-destructive life prepping for the role. Few would understand the character better.
  5. While not a firmly set rule of mine, I generally run Matthew Habashy's arc while waiting for the next available Death From Below, then try to run DFB to level 16, at least. This gives me all 4 of DFB's end bonuses. At that point I prefer to run Drowning In Blood, but as DIB is rare, I usually run the Positron TF instead, that usually gets me to 20 and the Penny Yin TF. I'll run the Synapse TF if I have time. Variations on this will have me running one of the two contacts from Matthew Habashy, then going over to King's Row and running the two Skulls storyline contact's missions.
  6. I'd ship one to you if I could. There's a reason I call them "Awful House". It's become a running gag in my family. I dine eat consume things at one about every 5 years, and as I type, dread overwhelms me 'cause I just realized it's been about 5 years. 😬
  7. It's been a while since we had a thread about what each of the characters sounds like in our heads. Might need to start a new one.
  8. If you refer to speech, then no. Comic speech bubbles communicated the story, just like in the comics. Some cut scenes have sounds like explosions, as I recall.
  9. Although DC is probably better known for its universe resets, Marvel has done its fair share of 'em and I've been wondering if one might be in the works for Phase 6. It would essentially grant a clean slate in both storytelling and cast, while building off the character name recognition that the current MCU brought to Marvel characters, as well as allowing for perhaps a smoother integration of the two big remaining properties (Fantastic 4, X-men) into the (rebooted) universe. Most talk I hear these days about WandaVision has to do with A) the unique style of the show, B) Photon, C) the upcoming Agatha Harkness project, D) what's happening with Vision going forward. As to Cap & the Winter Soldier, while overall I didn't like it, it did have its moments. For me those included the Falcon vs Batroc sky fight, Bucky's struggle to be normal (the "you're free" scene was particularly good), anything with Zemo, the shocking desecration of The Shield, and some of the Dora Milaje stuff.
  10. Ha! I love it! Must start using. We've been saying the more cumbersome "we've traced the problem to between the keyboard and the chair", but this is so much better.
  11. how do you pick things back up? Yeah, that pretty much describes what happened to my back over Christmas break. 😲 Gotta bend the legs first.
  12. second power set: /regen first power set: nerf/
  13. Polar opposite here. If there's a Starbucks, there's likely an Awful House within a 1/2 mile, often merely a couple hundred feet. And there's a lot of Starbucks.
  14. I'd just seen something that mentioned Ford's appearance in the show was supposed to be herald of another Indy project (TV?) that never developed. Had it been, there was to have been a grandson. I suspect even that suggested element might be canon. Mutt could have sired a child, even if there was no movie mention of it.
  15. I've got a mace/fire brute, and should point out that the /fire will have a designed weakness in knockback protection, different from all other brutes. You'll need to address that or you'll not be able to hold your ground. Once you figure it out though, /fire is pretty sweet. I've also got a rad/rad blaster and find him to be great fun. I just have to watch the aggro though, as I personally can get so wrapped up in nuking 'em 'til they glow, that I forget I can pull them off a tank's taunt at times. He's among my favorites, and I've not even really tried to maximize his enhancements yet.
  16. Welcome, HOME! This is not a stagnant game, so be sure to read all the patch notes to catch up. We're currently using "Pages" instead of "Issues" for the releases. We have several powers now proliferated to other archetypes, some changes to costume components, and many goodies. One of the big changes is to travel. There's so many ways to zone travel these days, and the Homecoming team created an earn-able way to merge many of these under one "button" to conserve space. Be sure to look for notes on travel. I also recommend searching in General for threads regarding newcomers, beginners, or returnees like yourself. There's many helpful comments found in these.
  17. No season 2, according to the star of the show. I've seen this on several similar sites now. However, the character will likely still appear in other MCU works. https://insidethemagic.net/2024/01/she-hulk-star-confirms-season-2-isnt-going-to-happen-nk1/
  18. Yeah, I need to go back and rewatch The Young Indiana Jones Adventures. I've not seen anything more than a clipping or two since it premiered. But what I meant about canonicity, and didn't have the spoiler box due to using my mobile, was...
  19. *Looks up "saveloy"* ... πŸ™„ Why didn't you just say "hot dog"? πŸ˜›
  20. Not to steal from @Turric's good list, but I maintained a couple of lists of Arthurian characters back when I played No Man's Sky, and used the names for system naming. Probably the biggest list I worked with was the following: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arthurian_characters
  21. My mind read that with the voice of the Pigs In Space announcer. πŸ˜„ Flow Pew Pew, NRG/NRG blaster, perhaps?
  22. The interesting thing is that the ending still leaves The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles potentially canonical. I suspect Lucas may have had a role in that. I'd define that better, but I can't seem to find the spoilers box icon on my mobile.
  23. First off, WELCOME! The game does a reasonably good job of walking you through startup. Obviously, you'll need to pick a character with all the details that includes. In my opinion, that suggests two ways to play it: 1. Make a rushed character, get into the game and begin learning by experience (failure is not truly failure if you're learning from the experience). If you like the character, keep it, and visit the ICON store to improve the character's costume. (You'll need INF or vouchers to pay for the changes) You can even rename the character at the loading screen. If you don't like the character, set it aside and start a new character. This is what I did way back in 2004-05 when I started in the game. The experience with a few "failed" characters paid off later in successful characters. 2. Make as best a character as possible before getting into the action. Many players spend a lot of time choosing the right components for the character, especially in the costume designer. It's quite robust and one of the selling points of the game. At any part of the character design, you can go back to previous screens and change your decisions, so feel free to experiment. NOTE: on one screen you'll be given two buttons to select which of the three sides of the game you start in: One button for blue/red (hero/villain) another for gold side (Going Rogue, aka Praetoria). I highly recommend newbies stay away from Going Rogue until they're very comfortable in the game. Going Rogue can be run by new players, but there are elements of it that could be confusing and isolating for an untrained player. Don't worry, you can visit it later, or create new characters once you're skilled. Next you'll be given the option of going through tutorial zones or skip them and jump right into the fray. For first time players I recommend the tutorial zones. Galaxy City tutorial zone gets you into the experience quickly, while still providing plenty of opportunity to learn and even chances to improve the character at a trainer. It also allows you within the zone event to choose your alignment (blue/hero, vigilante, red/villain, rogue). (Don't worry, you can later change your alignment fairly easily in the zone called Pocket D.) You move past the trainer to enter the endgame of the zone (click on the destruction behind him to change screens) where you face your first "big bad". I definitely recommend this zone for newcomers. Regardless of the starting zone, seek out the P2W vendor. P2W vendors have a wealth of both free and purchasable items. I strongly recommend taking the time to go through and claim every free item from their list. P2W vendors have both free weapons and free starter enhancements for your character, among other goodies. Enhancements are like the armor with stats in other games. We use these instead of armor, freeing up our avatar forms for costumes. Note that some enhancements (not those at P2W vendors) are specific to your character's origin, so keep that in mind when trying to use enhancements that are rewards that drop into the tray. Not all can be used. Most can be sold to vendors for INF, though. Note that some of the P2W vendor weapons have bonuses based on your character's origin, so choose carefully. I definitely recommend accessing the P2W vendor next to the trainer in the Galaxy City tutorial. Getting those weapons and inserting those free enhancements will aid you with the "big bad" and it's minions, though they're not critical. By the way, once you acquire the weapons, click on "Powers" in your tray to get the full list and drag the weapons from the right-hand column down to open slots on your tray so that you can use them. When you finally enter Atlas Park (blue side) or Mercy Island (red side), the first zones each side that are not tutorials, you'll be offered a chance to flag yourself as a new player, one needing help. I highly recommend doing so. Our community is by and large very friendly and many will want to aid you in your understanding of the game. Some have a habit of gifting you generous amounts of INF. INF is the primary currency in the game. While it has a different name in each of the three sides of the game (red, blue, gold), each name begins "INF": influence, infamy, information. Use INF to trade with various vendor types, with other players, or with the auction houses (AH for short) that appear in game: Wentworths for blue side, Black Market for red side, and I forget the name for gold side, but you get the idea. In Atlas Park, you'll start down the steps from Ms Liberty the first trainer in the non-tutorial parts of the game. You'll usually see a crowd around her. To her left and right, by the edges of the fountains, are vendors selling Dual Origin (aka "DO", can be used by two origins, weaker) and Single Origin (aka "SO") enhancements. Behind Ms Liberty is the statue of Atlas, and to his left, next to the fountain is a P2W vendor. Should you wish a faster rise in the ranks, visit her and look under "Boosts". In exchange for a loss of collecting INF you can bolster your experience gains (XP). I recommend caution with this starting out as you'll need to make money to buy enhancements every few levels. You'll see in chat several abbreviations used in Atlas Park for recruiting. If you see "DFB", this is "Death From Below" an instanced dungeon, if you will, where a team of new characters work their way together, earning fast experience gains including a bonus at the end of the instance. If you wish to join a team, just click on the recruiter's name and ask to team. They'll send you an invite if the team hasn't filled up. You may run DFB as often as you can get on a team, but the XP earned is diminishing with each level. Another abbreviation is "DIB" which confuses players at time due to its similarity. This is "Drowning In Blood" another teamed instance, but you'll need several levels earned before you can run it with them. Of course, there's other ways to earn XP: street fighting, and taking missions from contacts. Matthew Habashy is usually the first of these, and he's not many paces past the P2W vendor. Matthew's story overlaps with the Galaxy City tutorial zone story, making it the perfect next step. Never fear to ask questions. Best to ask in the Help chat, General chat, or Broadcast chat, though. Some of the other chats, like Looking for Group chat are considered exclusive to their task. I wish you all the best in the game!
  24. Just curious: Does the officially-recognized status allow us to move forward from pages of Issue 27 into a true Issue 28?
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