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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. I have to say I haven't tried it yet but it seems pretty weird. Why the needless complication and not just make it a fireball effect? It seems needlessly complicated to have a cone that explodes into a non damaging AoE. Though it's a nice improvement on Stone Melee's lack of AoE. I will need to try it and see how it pans out in actual use though.
  2. Here I was browsing the changes to see if PPs lost their T9.
  3. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    Alright. So, Stone gets creamed, SR as well, Fire. Shield is da wae.
  4. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    Dayum Werner, you're a god damn beast 😄
  5. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    Damn, it was SR I expected to have an easier time with it.
  6. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    *pompoms* You can do it! Is BZB the SR tank?
  7. Lets face it: you want KD? You take Ice Melee. It's the only thing that made me survive the challenge I posted in the Tanker forums. That said it definitely shines not on a Tanker that is already inordinately tough, but on 'squishier' ATs such as Scrapper or Stalker. But then we enter the ITF and mobs are about immune to CC (including ice formations on the ground).
  8. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    I'm not positive what would solo this well further more as it comes at a level where we don't have all our powers. Perhaps Super Reflexes?
  9. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    I posted this over the Brute forums but it was hidden in an unrelated thread and either flew under the radar or none felt like trying it, so I bring here to the +4x8 buffed enemies, debuffed players solo crowd. I went to look for the same Shepherds that crushed my Fire/Ice Tanker and got crushed again, but this time without Ice Patch to save the day it is safe to say that doing it at +1x8 was going to be impossible (I stopped after dying twice to the first group of mobs I found, both times under ten seconds). I wanted to test to see if the extra damage would make a difference and if my first experience had been a fluke, but it wasn't, and it didn't. It has to be said that Shepherds are a bit insane. Just look at all that they can do: https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Shepherds Broadswords attacks to -def, Tar Patches to -res, Vengeance when killing enemies, World of Pain. And on top of that stacking -tohit from regular attacks. Booyah. Cimerorians are a joke compared to these guys. An ITF with them instead of romans would not make an ITF a walk in the park. For someone who wants bragging rights the only place I found them was in the First Ward first chapter. Bracket 24-29: Got to do a bit of talking first then two quick missions. The third one is all Shepherds. Eagerly waiting for tales of victory or defeat!
  10. Nvm, I'm going to delete all files and re-install. It helped last time.
  11. It's just the lowest estimate. Not everyone, especially not a newbie still thinking in SO terms, is going to be into digging through guides and spending half an hour puttering with things. Even if eventually it goes down to 10 minutes. A new player wants to play.
  12. 'Can't stand' post title. Uh, someone is complaining about som-.. Oh, hello Dian.
  13. It's not a magic bullet but at least grab Recovery Serums off the P2W vendor. They save my butt in Freak heavy missions since Consume does not keep up with multiple Super Stunner deaths.
  14. Doing Synapse gives 56 merits. Then defeating Babbage another 6. Rounding it up it's 60 merits. 60 merits turns into 180 converters. 180 converters at 75k each makes 13.5 million. I shaved 500k off for AH fees. More than that if level 50 and not under the 100% XP-but-not-inf. I think I made 3-4 mill as a 50 doing it but was paying zero attention so don't quote me.
  15. Did you try hitting the square box before the X?
  16. I used to keep one wakie, one break free, then two blues as my emergency get-back-up row. Then I started playing Tankers.
  17. To put this in perspective, @GATE-keeper, doing Posi 1 and 2 and level 8 and 11, which makes around 3-4 million. With around 1.5 to 2 million we can slot a full character worth of generic IOs bought from the AH. Some people might even go further and say that by crafting IOs we can save up!!! ...and they would be right. We might save up something like 500k or something. Then we do Synapse and earn something like 13 million. Don't sweat the small stuff I say.
  18. A power that can be obtained from the P2W that grants a small random buff for 20 minutes.
  19. Sovera

    EM/Fire build.

    I went to look for the same Shepherds that crushed my Fire/Ice Tanker and got crushed again, but this time without Ice Patch to save the day it is safe to say that doing it at +1x8 was going to be impossible (I stopped after dying twice to the first group of mobs I found, both times under ten seconds). I wanted to test to see if the extra damage would make a difference and if my first experience had been a fluke, but it wasn't, and it didn't. It has to be said that Shepherds are a bit insane. Just look at all that they can do: https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Shepherds Broadswords attacks to -def, Tar Patches to -res, Vengeance when killing enemies, World of Pain. And on top of that stacking -tohit from regular attacks. Booyah. Cimerorians are a joke compared to these guys. An ITF with them instead of romans would not make an ITF a walk in the park. For someone who wants bragging rights the only place I found them was in the First Ward first chapter. Bracket 24-29: Got to do a bit of talking first then two quick missions. The third one is all Shepherds. Eagerly waiting for tales of victory or defeat!
  20. After a while of things going somewhat fine it is 'starting' again. I put 'starting' with quotes because a look at my crash folder and it's not that few: Currently I'm at: - No pending updates. - No other game crashes. During my CoH time I've played SWTOR, WoW, PoE, Last Epoch, and currently New World. No crashing. CoH also is still in the same that I can TF for 8 hours and not crash once. I can also stand in the Pocket and not type while AFK and not crash. Then I start typing and it happens. Not, of course, not ALL the time. It just happens once in a while. But sometimes those once in a while are back to back. I am now posting this after crashing, restarting the game, crashing. Rebooting the computer, booting up CoH, crashing again. This is five minutes total. Hasn't crashed since. - Keyboard was replaced since this started for unrelated reasons. Regardless it and the mice seem fine under the device manager: I tested with the windows memory diagnostic and no errors were shown. Considering the keyboard was changed, the OS was re-installed, the disk was formatted, a -new- SDD was bought and is now in use, the game has been verified, deleted in the past with all traces erased and re-installed... I'm not sure what to say anymore. Am I to blame the RAM? It seems like the last thing. If needed I can provide my most recent crash logs.
  21. Saying that all my TFs never land on a corpse is a bit of an exaggeration, but I would also take the hyperbole card in saying I never find a target to land a TF. That said I use and abuse Energy Punch and Bone Smasher in fast teams because I am not Bill aware that fast teams do not let bodies live long. But I -am- leading the charge and bosses are always my target. After those are down it is not complicated to save TF for targets who survive. If they don't live in the time it takes for TF to land then they don't need TF, just EP/BS.
  22. With -res slotted in? 4 minutes without -res on a fire armor would make 5 minute without -res still decent for someone who wants a bruiser. With -res it's 3 minutes though, and we know the game is not hard enough to require super best defense. I wonder how it would hold against the last boss of Market Crash or of the ITF. Those auto hits were evil on my Fortunata but she didn't have the scaling resists or the HP of a tank.
  23. Running around with 180% damage would do that 😄 I have the Fire/MA time in that. I remember trying the Claws and getting the same result. I should try the EM/Fire Br00t variant and see the time difference. Super-strength has bad quirks hiding under the glittery neon sign of Rage but it's stuff I'd feel like working with... But I can't get past the 10 seconds of near CC. Either do the -damage or do the -defense, but not both and preferably neither.
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