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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. You are one of the few who I liked, so much so I came out of hiatus long enough to bid thee farewell. DM me any time you want to talk, my man. You're one of the few who I would actually be here for. Good luck and know that I fully understand why you are done posting.
  2. Honestly, I don't even give a shit about this game anymore. Have not played it in well over a year now. Anything that I have ever posted on this forum is null and void. As far as I am concerned, this is no longer City of Heroes. I won't even say what this game is to me because honestly, I don't give a damn enough to argue about it. City of Heroes is dead to me and has been for quite some time. Sorry somebody necroed a thread that was written by somebody who has zero f**k's to give. Nothing personal, Snarky, just don't want anyone to think that I have a dog in this fight...it's not my fight anymore; I've long since moved on.
  3. Wow...90% of these responses are pure garbage. The way you all ganged up on the OP and trolled the ever living shit out of him is completely telling of your personality. Reading this one thread is a great reminder of why I stopped posting except on rare occasion. A bunch of weaklings trying to be tough...what a joke. It is purely disgusting; great example of the positive community you claim to be. Quite frankly I find 90% of the "people" that post this forum to be complete and utter trash. All one needs for proof of this is to read this thread. I can only imagine the retaliation one would apply if half of these things were said to his/her face...lucky for these posters here, they have anonymity of the interwebs, which is exactly why they behave this way. You all make me sick. Have any of you considered that maybe the OP has something going on like maybe autism? You simply don't know, yet here you are, acting like a bunch of internet tough guy bullies...you really make me sick. Oh, and so that the lower I.Q. can get a better understanding of what a "Wall of Text" actually is? It's not the OP's post. This individual actually uses proper punctuation and uses paragraphs. Only 4 paragraphs and you numb skulls react like this? The thought of having to read something longer than it takes to watch a tiktok video...the agony... Here, let me show you... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wall of text What's really messed up, is that I have seen over half of you write that same "wall of text" yet none of you call out each other over it, do you? Nothing to see here except a bunch of internet tough guys who couldn't whoop their way out of a wet paper bag. I'm sure this post will be deleted, God forbid somebody put you precious little snowflakes in your place. Bunch of panzies.
  4. True Story When I first joined Freedom Server, I met J-Force on the forums. Let's just say we didn't hit it off very well. I didn't understand them and took them for a bunch of internet trolls. I had faced off against all of J-Force head on, by myself, we destroyed the forums with our banter. I was not a fan one bit and I was very stout against them. I went by the name Wraiven in those days. Then, one day, they learned that I had built the unkillable Tank. They took this opportunity to break the ice and get to know me outside the forums, so they offered me a spot in a Rikti Raid (which at the time was a very tough raid as it was still a new TF/SF. I accepted. I joined their vent and we rolled out. They spent the entire TF training mobs on me, pushing the very limits of my Tank's ability to withstand the onslaught while at the same time, chit chatting and cutting up on their Vent. It wasn't easy, but they eventually overwhelmed my Tank and he dropped dead. We had a great time and that ended our feud. They were a great bunch of guys and we had fun. I understood them after that. They don't mean no harm, they only pretend to mean harm in their way of literally acting out parts they play...and they carried that over to the forums, but see, most Freedom players understood this, I coming in late to the scene caused my lack of understanding. Good hearted people, easily misunderstood by outsiders. Once they had opened the door to let me in, all of that misunderstanding melted away. They got a chance to learn who I was when not their enemy, I got a chance to learn who they were when they were not my enemy, it was a true happy ending for everyone. I miss J-Man and the crew and although I no longer play COH, I would drop in from time to time just to say howdy to the J-Man and crew and maybe even try to get my Tank killed every now and again, heh.
  5. Sounds like they made some change to it. It sounds like the ability no longer has a sound file associated with it. It was bugged out anyway, has been for years. The sound has not triggered on time (usually about a 2 second delay) for years. I have put in a bug report on it both on live and on this server...so I am sure the Devs are aware of it. It's possible the Devs here were trying to fix it but ran out of time before the new issue went live? So maybe next issue or sometime before they will have a fix. I would take this to the bugs forums and see what you can find there.
  6. Probably not a popular opinion (and don't really care) but my wife and I left due to bad interactions with other players who behave like asshats and/or how some people behave on forums...these forums included. We now play games that don't require us to tolerate bad behaviors from other humans either in game or on forums. We do dearly miss our friends, but we have decided that the human race sucks and we want no part of it. If we are feeling this way, I can only assume others are as well. So although not everyone who has left the game may have done so for our shared reasons, I am sure at least some of them have. I swore off forums, but I do still read them and this is probably the only thread to pop up since I have stopped posting that I have felt was worth my time to respond. Signed: Grumpy Old Man.
  7. @MyriVerse So before I say anything...nice name you've got there. I am just really confused as to what in the hell it is in this quoted statement that I could have possibly said that has earned me a good ol fashion down vote from you? I mean, excuse the hell out of me for looking out for the community here. In fact, excuse the hell out of me for a lot of things that I have done for the community over the years. I have always said over my time on these forums, that thumb down button is nothing more than a troll tool. That is all that it is. When people thumb down but do not explain why, it's nothing more than a tool for trolls. I created this thread, trying to warn others of a rogue mod embedded in an otherwise harmless mod and instantly I was told, "That never happened" as if I am some idiot who doesn't know jack. Nevermind that I have created countless mods for this game, nevermind that I have proven that I know a little bit about how these things work. Nah, who cares, I was basically called a liar with that statement whether intentionally or not. That very statement that completely was an underhanded, "You're a lair, that never happened." was bad enough though, I must admit, it hit me hard. I could not believe that somebody would even think that I would come to these forums and just straight out lie. That statement that was made towards me, that turned out to be completely false, sure did get a lot of attention though, didn't it? It sure did make me look like some village idiot, didn't it? That's actually pretty funny though, given my intelligence, it is actually quite insulting to my intelligence. But hey, I see you gave that one a good ol thumbs up though, didn't you! So I can only use my abilities of deductive reasoning and say that chances are you read my post, then read theirs, then decided that my post was trash due to what they said and gave it the ol down vote without even continuing to find out how that story ends, didn't you? Want to know what is even more insulting than that though? Come a little closer, I'll tell you...but this is just between you and me, okay? After my statement was proven true, there was not one single acknowledgement that what I said was truth from this person who called me out as being untruthful. In fact, when I tried to discuss it with this person in PM's to avoid any forum conflict with this person, they didn't want to hear about it and they shut me down immediately. I even offered them to be involved in the conversation, inviting them to the conversation, they wanted no part of it. They felt it would cause "Drama" and said that they felt that it was going behind people's backs, even though they were being invited to the conversation of everyone involved! Imagine that, right? they said that they wish to avoid drama...and I get that. Maybe it seemed risky to them and I can understand that. But then I got to thinking...wait, you want no drama but yet had no problems calling me a liar publicly? Hmmmm, fascinating. Easier to bury your head in the sand I suppose instead of being shown that what you said was wrong. But hey, it is what it is, people are going to be people, right? Well guess what, "MyriVerse." I appreciate you...I mean I really really appreciate you. Why? Because you taught me a valuable lesson today. You have finally got it through my hard head that these forums are a complete joke. These forums had great potential at one time and can even be helpful at times, but like all other things with great potential, humans had a part in it and has since completely corrupted these forums. Want to know what's funny though? Had you continued to read this thread to the end, you would have discovered that my warning to the forum community...the community that I used to actually give a shit about, was completely valid. You would have known this had you read on, you would have seen that the evidence supports my warnings. But nah, you couldn't be bothered I'm sure. But hey, thanks for that. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, pal. You made me realize that after a really long and tough week stressing the hell out trying to deal with this crap and working hard with the help of somebody who I admire greatly to prove that what I said was valid and not some lie, you made me realize that I just don't want to be a part of the forum community any longer. I love the people I play with in game, but these forums have seemed to attract some of the worst kind of players. It's toxic to the core. Why is it toxic? Well, strawman arguments is one reason. This forum has a lot of people who love to put words in your mouth and argue points that you never made. And they stick to it and well, they keep it going and going so that it literally placates what you actually said. It causes an environment in which where any poster who does not read the entire thread, just kind of believes the strawman argument and they will even chime in rally with them and attack the original poster right along with them! It's a really neat trick...even better, it works! It is the absolute best way to destroy somebody's argument! I have seen it happen time and time again. What a great tool to use as a weapon against somebody you don't like the opinion of, right? It's wonderful! Secondly, the people on this forum know how to lock threads that they don't like. All they have to do is pick a fight with the original poster and POOF...conversation is over. Boy oh boy is it a really dirty trick, but it works! So why not, right? Have a poster you don't agree with? Pick a fight with him! It will lock his thread every single time! I have seen it happen countless times over the years, even had it done to me a few times here and there...it's the Ace up the Sleeve and boy, does it work! lol Thirdly, that damn thumb down button....nothing but a tool for trolls. It's an abusive tool when used without some context. But for whatever reason, here we are, it still remains today and it still does its job! Lastly, and most importantly, because of the exact situation we have had here on these forums...where I came here to help others out, out of concern for my fellow gamers, I was indirectly (or was it indirectly?) for all intents and purposes called a liar, and then when my innocence was proven, there was not a single peep. Silence. Crickets. Complete and utter void of sound. This is common on these forums too! Somebody says something, then somebody else tells them how wrong they are, then when that first person is proven right, guess what, all people who told them that they were wrong, are just suddenly nowhere to be heard from! It's cowardly and lacks character. One thing you can see from me time and time again on these forums is that I can admit when I am wrong...I am a 48 year old man, admitting when you are wrong shows intelligence and confidence and shows good character. Sadly, it would seem that only a select few people on these boards are capable of doing this. Want to know which posters you can listen to and trust? I'll give you a hint...it's the ones who can admit when they are wrong. I think I am going to take a line from another good friend who once posted these forums, ThePhiloticKnight. He changed his name to NOPE much for the same reason I am just done with this forum community. If I were to also change my name, I think you could stick a fork in me because I'm DONE. You all can have these corrupted forums. There is an element here of posters who have made these forums a very passive aggressive toxic community...and that is sad, considering this is City of Heroes, not City of A-Holes. These forums had such great potential but sadly these forums are completely corrupted...the community has made it this way. These forums contain a bunch of bullies and when somebody fights back by either defending themselves against them or digging around to show proof that they were not being dishonest, suddenly they want to play passive aggressive and be dismissive. That is the absolute worst kind of bullying...and Now. I'm. DONE.
  8. Notice that when I switched from the Original Cosmetics to a Custom Cosmetics, suddenly the timing of the damage of Moonbeam pops the second you cast it instead of when it actually hits. Is this by chance a known issue?
  9. @Andreah Info above this post. Best I could do, hope this helps even on the smallest of levels. You will however take note at the end, another player (and friend) said, "There's your bug" indicating a recognition that the levels are not +2.
  10. I have the video uploading to Youtube now. I'm going to shower while Youtube does its thing and then post the video after. Sadly, I was unable to pinpoint the exact reason this happens. We thought we had it figured out a few times throughout the Citadel TF that we were on, but every time we thought we had it figured out, we would be proven wrong. The only conditions that must be met are this. A player must enter the mission before you enter the zone of the mission. That is the only common factor that I could detect. If I had to run an educated guess, I would say this has a 50/50 chance of bugging the difficulty of the mission. It does not happen every single time. It has absolutely nothing to do with what the player's difficulty is set to (which was tested) and has nothing to do with which Task Force you are on (which was also tested previous to our conversation) however, the one test I was unable to run, was to determine if the player's level had anything to do with it. I'll post the video after my long and overdue shower...or as we say in Kentucky, "shar."
  11. I have reason to suspect that it is not intermittent. I'll explain after my wife and I finish our tests. There seems to be a specific method to this.
  12. I guess I am going to have to, because people need to be aware of this. The awareness on this is unbelievably little and I am frankly tired of having this debate with people who are unaware. I am logging in now just to make a video to show proof.
  13. It...is...known. The Devs are aware of it. I don't just go around these forums lying.
  14. That's not how it works though. So the way it works (I am actually surprised the awareness on this is so little in the community) is that when a mission takes place in a new zone, and somebody goes to that zone and enters the mission before the leader can enter the zone of that mission, that mission will default to +0. It is repeatable and it will happen every time regardless of what the leader has the missions set to and regardless of what the player who enters the mission has his mission difficulty set to.
  15. If the problem was fixed, then explain why this is happening? I can tell you that I know for 100% fact that this is not fixed. It is a known issue. Edit: Also, you are not alone in your thinking, many people think as you do and it makes the issue even worse because people will ignore your request, enter the mission thinking that you are full of shit, then go, "Oops, sorry. I guess you were right." If you have not seen it in a long time then either you never run content any harder than +0, don't lead Task Force Runs, or just so happen to only lead the ones that are restricted to only one zone, such as Pen Yin. It happens to everyone, no matter who you are.
  16. To my knowledge, only two zones were changed to no longer represent Hazard zones, but are still called as such. Hollows and Faultline. I'm extremely sleepy and about to go to bed, so consider this when somebody reminds me that I have forgotten one or two, lol.
  17. Holy shit we agree on something! There is hope for mankind yet! 😄
  18. That is not the issue though. The issue is when you create a team advertising a +2 KM run, then you have somebody who runs off to the end to kill the boss, then when that player is asked not to do so and the player responds with, "You can't tell me howto play" that becomes a problem. It forces you to either kick the player, or conform to that player's play methods and let him control your team. This is a growing trend that I am seeing more often and it comes from the, "Speedy" generation of players. Nobody who plays the game on a regular speed and a slightly more difficult setting has ever done the reverse to a Speedy team. The awareness needs to be made and that type of behavior should not be tolerated...by anyone. To me, when you join a team, you play what the team leader advertises, you don't join that team and force it along and override the team lead's preferences. These players will do two things. They will enter the mission before you can even zone in to the zone (Two things, they are skilled at zoning fast and when they enter the mission before you can zone, it defaults the mobs to +0) and then they make a straight B-Line to the Boss and kill that boss and clear the room. This is why this thread exists, to spread awareness and encourage like-minded players to not tolerate such behavior. I for one am done with it, I have had enough and I am sure there are others who feel the same way. My message? Don't tolerate it. It's time for these players to be removed from the team and be done with them. I had one just last night on a Synapse Run who kept running off and getting killed. I had asked this player to stick with the team several times, even ended up calling him out by name. He completely ignored me. On the third to last mission, he ran straight to the end (he must have not realized it was a save the citizens mission and thought instead that it was a kill boss and guards mission) and once again got himself killed. I once again ask this player to stop, by name. Next mission, He entered mission and again ran straight for the boss, leaving the rest of us behind. He got the boot. I said to the team, "I'm sorry folks, (ENTER NAME HERE) will be unavailable to join the rest of us for the remainder of this Task Force." This is sadly how these players will have to be dealt with. Now, before anyone accuses me of hating Speed Runners, let me say, not all Speed Runners will join your team and do this...most that I have met are very open to playing however, but sadly, there are a few (a few? Uncertain just how many) bad apples who are giving Speed Runners as a whole a bad name, and that is not fair to Speed Runners since most that I have met would never behave this way. Anyway, so as you can see, it doesn't matter how you set the game, play the game or build your character, when you get players like this, none of that matters as they will do whatever in the hell they want to anyway. This is where I encourage players to make use of the kick function. Edit: Of course for whatever reason I thought this was the "Speed Runners vs Regular Team" thread, so just know my comment although true from my perspective, isn't really relevant to this thread, lol
  19. AboveTheChemist, you have no idea how much this means to me. I cannot thank you enough. My credibility means a lot to me and when things were being said that directly contradicted my initial statements in this thread, I felt my credibility was in question. I hold two things dear, my honor and my credibility, the prior gets me in to trouble from time to time, but the latter is unwavering. So thank you, you have helped ensure that my credibility (at least in my mind) is still intact. I know I am not everyone's favorite poster, I can be combative at times, I know that I can be confrontational at times and I know that I have a bad habit of not walking away from a fight...all bad qualities, however, one thing that I hold dear is my credibility and I thank you for working with me to get to the bottom of it. @Stellarverse had to hear about this for the past few days, so she greatly thanks you too, lol. I owe you one, @AboveTheChemist. You've earned a friend in me. Thank you.
  20. So would the Widow version have the same issue or is this something that is synonymous with the other classes besides Widow?
  21. Honestly, I am surprised that people are worried about this set when pretty much every lethal set (Claws, Ninja Blade/Katana, Spines, Dual Blades...etc etc) in game suffers insanely in both maximum damage and being the most resisted. So honestly, for as long as those sets are sitting at the absolute bottom of the tier list at the D and C Tier, (according to @Croax's list) where Kinetic Melee sits at a comfortable B, I just can't get on board with buffing medium performing sets when others have been dying in the dumpster for way too long already. Not picking a fight, just saying how I feel about the whole thing.
  22. Hollows is no longer a Hazard Zone, been that way for an extremely long time, yet it is still advertised as a Hazard Zone. In other words, don't hold your breath on that changing in game or on Wiki. 😞
  23. Well then that would explain it. I can't fathom why it needs such a long Arcanatime and Activation time, but that sounds to me like it's working as intended, which is a bummer. Well, only thing left on the board then is a possible animation change when running with a Staff, lol. Really appreciate your help, Rudra.
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