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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Then it is possible that I downloaded the mod from another web site. I will have to check the date the mod was added. I was adding/removing mods from this game before PhiloticKnight's Mod Tool, so it is very possible this mod was installed before the Mod Tool from the original web site. I'll get back to you if I can get a definitive answer on this. In hind sight, I think it is far more likely that I downloaded the original from the original web site (or a mirror site) and then updated it when the CoH Mod Tool came out.
  2. Dude, relax, I wasn't being serious. I figured me saying, "I'll take my prize now!" kind of indicated that, but no, was not being serious.
  3. No, no no. I really like, "We didn't all agree to PL you slowpokes with our mighty -1 to +0 mobs" Please, keep going with that. I want to hear more. 😉 (Being facetious, totally tongue in cheek, lol)
  4. Oh, and by the way, I found proof that there is indeed full female chest nudity. I'll take my prize now!
  5. Yeah, I thought it was in game, like an addition by the Devs, which was what got me investigating. I knew if I showed screen shots it would not be enough, so what I did to eliminate the possibility that it was a mod, was removed the Data folder all together. Once that folder was removed from her PC, I had her log back in to see if that character still appeared nude...she did not. Once that happened, I knew the only other logical answer was that there was a mod on her PC...and mine. Once I knew for a fact that it was a mod, it only took me five minutes to locate it and remove it. So had you all not doubted me, I would have never been determined to get to the bottom of it. For once, it was a pleasure being wrong. I didn't like the thought of a rouge mod on my PC, but I disliked the thought that the Devs implemented nudity even less, heh.
  6. Actually, when my wife tested it out (she created a character using those styles) she had a guy send her a tell and ask her if she wanted to do an all nude team. Can post screen shots if you like, but I think it is safe to say several people have the mod, heh. Like me, I had the mod and didn't even know it. I thought it was a legit update costume piece...was appalled that the Devs would do that even, lol. Silly me, lol.
  7. Thank you for checking it out, Captain. Very appreciated.
  8. Update, it would seem that nasty little side-mod that came with the videotmaps mod was removed before it was transferred over to the new CityMod. so the only way you could possibly have that mod is if you downloaded it during the CoHModTool days. @Captain Fabulous has helped verify that the newest version of the videotmaps mod is free of the side-mod. Thanks for checking it out, Captain.
  9. As far as I was made aware, all mods from that tool were transferred over to the new mod tool. However, the person responsible for that mod could have very well removed that side-mod before it was transferred. That is the only guess that I can make. And to more directly answer your question, no, I do not have the current package since I am perfectly happy with the current one, minus that little gem that I discovered that is. I can only hope that version is no longer available. So those who have it would have had to download it a few months back before the shut down of the CoH Modder Tool, if what you say is correct in that those nasty files are no longer there. I'll take your word for it on that since I see no reason you would lie about it and you do know your way around the CoH files. So that is good to know.
  10. I'm using the one that used to be on ThePhiloticKnight's Mod Tool. I know that one was transferred over to the new mod tool, so I can only assume it is still there? I don't have the new mod tool, since I create my mods custom and don't use any mod tools these days, so I cannot verify. Disclaimer, PhiloticKnight would have had nothing to do with it, he simply provided a database for us to upload mods, so it would have been the creator of the mod that was uploaded to his mod tool.
  11. So apparently back in 2004, a little gem was added to the VideoTmaps mod and has carried over to today's mod. It's not a vicious mod, however, what it does do is turns the Eden costume option and bikini 3 option in to full nudity of a female character. Some of you may not care, others may not approve of your kids seeing such things in a video game, it's your choice. However, if you are a parent who does not approve, or don't want the tackiness of that mod on your game, then this post shows you how to delete it from your videotmaps without losing your maps mod. Hope this helps for anyone to whom it matters. Full Update
  12. Or not, check post above. Anyone who has downloaded the videotmaps mod most likely also has the mod. It was located on the Eden costume and bikini 3 option. So if you check those two costume options and find nudity, you know you have downloaded the extra mod within a mod.
  13. That is exactly possible and that is exactly what happened. So, the videotmaps mod has these two little gems added to it. Somebody down the line obviously thought it would be funny to add these nude mods to the videotmaps mod. Didn't take much to find it. I will be making @Michiyo aware of this, in case that mod also got transferred over to their mod tool as well. Not sure who the creator is, but it wouldn't take much to figure it out. To anyone interested in removing the mod, all you need to do is remove these two files listed below. The install location is Data\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Female\Masks\Chest and the other location is Data\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Female\Masks\Hips So my mistake, it was not added in game, but since I knew damn well I didn't download any nudity mod, I didn't at first suspect that little gem that was slipped in to an otherwise harmless mod. To anyone who has downloaded the videotmaps mod, I suggest you check your mod for those two files. Dude, back off. You will get the absolute worst part of me if you go down that path with me. They are my kids, I will f'ing decide what is best for my kids...not you.
  14. Hahaha, fair enough. I'm a truck driver these days, so my hours are all over the place. I drive local though so that is a plus. If you ever change your mind you know how to reach out. 🙂
  15. I will find it and prove it later tonight when I get home.
  16. I myself do mods. I would know if there were a costume mod I guess I will just have to prove it then since none of you have ever seen it for youselves.
  17. Already done. 😉
  18. It would appear that at some point nudity became okay in this game since it is now an option in the costume options. Has anyone made a Mod to cover that up? There are kids that play this game and I for one don't want my kid seeing what my wife saw on her Moonfire run today. How about it costume modders? Got anything?
  19. 1You didn't come here to express your opinion, you came here to criticize me in how I am dealing with the problem. Also, suicide is never the answer. I didn't tell you that you weren't worth anything. You put me in a position to defend myself and so I did. For all I know you're a great person. Good news is, I don't hold grudges. I might have an issue with you in this thread but completely have your back in another. Life is already short, no need to make it shorter. Let's just end this and maybe next time you will find me fighting by your side instead of being at odds.
  20. There's always somebody like you who replies with these types of comments. I figured it was a matter of time. For the most part this thread was supportive. I knew it wouldn't last because there is always somebody who wants to be forum police. Congrats, you won the day. Done with ya, dude. Go to another thread and start shit, I'm not biting anymore.
  21. So spreading awareness about it is wrong...I see. Sorry, I'm not that passive.
  22. Just for the record, I do all of those things except on Synapse and Citadel, where most missions are kill all anyway. I also advertise the levels we will be running them as. So anyone who joins my teams and pulls that crap actually is creating a toxic atmosphere.
  23. As much as I absolutely hate knock back, I must admit, that sounds extremely fun! 🙂
  24. I can see that mattering more for Scrappers than Stalkers. But yeah, SR isn't perfect furing the leveling process, but end game it is unparalleled IMO. Most speak of a lack of heal, but I always pick up Aid Self to cover that hole, works great.
  25. Not liking something does not mean that you don't know how to play it for what it is. I don't like Regen because it was originally designed to be so much more than what it is. I could be wrong, but I do not believe that the OG Devs intended on it to be the lowest tier power set in game. I used to love Regen, I mean absolutely loved it. Now, it's like the set has betrayed me due to what the Devs did to it to punish the set. This is why I sometimes say, "Set Regen Free" because the set has been punished enough. I don't expect nor want the set to be the best, but I would at least like to see it removed from the bottom tier and not be so darned squishy. I think doing something as simple as given the set a nice Absorb shield might be all the set needs since it doesn't have any built in defense or much resist. Something has to make up for the lack of these things. It can't completely rely on Regen when there is not enough Regen there to rely on. Regen is fine solo to be sure, it is fine with teams that have lots of buffs, sure. But sappers can destroy regen if you have more than one, even Freakshow can obliterate Regen with their End Drain abilities and those insanely hard hitting Boss hits. Regen needs a cushion of some type. IMHO it could use either a fast regenerating Absorb Shield, a much higher Resistance to Regeneration Debuffs and an adequate Resistance to Recovery/Endurance Debuff and that would put the set in a proper place. It wouldn't be the best by any stretch, but it would be in a position where it can sit within the ranks of others without being shamed. P.S. I appreciate you taking this to a serious discussion instead of insinuating a set is not for me. Trust me, it's for me, it was once my favorite set and thematically it still is...I just don't like the punishment it received and I believe the set needs to be adjusted to fit the times.
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