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Everything posted by Frosticus

  1. Can you expand on the enhancement values you were using? I saw similar behavior when the power was under-enhanced (same for +cons snapping in and out of the sleep nade) but wasn't having issues with ~70% confuse enhancement against regular lvl 54 minions/luts (+3 because of alpha level shift). The secondary issue may be a lack of accuracy. The confuse is not auto hit afaik and patches don't benefit from global acc or tactics, just the acc slotting within the power.
  2. I see. Smaller aoe, faster cast, double prior recharge. Switching slotting to procs.
  3. Seems to crit 100% of the time from hide, but should be 50% like other aoes
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  4. Dom Psi nado now has base rech of 40 seconds (used to be 20).
  5. I could be wrong, but I don't see them giving this set an immob because it has a ranged taunting pet. Some combos can still exploit that aspect, but it feels deliberate that they avoided it given the plethora of web attacks already available to draw from. I'm going to give arse/thorn a whirl. I see nice synergy between the immob in impale, thorntrops helping with all the patches and I don't think powerboost has much impact on arsenal, so may as well go with an assault set that focuses on more damage.
  6. Sleep Nade reactive radial (75% dot chance) This is just to show how quickly it puts minions/luts back to sleep. After testing I'm not "too" worried about containment damage on a controller for builds that aren't super dot heavy. At least against minions/luts... The sleep patches can stack if you have enough recharge, which can help with protracted fights*. Keeping things in the patch doesn't always go smoothly vs larger spawns *keep in mind the sleep patch will ignore player buffs like tactics, or any acc slotting that comes from ranged aoe sets. Sleep is autohit against common enemies, but AV's for instance require a tohit check. Smoke Cannister essentially the same as sleep nade. Covers mininons/luts effectively Stacks on second cast tagging bosses. Procs seem to have no effect. I have not seen either confuse damage procs fire yet. Even cons are easy. Yes. You need to slot both sleep and smoke for their respective mez if you want them to work consistently against higher cons. 71% enhanced confuse was allowing a +4 to break the confuse easily, but seemed to consistently confuse +3's without releasing them. Tested vs Knives of Artemis which I don't believe have any confuse protection. Unenhanced sleep nade barely slowed down +4 minions as they break out of the sleep without issue. Keeping higher con enemies in the patches is like herding cats as they have much higher slow resistances.
  7. My video recorder keeps crashing, but this is easily shown through 2 screens. I'm slightly aggravated that this needs to be further explained. Has PToD with sleep hole (not all AV's have this hole) Apply sleep grenade (3 acc, 3 sleeps) Proceed to get attacked like you did nothing Even though quite a few AV's have a sleep hole you need they still have base boss level protection, so mag 3 won't mez them. Sleep grenade does not self stack no matter how you slot it, so Arsenal will not sleep ANY AV on its own with sleep nade. ****MORE SNIP!*** Arsenal has some issues, it also has some high points. Thank you for your time.
  8. Dominator Telekinesis No longer benefits from domination?
  9. Stalker: Ice Mastery Frigid Wind - Seems to be 100% crit chance from hide rather than 50%
  10. I've played the set (Dom) a decent amount now. If you look in my sig there is a link for my earth/psi and the stupid things that build has done. To be clear, I could do all of those things again (and maybe more) with an arsenal dom. Which I can't say for any other primary, not by a long shot. So take that as you will. That said, I'm having a hard time reconciling a ground up set that has so little interaction with the inherents of the AT's it is designed for. Think of a brand new scrapper set that has barely any powers that crit! This set has 4 powers that benefit from domination. That is now the lowest of any set in the game. Illusion has 5 and was specifically altered for doms because it didn't have enough powers that worked with domination. So regardless of the current performance of this set (I think there are some strong combos for both ATs) the design direction runs counter to recent things like the illusion port, shadowfield and the changes to arctic air.
  11. The null is there so you drop back out of hidden after 10 sec assuming you don't have hide/mask/cloaking kicking in.
  12. I'm kinda meh on this set after trying it for awhile. Nice synergy of targeting drone and power up letting you hit thru most things. Buttstroking is nice because it takes the ATO +dam I dunno, lethal heavy set, but it definitely isn't as crazy as savage, or likely as effective as thorns with its added control and proc opportunities. I'll look into it some more but this one might be a pass for me.
  13. Savage leap: savage stalkers are back on top. Really good buff in conjunction with new placate (from a bit ago).
  14. Tested for a bit on a Dom solo It can pretty easily solo most stuff without domination up. Similar to earth in that regard in that you have a knockdown patch and a tough taunting pet so you don't "need" to control tougher bosses when you are on your own. Sleep Grenade: I proc'd it. 5 damage procs turns this into a pretty attractive power as the aoe is huge and it hits 16 targets (most dom assault powers only hit 10). The sleep seems to pulse. Liquid Nitrogen: ice patch clone complete with the minor damage. I like it Cloaking: spot for lotg, easy stealthing Smoke: ok I'm not sure what to think about this power. The recharge is really short (it is up every 15 seconds easily) and it handles all the minions/luts. It doesn't alert and it lets you waltz by most spawns if you want, or keep a second spawn on pause. I think as a controller I'd use this power a lot. As a dom...Flash bang handles just about all your aoe spawn needs. Not a bad backup power though, but would you take this or the aoe hold for emergencies? I don't have a solution, but it should be affected by domination/overpower even if that means double recharge imo. Flash bang: mag 6 aoe stuns are the bread and butter of doms. This is a good one, decent cast, good range. I could see a controller proc'ing this out (along with sleep nade) and relying on Smoke as their main control. That would give them quite a bit of aoe damage. Gun Drone: this is a ridiculously OP pet for one specific purpose. AV solo'ing. A single pet res IO and it is 90% res (all). I've shown what you can do with stoney+spirit ward and he is no where near as robust as this thing. Otherwise it is great mid game when you may struggle to lock down a boss or two as it will "control" them for you. I think I'm more tempted to run this as a controller. I dunno, I'll think about it. There isn't much that benefits from domination in the set, but it should still do fine.
  15. This will slow down Trap door runs to say the least. That's all I tested it on and I liked it.
  16. Bug: VEAT Bane placate intended: grants 20% tohit buff for 10 sec actual: scales based on enemy level
  17. Earth/poison works very well.
  18. I dont inherently dislike patch powers, but dark control has demonstrated that you have the ability to make them work with domination/overpower. So smoke canister should be altered. Otherwise, aoe confuse, aoe disorient, knockdown patch and a robust taunting pet, means I can use this set to great affect. I'll test out tonight though
  19. Look for a dom with fast aoe control because single target control is basically irrelevant on most teams. It's kind of meaningless solo too, but some people swear by playing slowly with st confuse. Probably want some decent soft control for the many times that hard control fails in harder content. Soft control that actually matters are things like knockdown patches and big slows. Tohit debuffing is nearly worthless in more difficult content. That should make your choices pretty clear for primary. I like /fire for teams simply because there are times you won't survive in direct melee range. Fire lets you sit comfortably 20ft back and still get all the buffs and none/less of the near instant deaths. /psi is unmatched for survivability. That shouldn't matter as much in a team, but if you solo difficult stuff it can be significant.
  20. yes, primarily kyoyo it lets you get through the crash without insp in lvl 25 content. But also the click mez and auto power that gives kb protection. They both make the crash safer too. Basically I'm forced to take melee core and ageless on my /ea if I want to safely and easily get through the crash. My /nin sentinel gets to use clarion radial which gives me even more defense as well as boosting the +end power, giving me a bigger self heal and making my sapping more powerful (elec blast). Really nice synergy and flexibility offered by /nin.
  21. I think that is maybe not the best advice for some sets. Fast AS is often the best DPA attack a stalker has with or without focus. It should be spammed. I want my AS up as quickly as possible, which means the proc rate on hide would be really low. Trying to optimize the hide proc in AS while abiding by the 10 second lockout leads to some very convoluted attack chains that don't interest me. I can slot oodles of rech into TF and it will still proc hide. Also I want double focus from TF. Placate reliably gives me that. Hide proc in AS (even with minimal rech) was failing to trigger that often enough that I was frustrated. Crit ET heals me a bit I don't use it. It's not even on my tray. Might give faster pylon times I guess? Fast ET is my highest DPA attack outside of crit fast AS. The procs are irrelevant compared to the raw DPA of fast ET. The goal is double focus and fast ET spam. Procs are just a bonus. Placate is fundamental to my playstyle. But ya the bonuses of that set are really nice. I use energize reactively as a heal. The heal procs help me use it that way by covering most chip damage. The recovery bonuses of overload and unleash potential are very high. I need perception and I need additional tohit and accuracy. I ran a tactics build for awhile, but FA works well enough and gives really good tohit debuff protection. I wish I had more tohit honestly. Yep torrent is pretty good. 100% knockdown is also really nice. It won't make you an aoe machine, but I didn't make an em stalker for that purpose. It is what it is. I need a lot of recharge (just look at the overslotting of overload). My intent was to have no gap between overload and unleash potential. In practice you can easily pause for a moment or just placate them and wait (I placated mother mayhem until overload cycled in the psi video). This build is an exercise in seeing how far I could push the t9.
  22. Ya for sure, my normal sr tank build uses RoP, I think many do. But the hilarity of the t9 build is something else. Not batting an eye at rage crashes and unlimited endurance is a different set of benefits compared to the RoP build. A t9 /ea brute ala @nihilii is a sight to behold. My elec/nin t9 clarion radial sentinel is the definition of ridiculous in so many ways. Now I'm working on an unstoppable sav/invuln stalker. Obviously that crash is a whole different kettle of fish. It's just a different approach. In general I thought I was happy with the performance of my various armor toons, but similar to how making proc builds was fun and fresh a couple years ago, this avenue gives a new look at some of them and changes the areas they excel at.
  23. Fair enough, I'm not sure how a conventional build would attempt to counter tohit buffs like in this demo without stacking as much powerdrain as possible (and being far more cautious about target selection), but players often have unique solutions. Other fun t9 builds that I've played and highly recommend trying: /nin (scrapper and sent). They don't need any incarnates to get through the crash. It actually gets silly. SR/ tank. 82% def during unleash, 45% def thru the crash, 160% def under elude. I'm sure some players might find a place where that is useful.
  24. Not that it makes a huge difference, but I typically run spiritual (agility was on the build I posted and in the vid). My def numbers are usually overkill and the +heal of spiritual is more beneficial. I have agility on that build because I've been working on Lanaru AV. He pushes a 20% tohit buff, saps like a mofo and has freezing rain. So you need 65% def to softcap Ignoring the fact that freezing rain is a 37.5% def debuff (at lvl 53. I couldnt make a meaningful dent at 54). No success yet, but getting there.
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