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Everything posted by tripthicket

  1. tripthicket

    MSR PopMenu

    Thanks very much for providing this!
  2. "Well, yeah, that's what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings, I smash fourth walls and bad endings...and sometimes Matt Murdock."
  3. I hope Jen finds out and is understandably furious. She attacked that one guy on sight (he had it coming), so what does Josh have coming? To those who might say, 'Well, he only stole her blood,' recall he also tricked her into bed and took pictures of her naked and sleeping (never mind that you couldn't see her bits). I won't use the R word, but this is all kinds of wrong. Sanitized for a comic book show, but every time I dwell on it now, it gets me steamed all over again.
  4. Introduction of possible new romantic interest and advancement of secret group plotting against Jen (from earlier episode, trying to obtain blood sample), both in the same episode and unconnected? I'll buy that if you give me 25 seconds of direct and meaningful eye contact!
  5. Loved the contents of the hatbox at the end.
  6. The title pretty much says it all. Going to try Fire/Nature. Also, what's good to choose with the Epic/Patron pools? This character is meant to be Support first, then backup Damage for the hard TFs. Range or Melee, whatever it takes. If you've played this, what's your attack chain? Also, what Incarnates?
  7. Thanks for your swift reply. I'm calling my prior advice a result of my poor understanding of the issue, and will now make efforts to spread the correct word.
  8. Reading over this, I'm still a bit fuzzy, so I may be asking a question you've already answered. I vaguely recall reading that, with Reactive Radial Interface, if the 25% chance of defense debuff doesn't go off, the DOT will never even get checked. Thus, I've been telling a folk or three to choose Core instead. This would seem to be a misinterpretation of the inner mechanics as you described them above. My new understanding: Reactive Radial/Core will do their percentage checks independently for the debuff and the DOT, and their own percentage chances will determine how effective they each are. One does not affect the other. Have I gotten that right?
  9. @JJDrakken, it's been a while since I checked in here, and I'm sorry that's so. I see that you apparently got some flak for your efforts not being in line with someone else's personal or general specifications. I think there was even mention that you should have included instructions on how to play? I shake my head at the people who didn't appreciate or even understand what you did for this community. You're a better man than I am for coming back and continuing your contributions. It should be obvious that at no time did you ever claim your builds were THE Ultimate Builds. Some folks took them and used them just as they were, myself included, and were happy for the help. Some folks took them and tinkered with them a bit, adjusting here and there to suit their personal tastes or needs, and I too did this with some of your builds. At the very least, your builds were a starting point, and in many cases were all someone needed to get their character where they wanted it to be. Folks can argue about the quality of your builds all day long, and some will be right in some instances, where others will be right in other instances. Bottom line, I argue that no one--NO ONE--has contributed more in the area of providing builds, and that by far. Take a build and use it, take a build and tinker with it, take a build and debate its merits, but no one can truly argue that this vast resource is wrong. If someone reads this and wants to take issue with my opinion, take it to DMs please, and blast me there. JJ doesn't deserve the ire. JJ, thank you for all you've done, and I hope you find it within you to keep giving. Stay strong, my friend. -- trip
  10. One-time bump to help folks notice the change of date/time for this event.
  11. Mardi Gras may be over, but it lives on in every true fun-lover's heart! To keep the celebration going, Chaos United is hosting a Costume Contest in March, and the theme is MARDI GRAS!! Come join the parade, decked out in your finest festive garb and your best purple, green & gold! The When: Saturday, March 26th at 9:00pm EST NEW TIME: SUNDAY, MARCH 27th, at 10:30pm EST The Where: Atlas Park, under the Atlas statue There will be 2 billion Influence in prizes given out, 'cause we ain't got no beads to throw! Make sure you come on out and show your Cajun spirit! Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!!
  12. Thanks to all! This is exactly what I needed: information about how well this pairing would or would not work together. I too have played Illusion/ and Empathy/ (defender) separately to satisfying effect, but never together. You've provided me with roadmaps for how to utilize all the tools and when. Which leads me to one of the main things to keep in mind when mulling over new characters: Play what you like!
  13. I've got this notion that I want to play an Illusion/Empathy controller, but I'm not sure they're gonna work so well together. If I solo, or play a non-support role on a team, the secondary doesn't seem to be doing me much good. If I play a team support role, the primary seems to be wasted. I think both powersets are great, but I don't see the synergy. Edumacate me?
  14. Haven't read this whole thread, but I'll throw this in, at the risk of repeating someone: Quite often the point of origin (forgot what it's commonly called here) of a power during its cast animation is the hand or hands. Sometimes the head area for sonic or mental powers. I'm sure I'm forgetting the others for the moment. What I mostly have in mind is using the eyes as a point of origin. This is already true for Radiation Blast's X-Ray Beam and for the epic pool power Laser Beam Eyes.* I'm imagining Energy Blast's various attacks as being emitted from the eyes. Fire. Dark. Electricity. Etc. I do recognize that my request probably would require as much work as all of the Page 3 drop that hit Beta today (hopefully not), but I can dream. *If I can't get anything else, I'd like these two to get 'bigger' blasts -- I'm thinking of Cyclop's eyebeams here. Call it a fencepost (what I'm desiring) as opposed to a pencil (what we have now with the above-named powers).
  15. Asking for Electrical Blast/Invulnerability Sentinel, plz. Will be blasting from range, and would love Fly included. Thanks!
  16. My much-belated thanks to all who offered suggestions! For Titan Weapons, I turned my nose up early at the Momentum mechanic, but freely admit I never gave it a fair shake. Time to explore that. For Bio, almost the same thing. I never got very far with it, and so was never exposed to the set's full possibilities. Time to explore that. For Stone, yadda yadda, same thing. What time is it, again? I'm too in love with my Laser Beam Eyes to consider switching epics, but I am very interested in seeing if I can fit Cross Punch into a respec for my INV/SS. Just one quick question, for Titan Weapons: is Brute a better fit for trying it out? Or Scrapper, maybe?
  17. I have a INV/SS tank, lvl 50 + a few vet levels, got all the expensive sets in place, Incarnates almost all done. I feel pretty powerful, if a bit slow sometimes, but that's what teams are for. It's safe for me to jump into most mobs an' take a nap (almost), so that feels great. Also, Perma-Rage has me spoiled, I think. And there's the rub: no other tanks have satisfied to date, although I do admit that I've not invested the time an' money into any other tanks to this point that I have with my main tank. I like Foot Stomp, but dislike that it's my only AOE. I'm pretty much a sucker for Laser Beam Eyes, so I'm locked into that (I keep making Rad Blast after Rad Blast just to have those eye beams). Even with that, I think I might like another SS, just for the Perma-Rage, but then I think if I wanna play SS, I have a toon all ready to go, no use reinventing the wheel there. I've done a little reading here on the forums, and the early impression I get is that Shield or Super Reflexes might do as well or nearly as well as INV. So, if I'm so in love with INV/SS, but want a change of pace, what might I turn to? What do you like more than INV/SS? Why do you like it? Thanks for all eyeballs and replies.
  18. In discussions of various builds and powerset combos, I will often see advice/tips/recommendations to use 'resistance' sets or 'defense' sets. Looking at the Homecoming Wiki, the best I can find are pages that discuss the mechanics of these two, when what I'm looking for is an outright list that clocks me on the side of the head and says, 'THESE are defense sets, and THOSE are resistance sets.' For instance, earlier today I saw advice to pair Sentinel Dark/ with a resistance secondary set for best effect. Whether the advice is good or not is beside the point; I dunno which sets those might be, so that advice, for me, is a bit useless. I tried looking through the Guides forum, through the general Archetypes forum, and at this point I'm just spinning my wheels. I suspect the answer I'm wanting would involve generating a big list, but it might be as simple as (making the following up to provide an example) 'Dark is resistance, Invul is Defense, Rad is resistance, etc.' If someone knows of a resource that will give me the knowledge I'm seeking, great, thank you, point me in that direction and off I'll go. Thanks in advance to any and all replies.
  19. @Zhym, thank you, that jibes with what I had now 'discovered.' A single-mission arc gave me the restrictions, but awarded no badges. When I did a 3-mission arc, all 4 badges that I should've gotten were awarded appropriately. And thanks @Glacier Peak for your help as well. Off to run myself blind doing flashbacks!
  20. I will try with different missions and report results (fingers crossed, and your success gives me hope).
  21. Sooo, is it a known bug (think I read that somewhere) that badges aren't being awarded appropriately for chosen limitations?
  22. I can access Flashback missions within my SG base, via the Pillar of Ice and Flame. It even gives me the option to choose limitations. However, once I completed the mission, no badges were awarded at all. For badges, do I need to run these from the Pillar in Ouroboros?
  23. Here's a few that I couldn't make work, despite many tries: Aethereal Boneyard Queen Cold Hard Truth CryoJenn CryoThermic Delicious Demon Fleche Noire Gamma-Raye HellFlower Invisible Swordsman RipSlash SoulSear StreetWraith Sudden Darkness Super Robo Blossom Retaining the names until the 1st of September. If you're interested, let me know here and I'll release the name to you. After 2 Sep, they'll be just plain released and up for grabs.
  24. Are you saying you're not getting AE badges? Or are you not getting AE tickets? If the latter, when you first select a mission, it will ask you if you want standard rewards (recipes, enhancements, salvage) or architect rewards (tickets, capped at a certain amount depending on the map the mission uses). To get tickets, if that's what you're after, of course select architect rewards. Hope this helps.
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