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About TNT

  • Birthday 03/04/1969

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  1. I bid welcome to the denizens of Victory and look forward to rejoining our erstwhile allies in the on-going battle against our shared enemies, be they of the red or blue variety. Huzzah
  2. It is essentially a "kill all" in the path to the captives. I just completed this mission and here is what I found. If you stealth and kill the captors, the rescued programmers run for the exit. The problem is that they have low health and as they run back toward the entrance, they aggro any enemies they encounter. They might survive the attacks because they never stop, but there is a chance that they could die. They even take damage from a fall if they choose to jump rather than taking a ramp.
  3. I am both shocked and gladdened by this unexpected news.
  4. I believe it is a pseudo-pet, so outside buffs are ignored.
  5. My Grav/Thorn dominator doesn't have procs in thorntrops. I have other powers that need those slots. I have two damage/slow enhancements slotted and consider that good enough. I do run with perma-dom and nearly perma-hasten, so I can briefly drop three patches during protracted fights. I feel that makes up for any potential proc damage that I have lost. But I don't have numbers to back up that claim. I find the slow just as valuable as the damage, especially since I didn't take the immobilize AoE.
  6. I have never had that happen. Is it inconceivable that somebody came up with the same name independently? I have had a character name that I loved, but I decided a different powerset combination suited it better. I deleted the old character and created the new one with the now-abandoned name without a problem.
  7. I'm not sure about best, but I am planning on pairing it with /sonic. I have just barely started the toon, so I don't have any feedback regarding that particular combo.
  8. I have marked my calendar for March 15, 2213 with the note "Check Veracor's vet level." It will be interesting to see whether that goal is met.
  9. Stefan Richter may have vision and leadership skills but he doesn't have one thing that would allow him to run for the office. That lacking quality is primary residency in Paragon City. He may have a vacation home in the city but his mail goes to the appropriately named Grandville.
  10. My first toon was an elec/elec blaster, which I played primarily at range. While it was fun, I thought it could be better. So I started perusing the blaster forums and learned the joys of blapping. On that toon it was all about locking down the biggest threat with holds and draining the endurance of the group while hitting them hard. That being said, I didn't try a Dominator for a long stretch. I got into the game of getting a 50 for all AT's and Dom was down the list a ways. It was a great deal of fun when I finally devoted a lot of time to one. It plays an awful lot like that first blaster. Living at the edge with low hp and only active mitigation, versus the shields that melee characters get, really scratches the itch. I will be the first to assert that I am not anywhere near the top of the totem pole for high-end play. For me concept trumps power and there is much to love about this AT.
  11. The updated Ice Control paired with Sonic Assault seems pretty solid. I haven't been getting destroyed by the first salvo after jumping in. As far as Symphony, I agree that an assault set like /Fire is better suited than the /Sonic set. I have no doubt that /Sonic can be made to work but the synergy is lacking.
  12. I am digging this new set. It feels a bit like Earth Assault without the hammers. I like that the mix of attacks have chances to hold, apply -resistance or knockback effect; depending on which attack is used. It can fit a wide range of playstyles. It isn't a one-trick pony with just -res. I have been pairing it with the updated Ice Control and it is pretty fun so far.
  13. I have been playing around a bit and noticed that when I get mezzed Arctic Air drops and needs to be re-toggled. Is this working as intended? I know this patch allows for offensive toggles to suppress during mez. It isn't a big deal since it was ready to be turned on pretty quickly, I just want to be sure it wasn't an oversight. I was pairing it with Sonic Assault and the Disruption Aura was not dropping. From what I see, Arctic Air is not a pseudo-pet like Voltaic Sentinel.
  14. I haven't had a chance to check the changes out, but this looks promising. I wonder if the accuracy on ice slick is only for the damage application or if it affects the knockdown chance. If anyone has had a chance to check, I would love to know.
  15. Maybe the badge name needs to be changed to "Male Chauvinist Skull"
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