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Everything posted by Underfyre
The class in general would just benefit from having blaster base damage alone. I've spent the last month dismantling the class for my spreadsheet, so I've gotten to know it very intimately. I like the idea of the inherent. It's a damage boost beyond just adding more % damage. Once someone is capped on % damage, the inherent can carry them past that, but 5% baseline is pretty weak. The 20% opportunity with added energy damage or healing is ...alright? Granted that's very powerful when you have several Sentinels attacking the same target, but the ability only triggers on 1 target in an AOE, which is a lot of this game. If the class is there to bolster the groups damage output and take a punch, go all in. Basically make the class a full on ranged tank/debuffer. Increase the debuff by the number of people in the team. Increase target caps, keep the same middling damage numbers. Raise the damage resistance cap to 80%. Replace some of the powers in the secondary with debuffs. Make the debuff apply in AOE situations. If the class is there to deal acceptable damage and not fall over immediately, give it some actual damage numbers. Make the Build Up 100% like Blasters and Scrappers. 50% is support levels of lame. If you keep it at 50%, make it last longer. One of the TWO Blaster Build Ups last for 10 seconds, make Sentinels last for 20-25 instead and keep it at 50%. Maintaining the 5% res debuff would be somewhat justifiable then since more people might play the class and you'd have multiple people stacking that 5% debuff. Make the debuff apply in AOE situations. Again.
So the follow up to the Bio Armor toxic test. Turns out the bonus damage for Molten Embrace is also affected by -res debuffs, so it's not the worst. The problem is that it still only does 3 ticks of hardly noticeable damage, and seemingly only has like a 33% to activate. It is no Bio Armor. Note: I wasn't paying a ton of attention to which mobs I was testing on, so some numbers may have been pull from the demons with fire resist. Additional note: I cast Rain of Fire and Blizzard and Ice Storm 10x each without a single proc. Bonus damage per tick for each attack in each set: ======================================================================================= Archery Snap Shot - 1.88 Aimed Shot - 2.76 Fistfull of Arrows - 1.84 Stunning Shot - 4.54 Explosive Arrow - 2.48 Blazing Arrow - 5.43 Perfect Shot - 6.31 Rain of Arrows - 0.02 Assault Rifle Burst - 2.76 Disorienting Shot - 3.21 Buckshot - 1.93 Slug - 4.54 M30 - 2.48 Flamethrower - 4.14 Incinerator - 5.81 Full Auto - 2.98 Beam Rifle Single Shot - 2.21 Charged Shot - 3.63 Cutting Beam - 1.82 Disintegrate - 4.34 Lancer Shot - 4.69 Refractor Beam - Piercing Beam - Overcharge - Dark Blast Dark Blast - 2.54 Gloom - 5.41 Umbral Torrent - 3.53 Abyssal Gaze - 5.87 Dark Obliteration - 2.48 Antumbral Beam - 7.65 Life Drain - 4.45 Blackstar - 2.43 Dual Pistols Pistols - 2.76 Dual Wield - 3.65 Empty Clips - 2.51 Suppressive Fire - 4.54 Bullet Rain - 2.53 Executioner's Shot - 4.99 Piercing Rounds - 3.81 Hail of Bullets - 1.87 Electrical Blast Charged Bolts - 2.76 Lightning Bolt - 4.54 Ball Lightning - 2.48 Zapping Bolt - 5.43 Tesla Cage - 6.31 Voltaic Sentinel - 2.21 Short Circuit - 2.34 Thunderous Blast - 2.46 Energy Blast Power Bolt - 2.76 Power Blast - 4.09 Energy Torrent - 2.01 Power Burst - 4.34 Power Push - 3.63 Explosive Blast - 7.98 Focused Power Bolt - 6.47 Nova - 1.87 Fire Blast Flares - 1.88 Fire Blast - 3.21 Fire Ball - 2.48 Blaze - 5.43 Fire Breath - 3.74 Blazing Blast - 6.31 Rain of Fire - 0 procs Inferno - 2.34 Ice Blast Ice Bolt - 2.32 Ice Blast - 3.65 Frost Breath - 3.74 Chilling Ray - 4.54 Ice Storm -0 procs Bitter Ice Blast - 5.81 Bitter Freeze Ray - 8.09 Blizzard - 0 procs Psychic Blast Mental Blast - 2.54 Telekinetic Blast - 3.36 Psychic Scream - 2.11 Will Domination - 5.43 Psionic Strike - 5.76 Psionic Tornado - 1.96 Scramble Thoughts - 9.86 Psychic Wail - 2.34 Radiation Blast Neutrino Bolt - 2.76 X-Ray Beam - 4.54 Irradiate - 2.34 Cosmic Burst - 5.34 Electron Haze -3.74 Proton Stream - 6.31 Neutron Bomb - 2.36 Atomic Blast - 2.34 Sonic Attack Shriek - 2.53 Scream - 3.99 Howl - 2.41 Shout - 6.41 Shockwave - 1.85 Sirens Song - 4.01 Screech - 6.89 Dreadful Wail - 2.34 Water Blast Aqua Bolt - 2.32 Hydro Blast - 4.09 Water Burst - 2.48 Dehydrate - 4.54 Whirlpool - .02 w/chance to occur 1-3 every second? Water Jet - 5.43 Steam Spray - 4.01 Geyser - 2.46
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Like shining a turd. But it can be the shiniest turd.
Alright. So I already made a thread about this. The 25% damage boost from Offensive Adaptation can be confirmed by going into Combat Attributes. So let's break it down: Character currently has Superior Winter's Bite slotted, + another 10% in damage bonus from sets Scream base damage - 34.85 S/E = 69.7 total + 101.37% + 10% = 147.32 expected damage against an even level mob with 0 resistance to S/E. Observed was 14.72 * 10 = 147.2 Technically it was one tick at 14.72 * 2, then all further ticks of damage included 1 + 5% + 9.6% damage resistance boost taking them to 16.87. Now I activate Offense Mode. Expected: 69.7 total + 101.37% + 10% + 25% from offensive boost = 164.75. Observed 164.7 + an additional 17.42 toxic damage. Does this satisfy your needs?
Well, I mean, assault rifles can be extremely accurate in single fire situations. Now machine guns? Those fit your description perfectly.
So I put together a spreadsheet for the Offensive side of the Sentinel. If anyone has seen Kezeal's CoH DPS sheet, it's based off of that and expounded upon. 16 sheets to keep track of, tons of cells, so there's a good chance I may have the wrong math in the wrong cells. If you spot something, let me know. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FqBw1wkuAcih6BcyBwvidENaPBTmWma96UG0hqeifCY/edit?usp=sharing
Added Hybrid Assault Radial and Core. Core assumes 4 stacks. I confirmed the numbers of Radial Assault on Dual Pistols. According to the thread, there are some abilities that don't fall exactly in line, so there's a chance that numbers may be wrong and will only be exposed through testing. Based off of info from this post: It's apparently a damage loss to take Core over Radial, assuming you're averaging 4 stacks.
I already tested the Offensive toxic damage ticks against +0 mobs, pulled the numbers from the damage logs. Posted results in a separate thread.
Stay tuned for the Molten Embrace version.
So a lot of numbers pop up over and over. 13.2, 25.88, 30.1, 11.74 on PBAEs, 11.86 on TAOEs. Dunno if they're arbitrarily assigned or there's some math involved. Doesn't really matter since I got them all and they're all static.
We'll see, I have a few characters built on the beta server so I can start testing right away. I'm Just going to go in Alphabetical order and update the first post with the numbers.
I mean, if you look at the listed damage per cast cycle for Hail of Bullets it says 5.47, which is basically the average damage it will do on the very first wave after you click it. Since it essentially casts instantly and channels over 3.5 seconds, I think that's why it calculates it that way. It's pretty dumb. So I'm expecting a few abilities like that. I spent a while trying to rationalize the numbers I was getting but didn't get anything that was consistent.
Starting running some tests on Offensive Adaptation. 25% damage boost baseline is confirmed. Bonus toxic damage has a little bit of a theme to how much it does, but some abilities break this mold and kinda ruin that theory. Anyway, these are static numbers. I'm going to check with a different offense set and see if I get the same trends. Unlike Molten Embrace, the bonus damage from this set is affected by -res debuffs, so it will play VERY well with Sonic. The bonus is NOT affected by +dmg boosts. Also, unlike Molten Embrace, this is a 100% chance to proc so far. Bonus damage for each attack in each set: ======================================================================================= Archery Snap Shot - 7.53 Aimed Shot - 13.2 Fistfull of Arrows - 7.41 Stunning Shot - 21.65 Explosive Arrow - 11.86 Blazing Arrow - 25.88 Perfect Shot - 30.1 Rain of Arrows - 0.12 (yes, seriously) Assault Rifle Burst - 13.2 Disorienting Shot - 15.31 Buckshot - 8.41 Slug - 18.18 M30 - 11.86 Flamethrower - 25.28 Incinerator - 30.1 Full Auto - 15.46 Beam Rifle Single Shot - 13.2 Charged Shot - 21.65 Cutting Beam - 10.87 Disintegrate - 25.88 Lancer Shot - 25.31 Refractor Beam - 11.86 Piercing Beam - 13.16 Overcharge - 9.86 Dark Blast Dark Blast - 13.2 Gloom - 21.65 Umbral Torrent - 16.87 Abyssal Gaze - 27.99 Dark Obliteration - 11.86 Antumbral Beam - 36.44 Life Drain - 21.65 Blackstar - 11.74 Dual Pistols Pistols - 13.2 Dual Wield - 17.42 Empty Clips - 11.97 Suppressive Fire - 21.65 Bullet Rain - 13.16 Executioner's Shot - 25.88 Piercing Rounds - 16.64 Hail of Bullets - 11.74 Electrical Blast Charged Bolts - 13.2 Lightning Bolt - 21.65 Ball Lightning - 11.86 Zapping Bolt - 21.73 Tesla Cage - 25.28 Voltaic Sentinel - 10.56 Short Circuit - 11.74 Thunderous Blast - 11.74 Energy Blast Power Bolt - 13.2 Power Blast - 19.54 Energy Torrent - 12.64 Power Burst - 25.88 Power Push - 21.65 Explosive Blast - 11.86 Focused Power Bolt - 38.56 Nova - 11.74 Fire Blast Flares - 8.97 Fire Blast - 15.31 Fire Ball - 11.86 Blaze - 25.88 Fire Breath - 17.84 Blazing Blast - 30.1 Rain of Fire - 0.05 * 4 Inferno - 11.74 Ice Blast Ice Bolt - 9.31 Ice Blast - 14.63 Frost Breath - 17.84 Chilling Ray - 18.18 Ice Storm - 0.05 * 4 Bitter Ice Blast - 30.1 Bitter Freeze Ray - 38.56 Blizzard - 0.05 * 4 Psychic Blast Mental Blast - 13.2 Telekinetic Blast - 17.42 Psychic Scream - 10.95 Will Domination - 25.88 Psionic Strike - 34.33 Psionic Tornado - 11.74 Scramble Thoughts - 47.01 Psychic Wail - 11.74 Radiation Blast Neutrino Bolt - 13.2 X-Ray Beam - 21.65 Irradiate - 11.74 Cosmic Burst - 25.88 Electron Haze - 17.84 Proton Stream - 30.1 Neutron Bomb -11.86 Atomic Blast - 11.74 Sonic Attack Shriek - 11.08 Scream - 17.42 Howl - 10.56 Shout - 23.51 Shockwave - 8.83 Sirens Song - 19.16 Screech - 30.1 Dreadful Wail - 11.94 Water Blast Aqua Bolt - 11.08 Hydro Blast - 19.54 Water Burst - 11.86 Dehydrate - 21.65 Whirlpool - 0.15 * 6 Water Jet - 25.88 Steam Spray - 19.16 Geyser - 11.74
So the Beta server is back into "test your build with incarnates" mode. First things first, checked Bio armor. Combat Attributes -> Damage Bonus: Hardened Carapace - 25%. Confirmed. Now I'm going to check this toxic damage business.
Welcome to the Sentinel DPS Spreadsheet v2.7, Issue 28, Page 1. Not a ton of changes to Sentinels, so I wasn't in a big rush to make edits. That and I felt slighted by the admin team when they unpinned the Collab Project without even bringing it up to one of its primary contributors. Anyway, the change to Fire Blast > Flares increased the "baseline" dps by 2, but no other rotation used Flares so they were unchanged. However, Energy Blast > Power Burst was a central power, so now Energy Blast is the absolute worst set you can play again. I guess everyone needs a set to trash on just like everyone needs an Archetype to trash on. Why not give the people an easy target. Rack and Stack is updated from the last sheet. Since Energy Blast plummeted back to the bottom, everyone that was below has shifted up in accordance, and Energy has taken its rightful place at the bottom. Anyway, have fun. How to use this sheet: Make a copy on your Google Drive, drop in your own enhancement values and procs, twist all the knobs you want and see what yields an increase in damage. Will this set work better with this power or that power? Find out. Is it worth it to make your enhancements +5? Find out. Note: Don't bother trying to export it to Excel, Excel won't be able to handle much of anything correctly because of the types of formulas used and the use of checkboxes don't play well. Version 2.7 up. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BwXJldFN8yrGbn4cDs8_P12lc2BO8QaI1AOflk3oFH0/edit?usp=sharing Patch Notes: Sheet Tutorial: First things first, choose your sets. If you use Dual Pistols, the ammo type drop down will populate with the different ammo types. Next, update your target. I usually use Global Average at +3 because of Incarnate level shift. Set it to +4 if you plan on exemping down. Next, select your Incarnates and put in your set bonuses. You can get these out of Mids if you're familiar enough with your sets, or if you have the character built in game already, it's easier to get them from there. You can also choose whether Opportunity is active, and whether it's Offense mode or not. You can also choose your latency, but 0.282s is my observed average. Next you're going to have to fill in the data chunks for your abilities. There's no particularly fast way to do this. Finally you can start putting in your rotation. Because of how Opportunity is calced in the sheet, it's best if you fill in your full rotation at least twice, especially since this will reveal whether any pauses are needed. You can select whether you're doing Multi-Target or single Target from the drop down, and you can enable whether defense debuffs are active or not.
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Making room for Fire Blast is almost never worth it, its DPA is just the worst. It's the most skippable power in the set.
So are you talking about the Toxic bonus damage component? I haven't done any testing on Bio yet, but I've read that it does a flat 25% boost and a Toxic damage bonus on top of that. Which part is inconsistent?
Well, everything but Dominate and Blaze are hit capped then. Adjust accordingly?
Let me assure you that just Kismet is enough to keep all of your abilities at maxed out hit % (at +3) and having Tactics running is a waste of an ability slot and a waste of endurance. Hell, even Kismet is over kill with your slotting. Including Dominate. I'm concerned about your lack of Rain of Fire, but if your aim is single target DPS it's fine.
I have two different cooldowns in the sheet, 1 for PPM calcs: Ability_Base_Recharge / (1 + Enhancements) Then for this calc It'd be the full cooldown that includes global recharge. In this case since it's a spreadsheet and not a sim I think that just going with 5.25 should be sufficient. But are you saying that the recharge of an ability doesn't start until it's arcanatime cast has completed? Because that'll play hell with a few calcs I'm sure.
Good point. I'm not sure if it's 100% necessary, 80% * 5.25 / if (Ability_Cooldown < 5.25 , 5.25 , Ability_Cooldown) * Ability_Hit% * Ability_PPM% is what I'll go with.
Yeah, I'm working on a Sentinel sheet, so I'm working off of 80%. Sot it'd be more of a 80% * 5.25 / Ability_Cooldown * Ability_Hit% * Ability_PPM%?
So I searched this thread for Decimation proc mentions to see if the internal cooldown is 10 sec or just the flat PPM chance. I saw one that showed you got basically back to back Decimation procs. Is it safe to say that the average for Decimation is: 80% * 5.25 / Ability_Cooldown * Ability_PPM%? edit: this is vs: 80% * 5.25 / IO_Cooldown(10) * Ability_PPM%
What's an org recipe? You can literally put the Sudden Impacts into the powers and see the effects for yourself. You'd lose 5% C/F/E/N defense and drop to 40-41% defense. You'll be fine. If you want to strive for the build I posted, run the Smoke and Mirrors arc out of Ouro. I think it gives 12 merits per run, and when you get good at it you can clear it in around 8 minutes. Turn those merits into Enhancement Converters and sell those for ~90k a piece. That will net you 3.2M influence per run. Just the purples, ATOs and winter IOs will be roughly 742M influence. That's going to be 231 runs. About 8 minutes per run, 1800 minutes total, 31ish hours. OR get good at the auction house and you can make 50M a day without any significant time investment or your part. Convert some IOs and put them up, they'll sell when you're not playing and you'll have cash waiting for you when you get back. Whatever you do, don't hoard merits to buy recipes outright for 100 merits, that's taking a loss. Psychic Shockwave was chosen to supplement your PBAE damage with Nova. It's a pretty solid power. Taking Link Minds is optional. The build I made is already defensively softcapped, I'm not sure if the To Hit is necessary either, but it's a team buff.
My turn! Alright, so first thing I noticed was that you had Rectified Reticle in Tidal Forces. Like Switch said, you want more recharge in it for 1, but for 2, you slotted for the defense bonus you didn't need. You're already at 49% S/L, 4% over softcap. I mean if you're not going to put Gaussian's in there, at least just double slot it for recharge. Eek out 2% damage from Adjusted Targeting. Just... something else. An IO recharge and a Guassian's would nearly sync it up with Geyser's recharge. None of your powers are PBAE. If you were already going to be in the thick of it to justify Power Drain, go for it, but otherwise it's not really worth it. Energize is a pretty nice endurance discount, so you won't really be end starved. It's been said, but slot Whirlpool/Geyser for damage. If you're looking for budget, go ahead and slot Annihilation again, you'll probably never have so much uptime on the debuff that it'll be wasted. Geyser would have a 71% chance to proc on a 27 second recharge, which ain't bad. Realistically your opener will be Tidal Forces into Geyser, even on a single target, so that's almost a guarantee for a moderate damage boost. I understand you're chasing defense with Shield Breaker in Whirlpool, but once again it's completely superfluous. Losing that will still keep you over softcap and put some teeth into one of your highest DPA abilities. Personally I'd 5 slot Positron in there and tack an Achilles Heel for the 6th slot, but you can slot whatever you want in there, proc wise. If you're not going to slot Aqua Bolt, then don't waste a proc on it. That's needless money spent. Rather than 6 slotting Devastation, 5 slot it and tack a damage proc on it. The hold isn't stellar and the Psionic defense is putting a bandaid on a gaping wound anyway. Same goes for putting that Aegis Psionic resist into Tough. Is 5% resistance going to be saving any lives? Take that out and 6 slot Preventative Medicine into Energize. If you take out Power Drain, maybe drop in Assault and put your freed up slots into Dehydrate. You already have a heal, but if you really want to slot Dehydrate for healing, go for it. It's DPA isn't much to write home about compared to your main attack abilities anyway. There is a whole array of procs you can slot it with, so you can frankenslot it a bit, but even that barely brings it in line with your current slotting of Hydro Blast. Anyway, that's all I see for running a budget build. Edit: all of my recommended changes will keep you over softcap for S/L/F/C/E.