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Everything posted by Underfyre

  1. Doing some testing for my spreadsheet and ran across this issue while I was thinking to verify my numbers against what they should be in game because pseudo-pet numbers are always wonky. Another issue I was having was that Hybrid Radial's DoubleHit was a pathetically low chance to trigger. I think it went off maybe once after 20 attempts. A reasonable number if it's based off the pets 0.4 cast time and 0.4 recharge. I'm not sure if that's the actual numbers it's pulling, but it would definitely make sense from my results. [18:30:28] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Offensive Adaptation for 22.08 points of Toxic damage. [18:30:28] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:28] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Opportunity for 17.66 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:29] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:29] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:30] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:30] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:36] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your RainofArrows for 51.85 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:36] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your RainofArrows for 21.35 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:36] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your Offensive Adaptation for 0.12 points of Toxic damage. [18:30:36] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your RainofArrows for 52.89 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:36] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your RainofArrows for 21.77 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:37] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your RainofArrows for 43.31 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:37] Rain of Arrows: You hit Rikti Pylon with your RainofArrows for 17.83 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:40] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Aimed Shot for 71.44 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:40] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Offensive Adaptation for 12.93 points of Toxic damage. [18:30:40] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.11 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:40] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Opportunity for 10.34 points of Lethal damage. [18:30:41] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:42] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 13.64 points of Fire damage over time. [18:30:43] You hit Rikti Pylon with your Reactive Interface for 11.5 points of Fire damage over time.
  2. They do and they do not. Only certain attacks that would normally use the proc will trigger it. So if it's a proc from a knock back set, only attacks that have knock back will trigger the proc.
  3. Baseline, Antumbral Beam is doing 50% more damage than Gloom is and 300% more than Dark Blast. It is absolutely worth using.
  4. It can buff itself with the Soulbound Allegiance - Build Up IO. Unless you're taking a pet from one of the Patron pools, you won't be putting that anywhere else anyway. May as well.
  5. Even for just leveling I can't stress how important it is that you are hitting everything versus doing more damage when you do hit. At +0 your attacks have a baseline 75% hit chance, then another 3.75% once you hit them and Opportunity comes into effect. Grabbing a Kismet +6% hit chance may be a tall order since they cost ~5m last I checked, but that will bring you to 84.75% hit chance. From there you abilities will only need 15% more accuracy to be hit capped. This is theoretically the optimal approach versus taking Tactics and losing an entire ability slot instead of a single enhancement slot. Tactics brings you to 89.75% hit chance, so you still need a single accuracy enhancement in each ability anyway. My qualm with Tactics and Assault is their very high endurance cost to keep up. Having Environmental Adaptation active grants an additional 7.5% to hit when under Offensive Adaptation, so once you're in a position to have that up all the time instead of switching back and forth to Efficient, that plus Tactics will have you hit capped. By that time you may or may not be going against +1 or higher and all this advice will have been for naught.
  6. Many of the damage values are wrong in Mids. You can update them yourself if you're feeling adventurous, but they'll get reset if you update the program at all. For the Opportunity buff, set it to about 14%. Most everyone can have that kind of average up time. If you're using Opportunity Strikes, you can move it to maybe 16%.
  7. This is explained so succinctly that it's hard to imagine how they thought the two classes would do comparable damage.
  8. Or maybe this is implying that the damage bonus is equal to adding +20% damage to the base damage of a power. This is true based off some quick math on a single ability to check. The problem is that adding "20%", which equates to 10% when factoring up-time, to the base damage of a power that is un-enhanceable doesn't help a ton once enhancements are factored in. It isn't affected my +%damage buffs either. This is why actual performance isn't meeting expected performance and the AT falls behind so hard.
  9. From what it sounds like from a reply on the other thread about this, Captain Powerhouse is under the impression that the damage from Offensive Opportunity should be enhanceable, which would bring the damage of the AT up to par if it were true. It is, however, not true, and the damage of the AT is underperforming because of it.
  10. Does the boss has +9% to hit, or +9% accuracy? Either way hit chance being floored is going to be more effective than their accuracy being floored, even when player defense is soft capped. And it still applies when they don't have +to-hit. Otherwise sets like Dark wouldn't mean very much. Yes, I mixed up my player base hit chance and my npc base hit chance. The math is still sound.
  11. So chance to-hit is compounded by accuracy, but debuffing to-hit is vastly more effective. Baseline hit chance against even level is 75% * ability modifier, add to hit, multiply by accuracy. So if I throw a 5% to-hit debuff, its now ((75% * 1) - 5%) * (1 + 0%) = 70%. If It were accuracy instead of to-hit, it would be ((75% * 1) - 0%) * (1 - 5%) = 71.25%. So hard pass on that idea.
  12. Added a quick fix for that in that spreadsheet. Added (6*5.28*3*20%) to the AOE rotation for abilities 1 and 2. It can spread 3 targets at a 20% rate. That's a quick and dirty fix though. I'm fairly sure it is enhanceable. It doesn't have a flag for IgnoreStrength. Better than adding it in where it doesn't exist, and ignoring it entirely where it does.
  13. I think what is at play is the "Disintegrate Spread causes Minor Energy damage over time." In the API it references this and that is a DOT that does 6 * 5.28 energy damage over time. 20% chance for this to trigger. It doesn't sound like this would be something at play in a single target scenario.
  14. Added in mob resists. Averaged resists per major groups, general resists across the game, 0 Resists, Rikti Pylon and Hamidon. Added in T4 Incarnate Interface procs (Reactive Radial wins) Added in the majority of T4 Alpha abilities that had +Accuracy, + Recharge and +Damage Added in Opportunity per ability, and Opportunity Strikes proc average to factor in Opportunity up-time Added in Offensive Opportunity damage proc Added in Defensive Opportunity heal/end for reference purposes Pulled correct Bio Armor/Molten Armor proc calcs from game files Moved all personal buffs to individual set pages Added Defender level damage/recharge buffs/-res debuffs ...is for fun. Max yourself out at +400% damage and +400% recharge. It could happen. Working on an approximation of pet dps from Patron pools Is there anything else y'all think I have forgotten?
  15. I'm currently working on 1.4, so I will probably be pulling the numbers from RubyRed's API tool. Which part of the Character creation numbers is wrong? In my experience those are always right unless they don't exist at all.
  16. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B8UqUfXGiXCI1okWJQjAfaCy4cmP-B_0k6dOMJSDXyM/edit?usp=sharing This has been done a little more in-depth.
  17. So some quick and dirty testing (as most of my "testing" is) is telling me that each ability (it does say "most damaging attacks") has a chance to independently trigger a proc, essentially adding a flat (2.288086 * 10.71 or 13.39) damage to each ability, which obviously favors low recharge abilities more than high recharge abilities.
  18. Out of curiosity, when you say damage debuff, do you mean their damage output of that type is debuffed, or the resistance to that damage type is debuffed and they will take more damage from it? My experience with Damage Resistance is that they resist a portion based off of their damage resistance to that damage type. If the mob has 30% resistance to Smashing damage and 0% to everything else, then is hit with 20% -res to all, it will take a 14% (20% * (1-30%)) hit to Smashing damage and 20% to everything else.
  19. Rubi said she's going to add enhancements to her API tool, so I'm just waiting until that comes along. Testing is great, but if you can just have the numbers spoon fed to you it's even better because there's no arguing with the results. But yeah, I'm sure those things spawn at level 1 in Atlas, so purple patch is probably involved. That would mean numbers are inflating by 6x, which would line up with them being level 5 and a 5.6x bonus.
  20. Just running around Atlas doing the winter badges. This was from Fireball hitting 3 snowmen from a present. I was doing tests on the beta server and I was getting 35 Opportunity. But this is giving 196?
  21. Primary Powerset: Ice Blast Medium-High* Single-Target Damage, Medium* Area of Effect (AoE) Damage (1 Cone, 2 Location), Medium* Control (1 Sleep, 1 Hold), Medium* Debuff Potential (All: -Spd, -Rch; 2 -To-Hit) Ice Blast is Fire Blast's weaker cousin, but with the proper amount of disregard for your own safety, it can be turned into a single target power house damage dealer somewhere lower than a power house. A good portion of this kits abilities can hold 4+ damaging procs, and all you have to do it skip set bonuses that would otherwise add to your health and defense. That alone isn't really enough to convince me to skip 5-6 piece set bonuses to attempt making them proc monsters, but it definitely makes things interesting for some powers. Beginner's Overview So I actually made an Ice Blast Sent before I made my AE Farmer and power-leveled myself. The memory is shaky, but it's still there. Anyway, you're going to want to take every power in your way up to at least level 26. Once you're maxed out you can opt out of Ice Blast if you choose because it is the lower DPA of the two starting abilities. You can also decide to drop Frost Breath at some point because 6 target cones are trash. Obviously during the leveling process you're going to want to put a Kismet in somewhere. The only powers running over a 100% accuracy modifier are your rains and the cone. Chilling Ray adds an additional 11% to your smashing damage, which applies to all powers you can take with a smashing damage component (yes even epic pools), but does not apply to procs that deal smashing damage. The only thing that modifies proc damage is -res. Anyway, the powers in your main pool with a smashing component are Ice Bolt, Ice Blast and Bitter Ice Blast. The smashing damage on the first two are less than 15% of the powers total damage, so it's not a massive help to them. Bitter Ice Blast's smashing component is just under half of its damage though, so that's nice. Also, the smashing damage boost is not enough to eschew getting Dominate over some other epic power that does have smashing damage if you were curious. Ain't much that can dethrone Dominate, if anything can at all from a damage standpoint. Slotting Basic Slotting Every single target attack is running a 1x multiplier. Make sure to grab a Kismet so your base hit chance on even level mobs is 86% instead of 75%. At +3 you start at 48%, so now you start at 54%. Opportunity adds 3.75% to that as well, but not until you hit them. Early on you obviously won't be taking on +3 mobs, but once you start hitting later levels, and side-kicking with level 50s, they will most likely be running +3, if not +4. Your benchmark in the end is +3 because you get a +1 level shift once you apply your tier 3 Alpha Incarnate. So you'll need at least 2 level 50 accuracy IOs to max out your hit chance to +3 content. Recharge-wise, your only powers with especially egregious recharge times are your rains and Bitter Freeze Ray, so you could consider putting an extra recharge in them over an extra damage. Or do what I do and don't slot a single thing until you're like level 40. Groups will hardly notice. On the AoE side of things, your rain spells have a 2x multiplier, which is enough to max out their accuracy against +3 mobs with no other effort on your part. Frost breath will need at least a SO (33.3%) level enhancement to get to 95% accuracy (+ Kismet). 2 recharges and 3 damage IOs will suit these well enough. Advanced Slotting As I mentioned earlier, there is an additional proc option available to this set in Impeded Swiftness, and a few powers that have Cloud Senses available. However, the Impeded Swiftness proc deals smashing damage, so it's not especially good if you're looking to diversify your damage types. Otherwise, more damage is more damage. • Ice Bolt - Very similar to Flares in that it casts quickly and comes back online quickly. Oldskool's thought process is that since you will be frequently casting a power like this, the 6.5% proc chance of Decimation or even Opportunity Strikes will equate to more frequent procs through attrition. I haven't heeded this advice, but it could come into play. Otherwise, this powers usefulness is largely tied to its part as a filler, so this is where things get muled. WIO or ATOs. • Ice Blast - Your final rotation will not miss this power. Treat it like Ice Bolt if you keep it. • Frost Breath - A cone that hits 6 targets. My bane. This cone does make up for it's lack of targets by taking 4 damaging procs which have the potential to double its damage. In this status it's nearly as good for damage as casting Ice Bolt (because it 2.67 cast time). So theoretically if you have more than 1 target to hit, this ability would be optimal over using Ice Bolt. Being a proc monster is the only viable use for this power beyond muling in my head. This is one of three places you can eek out any -Res from the Annihilation IO, possibly the best. • Chilling Ray - This is a straight ahead damage power that has the extra bonus of increasing your smashing damage by 11%. The bonus isn't much to write home about, and only Bitter Ice Blast has a large enough smashing damage component to really take advantage of the boost, but it does stack on itself. Put one of the ATOs in here, or the Apocalypse set. There aren't enough proc options for monster status. • Ice Storm - Much like Frost Breath before it, this power will take 4 damaging procs. Once again, they will just about double its damage output. My qualm with this power is that it takes a full 15 seconds to deliver its damage (besides the procs, which will trigger on cast). With a very long 60 second base recharge, while possible to have it up at all times, having that amount of recharge can be a pretty tall order. It will take a combined 280% recharge for that, 95.9% is easily attainable from 2 +5 recharge IOs, but that leaves 190% from global, which you will not be doing unless you specifically chase after it, and even then it may not happen. So yeah, 15 seconds to deliver the full damage, super long recharge. This is one of the reasons that Ice Blast isn't the best set for AOE damage. The other reason is that Blizzard is nearly as bad. Slot this as a mule for the Winter set bonuses, your ATO sets, or slot it for procs. Or opt out and save the slot for a better aoe ability out of the epic pools. Second best place for Annihilation -Res. • Bitter Ice Blast - This ability has a -To-Hit component, which means it can take an additional proc for a total of 4 damaging procs. It's also a fairly reasonable place to put Opportunity Strikes. You can proc monster this and also tack on the Opportunity Strikes proc on the end, which would further increase Opportunity Strikes proc chance (by a percent or two) since you probably don't have any enhanced recharge on the ability. If you're choosing between putting the Apocalypse set in this or Chilling Ray, this power will yield better results with its higher base damage. If you go the proc route, make sure you don't want the 5% E/N defense from the 6-slot bonus before tacking the Opportunity Strikes proc on it and putting the other 5 peices in Chilling Ray or something. • Bitter Freeze Ray - This is the real proc monster of the set. When working with only ranged, targeted AoE and PBAEs, you generally run out of epic level sets that you can use efficiently. This is the power that you dump procs into because you've run out of those sets. Baseline as far down as 3PPM, procs have a 90% chance to activate. This set has five 3.5PPM procs, and two 4.5PPM procs. Now, if you slotted the Apocalypse proc into Bitter Ice Blast, that's gone. If you're going in for Domination, the Unbreakable Constraint proc is better there with it's faster cast time. That still leaves this ability with 5 procs all running at 90% chance, so it's still going to be a beast. This is the best place to put the Decimation proc from a sheer likelihood to proc stand point. • Blizzard - The other rain spell, another targeted AOE. Since it can additionally take to-hit and slow sets, it has a total of 5 procs. Unlike Ice Storm, this ability does its damage in 8 seconds, so that's also helpful. It also does about 30% more damage than the average tier 9 ability. If you would rather, you can put the Ragnarok set here to get some of those epic set bonuses. Using epic sets to boost big numbers is better than using epic sets to boost small numbers. The 90 second recharge makes this not a spectacular place to put Annihilation -Res, but if you're looking for a place it's good as any. Skippable Powers • Ice Blast – You don't really need both of your starting abilities in you final build, and this one has the lower DPA. The next iteration of my spreadsheet (which is based off of Ice Blast, conveniently) shows Offensive Opportunity as a whopping 5 DPS increase. But it also shows using this instead of Ice Bolt as a 17 DPS loss. Which is a total 22 DPS loss, 10% in the case of what I have put together (the new sheet takes mob resists into account). I guess it depends on how hard-up you are for the healing and endurance recovery. • Frost Breath – Personal bias against 6 target cones. Being that this sets AoE prowess is centered around 2 targeted powers, there's not a real reason not to take this otherwise. • Ice Storm – It takes a while to do its damage, and it doesn't exactly do a ton of it. Personally I would rather get one of the PBAE abilities from an epic pool than take this, which would also open up the Fury of the Gladiator proc for a bit more damage, but I'd lose out on a fine mule power. Psychic Shockwave is also, conveniently, very receptive to procs. Rotations There are a few rotation options, depending on the amount of recharge you’re running: DPA Priority Chilling Ray, Bitter Freeze Ray, Bitter Ice Blast. Chilling Ray comes first to bring the smashing damage bonus online for Bitter Ice Blast to do a touch more damage. Throw Ice Bolts in between everything to stabilize your rotation if you don't have a ton of recharge. You won't. 4-1-7-1+8 Rotation Chilling Ray -> Ice Bolt -> Bitter Freeze Ray -> Ice Bolt -> Bitter Ice Blast -> Chilling Ray -> Ice Bolt -> Bitter Ice Blast -> Ice Bolt You can get get it down to 4-1-7 only if you can get Bitter Ice Blast's cooldown below 3.04 seconds. That's 295% recharge. You probably won't be doing that without Ageless Radial and a concerted effort for recharge. If you take Dominate you can do 4-1-7 and cycle between it and Bitter Freeze Ray. Ancillary/Patron Pools: As I stated, if you want to lose Ice Storm and sub in an epic AoE, it will be a boon. Just about any other AoE power outclasses it unfortunately. Skipping Assault over getting Dominate or even Char is also a DPS increase, as I've stated in other write-ups. The 10.5% damage boost equates to roughly a 2% DPS boost. Complementary Choices Radiation Armor will give you access to an AoE power. As recharge hungry as this set has the potential to be, one of the sets with +20% recharge could also help. Even as proc heavy as this kit can be, a damage boosting secondary is still going to raise its total DPS between 7% and 22%. Defensively, this set has a stacking recharge rate debuff. So if you were to drop both Ice Storm and Blizzard, after the alpha, everything is going to be attacking 40% less often. So a secondary that has a shield to absorb that alpha will manage well enough. All said, if you go the proc monster route, you're going to either want a secondary that can take a punch, or can dodge the punch all together with very little enhancement slot investment because of the lack of defensive set bonuses. Incarnate Abilities So, normally I would just say take Musculature Core, BUT, Intuition Radial provides a 33% damage boost, slow boost and a 20% range boost. So if you want to make stuff run out of your rains slower, this might be up your alley. If you're gunning for a proc monster build, you will find that your attacks may not be maxed out on accuracy because they aren't slotted heavily for it and you don't have a ton of set bonuses granting it either. Bitter Freeze Ray (and Dominate) in particular will feel this loss. Hitting the mobs is always more important than hitting them hard, so Nerve Core can give you the extra accuracy you need to max out hit chance and be the higher DPS choice in this case. Otherwise go with Musculature Core. For the rest of the Incarnates, look at my other write-ups. This is a damage dealing AT, get incarnates that promote that.
  22. So after@Bopperpointed me towards where I can find Sentinel ability information, I went to digging. I haven't found the information I set out to find yet, but I have found some ...not super useful info on abilities. Defensive Opportunity: Heal = 20% * 120.4759 * Cast_Time End = 5 * Cast_Time Bio Armor: (25% * 52.8297 * (0.8 * (MIN(MAX(Base_Recharge, 1), 20)) + 1.8) * 0.2 / AreaFactor Internal cool down of 2 seconds Molten Embrace: 3 ticks, 80% chance for each tick, Damage = (5% * 52.8297 * (0.8 * (MIN(MAX(Base_Recharge, 1), 20)) + 1.8) * 0.2 / AreaFactor Internal cool down of 2 seconds I'm not sure why rain spells didn't seem to trigger ME like they did Bio Armor. 80% chance seems like I should have seent at least 1 tick after 50 casts It really feels like Molten Embrace should be running at least a 10% mod instead of 5%, if not 15%, considering how much Fire Armor sacrifices to be more of an offensive secondary. 80% for 3 ticks should be 192.5% damage, but I'm probably wrong. So a single target ability with a recharge of 6 would be 3.49 damage * 195.25% for 6.81 average damage. How does that sound against to 17.43 damage for Bio? A 10% mod would take it to 13.61 damage, 15% would be 20.42. Once again, assuming my math on the 80% triple tick is right. Hopefully Bopper will sort me out? lol All of this is going to work its way into the next version of my spreadsheet.
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  23. This information absolutely helps me with my spreadsheet, so thanks for that. I downloaded the FapTastic.7z a while back to pull data for other ATs, but I don't see the Sentinel one. Where'd you go about pulling that data? I kind of want to scrutinize why some powers seem to give vastly more Opportunity than they should be.
  24. Sounds like a reason to neuter Blaster defensive capabilities.
  25. This would be like an overtuned version of Sonic Blast and the Blaster inherent; apply more and more -res as you attack the target.
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