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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. I want either Cloudbase or Tracey Island. Nothing less will suffice.
  2. last time I tried serious farming I ended up with shit on my boots and a bad back.
  3. Nostalgia; it's not what it used to be!
  4. sounds like a rough time for the OP which is sad. I also feel sad for the player in question. I think maybe the player has some serious trauma relating to shutdown. We know memory is faulty and s/he has had over a decade to misremember stuff (a natural thing) and paint rose and gold over those memories. then the current reality smacks them in the face and "IT'S NOT HOW I REMEMBER IT!" That can be genuinely traumatic. But if that person was struggling and distressed it's unlikely they would be open to explanations/discussion/teaching and might rail. We know nothing about them or their situation. I hope this doesn't colour OP's good nature for the future and I hope the other person finds a way back to enjoy the game.
  5. Blasters are pretty obsolete in this game these days. If you want to solo, you've many better options. If you insist on soloing a blaster at anything /4 then try sliding down a gravel slope sans t-shirt and then take a salt bath. It will be less painful
  6. Maybe worth reminding everyone that it was going to be switched off a week or so before... just to jog memories. I certainly missed it in the HC/NC announce cuz it was relatively uninteresting news at a time of great excitement about other stuff... easy to skip. I guess most folks know now but I did look in the Announcement section and didn't find anything obviously on a cursory search. Not saying it wasn't there - but if it was, it was not at all prominent.
  7. It seems illogical to have a single option for what would appear to be two discrete display categories
  8. It's in the Powers section... Disable Power Tray Animations I think. That's what I did and I don't get a pulse. I noticed I had to disable Power Tray Labels too
  9. Fuck that I'm having a very dirty martini!
  10. Today I discovered I couldn't log in to my faithful launcher. I've not seen any announce, which is frankly a tad poor but there you go. Sad to see it go but at least we have a great tune - and I even know all the words to it. Thanks for all the launches badabadabah... TEQUILAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
  11. I would seriously advise you to disable the software in start up. It doesn't take long to run up if you need to actually use it. The physical products seem pretty good but as many have remarked, the software is a PoS
  12. Never start something you can't finish. That was the original suggestion for Viagra's strapline
  13. I have an actual mouse. A Razer Naga - but it's the new software that seems to be the issue more than the physical hardware
  14. Great info. Thanks! My understanding is increased greatly
  15. My gaming weekend has been blighted, and I have walked through hell... almost in a literal sense. My Razer Orbweaver didn't so much die as become unglued - something I've noticed with a few Razer products. The adhesive that holds rubber to plastic turns to slime, stops holding stuff in place and instead becomes an annoyingly sticky goop that allows stuff to slide all over and gets your hand/finger/other anatomical parts* tacky and unpleasant to the feel. So against my will (the Orbweaver worked well mechanically) I decided it was necessary to replace it with a Tarterus - whcih at face value was closer to my much beloved and late lamented Belkin Nostromo n52 (and other razer variants therafter.) It duly arrived on Friday and so I spent time plugging, connecting, fixing, and then... oh look at this. Razer Synapse (remember him, the sad sap who fell afoul of Crey Industries? With a name like Synapse you know this tale's never going to end well.) the accompanying software has "evolved." I say evolved because the 2nd iteration, Synapse 2.0 seems to have gone extinct, to be replaced by Synapse 3.xx.xx.xxxxx.xx.xx.xx or something. (More on this later) So install Synapse 3 we do and it immediately updates. Oh and then it changes to "Beta" or some such. We give it a brief road test with a few rounds of stompy robot death but that was unfruitful, given that the control schema for MWO is really directions and a few weapons buttons and my Naga mostly did the shooting. Then to Paragon and the first thing I noticed was that the 6 key on every single device (keyboard included) stopped working. So 123457890. I'm sure it won't take you genius people more than a moment to realise that when you have two trays minimum running powers through 1-0 that suddenly becomes a significant impediement. Test, update software, test again, update software - again? - and so on At some point, chat broke. I couldn't communicate with team members in chat. Uninstall software, disconnect Tarterus, reboot. Everything works fine. Reconnect Tarterus, reboot, everything works fine. Install Synapse 3... well it's actually a completely different Synapse. Beta now. Number 6 goes AWOL. It declined to function. I argued with it. Its response was unequivocal: "I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own!"** Uninstall, reinstall, connect, disconnect, push, file, stamp, cajole, update software. Finally we got something functioning. Imperfect but functioning. 6 came back to work, but 4 decided it was on a work to rule and only functioned after some considerable pushing. Another software update. AH HA! wE s3EM t0 b3 w3Rk1ng. s0R2 of. This morning there was yet another update. It seems Razer are doing stuff behind the scenes. I've had many different versions of their Synapse on my PC now. At the last test, we seemed to be performing as expected. But I'm sitting here, baited breath waiting for some other strange hellish issue to raise its head. Not sure who else of you here uses such devices. But if you do, I hope you have better luck than I did in this instance! *get your mind out of the gutter! **if you didn't see that coming you haven't been paying attention
  16. I was being slightly facetious in my original post (genuinely only a little) and I do recall something about the Rikti being the original developers of the mediporters. So let's assume this scenario for a moment: Rikti are stranded in their mothership, and related underground tunnel complex. Heroes decide to take them down a peg or two and bomb the crap out of their ship, beat the hell out of their crew and teach them a lesson. In Game Lore is that a single event or is it truly a repeated thing? If it's the former, why isn't it repeated since Heroes seemed to get the wood over the Rikti. If it's the latter why not go inside the ship and ensure Rikti no longer present a threat to Earth and Humans. Earth is for humans after all, billboards tell us that. This seems like yet another of the loose ends in the game that requires further development. And if the Rikti mediporter tech is so good, why haven't they made greater incursions outside of their existing confines?
  17. Thanks. I wondered if it was that. But I also remember that years ago on live there was a collaboration with a peripherals country (Razer?) where they had 10 buttons on the side of the mouse and a dedicated tray for those powers. I seem to recall it was fairly short lived but made me wonder. So supplementary question: Other than having it pop up when there are powers that fit it available, is it detachable and useable in other ways?
  18. Just finished an MSR which was a lot of fun and I'm floating there, popping off anything purple that moves as are the other 40+ members of our league, plus sundry robots, pets et al and I got to thinking. We must've "defeated" literally thousands of Rikti in the MSR. I picked up over 1000 merits I think just from that one raid, so we could be talking around 5000 Rikti of varying ranks. That's a lot. they fall down and fade away. They ain't in the Zig. And there's no mention anywhere in the Rogue Isles, Paragon City or Praetoria of large Rikti holding facilities. So where do they go? Thousands of Rikti... just vanishing into the ether. Are MSRs really just a method of mass extermination? Not terribly heroic if it is 🤣 Where. Do. They. Go?
  19. most people would think a server tray is the device a waiter uses to bring you your food/beverage but there's actually a tray in game named exactly that. I discovered this when attempting to config my new game controller (more on that in a different threat later) but I was not aware each tray has different names. How do we know which is which?
  20. https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/superhero-day/ That's almost too coincidental to be a coincidence. Who's your favourite?
  21. Ah yes, Herpes, goddess of genital afflictions!
  22. That's a fair comment. But you could equally argue (without getting too semantic) that poison is the root of vampirism, an infection that taints your victims. Thus you then have the fear of dark in your primary and the toxicity of your affliction in poison I'm not criticising, simply offering an alternative perspection
  23. Ok serious question, why is there no flexibility in your planning when you can endarken everything with power customization?
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